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Atlas Academy > Ciel

[MBAACC] F-Ciel Thread (Get that "furry" garbage outta here!)

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F-Ciel Current Code Changes:
(Trl Notes by Curbeh)

2C - Recovery down
236AB - Stronger hitbox
214C - Recovery shorter
214A - Start up and speed faster
63214ABC - Stronger
AD -Easier to connect the last hit
623C - Prorate and vector weaker
4C - Hitbox, untech time weaker
J2C - Recovery increased
5C - Damage down
Air Somer - Movement after REMOVED
Air B Somer - Damage down

Additional Notes:
5[C] - Air Untechable time increased
63214B - Lower Wall Bounce
236B - hits more characters crouching, extended hitbox below arm
J214C - Black wave now has three block ticks instead of two.

Web Sites:

Current Code Changes (MeltyBread)
Regular updates and translations provided by Curbeh and other community members.

Ciel Thread
Japanese Ciel BBS. Provides Player discussion, speculations, combos, news & info, as well as CC specific changes.

Ciel Wiki
Japanese Wiki page. Provides a variety of information for Crescent, Half and Full Moon styles.

Match Videos: Last Update: 10/12/10
(Please provide link & time stamp if available)

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11609617 [~3:00-9:00]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11645106 [~00-3:20 & 9:45-15:00]


http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11959192 [~13:00]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11957757 [~6:00 - 7:40]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm11958636 [~12:00]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12215671 [~8:50]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12386434 [~6:45]

http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm12386787 [start - 2:00]
Combo Movies:
(Please provide link & time stamp if available)

Please feel free to link any material you may come across related to Full Moon Ciel. Any new information on CC changes, speculations, fighting theories, combos, websites and/or discussion would be appreciated.



3m-9m in.

Didn't want to blow up the first post with me nutting all over the thread...so I'll do it here!  :fap: :fap: :fap:

Holy shit, F-Ciel looks kinda bananas now. Like looked solid before but now she seems downright scary. Here are a few things I picked up on from the match vid linked above:

...It's F-Ciel....AAGGGHHH GET HYPE!!!

Post SC combo: SC>2b>5[c]>wait>wait>waaaaait>236A?! Wow, ridiculous untech time now. The player even tried to tack on additional rape after but dropped eventually. Still...wtf. I see lots of combo potential with this new buff.

Is it me or does 214A come out like a missile now? Could be the crap quality playing tricks on me though.  :mystery:

Yeaaaah, that's what im talking about! He lands random 5[C] the proceeds to combo 2B>5[C] from the initial hit. This is non-CH 5[C] btw. 100% certain this is not doable in ps2 on non-CH. Too good.

Lands bnb...does only 3.9k. Not good. Power down seems significant and I'm guessing F-ciel will be averaging under or between 4k-4.5k

Man, just 22B here (to anyone who comes into this situation). 22C is still in ground state and satsuki AAD will just scoop that shit up. "Baka" indeed.

Lands air-to-air CH. I'm thinking he could have just 2B>5[C]'d here and gone nuts. Gotta make use of those buffs!

I messed my pants here. New Bcoma/cmd (command throw) has MUCH LOWER wallbounce now. My brain was going 100mps when I saw this. Oh man, the combo possibilities and potential setups... :psyduck:

Overall thoughts on the player:
Seemed like a decent F-ciel user. His neutral game at midscreen relied too heavily on dj2C (vs satsuki). It's good but I think will get him in trouble against certain types of players/characters. There were a few times he slipped under the satsuki player with dash but chose to do 5a instead of 5c>236a to strike from behind (I've had good results w/ this in the past). I think at some points he could have held ground with 2b>236a and force satsuki to the air (this is assuming that 5[C] CLASH IS STILL PRESENT!! [oh god, I hope so]). Can't wait to see more.

damage nerfs make me sigh but by the looks of it, there's a lot more potential setups and tricks to use now... good stuff!

Zar I think you'll like this vid



--- Quote from: Tempered on August 05, 2010, 05:25:45 PM ---Zar I think you'll like this vid


--- End quote ---

Is that the video with the Day 1 F-Ciel? Lol.

Also, it seems like you can actually do a full combo off B command throw.



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