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Misaki Town Bakery > Ciel's Tech Support

Problem with Act Cadenza Ver. B PC Options menu

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Right, well, using AC Ver. B for PC, patched to 1.03. Everything works just fine, except for the in-game Option menu. It simply won't stop vertically scrolling the options. It acts as if Up is being continually held down. I've tried without my gamepad plugged in, and I've tried re-installing the game. Same thing, even unpatched.

So, how do I fix this? Kinda tired of how loud the game is vs. my background music...

Try calibrating your joystick before entering the game. I dunno, taking shots in the dark here, but that might work.

Nope, still does it. :9 Thanks for the idea though.

Well, there's a hard-wiring workaround. Exactly what level would you like your game BGM and sounds at? I can configure mine the way you want, save my game, and post my config files here so you can replace yours. It's a bit of a stretch, but it works -- I unlocked Neco Chaos and Giant Battle 666 and gave the files to my friend so he could have 'em too, and it worked. :P

I won't put you through that. I'd be asking for a change almost daily. :D I was looking through all the game files and couldn't find anything I could edit by hand.

But thanks for the idea of using another computer's config files. Guess I'll load it up on my laptop and see what happens.


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