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Author Topic: Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.  (Read 6089 times)

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Offline Sp00ky

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Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.
« on: September 26, 2007, 06:03:57 AM »
I get a lot of questions regarding why I use certain blockstrings or why X is better over Y. I'd like to run through what goes through my or any major V.Sion player's mind when certain strings are used, and how to implement them properly as well as when to know not to use them.

Here are the key moves that you'll find useful in blockstrings and why.

5A: Neutral on block. String Starter that doubles as stuffing jumpouts and some pokes.
2A: -2 on block. String starter that hits low.
5B: Neutral on block. String starter that stuffs low shield as well as many pokes.
2B: Neutral on block. String starter that allows you to poke without being at near point blank range. Stuffs high shield. Hits low.
236B: +4 on block. Punishable by dodge. Prime Bara target.
236C: +4 on block. Punishable by many Baras as well as some shield bunkers.
j.2B: +1 on block if done low enough.

These are the moves that will 'lead' your rushdown. The key here is to create fluid strings that leave you at neutral or advantage, while not letting your opponent be able to grasp when your string ends or which string is coming next.

I'll run through these starting from lowest level to highest (note I am not labeling these as 'worst' to 'best'. Even the simpler blockstrings still have their uses at the highest end of the game with some exceptions.)

Yomi 0:

5C 236C: This is a good option at the low end. Poking after 5C will get snuffed and on block it's +4 as well as on hit giving you a easy 236C BNB. However this suffers from being punishable by backdashing after the 5C for many characters.

2ABC 5A whiff: A safe option that makes for easy combo hitconfirms but puts you a long distance from the opponent and is generally subpar. Punishable by bunker.

Yomi 1:

5C 236B: A little better than 5C 236C because there is no EX flash to give away the setup, this string is very usable up until the highest level of the game, where it is punishable by dodge with most of the cast. You can almost chain this repeatedly on opponents and keep dashing back in with throw or the poke of your choice, mixed in with some cautious baiting to stuff random heat activation and random EX, until you land a hit.

2A pause 2A pause 2A: A generic tactic that works as a stagger in it's most simple form. It allows you to stay point blank to the opponent and stuff attempts to poke you, training them for your better blockstrings or throw options. As you improve you can hitconfirm counterhits landed with this into a full bnb.

Yomi 2:

5B pause 2B or 2B pause 5B: These options work on the same concept as 2A pause 2A. However they are level 2 moves which makes them more deceptive. Train the opponent with this and he will fear any blocked level 2 move, allowing you to use 5B xx dash in or 2B xx dash in instead.

5B/2B xx 236B: This doesn't work at the lowest level because of the opponent's propensity to poke it. However at the higher level it is an excellent string that allows you to be nearly point blank to the opponent with +4, making it one of the deadliest frametraps in the game period.

5C/2C 236A xx 236C: This string is superior to 5C 236C in almost every way. It's tougher to counter, gives the same frame advantage, and if you have the meter, can be used mindlessly just like 5C 236B, without the gap for escape options. However it is one of your prime bara targets and at the highest end will fail you often.

2A/5B/2B to j.2B: This string requires some spot on execution but rewards you with a strong punisher of some common pokes. 

2A 5B 2B 5A: This string primarily is used to fake your 5C strings.

Yomi 3:

5A 2B 2A or 5A 5B 2A: This string works at the highest end of the game as a strong stagger when your hit confirm skills are up to snuff. It punishes smart players looking for 236B or 236A xx 236C by allowing you to end a string early and dash back in. It chains into other staggers or fakeouts, and is generally unpredictable when mixed in with 6B or delayed 2C options.

2C 2B: Extremely unpredictable string that gives you strong hitconfirm options. A high percentage of the time a 2C means the end of your rushdown, which is why this string works so well. Requires point blank range.

5C 214X: Another extremely unpredictable tactic, since 5C is identified with 236 rushdown.

5C (no followup): Similar to 5C 214C, this works despite you being at disadvantage because 5C signifies a time when poking is bad or when you should be preparing to bara 236A xx 236C.

Hitconfirming Tips:

5C 236A 236C isn't just a blockstring. The point is that it also autoconfirms a 236C combo for you. Try using delayed 5C in strings into this setup and following up based on whether it hits or is blocked.

Things to teach yourself how to hitconfirm from:

Dash 2AA: You should be able to recognize whether this has hit or is blocked and adjust accordingly.

5B or 2B: You should be able to recognize when these counterhit and confirm to big damage. On your best day you should be able to hitconfirm off these raw.

Dash 5AA: Learn to use this to snuff jumpouts, then recognize if it hit a grounded opponent, a jumping opponent, or is blocked, and confirm to the proper options.

j2B: On smaller characters keep in mind that 2ABC 5C 623B will not work. Use 2ABC 214C instead.

Offline Lord Knight

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Re: Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2007, 07:22:38 PM »
This stuff is golden.
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Offline COD3player

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Re: Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2007, 09:23:54 AM »
The information here is a godsend. Even if I don't really play him, this makes me wish someone did something similar for Nanaya because there are far too many players that can't even put together a half decent blockstring with him.
<--- "the irony of being one of the least anime people in the anime FGC" - bell

Offline DarkShadow

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Re: Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2008, 02:33:08 AM »
The blockstring made of 2abc 5a(whiff) is pretty good as you can mix up. You can decide whether you do 236a or do a dash in for another blockstring. This counters people a lot more than I thought. Also 2abc 5a 5c is an option because it has clashframes and more hits, and you can combo from it.

I'm wondering if cancelling 236b into 236c does any good, since it is possible. As I guess, it's only a possibility when it's a combo?

Offline Zaido

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Re: Blockstring Yomi and how to improve your hitconfirm ratio.
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2008, 06:21:15 PM »
its possible on block and possible on whiff...
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<@Sp00ky> and she did impossible shit
<@Sp00ky> and arturo died