Melty Bread Forums

Misaki Town Bakery => Kohaku's Video Room => : Psylocke August 30, 2007, 12:24:07 PM

When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?
: SoCal Casuals @ Zaido's
: Psylocke August 30, 2007, 12:24:07 PM

Some casual matches we had yesterday at Zaido's.  Featuring Zaido, linalys, and me trying to get some White Ren match experience.  For some reason, I am in every .rep here

Characters used
Zaido - VSion, Kouma, MechHisui, Hisui
linalys - Nyanya, Shiki, Hisui&Kohaku, Hisui, Kohaku
Psylocke - Akiha, White Ren, Hisui&Kohaku
: Re: SoCal Casuals @ Zaido's
: linalys August 30, 2007, 02:55:46 PM
Carefully selected matches from the above batch frapped onto Youtube.  How did I choose the matches?  I picked the ones that made me look the best of course! 

There'll be three vids total when they're all done encoding/uploaded to youtube. 

Akiha vs Nyanyaya
Akiha vs HisuKoha (in that order)
Akiha vs ?? ?? ??

The 17 matches of me vs Psy are a FT10 money match for dinner that night.  The last two replays I used Miyako vs his Akiha.  I am withholding those replays however because no one may see my Miyako!