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Offline BurstOfAnger

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Late Air Tech
« on: May 07, 2011, 09:58:21 PM »
I've seen from vids that players tend to wait a little while after getting hit in the air to air tech instead of mashing a button to air tech as soon as they can. I've been trying to figure out a solid reason by myself to no avail, so here I am, asking you guys exactly why do people do that.
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Offline Rokunaya

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2011, 11:04:42 PM »
Against good players using characters that have reliable fast air normals or good ground guard crush/anti-air moves, if you tech too predictably they can just react and immediately hit you after your tech is finished, which can lead to a guard crush situation, or full/air combo if they counter hit you or not. Even though you can technically tech in 3 directions, if you do it too high up in the air, the enemy usually has far too much time to react and give chase. It's a pretty shitty situation to be in if the character/opponent purposedly setup a air-tech punish situation, so you can avoid this by simply not teching at all and letting yourself hit the ground, or teching late, somewhat closer to the ground in random directions, so it's hard for your opponent to give chase.

I think that about sums it up.

P.S.: To avoid confusion, when I say guard crush here I mean the fact that you can't block ground normals in the air.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2011, 11:11:41 PM by Rokunaya »
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Offline FataCon

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2011, 11:13:10 PM »
roku got the gist of it. often times, i'll punish an air-tech with an airthrow or fish for a CH if they were pressing buttons from mashing. my setups will often get messed with if the opponent mixes up the timing of their techs, especially if they know i'm looking for a punish somewhere. conversely, you would do well to remember that techs, even air-techs, are relatively dangerous in MB. however, if you really feel like you need to air-tech, keep the opponent on their toes by mixing up your techs to hopefully prevent yourself from eating a setup/mixup.

Offline Rokunaya

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2011, 11:28:49 PM »
Just to avoid more confusion, the proper terminology when you can't block in the air is usually called "Guard Break", while the one where the guard meter goes to 0 is referred to as "Guard Crush".

Also, Air Teching isn't that risky as compared to other games, in fact I'd call it pretty damn safe--- It's just that like all things in MB, if you get predictable you get blown up against good players.
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Offline FataCon

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2011, 11:39:03 PM »
Also, Air Teching isn't that risky as compared to other games, in fact I'd call it pretty damn safe--- It's just that like all things in MB, if you get predictable you get blown up against good players.

i would say it is risky. between nearly impossible airthrow breaks (i've never seen it) leading into mixups for characters with good airthrows, the dangerousness that is aerial CH, and the uselessness of chicken blocking in this game, i would say you should mind your air-techs. this is exactly why some people will fall straight to the ground and just eat an OTG string.

and that blanket statement about being predictable in MB and getting blown up? that's applicable to anything pertaining to strategy, not even just fighting games.

Offline Rokunaya

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #5 on: May 08, 2011, 12:02:29 AM »
I'm aware of the bad situations available, but if you're in a tech trap situation, of course teching is going to be risky. however airteching overall in MB is usually very safe if you just vary how you do it, especially if you still have air movement after the airtech. I mean this supposedly doesn't matter versus some characters in the corner, but if you want to get anal about it, then yes, there are bad situations, but airteching overall in MB is something that can be done very often, pretty reliably--- therefore, pretty safe.

Also, I'm aware you have to be random in all fighting games of course. However in MB I believe you have to be more varied than you do in other fighting games, with the high/low shield system and overall mechanics.

P.S.: You've never seen an airtech throw break because it doesn't exist. And if you actually are moving so predictably where you can get easily airthrown after airteching, then you were either in a really shitty situation or are being FAR too predictable. Your own fault.
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Offline BurstOfAnger

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #6 on: May 08, 2011, 12:18:14 AM »
But if you still have movement options available in the air after you airtech, can't you just airdash away or double jump after you airtech to avoid getting hit by an air-to-air or ground anti-air? And what about Ryougi's airtech counter option which has never been used in real play?
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Offline Rokunaya

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Re: Late Air Tech
« Reply #7 on: May 08, 2011, 12:31:08 AM »
But if you still have movement options available in the air after you airtech, can't you just airdash away or double jump after you airtech to avoid getting hit by an air-to-air or ground anti-air? And what about Ryougi's airtech counter option which has never been used in real play?

When you have air movement available after airteching and a decent air moveset in the air, the opponent usually will have to respect a good, unpredictable decision on your part; making the airtech still fairly strong. If the oppnent beneath you isn't F-Nero or something and decides to chase your mid-screen airtech too late because you mixed up where you teched and how you moved after it, they usually will eat a jumpin and full combo. However, if you're in the corner, this usually makes the airteching game far easier for the opponent, though if they guess wrong if you have air movement left and commit too hard, you will either get away or land a hit.

Overall, that's why unless you're facing specific characters or are in a shitty situation, airteching is pretty damn good in MB--- especially mid-screen.

As for Ryougi's tech, if the opponent is trying to chase your techs in the air you are betting far too much on them being at the right spot at the right time hitting a button. This is why you don't see it often in these situations. In fact, the only place where her airtech counter is even viable imo is when you teched out of an aircombo that was messed up. Otherwise, her airdash and good air normals lead to far safer decisions.

P.S.: To emphasize, I know the shitty situations where you can easily be guard break'd, as well as what characters you don't want to easily airtech against, like Nero; I'm giving a general gist overall. Though to be fair I'm probably underplaying the airtech situation game in the corner, since that's actually fairly good.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2011, 02:35:44 AM by Rokunaya »
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