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Atlas Academy > Akiha Vermillion

MBAACC ver.1.07 V Akiha Thread

(1/4) > >>

So last night, we get our first taste of 1.07 H-VAkiha. (Or any V Akiha at all, for that matter  :emo:)


And... NOTHING SEEMS CHANGED!!  :toot: :toot: :slowpoke:

Seriously? No new BE silliness or anything yet. =/ Though it is worth noting that this particular H-VAkiha player goes for half-momiji mixups quite a bit. (And with decent amounts of success) One possible reason for this could be that the momiji loop does such considerably less damage than previous versions that its better to go for the corner mixup? Wondering if anything happened to post-momiji oki. (I doubt it though)

Stupid question:

at 3:39 could you always jump cancel 2bbb? or was that in AA and I never noticed?  :psyduck:

We also got some F action:


--- Quote ---And... NOTHING SEEMS CHANGED!!  :toot: :toot: :slowpoke:
--- End quote ---


Still the same crappy damage as in 1.05. Makes me think which moon actually is the best now?

More F-VAkiha here -> http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm15987762

She pretty much abuses that F-Wara. Unfortunately, we don't see anything new here, other than that her damage is lowwwww. (compared to PS2) Momiji loop not breaking 5k vs Wara? MBCC might be a rough life, fellas  :-\


--- Quote from: LordPangTong on October 25, 2011, 07:58:47 AM ---we don't see anything new here, other than that her damage is lowwwww. (compared to PS2) Momiji loop not breaking 5k vs Wara? MBCC might be a rough life, fellas  :-\

--- End quote ---

 >:( >:( >:( >:(


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