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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #25 on: October 02, 2009, 07:38:30 AM »
BUNG has pretty good mixups but the problem is Bang can only chain moves in very specific ways. For lows you have 6A (very slow, doesn't combo from anything) 2A (8f and prorates like crazy but is your best option) 2C (knockdown, decent amount of proration) 3C (Bison slide, knockdown, short otg on CH if you hit near max range) and 6D (drive autoguard but slow and knockdown). Basically this means as far as starting combos go, 2A is your only low option (6A only combos into firepunch, which only leads to combo if its from otg or crouching on certain characters). Overheads are 6B (fairly slow, knockdown, no combos without RC and RC combos aren't that good anyways), 5C (pretty quick for a ground overhead), jump ins. Problems with 5C: doesn't chain from 2B (2B moves you forward a fair amount), if they barrier guard (which people who know bang will readily do) you will only hit 5C after a point blank 5A/2A/5B. Basically when someone barrier guards you will only land two, maybe three hits if you start point blank and 2b is your third attack, hits before you're out of range for any move. Bang also has no real ability to chain backwards to 2A, so either you start with it or use it after 5A.

So basically you can stop Bang by barrier guarding and crouching until they try and throw out an overhead. Know how to instant block? Great! You can jab, super, throw, whatever fast attack option you have, between pretty much any of Bang's attacks because despite being an agile character all his normals are pretty slow.

@grandlord: I know, I'm not entirely serious, I guess its kind of like if you mained Zangief in ST then SF4 comes out and you're all "oh boy they made Zangief good now!" and then you go to the arcade/hop online and see everyone spamming lariat and mashing out 360s/720s whenever they're being hit.

And then you cry.

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #26 on: October 02, 2009, 09:19:05 AM »
they hit rachel with the nerfstick hard. Man im disappointed....=/

hopefully they wont actually kill her that much, i meant all those nerfs are ridiculous...
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #27 on: October 02, 2009, 09:29:41 AM »

Standing A: doesn't hit Tager on crouch.
Standing C and ↓C are shorter but faster, less recovery time.
→A: start up a bit quicker otherwise no change.
→B: scales more, less combo damage from this overhead.
→C: scales more.
↓C: less stun on counter hit.
↘C: hitstop is smaller.
↓D: standing C doesn't pick up opponent off the ground afterward normally.
Jump C: start up is a bit slower.
Jump D: hitbox is smaller during BloodKain.

↓↙←A: follow up removes a guard primer point, less stun on counter hit.
↓↙←B: longer recovery after landing
→↓↘C: damage increased.
→↓↘d: drains more HP.
↓↙←D: quicker start up, a bit bigger hitbox and removes a guard primer point.
↓↓C: Damage is fixed to 400.
Berial Edge (Air ↓↙←C):

The new diving attack (4 hit) is not an overhead, small disadvantage on block.

Impression: Due to the change in guard libra system, the enhanced Dead Spike (↓↙←D) seems to be key move to remove guard primer points. Using it properly can guard break opponent rather quick. New diving attack doesn't have much impact in gameplay especially it lacks damage without any combo potential afterward. It may change in the next location test though. In general Ragna is still an aggressive rush down character with greater potential in guard crushing his foes.


Standing A: more guard stun = more frame advantage, about even on block now
Standing B: horizontal hit box narrowed, scales more.
Standing C: motion changed, shoots forward and shorter, quicker start up at 12F, cannot jump cancel on block
→A: slower start up and doesnt hit on most character's crouch motion (except Hakumen & Tager)
→B: scales more.
→C: Nerfed hit stop, untechable time, and start up, second hit removes a guard primer point.
Jump A: slower start up.
Jump C: slower start up.
Jump D: air hit cause ground bounce, untechable time increased.
Jump →D: air version of →D, not an overhead, able to cancel to chain revolver follow up early.

Throw: scales more.
Air throw: more start up and recovery.

Chain Revolver- initiate
↓D: no longer overhead, feels like it still has good hitbox though.
←D: faster start up.
→D: faster start up, still a low attack.

Chain revolver- follow ups
A: the old normal C attack but faster.
C: the old chain revolver →A follow up.
→A: the old chain revolver A follow up, jump cancelable on hit.
→B: more knockback.
→C: attack level perhaps decreased, cannot combo from D, removes a guard primer point.

Chain revolver- special
↓↙←D: removes a guard primer point.
↓↑D: more landing recovery, need to rapid cancel to continue combo if not in corner, removes a guard primer point.

↓↘→ + A/B/C: faster start up, less block stun.
↓↓C: more recovery and scaling
Air ↓↘→↓↘→C: cannot do anything until landing. Highly punishable on block.

Impression: Combo damage is nerfed significantly. Combos/loops are much harder to perform and more character specific. Other than that her gameplay is not changed that much.


+ Stick 5A, 2A links to 5B
+ DP is now RCable. Tsubame > RC makes you go staffless, but doesn't launch?
+ can setup the stick with 6D or 4D,
Litchi's 6D is a 2 hit attack. On guard it can be canceled into a special, but the window for this is very late. For example, after the timing of the 2nd hit you can cancel into Ittsu or Shishin. On hit confirm you can do combos such as 2B>6D>Tsubame~. In another post it was mentioned that 6D is a possible anti-air.
6D was described to look similar to Shiki's tackle in Melty Blood (whatever that means). Another post described it to look like a move where Litchi moves forward with an animation similar to the second hit of her j.D (I wonder if he meant her j.2D since that one actually does have a second hit as opposed to regular j.D?.
Litchi's 4D is possibly an overhead kick. It looks similar to the move she was using in the screenshot shown in the Famitsu scan. Activates fast -- about the same timing as her 6A overhead. 4D has good reach and good hitstun. Can combo on CH. They haven't figured out if it's comboable on normal hit but it can cancel into hatsu and chun so you have 4D>Hatsu>Chun for 1.6k damage
+ JD will cause slide down (I dont know if this is good or bad actually...)
+ Tsubame does more block stun, but scales more.
+ Ryuuiisou breaks 1 guard primer.
- all green slower start up
- easier to tech after DP hits, cannot end the combo with DP setup
- cannot do the combo after DP normal hit
- Timing on Tsubame>6C got harder. On Noel, the guy tried doing Tsubame>6C>2B>2C but she teched @ 2C. I guess by now it's needless to point out that Tsubame jacks up the techability time for combos.
- If you start a combo with 5B, Ittsu combos are impossible. The second hit of 6C in the final part of the combo ...>6C>Tsubame>6C>... becomes techable. It was impossible even on Tager. They are speculating that Ittsu combos might be possible if you do start it off a raw IttsuC (so not confirmed -- something for them to check next time).
- The regular 5B>5C>3C>... combos are all still possible. It tops out at around 2.5k damage. Also damage in general has gone down (staying with the theme for all damage nerfs in the game). IttsuC combos when taken as far as they can go before teching has only done about 3k damage.

So Tsubame is no longer comboable without a RC, and even then its ballz hard. Looks like Litchi's corenergame got hit pretty hard.


Standing C: slower start up and smaller hitbox.
↓B: faster start up.
→C: works on more standing characters, such as for Noel you can do A > B > ↓B > →C > JD > J↓↘→C > D
↘C: jump cancelable
Jump C: is not an overhead (heard from Dora, really?)
Jump ←C: is not an overhead
D/↓D/→D/JD: all of them have faster start up.

→↓↘B: longer untechable time.
↓↙← A/B/C/D: slower start up.
J↓↘→A: the poison from nail does more damage now.
* All nails travels faster.
↓↘→↘↓↙←C: faster start up, removes a guard primer point
↓↙←↓↙←C: wider hitbox.
New anti air distortion drive hit throw (not command throw) does 2000pt, does 3000pt after crouching C.

Impression: based on Dora's post, →B rapid cancel leads to four seals combo, standing C in the mid screen leads to four seals combo, ↓A hit a standing opponent leads to four seals combo, anything standing B punishable leads to four seals combo.

So Bang is prolly the best character in the Loketest atm, with Tager in close second.

Rejoice Bang players, and play your theme song with MANLY PRIDE!

Also, as a bonus, heres a graphical comparison of BB:CT and BB:CS.


Looks better, no?

Carl, Hakumen, and Tao up next.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 10:07:39 PM by grandlordzero »
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #28 on: October 02, 2009, 11:07:43 AM »
fricking manly shit right there Bang
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #29 on: October 02, 2009, 12:09:09 PM »

Standing C: slower start up and smaller hitbox.
↓B: faster start up.
→C: works on more standing characters, such as for Noel you can do A > B > ↓B > →C > JD > J↓↘→C > D
↘C: jump cancelable
Jump C: is not an overhead (heard from Dora, really?)
Jump ←C: is not an overhead
D/↓D/→D/JD: all of them have faster start up.

→↓↘B: longer untechable time.
↓↙← A/B/C/D: slower start up.
J↓↘→A: the nail adds poison now.
* All nails travels faster, poison does more damage.
↓↘→↘↓↙←C: faster start up, removes a guard primer point
↓↙←↓↙←C: wider hitbox.
New anti air distortion drive hit throw (not command throw) does 2000pt, does 3000pt after crouching C.

Impression: based on Dora's post, →B rapid cancel leads to four seals combo, standing C in the mid screen leads to four seals combo, ↓A hit a standing opponent leads to four seals combo, anything standing B punishable leads to four seals combo.

So Bang is prolly the best character in the Loketest atm, with Tager in close second.

Oh god jump cancelable sliding kick, laggy ice car seems like nothing now. :emo:

Shame his jumping Cs aren't overheads anymore but guess the bigger nail umbrella, more poison on the A nail, faster D startup and the jump cancelable slide makes up for it. (Just like to point out that A nail also poisons in CT though)
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #30 on: October 02, 2009, 02:05:44 PM »
Typo. Supposed to say that it does MORE damage now. Fixing now.

Edit: Also found something else.

The dates of the Calamaty Trigger Loketests.

-May 2008 from 9 to 11
-June 2008 from 13 to 16
-June 2008 from 27 to 29
-June 2008 from 27 to 30
-July 2008 from 5 to 7
-July 2008 from 26 to 27
-August 2008 from 8 to 10

Arcade release date: November, 20, 2008


You all have nothing to worry about. This is prolly just the first in a long string of tests. There prolly fucking with everyone on purpose with the nerfs right now to guage peoples reactions to everything.

Plus, more loketests means more time to add more characters......... (COMON KOKONOE AND VALKENHYME)

Dunno about you, but even if Tager remained Shit-tier  in CS, id still be relatively happy with it. (assuming its in DLC format,  or Arksys does some sort of "trade in your old version to get the new one cheaper" deal, since i refuse to buy another full copy of BB at full price when the first is still perfectly playable.)

EDIT2: LOL Hazama is a Smooth Criminal

Rachel are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Rachel......

Okay, seriously, time to work on more analyzed copypasta.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2009, 06:37:41 PM by grandlordzero »
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #31 on: October 02, 2009, 02:07:09 PM »
I guess after maining Tager 100% for so long, i just don't have any sympathy for people complaining about nerfs/overbuffs anymore.

As a dedicated Bang mainer since BB first hit, I feel the same. I like these improvements to Bang...every one of the complaints that I had about Bang seem to be fixed with this first loketest. I will miss the jc/j4c overhead, but I never really had issues with not getting it to connect anyway. Around where I'm at, me and my buddy are as good as they come...he plays Nu, I play Bang...a bit of a difference in tiers (a bit? lol) but that's where we stand where I live. Hitting a tournament later today at the college here in town, compared to these guys, tier list means little...

I am going to be sticking with Bang...might pick up Hakumen as a sub with how the changes Hakumen is getting though.
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #32 on: October 03, 2009, 12:09:02 AM »
Also, as a bonus, heres a graphical comparison of BB:CT and BB:CS.


Looks better, no?
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #33 on: October 03, 2009, 06:48:15 AM »
I dont think ppl should switch their mains just because of a few changes :/
Even if carl got wonderful things like "Nirvana dies in 3 hits" and he could be killed by 2 tager attacks i'd still keep maining him.
Oh god im making myself laugh imagining tager just gigantic tagering him and winning in one hit.

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #34 on: October 03, 2009, 01:41:08 PM »
[14:39] CX805: Furinkazan takes 100% Heat


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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #35 on: October 03, 2009, 08:05:14 PM »
thats a sick butterfly knife hazama has
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #36 on: October 03, 2009, 10:04:23 PM »

~ 214C cancel remains
~ Nirvana recovers HP faster
~ 214214D super does 3K damage and removes two guard primer points on block
~ new projectile is fast and reaches the corner; it's a laser
~ 8D is not air techable
~ no change to 2D 4D 6A, glide throw, Gear DD
~ IAD J.2C cross up still possible
~ J.2C, Alle~can is still a Throw bait/low crush
~ 5A links to 2A
~ 623C has longer range
~ J.B has great downward hitbox, wall bounces on counter, and links to JA
~ 6D has longer hitstun and you can do {J.2C > J.236C > B > C > jc > 6D} loop
~ 623D has guard point and barrier guard blockable in the air; advantage on block
~ 63214D is untechable.

~ J2C is no longer an overhead; slow
~ Air throw loop exists, but can only be performed once before Nirvana dies
~ Teching out of 2C is easier
~ Can't Jump Cancel after 5B when blocked (must rely on 2B in attack strings)
~ Nirvana loses HP faster
~ 8D has been altered (Not sure what this means, but I think it's no longer in the game...).
~ Air Throw BnB is removed because 2C has less hitstun
~ 3C --> IAD --> J.2C combo no longer works; J.2C has a slower start up
~ Removed a guard primer point on first hit on 236236D
~ 63214D doesn't throw opponent far away

Long story short, Carl was raped by a child-molester in the first loketest. Not much else to say.


- has new barrier move against projectile (?)
- barrier appears when he cuts the projectile (white circle with 封="Seal" kanji on the center)
- barrier absorbs the projectile and gets bigger
- barrier will last for a certain time and will disappear if opponent gets hit by it
- 2D and 6D lasts longer
- new 4C move, Gatotsu, as long as Litchi's 6B
- new J2A which is old J2C but slower
- Old JC is now J2C
- new JC move looks like second hit of Jin's 214D
- meter is easier to identify
- C 6C is faster
- cannot combo into 5C after 41236C
- JD guarantees knockdown

Random Dustloop player's thoughts:
 --Cutting projectiles and creating a barrier is pretty much similar to Potemkin's F.D.B., though I don't know if it'll affect aerial projectiles. I don't know about damage capabilities or combo capabilities with it though, or if it affects Magatama.
--Longer D windows are nice, but what about recovery?
--Gatotsu: Forward and Horizontal move? How many Magatama/How does it link?
--j2C = j2A now, can this be looped in the corner at all?
--jC = current j2C, is it more effective at jump ins and crossups? Does it still do relaunch in to Airthrow loop?
--current jC...how good of an overhead is it, and does it beat out air-to-air?
--Zantetsu damage and combo ability got nerfed, not surprising.
--jD knockdown guarantee!?! No more techouts and a free counter air combo!? Sweet!

My thoughts: Huh. The legendary warrior finally learned how to STAB shit with that sword.


- 236B changed to only hit in horizontal direction
- 236BB->236BBBB still string together in combos
- 3C>JD6>JC>J236B>J2DB doesnt combo
- Drive loop and taunt combo remains
- projectile move is faster
- You can only mash 2A 3times in the row
- 2A is slower
- Air dash is slower
- 5D drive attacks have less untechable time.
- 6C: does not combo after 5B / 5C counter hit
- Jump C: less horizontal hitbox.
- 214B/C: faster start up, new random items.
- 236B: motion change, only hit in horizontal direction, wall bounce on counter hit.
- 236C: faster start up.
- 236236D: Removes a guard primer point

Thoughts of a Random Tao player from Dustloop:

"So far it doesn't seem that bad for Tao. The two real nerfs are:
- 3C>JD6>JC>J236B>J2DB doesnt combo
- 5B counter hit > 6C does not combo

First one was one of our universal combos that would work on the entire cast. However, if ArcSys is not changing her drive cancel mechanics then we still have all the other ~b cancel combos that can still be used as universal tools.
Second one was one of Tao's "easy" ways to deal good damage, so losing it is not that much of an issue. However this means that fishing for CH 5b won't really give any solid advantage either. Only safe way to get 6c combos now will just be CH 5c->6c.

Then there's
- You can only mash 2A 3times in the row

which technically is a nerf, but in my opinion really it isn't. We all know the shitty proration that 2a has, so stringing more than twice would hurt her damage output anyway. I guess they did that against spammers who would abuse her 2a repeatedly in pressure string even after hitconfirming.

Her main BNB stuff remains the same.

Then we have
- 236B changed to only hit in horizontal direction

This could be more like a buff than a nerf. Since it's been confirmed that 236b still strings itself in combo, I suppose that changing its hitbox from vertical to horizontal could potentially lead to new combos.

- projectile move is faster

Heh. So they realized her projectiles were crap and they want us to try using them? Considering that Tao ain't a zoner, they only thing I can think of is that they could be used against jump-ins and in general as a move to counter stuff from the distance.

Last we have
- 236C is faster(?)

This is good news. We don't know yet how much faster 236c is but this means that there's the possibility that 236cc might appear more often in Tao's combos, especially the Taunt ones. It's a good buff."

My thoughts after seeing tao's new art:

 :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:


Anyway, the NEW LOKETEST is starting, so il be digging for info on that from now on. And yes, FRKZ now takes 100% heat. Dont know about Bang's other changes yet, but if its the same bang from the first loketest, then it may be warented. (besides, FRKZ is supposed to be the most godly-awesome move ever. why SHOULDNT it be 100%?)

Also, fixed that borken link. Apologies.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 10:08:35 PM by grandlordzero »
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #37 on: October 03, 2009, 10:52:41 PM »
Taokaka has boobs now? :fap: :fap: :fap:

also i like those Haku-men changes. FRKZ is god-awesome now FUCK YEAH
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #38 on: October 04, 2009, 06:12:44 PM »
what makes FRKZ awesome now? I don't see anything new about FRKZ at all

I do like that a lot of stuff easily leads into 4-seal combo. That means Bang has more to work with for combo strings. FRKZ itself was a suicide move from my experience...not only did it make it difficult to fight with Bang, it quickly lost its intimidating factor after people learned that grab cancelling your dashes was the best thing you could do with it so opponents focused on counter-grabbing. Now that it consumes 100% meter, whats the point? So you can hear BANG BANG BANGBANG BANGBANG? I always had console version on myself anyway.

Oh, and 5th for me at the local tourney...I got BS'd by a Tao spamming 2A and running time. Thank god for fixing the damn 2A spam.
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #39 on: October 05, 2009, 01:42:12 AM »
no harm in an increased injection of manliness... :V

that and you can play it like Dora.
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #40 on: October 05, 2009, 02:26:03 AM »
what makes FRKZ awesome now? I don't see anything new about FRKZ at all

I do like that a lot of stuff easily leads into 4-seal combo. That means Bang has more to work with for combo strings. FRKZ itself was a suicide move from my experience...not only did it make it difficult to fight with Bang, it quickly lost its intimidating factor after people learned that grab cancelling your dashes was the best thing you could do with it so opponents focused on counter-grabbing. Now that it consumes 100% meter, whats the point? So you can hear BANG BANG BANGBANG BANGBANG? I always had console version on myself anyway.

Oh, and 5th for me at the local tourney...I got BS'd by a Tao spamming 2A and running time. Thank god for fixing the damn 2A spam.

Well didn't is give a damage boost, lead to sweet mixup with dash canceled normals and let you combo his 6D straight into his 2363214C?

Don't get why it got taken to 100% bar now, bye bye combo into FRKZ into super. :emo:
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #41 on: October 05, 2009, 04:00:17 AM »
it does give a 1.2x damage boost and you can dash cancel normals...yes...

BUT, you dash cancel everything else too meaning inputs for all moves are significantly more difficult to pull off and connect with as it reads something simple like tk236A (poison nail) into jump-dash down-dash back-A...since you can dash cancel, you can't string move commands in advance, you have to time them during another moves activation...a skill I'm not good at. Some of Bang's rekka like his command grab can be dash cancelled, so if you are wanting to chain it into something else, you have to input your command exactly when you want them to...if you go early, you ruin the combo.

If you had to burst anytime during the match prior to FRKZ, you are done with blocking. Since you can't hold 4 for block since it reads as a dash, you can only barrier block, but if you activated burst, you have no more barrier and thus no blocking.

Also, you could always combo 6D into 2363214C normally, it's not recommended because of the damage proration. It is much more recommended to grab-236C nail cancel-2363214C if you are wanting to execute his 2363214C

Also, of all the videos I've seen of Dora playing as Bang, I rarely see FRKZ activation. I see tons of 4-seal comboing and rapid cancelling (that I need to get better at) but overall, I would say that Dora doesn't like to use FRKZ all that much. FRKZ usage totally depends on the player in my opinion...but it seems way too impractical and risk =/= reward in this case. It's intimidating at first, but then just gets annoying...for everyone.

What they need to do with Bang is make his AH usable on the ground instead of air only. It can't be TK'd and has to be done with a full jump. Most people see it coming and wont allow you the opportunity at all to activate it. Given some cheap BS that can be done with other AH like Tager's AH combo, Rachel's AH pin in corner, Jin's AH punish on anything, Noel's AH from any chain revolver combo, Nu's dash cancel AH, Ragna's AH combo, Haku's counter anything AH, and invisible Arakune AH (this is absolute BS)...Bang should have the ability to use his AH on the ground at least...not necessarily make it comboable as that could be a bit too powerful (when compared to his typical fighting style...not compared to other characters), but I would like the chance to AH other people instead of everyone forgetting that Bang can AH.

The only characters with...impractical AH are Bang, Tao (questionable...I've seen this combo'd into once or twice), Carl (lol), Litchi...Litchi's is situational, Carl's is damn impractical and Bang's is nigh impossible to execute.
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #42 on: October 05, 2009, 08:32:13 AM »
Ah fair enough then, I have had a little motion trouble in FRKZ but still find them all doable, just stricter on the speed and timing I think.
And yeah I'd be happy to just be able to TK bang's asteral, it's too awesome to be left unused.

Also check out this link I found posted on gamefaqs relating to CS (poor Rachel).

(linked since it goes gigantic like Tager in a Melty post)
My Blazblue match videos http://www.youtube.com/profile?edit=1#play/all

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #43 on: October 05, 2009, 10:51:28 PM »
Also, you could always combo 6D into 2363214C normally, it's not recommended because of the damage proration. It is much more recommended to grab-236C nail cancel-2363214C if you are wanting to execute his 2363214C

I'm pretty sure BnB with super instead of 6d -> 623b gets you about the same damage, but can't be throw teched (obviously) and if they try and burst the bnb they eat a full damage post burst super. whatever -> 2b -> super gets you more damage but only works when they're crouching. 2d/5d CH/(whatever -> 6C on the characters it works on) -> jd -> 2b -> 623b -> super gets you around 5k depending on the variation. I only use the throw -> c-nail -> super if they're turtling/suck at throw techs.

On FRKZ, I am personally awful at it but can see its applications, however unless they changed a lot of stuff on it making it 100% meter is ridiculous. Having it 50% didn't stop Bang from being 2nd/3rd worst character in the game =(

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #44 on: October 06, 2009, 01:12:40 AM »
yeah, you can BnB > 6D > super, but if you're already that far, a 623B is far more effective, you get the wallslam and don't lose the meter for about 500-800 less dmg than the super...about the same as hitting with an A-nail. If you can get the grab, which isn't too hard in this game, then cancelling into a C-nail > super is a much more efficient use of 50% meter than after the BnB...in my opinion. I'd rather bump a normal grab dmg up to 3k+ than take a BnB and take it from ~2.5-2.6k to ~3k...if I'm spending the 50% meter.

I like using the 4-seal combo as much as I can...it is a reliable combo that works in almost any situation and deals decent damage. Personally, besides the very few matches I've seen of Dora using it, I've not seen any real good practical application of FRKZ. When I use it, I go for a grab, then after the first hit, I dash cancel and air grab immediately. This deal ~3.2k. After they air tech, I try to IAD into another air grab for the lolz...this works more often than it should. The only application I can see for FRKZ is grabs, but again, after your opponent catches on and starts counter grabbing, I am screwed since I can't use FRKZ for shit otherwise.
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2009, 01:01:40 PM »
Hazama? Seriously? No joke? For real and actual and serious and true? Well then, that's just dandy. I do believe this has properly made my day. I'm just gonna go burn all my Carl posters and fanfare and get ready for the impending awesome.

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #46 on: October 07, 2009, 01:46:45 PM »
Random Dustloop player's thoughts:
 --Cutting projectiles and creating a barrier is pretty much similar to Potemkin's F.D.B., though I don't know if it'll affect aerial projectiles. I don't know about damage capabilities or combo capabilities with it though, or if it affects Magatama.
--Longer D windows are nice, but what about recovery?
--Gatotsu: Forward and Horizontal move? How many Magatama/How does it link?
--j2C = j2A now, can this be looped in the corner at all?
--jC = current j2C, is it more effective at jump ins and crossups? Does it still do relaunch in to Airthrow loop?
--current jC...how good of an overhead is it, and does it beat out air-to-air?
--Zantetsu damage and combo ability got nerfed, not surprising.
--jD knockdown guarantee!?! No more techouts and a free counter air combo!? Sweet!

It does affect aerial projectiles, does not use any magatama.  
At about :15 in.  Also looks like cutting a projectile gives more meter then before.  When he creates the barrier, he goes from 4 to 6 stars.

Gatotsu is a normal move, the stab he does at the beginning.  No magatama consumption, and can't cancel/special cancel into anything or be combo'd into from what I've read.

j.2C, well j.2A now, can still be looped in the corner.

Current j.C has great speed and horizontal range, doesn't look like it has that great vertical range though.  It looks like it would be possible to use it in his corner relaunch combo.

And supposedly, Zantestu's damage and comboability is the same in the second loketest.  Someone on dustloop said it did something like 1 less damage than in CT.
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 01:49:11 PM by Apocalypse »

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #47 on: October 07, 2009, 04:00:22 PM »
Common Sense?! In My Touhous?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!

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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #48 on: October 07, 2009, 07:06:22 PM »

Hazama vs Noel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fankwBdeM0M
Tsubaki vs Taokaka: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jJvtP_IBEQ
Lambda vs Bang: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQYNufpyaHI

Sorry about lack of updates. Main computer fried on me, using my backup atm. (which sucks balz)
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Re: BlazBlue: Continuum Shift
« Reply #49 on: October 07, 2009, 07:32:38 PM »
...He has a grappling hook and wears that brown trenchcoat and fedora?

Has anyone made the inspector gadget joke yet, or can I go ahead?