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MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« on: March 18, 2009, 02:53:21 PM »
This is the thread for C-Kouma in MBAA. I'm too lazy to test stuff for the other two styles right now, so this is the only one I'll be talking about (for now). I'll probably make another thread for F and H as I get to them though. Also, nothing in this thread is correct :V. So please correct me as I make a hilarious pile of mistakes. Also, from my general consensus of what goes on in the MBAA BBS and in tournament videos, C-Kouma is pretty unpopular in japan. This is probably because C-Kouma is a bad version of the other good RTSD characters, but with a command grab instead of other useful tools. Or maybe just everyone who plays Kouma in Japan hates air combos.

I like C-Kouma because:

-Has solid options on offense, defense, and neutral
-Decent Blockstrings (important now that you can guard crash people)
-Command Grab (important now that ground throws can be throw broken)
-Decent Average Damage, Good Metered Damage
-He can do more than one air normal

I hate C-Kouma because:

-No non-risky anti-air outside of shielding
-No counterpoking outside of 2aa
-Very high recovery on many whiffed attacks
-Okizeme or damage, pick one

Normals: Most of C-Kouma's normals are different from MBAC Ver.B

5A - Downward chop. Overall, a good normal and a lot better than his MBAC version for a lot of reasons. For one, it will hit most crouching characters in most situations and will also catch jump outs and will actually give you a half decent combo in both situations. It can also still be used as an anti-air, because the hitbox is deceptively large despite what the animation looks like, so if you read an empty jump/deep jump in attack or are trying to air guardbreak your opponent, you can mash 5a and get a combo from it. It also isn't gimped after an anti-air shield either, because the 5a will successfully CH most of the time, though there are some exceptions.

2A - Downward chop while crouching. Hits low. The range is a lot smaller than the MBAC version, so in terms of poking/meaty attacks it's not as good. Also, if you do it too many times, your 2b won't reach afterward either. But it does hit low, which is a good trade off since it actually gives him a high-low game. Also decent as a reverse beat, if you DON'T want it to hit your opponent.

5B - Same motion as the MBAC 5b, with the forward advancing palm strike, but as far as I know, this normal does not clash anymore. It still does move you forward somewhat, and it still has relatively slow startup. Feasible combo starter if your j.C hits them from very far away. Relatively strong as a reverse beat normal to catch jump outs or random mashing. Special to MBAC is that 5B has a followup 5B, which you can perform if your first 5B hit the opponent or was blocked.

5B (followup) - This is a backwards palm swipe that you can perform if your 5B hit the opponent or was blocked. It's been nerfed slightly in Ver. A, as it doesn't bring your opponent back to anymore. However, if you charge it up, then it brings your opponent back to you, but the charge takes awhile, so you need to make sure your to not charge it all the way every now and then. This leads to some pretty scary tick throw opportunities if the changed 5B is blocked, but more often then not your opponent will mash, so make sure you mix it up by staggering a 5A/2B/5C instead of tick throwing.

2B -  :'( This 2B is pretty underwhelming in every aspect, especially since his old 2B was so godlike at a lot of things. It has really small range and the startup is actually quite long for a poke of its range. You won't really have much use for it outside of combos and blockstrings, since it pretty much sucks at everything else. But hey, it also hits low.

5C - Another different normal from MBAC. He does this like, awkward upward punching thing. It doesn't have as much horizontal range as his old 5C, but has more vertical range. Not that it matters too much, since it's not a very amazing anti-air or guard break normal though, since it is slow on startup and pretty bad on whiff (WATCH OUT FOR AIR DODGE). It doesn't clash either, as far as I know, but you can sometimes use it to beat out j.B in the new priority system. Overall, more for combos and block strings than actual poking.

2C - Same motion as MBAC, he does his downward arm sweep. You can use it to catch air counter hit combos and it moves you forward a little bit... but that's about it. Just like in MBAC, it has lots of startup and is really terrible on whiff. Also the prorate is not too amazing on it either, so sometimes it's better to do some combos without it.

6C - Different motion. A lot different. Kouma powers up and does a double fisted smash attack on both sides himself. This is an overhead, but it's really, really slow. Your opponent has to be relatively slow to get hit by this. After you do this overhead you can reverse beat back into 2B for a really big damage combo if you're point blank (and haven't used it yet), or just start the rekka combos if you're farther. This move probably clashes or has superarmor, but I'm not really sure where it does. More on that some other time

jA - Midair downward chop. It looks kinda like he is doing his 2a midair. This normal is not half bad, it has decent range and you can cannonball this fairly effectively against someone who jump blocks in the corner. Just think of it like Hisui's MBAC jA, but with more range. Probably the air to air of choice you're really, really close to your opponent

jB - Shortranged elbow strike. This thing is really, really small. It's both smaller and slower than his jA, making it pretty much useless for air to air. Not too hard to combo from as an air to ground if it manages to hit though.

jC - Same motion as MBAC, he does his reaching out arm strike. Unlike MBAC, it doesn't seem to clash anymore and you cannot charge this either. However, this will probably still be your air to air AND air to ground of choice, since it's the only one with any range and is quite good when fully extended.

Specials: Similar, but different from MBAC

236a/236b/236c - Rekka Attack
This is a pretty essential part of Kouma's bnb combos. It is pretty different from MBAC and the other styles. Each 236a 236b or 236c gives you a different rekka attack, but always gives you that same one. They are all air unblockable as far as I know (not sure about the second 236c, I will have to test it out later). They have superarmor at the startup. You can chain them together like:
A>B; A>C; A>B>C; A>C>C; A>B>C>C

236a - Kouma swings his arm forward in a downwards like a body blow, longest range of the rekka attacks. Safe on block, not a lot of range in blockstrings though, if you're trying to do 2b5b5c 236a, it will whiff almost every time. Can special cancel on whiff. Trips on hit.
236b - Kouma swings his arm forward in a more upward arc like an uppercut, pretty horizontal short range. Only real use is in combos or for blockstrings that are pretty much point blank or as an anti-air against single hit jump ins.The recovery on this seems a lot better than 236a, however. Jump cancelable on hit. Can special cancel on whiff.
236c - The first 236c is an elbow strike, it's pretty quick, but also has very short range. Also possible anti-air against single hit jump ins. It is not an EX attack. Can special cancel on whiff.

236c (second one) - Upward fist punch. Only comes out after performing the first 236c. Safe on block at longer ranges, but not at point blank. It is pretty much the same animation as F-Kouma's anti air grabs, but it only has the strike property from what I've seen so far. It's pretty hard to follow up from this attack because it sends them flying upwards on hit.

More when I finish finals and test it out.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:05:56 PM by XieXie »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #1 on: March 18, 2009, 02:54:50 PM »

Basic BnB: {2aa}2b5b{5b}2c5c j.b j.c (Jump Cancel) j.b j.c Airthrow/j.236b/c

Basic Rekka Bnb: {2aa}2b5b{5b}5c2c 236a 236b 236c (Jump Cancel) j.c (High Jump Cancel) j.b j.c Airthrow/j.236b/c

EX BnB: {2aa}2b5b{5b}5c2c j236c (input 2369c) j.b j.c (Jump Cancel) j.b j.c Airthrow/j.236b/c

Combo from overhead: 6c2b5b{5b}5c2c 236a 236b 236c (Jump Cancel) j.c (High Jump Cancel) j.b j.c Airthrow/j.236b/c



More later, probably.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2009, 03:00:06 PM by XieXie »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2009, 08:08:45 PM »
Kouma's second 236C looks like it has grab properties, or something similar.  I was playing around with C-Kouma today, and after the uppercut came out and hit(can be blocked), Kouma was holding the opponent in the air, much like his normal grab command.  Unfortunately, I can't remember if the second 236C hit him while he was on the ground or airborne.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 02:30:55 AM by Apocalypse »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #3 on: June 10, 2009, 09:44:28 PM »
Sorry for the double post, but no one's posted in awhile so... ???

Anyway, decided to mess around with Kouma's aerial 22A/B/C. Aerial 22A carries him about a quarter way of the screen, and 22B about halfway across.  Aerial 22C sends a phantom image out, but leaves you in the same place.  You can jump and air dash afterward (assuming you hadn't already used them up).  As far as I can tell, all three versions lack damage at any range, and do not give super armor. 

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #4 on: August 23, 2009, 03:55:02 PM »
poor C-Kouma and his lack of good ground overhead really kills him =(

I would suggest 2ab5bc2c 236a 236b jcb jcb ender as an alternative for the rekka combo. You do lose a little bit of damage, but including 236c can put you in some bad positions, I'm not sure if this is a PS2 problem since some people think they increased buffer time but if you do it too quickly 236c comes out as 623c from the last rekka, and 236c leads to some wonky hitbox problems (especially if you start it in corner, your air normals go straight through people). You only get about 50-150 extra damage by using the third rekka (depending on ender), and if you can pull it off without issue then go for it, but the lack of reliability in corner and general difficulty for very slight increase in damage makes me stay away from this combo.

Oddly enough, if you do the 3 rekka combo while going INTO (not starting from) the corner, you can land jbc jbc 236b/c on some characters for a pretty good extra chunk of damage.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #5 on: September 17, 2009, 03:17:07 AM »
Kouma's second 236C looks like it has grab properties, or something similar.  I was playing around with C-Kouma today, and after the uppercut came out and hit(can be blocked), Kouma was holding the opponent in the air, much like his normal grab command.  Unfortunately, I can't remember if the second 236C hit him while he was on the ground or airborne.

It seems like he will grab the opponent if you perform 623C immediately after the 236C.
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #6 on: September 17, 2009, 02:06:36 PM »
Ahh, but thats something that seems to only work in the corner, its like 236 A and B are for combos, while C is just for toss in the corner, and if they tech then punish. Can do some Ok damage off of those 236 C's regardless...

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #7 on: October 01, 2009, 01:38:37 AM »
Sorry for the double post, but no one's posted in awhile so... ???

Anyway, decided to mess around with Kouma's aerial 22A/B/C. Aerial 22A carries him about a quarter way of the screen, and 22B about halfway across.  Aerial 22C sends a phantom image out, but leaves you in the same place.  You can jump and air dash afterward (assuming you hadn't already used them up).  As far as I can tell, all three versions lack damage at any range, and do not give super armor. 
22c has invincibility frames for most of the move.

Dunno if this is old news or not, but I was looking up F kouma frame data stuff for my buddy and noticed that.  He uses it to try and bait out reversals now.  I didn't check to see if this was the same for C kouma as well, but it should be.
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2009, 06:02:31 AM »
22c has invincibility frames for most of the move.

Dunno if this is old news or not, but I was looking up F kouma frame data stuff for my buddy and noticed that.  He uses it to try and bait out reversals now.  I didn't check to see if this was the same for C kouma as well, but it should be.
i tried it when fighting Ciel. Works but kinda wonky imo, or maybe im doin it wrong.
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2009, 03:06:26 PM »
Yes it does. It also has the same 120 frame superarmor after. Also it reflects reflectable projectiles.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #10 on: December 08, 2009, 08:30:06 AM »
Not sure how many people still play C-Kouma, but I was a bit inspired by Kaimaato's performance in this video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdfoKMN1DyM&feature=related) and wanted to learn that relaunch variation on the rekka BnB that he does (about 2:25 in):

Notation would be something like:
2A 2A 2B 5B 5C 2C 236A 236C j.C j.A j.B (land) j.B sdj.B dj.C --> Air Throw (4371 damage to Sion)

Basically, the trick seems to be hitting the j.C at about the apex of your first jump, which isn't very hard since 236C has a ton of untechable time, and then staggering the j.A j.B just a bit (should be fine as long as you're not just mashing it out) so you hit with j.B as late as possible. I also found it helpful to delay the second rekka on the ground just a bit, causing them to float a bit lower and making the last part of the combo easier to connect.

This isn't nearly as difficult/character specific as the F-Kouma rekka combo, definitely seems practical for match play if you have it down.  Surprisingly though, it does a bit less damage than some of his other BnBs, so keep that in mind.  Need to get some casuals going so I can get a better grasp on how C-Kouma's tools work in some matches.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 02:18:36 AM by Ceehill »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #11 on: December 12, 2009, 05:44:34 PM »
My apologies for the double post, but this isn't really related to what I was talking about before. Not sure if this is common knowledge, but I didn't see it mentioned so I figured I would share.  

I've been messing around with C-Kouma blockstrings, particularly pressure options involving his 5B 5[ B] follow-up.  As far as I can tell, once you input and start holding the second 5B, you don't really have to commit to the move until it's either fully charged or you let go of the button. Basically, until one of those two things occur, you're free to cancel into whatever you want (barring B moves, of course), increasing even further his arsenal of ticks/staggering gimmicks.

For instance: (just to clarify, keep in mind that you're never actually letting go of 5[ B] thus the follow-up never comes out)
2AA 2B 5B 5[ B] 214C <--- really deceptive looking tick into EX Command Grab
...5B 5[ B] 2C 5C <--- 2C to catch jump outs when opponents start catching on to the tick, 5C after for ez-mode hit confirm (you can use whatever)
...and so on.

You'll probably have to use 5B --> no charge 5B or half charged 5[ B] once or twice before utilizing these options just to show your opponent that it's in your arsenal and make them respect your strings enough to not mash/jump/etc. One down side to this is I can't really think of a practical way to make this mash-proof other than 214C, which loses to jump-outs and possibly backdashes if they're already pushed pretty far out.  It's definitely something worth implementing though IMHO, even if it only gets to be a one-off thing over the course of a set.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2009, 06:09:42 PM by Ceehill »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2009, 10:52:32 AM »
I mess around with C-Kouma as well.

As far as that combo you mentioned in your first post, I'm not sure this is completley practical to do during a match, unless you have it down extremely well. C-Kouma's standard 2AA 2B 5B 5C 2C 236A 236B j.BC dj.BC throw does comparative damage. (If not more)

That is good information about his gimmicky 5B. Ex Dunk is probably his best option off of this. If you've got your opponent really respecting this move, even going for 214B works.

Other things I found with C-Kouma:
-You can create some double-air dash pressure if you get a blocked J.C, as you can cancel it into j.22B and then go for that second overhead j.C.
-Dash in meaty 623A is a safe way to beat out a lot of attacks or jump outs. (Move trades pretty favorably on double CH)
-Ending his air combos with j.623B into the corner sets up a pretty good bounce/tech situation. 22A seems to punish both situations.
-The second hit of 5BB can be used in his Bnb against characters with bigger hitboxes. (Wara, Nero, Ries, Arc)
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #13 on: December 15, 2009, 01:02:26 PM »
You actually don't need to use j.22B to get the second j.C.  I've been doing j.C, airdash j.C, j.22B j.B/j.22C 214A.  Ending combos with j.623(236?)B going into the corner is fun.  If they neutral tech, you can immediately grab them with 214A, and if they forward tech, you can hit them with 2C, depending on how far you are from the corner.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2009, 10:20:15 AM »
poor C-Kouma and his lack of good ground overhead really kills him =(

I would suggest 2ab5bc2c 236a 236b jcb jcb ender as an alternative for the rekka combo. You do lose a little bit of damage, but including 236c can put you in some bad positions, I'm not sure if this is a PS2 problem since some people think they increased buffer time but if you do it too quickly 236c comes out as 623c from the last rekka, and 236c leads to some wonky hitbox problems (especially if you start it in corner, your air normals go straight through people). You only get about 50-150 extra damage by using the third rekka (depending on ender), and if you can pull it off without issue then go for it, but the lack of reliability in corner and general difficulty for very slight increase in damage makes me stay away from this combo.

Oddly enough, if you do the 3 rekka combo while going INTO (not starting from) the corner, you can land jbc jbc 236b/c on some characters for a pretty good extra chunk of damage.

It is indeed the frame buffer increase causing that.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2009, 02:15:31 AM »
Word, glad to see people posting, and with good input nonetheless. :3

I had actually tried to get 214B to work off the aforementioned tick, however with 5[ B] already being held down, I couldn't find a way to do it without ridiculously fast fingers or weird button mapping.  That got me thinking about a meterless option out of the tick though.  The best I could come up with was using the pushback on the first 5B and whatever string preceded it to force a 5A/2A whiff (not very hard to find the spacing actually, I was surprised) followed immediately by 6A+B3214A for a dashing command grab.  Does Kouma still have any sort of super armor on his dash like (if memory serves) he had during MBAC?  If so, that actually makes this option somewhat mash-proof, and the only real risk is tipping off your opponent by whiffing the jab.  Not quite as solid as EX Dunk, but alright for a meterless option I guess.

And yeah, I should actually go back and edit my first post, as I hadn't realized doing ground BnB >> 236A 236B 236C j.CB dj.BC actually does a bit more damage while being significantly more reliable than the relaunch combo.  Thanks for the heads up, it's a shame that the relaunch does less damage, it looks pretty sexy. :(

@MasterT/Thana, building off their point
I was having some input troubles during rekka combos as well until I started forcing myself to delay each rekka a bit after the first.  The timing to chain 2C into 236A is generally pretty tight--and made moreso by the gravity of whatever you've hit them with up to that point--so you've got to commit to that early if that's what you're planning on doing.  After that, though, putting delays in between 236A >> 236B and 236B >> 236C is probably a good habit to get into as it gives you time to really check your execution, not to mention keeps your opponent floated lower in order to make the air combo follow-up easier to hit.  You won't drop the combo like this thanks to the huge untechable time on C-Kouma's rekkas.  :toot:

It's worth reiterating that you shouldn't put a delay in between 2C and 236A due to the small window for not hitting them OTG.  This is also why I've been making a point not to use 2C much in staggered pressure unless I've already hit confirmed, but that's another point entirely.

Also, don't feel bad getting 623C every once in a while.  Every now and then I'll accidentally do 2C 236A 236B DAIIIIENJOUUUU and promptly die a little bit inside.
« Last Edit: December 22, 2009, 03:55:41 PM by Ceehill »

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #16 on: December 26, 2009, 03:37:42 AM »
Does Kouma still have any sort of super armor on his dash like (if memory serves) he had during MBAC?

No, he doesn't.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #17 on: December 28, 2009, 11:05:33 PM »
He never had superarmor on his dash. He had a few clash frames but they have been removed.
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #18 on: December 28, 2009, 11:46:02 PM »
Ah, my mistake then. Thanks for clearing that up.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #19 on: January 12, 2010, 01:52:57 AM »
I'm not sure if this is common knowledge or whatever, but I wasn't aware until tonight and felt it deserved a mention at the least. It turns out you can actually use C-Kouma's 236C 236C rekkas to perform a sideswap combo, which could probably have some situational use.

Ground string --> 2C 236A 236C 236C jump cancel (9) j.B double jump (7) j.BC Air Throw/236B x2
(Tested on about half the cast, and didn't really have any difficulty performing it on anyone, so for the time being I'd assume it's universal.)

If performed correctly (hopefully the notation isn't too vague) you should end the combo facing the direction opposite of the one you started in; Kouma might not switch directions until after the double jump. This is probably at its most useful after poking out of strings with your back to the corner, where you want to put your opponent in the corner rather than just midscreen, or after using cross-up oki on a nearly-cornered opponent in order to, well, make sure they go back in the corner.

IMO, you make the most out of this using the 236B 236B aerial finisher, since it moves them further horizontally than an air throw. They can tech on the ground, of course, so keep that in mind. You lose about 400-500ish damage in comparison to doing a regular BnB, so it's up to the player whether or not putting them closer to the corner is worth the exchange.

TL;DR Situational? Yes. Superfluous? Maybe. Sexy looking? Very. 

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2010, 02:13:44 AM »
^Erm... can't you just airthrow the other way?
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2010, 11:40:33 AM »
Yeah, you can. The above combo ensures that they get put in the corner though, rather than somewhat midscreen with room to backdash, etc.

Like I said, admittedly it's probably situational and maybe even unnecessary. I just thought it was an interesting find (I honestly hadn't found a use for the second 236C rekka yet) and figured maybe someone could put it to some use.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2010, 11:39:23 PM »
^Ah, I see your point now. On some characters you can do jcb djbc (I only tried Miyako)
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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 01:07:36 AM »
^Ah, I see your point now. On some characters you can do jcb djbc (I only tried Miyako)

Didn't want to reply until I got a chance to try it out, but adding that extra j.C brings the damage pretty much in line with any other BnB. Thanks for the find!

I'll test it out on some other characters and update this post if I find anything out of the ordinary.

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Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« Reply #24 on: April 17, 2010, 01:55:51 AM »
His airthrow is useful ever since MBAC when in corner, because you can crossup immediately.

Also, my standard BnB with him is 5B 2B 5C 5C 236A 236C jB jC jB jC airthrow
Good damage. If not with rekkas, I do 5B 5C 2C 2B jB jC jB jC airthrow
First one takes like over 5100 dmg, half the health bar of VSion without meter.

Tactic that also works when fighting someone for the first time is to immediately do 236A on opponent wakeup. The rekka hits him either way and if he's jumping or attacking, this will CH him because of the superarmor (except he does a clash meatie or sth), then you can easily chain into 236C and go for another BnB or the rekka throw.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 01:58:42 AM by Rowanism »