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Atlas Academy > Kohaku's Magical Garage

Mash to reduce damage!

(1/5) > >>

ಠ_ಠ Dizzynecro:
Is this worth the effort?
Plz say no cause its dumb and i dont wanna do it.

I don't see why you wouldn't do it... you need to mash to tech out of combos, and having that reduce damage should just be an added bonus for you. Just be happy you don't have to time your mashing against your opponent's hits like in Ver B, because if you really are trying to reduce damage, it's way easier for invalid combos to come up due to lack of consistand mashing for teching. The new system totally is the closest thing I've ever seen to encouraging invalid combos.

the new mashing system feels more worth it since you can actually feel the dmg reduction when you actually mash it right.. the one now.. feels wierd since i mash alot and i have no idea if i am mashing it enough to reduce dmg so ... so i kind of giving up on mashing really hard unless i am near death and if tat extra mashign will help shave off 100 dmg just to save my ass XD

As of Arcade Ver B (not correction edition), you can't "mash" to reduce damage anymore.  It's now a stricter timing window to reduce damage, not to say you can't still mash anyway, but supposedly mashing is less effective now. 

Even in the ps2 version mashing like a madman doesn't get me out of invalid wallslam combos, even when I'm holding a direction. I don't always understand this game. :\ But the whole concept of mashing is just very unintuitive to me.


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