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Atlas Academy > Akiha Vermillion

MBAACC H-VAkiha thread

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Discuss VAkiha's wonderful half-moon style here. Day 1 impressions of her? She's exactly the same as PS2 with damage nerfs on 5A6AA.

Her OTG relaunches are:

Her midscreen combo should still go like this:
(2AA) 5C 4C 5A 6AA 6C dash 5B 2C 623B 5B 2C 623B 5B 2C 623B

Corner combo may want to omit the 5A6AA because of the nerfed proration, though the damage is relatively the same with/without it. I prefer to drop the 5A6AA in the corner because that allows for less gravity and lets you set up the half-momiji loop if you want.

General note: H/C-VAkiha's main loop combo in the corner, the Momiji loop, has several different reps you can do to link the 623Bs together. It doesn't really matter which rep you're using because the damage doesn't vary much between them. Here are some examples of momiji loop reps:
-4C (easiest rep and requires no specific timing at all. Lowest damage)
-4C 2C (The 2C may drop against certain characters if you do not 4C low enough to the ground. Sloppy timing will omit some hits of the 623B occasionally)
-5B 2C (My favorite rep because it doesn't have reverse beats)
-4C 2C 2A(whiff) 5BB (Advanced momiji rep that will net you the most meter. A little more difficult than the others. Beware of using this rep throughout the entire loop because if there is too much gravity from the amount of hits, your opponent may be able to tech out of the last 623B)
-5B 2C xx 4C (Hardest Momiji rep, no reverse beats and nets a good amount of meter)

Optimal combo off air throw:
Air Throw 2A 5C 2C 5A(whiff) 6AA 6C dash 2C Momiji loop

More to come!

Post 6c loop I can't seem to get the corner crossup, so I guess they removed corner backturn crossup from the game? The half momiji is still good for shenanigans though. Going into fullscreen momiji off throw is sweet, literally everything confirms into the loop now.

The loop I'm using is:

starter -> 623b 2c4c 623b 2c4c delay 5bb 623b

Shifting the 5bb to the end to make sure it connects every time for some bonus meter and damage.

H-moon doesn't seem to benefit from the system changes much, getting countered out of jC with 5a sucks.

'Backturn' mixups (ie when you combo your opponent's back which made crossups possible in the corner vs some chars) have been removed from MBCC. This hurts VAkiha a little but oh well.

Additional info: 214C otg relaunches, but it still blows. j.236B seems to be faster, but I haven't found a use for it yet.

I was playing around and found a reasonable alternative to a momiji loop:

2AA 5C 4C 5A 6AA 5A 5C 2C (4C) 623B 4C 2C 5BB j.BC dj.BC AT

Does a bit more damage (200 on v.shi), and isn't as hard as the 5B 2C 4C variation.  Does rebeat a bit though.  A loop that's more like 2AA 5C 4C 5A 6AA 5A 5C 2C (2A) 5A 5C 2C 5BB j.BC dj.BC AT is possible, but it's hard to do.

Dusk Thanatos:
Not sure why you would ever end with something that isn't 623B or a setup unless you seriously needed damage or absolutely HAD to do aircombo (like distant pit confirm). I'm not sure how much airthrow ender damages your knockdown, but I doubt that tiny amount of damage extra is worth ANY amount of oki loss unless you know it's going to kill.


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