Melty Bread Forums

Misaki Town Bakery => Akiha's Tea Room => : HRGS|忍 September 12, 2011, 09:03:59 PM

When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?
: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: HRGS|忍 September 12, 2011, 09:03:59 PM
ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている! (
(Assist! The Korean Flame that Dreams to Blaze the West!)

Current Code International - Arc 1

"Top of Mountains, flat of plains.
Over the sky, under the water.
Clouds of Heaven, depths of Hell.
Boundaries of what we See are forced to falter
by the boundaries of our Dreams."

- Korea is an Eastern Force of the Melty scene and is headlined by one of the best players in the World: CL. After years of fighting in the most grueling of arenas in the East, he sets his eyes on the Western Land! But a horrible predicament has occured!

As it has always stricken many players before him, money has become an issue for the young lad from Korea.

Be that as it may, the Korean son has not given up no land to his current status. The dream must live on!

As the Korean son begins his journey over the sea, the west are notified of his incoming arrival and begin to assist his incoming. Why would they do this? What is the meaning behind this? Is this the west's idea of giving the east a helping hand?

The stage is being set. The players are starting to take places. The Fight is about to commence! Let not one dream be overturned from such dire situations!

Your answer? In a future, near. The outcome? 6 months (

Goal for his ticket is $1448.
So yeah, CL needs some help getting to Final Round in March. Help the brother out. Spare some change.

: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: ehrik September 12, 2011, 09:35:36 PM
Planning on donating at least 20 a month for him.

IIRC, Brandon told me that CL is planning to get at least half of his ticket paid for, so I believe we're aiming more for $724
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Chie Satonaka September 12, 2011, 10:32:51 PM - CL's paypal.
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: abitofBaileys September 13, 2011, 10:09:59 AM
Who is CL?
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Rokunaya September 13, 2011, 10:19:06 AM

: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: ehrik September 13, 2011, 02:38:24 PM
Probably one of the best ciel players for a couple of years now, from korealand
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: dumba989 September 13, 2011, 04:06:08 PM


I really like this one & don't forget about the Korean Inferno John Choi too  :laffo:
On a serious note, I'll probably be donating like $10-$20/month, it's all I can dish out since I'm so poverty ATM.
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Chie Satonaka September 15, 2011, 07:48:44 PM
I'll be able to start pitching in when I start collecting unemployment...and that should be next week.  D:
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Komidol September 16, 2011, 05:42:16 AM
I'll be able to start pitching in when I start collecting unemployment...and that should be next week.  D:

Oh good, that way it's like America itself really is paying for CL to come. 
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Chie Satonaka September 16, 2011, 08:22:31 AM
I'll be able to start pitching in when I start collecting unemployment...and that should be next week.  D:

Oh good, that way it's like America itself really is paying for CL to come.

I hope he wasn't expecting it any other way.
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Dipstick September 17, 2011, 06:44:12 PM
Somehow, I can see this thread ending up on some FOX NEWS REPORT:

"In another example of how lazy, unemployed people abuse their unemployment entitlement, an unnamed African-American out of North Carolina was using his unemployment payments not to pay bills or to buy groceries, but to fly foreigners halfway across the world to play videogames and have gay sex."
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Tonberry September 17, 2011, 07:47:27 PM
Quick, move this thread into Sacchin Toast so they can't find it!  :laffo:
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Chie Satonaka September 17, 2011, 08:01:33 PM
Somehow, I can see this thread ending up on some FOX NEWS REPORT:

"In another example of how lazy, unemployed people abuse their unemployment entitlement, an unnamed African-American out of Ohio was using his unemployment payments not to pay bills or to buy groceries, but to fly foreigners halfway across the world to play videogames and have gay sex."


It's not like they give a damn what we do with it anyway so....:V
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Komidol September 17, 2011, 09:50:21 PM
I'll be donating by picking up the room.  Tell CL he can stay for free.  It'd be nice to see our community really do something that helps other people in the melty-sphere of influence.  It'd gain us a ton of recognition but in general be really fun.
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: Synyster Spirit September 18, 2011, 12:09:41 AM
Should I make a poster for this?
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: ehrik October 02, 2011, 08:51:39 PM
I recommend changing the thread title btw, dunno how to fucking read those moonrunes

Donated 30 just now
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: LoliSauce October 03, 2011, 04:09:29 PM
Requesting thread name change to something sensible like "Donation thread: Help CL get to Final Round!".

Also, not to be condecending, but why Final Round?  Do you guys have a CC cab I don't know about?
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: ehrik October 03, 2011, 04:42:36 PM
Requesting thread name change to something sensible like "Donation thread: Help CL get to Final Round!".

Also, not to be condecending, but why Final Round?  Do you guys have a CC cab I don't know about?

loli, CC getting released end of this year :3
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: LoliSauce October 04, 2011, 12:23:40 AM
Requesting thread name change to something sensible like "Donation thread: Help CL get to Final Round!".

Also, not to be condecending, but why Final Round?  Do you guys have a CC cab I don't know about?

loli, CC getting released end of this year :3
Right.  Bustin out that laptop tourney then?
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: ehrik October 04, 2011, 05:45:19 AM
No one likes it, but its all we got
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: HRGS|忍 October 04, 2011, 06:26:10 AM

: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Komidol October 04, 2011, 09:46:58 AM
I explained to CL that FR would probably be the biggest tournament in America for CC this year (except possibly NECXIII), and even if it isn't, it helps us get into Evo and other majors throughout the year and would do a lot to promote the game.

He's super hype to go but money is a huge problem.  By this time he'll be graduated from college and looking for a job, so school shouldn't be a big concern.  I told him he should be prepare more than half of the funds required, meaning America will have to cover at the very least, around 700$ of his trip (that's just half of a cheap plane ticket, not other costs). 

I explained to him how important this was for international status of melty blood, and he's really up to supporting it and making it hype.  I also told him he should return donations if he can't go in the end, which he told me understood.  However, if something happens, remember you are donating money out of your own pocket and trusting CL to return the donations.  I think I'm going to wait for the game to actually come out before donating, personally.   

As for Final Round, like Zar said, we should be blowing this up months in advance and not waiting for the game to do so, however.  There's a couple tournaments coming up in the next couple weeks, right?  Blow it up you guys.  Talk to people.  Make posters. 

: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: GenericSuperhero October 04, 2011, 09:53:15 AM
do you guys know CL or owe him something?  because if this is a case of "let's randomly pay a thousand bucks to fly a stranger who's good at mb from asia to usa" why not offer to the best japanese players in the world with the most name recognition?  if you explained it to them, i think anyone would "want" to come with 6 months of notice and their ticket paid for them with a good chance at winning hundreds to a thousand in pot money; may as well maximize the hype with the highest level mercenary.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: HRGS|忍 October 04, 2011, 10:23:14 AM
do you guys know CL or owe him something?  because if this is a case of "let's randomly pay a thousand bucks to fly a stranger who's good at mb from asia to usa" why not offer to the best japanese players in the world with the most name recognition?  if you explained it to them, i think anyone would "want" to come with 6 months of notice and their ticket paid for them with a good chance at winning hundreds to a thousand in pot money; may as well maximize the hype with the highest level mercenary.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't CL one of the first people overseas that wanted to come to America and play Melty at a tournament exclusively but couldn't due to money problems?
: Re: ASSIST! 韓国の炎が西を焼き尽くす夢を見ている!
: dumba989 October 04, 2011, 11:28:49 AM
Somehow, I can see this thread ending up on some FOX NEWS REPORT:

"In another example of how lazy, unemployed people abuse their unemployment entitlement, an unnamed African-American out of North Carolina was using his unemployment payments not to pay bills or to buy groceries, but to fly foreigners halfway across the world to play videogames and have gay sex."

I just read this & why didn't I notice it earlier, it sounds so hilarous.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Komidol October 04, 2011, 11:55:28 AM
do you guys know CL or owe him something?  because if this is a case of "let's randomly pay a thousand bucks to fly a stranger who's good at mb from asia to usa" why not offer to the best japanese players in the world with the most name recognition?  if you explained it to them, i think anyone would "want" to come with 6 months of notice and their ticket paid for them with a good chance at winning hundreds to a thousand in pot money; may as well maximize the hype with the highest level mercenary.

Korean CL has long been considered Korean Champion of Melty Blood, and a member of our International Group.  He did a good job of aiding me (as in doing most of the work) communicating to Ecole Manabe the current American thoughts and interest in Melty Blood at Hydra GP (as reported in my Hydra GP post (  Furthermore, A handful of us have talked to CL, I have of course met him personally, so, yes, I think the community does owe him a little bit.  Having CL come out to the tournament also gives it a real status of "international", as Korea has long been seen to Japan players domestically as an extra level of competition (though I've been working to change that) - as in, Japanese players do occasionally go to play in Korea for Korea's major each year. 

He's definitely not some random Korean player, and was the first one to bring Japan into International consideration for Melty Blood.  I also know for a fact a handful of top JP players are wealthy (some definitely not, but some definitely are) could come out to America on their own accord, it's just a matter of making a tournament hype enough to get them to want to come.  I didn't start this, but I wholly support it.  The top players also highly respect CL, so again, nothing but support by choosing to bring him out, out of anyone. 

In regards to bringing a foreign player out over a domestic one, it's to show that the community has real resources and a real movement power to Ecole and their affiliates. 
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: LivingShadow October 04, 2011, 12:43:19 PM
I believe he also has an account here somewhere.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: GenericSuperhero October 04, 2011, 02:37:31 PM
that was an intentionally provocative request for clarification that people who aren't in the circle of knowledge should have available to them within this thread.  shinobi responded somewhat poorly with an angry quip, and i hope that as our primary promoter for our debut major he is more patient with the ignorant in the future.

on a serious and somewhat irrelevant note, let's begin our next lobby movement to make fate zero released faster
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Komidol October 04, 2011, 09:21:48 PM
that was an intentionally provocative request for clarification that people who aren't in the circle of knowledge should have available to them within this thread.  shinobi responded somewhat poorly with an angry quip, and i hope that as our primary promoter for our debut major he is more patient with the ignorant in the future.

on a serious and somewhat irrelevant note, let's begin our next lobby movement to make fate zero released faster

I'm working on it.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: F9|Chibi October 04, 2011, 10:58:25 PM
I'm all for this, and I'll help with the flier and all but I can't help but think we should try to get him and others to Evo instead. Though that may not entirely be out of the question anyway. Maybe~
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Komidol October 05, 2011, 12:29:01 AM
If the game doesn't get a decent showing for FR, I'm sure getting this PC game into Evo is 10000000% out of the question.  Infact, making FR big (as I'm sure I mentioned in some of these posts somewhere) is going to be a good reason to push it into Evo or get support for the game elsewhere, so best start hot in a big major where we already have space to step (thanks to Shinobi and Brandino).

Selecting FR isn't arbitrary, it's a place we have support from ShinBlanka already, it's a nicely timed part of the year in relation to the release of Current Code, and it's a major tournament in the United States we can break into. 
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Dipstick October 05, 2011, 05:05:21 AM
You know that Final Round is typically a month or two after the games are selected for Evolution, right? There's a reason why it's part of the Evo tournament series.

Frankly, I wouldn't even worry about MBCC being selected or not. If there's no US release on any platform (and frankly, there's no reason to think that would ever happen -- never mind in such a short time period as the next few months), everything else is largely irrelevant.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: HRGS|忍 October 05, 2011, 06:40:25 AM
that was an intentionally provocative request for clarification that people who aren't in the circle of knowledge should have available to them within this thread.  shinobi responded somewhat poorly with an angry quip, and i hope that as our primary promoter for our debut major he is more patient with the ignorant in the future.

on a serious and somewhat irrelevant note, let's begin our next lobby movement to make fate zero released faster

To be honest, that "quip" wasn't meant to be displayed in anger. My apologies if you thought that.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: F9|Chibi October 05, 2011, 07:38:48 AM
I'm not talking about MBAACC being in Evo at all, we're going to hold a side tournament for it anyway, and considering that Evo (and NEC) tend to be the tournaments most of our community goes to, well the thought occurred to me that we could do it there too.

Someone needs to get me a picture of CL btw.

: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: GenericSuperhero October 05, 2011, 07:40:52 AM
is evo really the highest attendance after nec even as side tourney?  in any case, i personally wouldn't fly over foreign dignitaries for a side tournament
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: Komidol October 05, 2011, 08:13:30 AM
is evo really the highest attendance after nec even as side tourney?  in any case, i personally wouldn't fly over foreign dignitaries for a side tournament

This times a million.  Also, let's leave CL out of the first flyer.  For now we should be promoting the game's release and it's place in FR as a major game.  Just put FR's tournament time, since we're not sure the date it is  going to be yet.

It's going to be a bit before any final confirmations are done. 

: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: F9|Chibi October 05, 2011, 08:40:33 AM
is evo really the highest attendance after nec even as side tourney?  in any case, i personally wouldn't fly over foreign dignitaries for a side tournament

Yes it is. The numbers are usually even actually, with NEC sometimes falling behind Evo.

And it being a side tournament is one thing, but with how things go with this community and new releases we always gather up for a big hurrah at Evolution, since 2006 really.

: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: dumba989 October 18, 2011, 10:29:32 AM
Just donated $20, hope this helps.
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: ehrik January 18, 2012, 08:27:36 AM!/CLmelty/status/159650929812054018

So what do?
: Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
: HRGS|忍 January 18, 2012, 10:58:13 AM
He also updated his twitter saying it'd be around $910. I can try to hold donations at the next DN show but not sure how much that can do.