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Author Topic: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08  (Read 2709 times)

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Offline scottind

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Hey i'm wondering if i'm too old to care about this stuff.

McCain vs Obama feat. Clinton. I'm sure most of us in california are Obama backers. Dont know any McCain people though

i'm trying to find opinions and websites for political news i read are WAY TOO LEFT (huffingtonpost.com), and obama fanboys (digg.com), trying to find some neutral ground that isn't cnn.com

any help?

Offline noradseven

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 06:47:09 PM »
neutral ground = impossible, no joke everyone is biased one way or another otherwise the probably don't give a shit about politics. 

Im a right wing nutjob, and I hate discussing politics online cause it equals flame wars but the best solution is to read from multiple sources some left some right, and think about them in perspective, Im not exactly sure what the best reads are for the left wing is but I have 3 crazy leftist nut friends always sending me links so I read alot of political stuff on teh interwebz, for the right I would suggest Rush Limbaugh, he is about as right as you can get and not many hard core right wing ppl can complain about anything he says to much.  I would also check out John Stossel from 20/20, he was a hard core lefty that did a complete switch to the far right overtime both of them will provide you with some good right wing basic thought, personally I would read some of Stossel's stuff first cause he is probably one of the most factual news ppl I have seen. 

Hope that helps, plus even if you disagree with them you can expect many of their arguments to come up from your righty friends so you can prepare good retorts, or at least not be shocked at their comment.

* edit: Don't know any McCain ppl :(  ,Im not a fan of McCain because he is far to left for me, but he is basically my only choice in this matter unless I want to make a stand and vote Ron Paul.

*put ups some links
http://abcnews.go.com/2020/Stossel/        many of his stories arn't political but whatever.
http://www.rushlimbaugh.com/home/today.guest.html         you need some super account thing to view some of the stuff, but you can always listen to his radio show you can dl them somewhere, without memebership or just listen to him on the radio.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2008, 06:55:49 PM by noradseven »

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2008, 12:09:02 AM »
i did the Ron Paul thing and registered republican. But here in california, my vote is toward the obama wave and everything here is anti-mccain. California has always been a democratic voting state, but i want perspective.

Sometimes i wish i could live in a battleground state, but i'm not stupid enough to move to florida.

thanks for the links though.

Offline Ultima66

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2008, 05:31:21 AM »
Rush Limbaugh lost all my respect when he called on Republicans to vote for Hilary to sabotage Obama's reputation by prolonging the primary.

And I'm far left and my dad is far right so he listens to republican radio shows and I hear what they say. A lot of the views are based on differing principles in what you think should be right or wrong (Obama being friends with people who are anti-American and Muslim extremists bothers some people a lot, alright), but then there's stuff from the right I find pretty annoying, like I heard the claim that "environmentally-friendly" was a left-wing scam to fool customers into buying their overpriced products and screwing over companies in the process, hurting the economy.

Not to flame the right-wing, because I feel all the arguments based on actual opinion are very valid, and I know democrats slander as well, but I'm kind of just venting about how some of this influence is carried out.

Offline noradseven

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #4 on: July 02, 2008, 08:49:02 AM »
Rush Limbaugh lost all my respect when he called on Republicans to vote for Hilary to sabotage Obama's reputation by prolonging the primary.

And I'm far left and my dad is far right so he listens to republican radio shows and I hear what they say. A lot of the views are based on differing principles in what you think should be right or wrong (Obama being friends with people who are anti-American and Muslim extremists bothers some people a lot, alright), but then there's stuff from the right I find pretty annoying, like I heard the claim that "environmentally-friendly" was a left-wing scam to fool customers into buying their overpriced products and screwing over companies in the process, hurting the economy.

Not to flame the right-wing, because I feel all the arguments based on actual opinion are very valid, and I know democrats slander as well, but I'm kind of just venting about how some of this influence is carried out.

operation CHAOS lol that made me laugh so hard, didn't really do much though Im sure, Im just a cold and uncaring bastard after I found out that 1/6 my family is making their living by scamming the government, when I know for a fact that they were normally before they "needed" medication, and they keep telling us we got lucky, wtf we are middle class. going to college, and taking out lots of loans and getting a job isn't luck its hard work.

Maybe you should watch some of Stossel his focus isn't politics, its more like normal news stories but he always buts a right spin instead of lefties, hes not much of an accuser.

And yes both sides do slander alot but thats pollitics.

Depends what you mean on that environmentally friendly, if by that you mean ethonol then yes, if all the corn in the US was made into ethonal it would support 16% of our gas supply, let alone the fact that ethonol goes bad decently fast, and that breathing in ethonol fumes is worse than gas fumes, along with the fact that havervesting all that corn and turning it into ethonol would take more energy than we would get out of it.  Hydrogen power or electric cars one will proably have a future but we are going to need to switch to nuclear power before that, because we currently get hydrogen out of fossil fuels and the process releases ~ the same amount of pollutents, plus then we have transportation difficuties and all sorts of other problems, and the other solution is to get it from water, which we would currently get by heating the water with yet again fossil fuels, which means the first law of thermodynamics says we lose :(  , we really need some nuclear power then Im all for hydrogen powered cars, cause they would be cheaper and more environmentally good.

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #5 on: July 02, 2008, 12:16:08 PM »
I don't even see how Nuclear power has become a right thing, considering that France is left as fuck and most of their power COMES from Nuclear power, it's just the most efficient thing we have at the moment, fuck fossil fuels.
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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #6 on: July 02, 2008, 08:22:43 PM »
I don't even see how Nuclear power has become a right thing, considering that France is left as fuck and most of their power COMES from Nuclear power, it's just the most efficient thing we have at the moment, fuck fossil fuels.

its neither right nor left, too much.  Alot of ppl don't even consider it an option and whenever ppl want to use them ppl say you are endangering us, yeah the same way we endanger ppl who mine for coal, which btw more ppl have died mining coal in the last 50 years than nuclear power plants.  Plus NOBODY DIED at three mile Island so they can just all shut up about it.  and about chernobyl it was illegal testing being done without safeties at 2-3am when ppl are exhausted on a reactor run by hand, not machines, in the early years in nuclear tech.  Nuclear power is awesome heck I live pretty darn close to one its cool I don't feel threatened, heck I didn't even know it was there for a few months, thought it was some sort of research lab or something.

Offline Ultima66

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #7 on: July 02, 2008, 10:22:03 PM »
It wasn't ethanol it was a comment about automobile producers using more expensive low emissions parts. Sean Hannedy, if I'm not mistaken, had talked to an automobile producer and asked him what his biggest concern was, and it was that they were losing money from using overpriced parts. Hannedy asked the man why he didn't just use higher emissions parts, and his reply was that people didn't buy them. Hannedy claimed the idea of global warming being caused by emissions was a scam by democrats to destroy the automotive industry by bankrupting the producers and brainwash the masses into believing they're doing the right thing by throwing away money.

Offline noradseven

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Re: Political stuff / Obama vs McCain Dreammatch Never Ends '08
« Reply #8 on: July 03, 2008, 07:34:20 PM »
Notice how I didn't recommend Hannity, I accually dislike him.  Infact I even like colmes better even though I disagree with him more.  Ohh and do you have the transcript for that message I would like to make sure this wasn't another misinterpreted thing, but sadly this doesn't exactly surprise me Hannity sometimes jumps the on the attack wagon a little to early.
*if you don't have the transcript on hand don't worry about searching for it I don't care that much and we arn't in angry flame war mode so its cool.

As for the government telling ford and GM to have a certain miles per gallon crap thats irrelevant, because the market is already proving that fuel efficient cars = better sales, via the rape train that Toyota and Honda are doing to are automobile industry lol.

Plus global warming is a good thing why do ppl not understand this, if the earth warmed up like 2-3degrees Celcius we would have more farmable land than we do now via russia and canada, its better than global cooling, plus this isn't the hottest the earth has been, also the earth's tempurature runs on cycles, and another thing you know Mt. Saint helen's yeah that sent out more greenhouse gases in that one erruption than humans have put into the atmosphere since the 1900s, maybe longer but I forget the specifics so Im not going to push it.  Geez Global warming rocks!!! :D