When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Misaki Town Bakery > Akiha's Tea Room

Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)

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--- Quote from: MutedSilence on July 19, 2016, 05:56:31 AM ---Hi everybody. I'm MutedSilence (Can just call me Mute for short).

I recently purcshased Melty Blood on Steam and I believe to have found the perfect fighting game for me. I love everything about it and I'm glad to have stumbled upon this community.

I am very passionate and really want to learn the game, I play as Arcueid Brunestud and Aozaki Aoko, I have a very aggresive play style, but am by no means an expert, as I said, I am new to Melty Blood and I am probably what you guys consider to be the noobest of noobism or something lol.

Regardless, glad to be here, hope to learn a lot from you guys.

--- End quote ---

I don't know if you already played enough the game on Steam, but it's known for having a massive ammount of lag. Download the other version (some people call it the "Carnival version"), the Mirror Moon patch 0.52 and the Cccaster 3.0.018. That way your experience online will be way smoother.

After that, to find players go to this Discord channel: https://discordapp.com/invite/0TJ5ma4C19VUCEeV

I don't know if I'm a good match for anyone yet considering how much of a 'noob' I am at Melty, but I'll definitely give it a shot! Thank you.

Technically new player here. I played Melty every once in a while with a friend just to mess around, but I've decided to make a full dive in.

I started playing fighters casually with TvC back in '09, but I started getting really competitive in '13. My main game is Guilty Gear Xrd.

It's cool to be here. Thanks for having me!


--- Quote from: Festival on July 05, 2017, 11:38:04 PM ---Technically new player here. I played Melty every once in a while with a friend just to mess around, but I've decided to make a full dive in.

I started playing fighters casually with TvC back in '09, but I started getting really competitive in '13. My main game is Guilty Gear Xrd.

It's cool to be here. Thanks for having me!

--- End quote ---

The activity usually happens in the discord server: https://discordapp.com/invite/0TJ5ma4C19VUCEeV

Hi, I'm Bede! :nyoro:
I stumbled across the rotting ruins of this forum after looking up Lumina. This forum isn't blocked on my school computers for some reason...

I play Melty casually right now but with the new game release and the clusterfuck of Neco-Arc memes on Twitter I'm looking to get serious about the game.
I main Shiki Tohno and Arcrueid, and I like playing Necos and Sion too. I mainly compete in SSBU, but I'm looking to expand to Type Lumina and Nick ASB.
Looking forward to talking with the people that still remain here. Hopefully more members will come in when Lumina launches.

*epically bumps 4 year old thread*

edit 9/22/21: added buncha shit and cleaned up a bit


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