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Atlas Academy > Red Arcueid

Warc's Arc Drive

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Okay, me and my friend want to know if there is any situation that Red Arcueid's Arc Drive is actually useful.  Me and my friend can't find a good place to ever use it, I say it is a waste of Blood Heat, my friend is adamant that it MUST be usable at some point.  Neither of us are particularly good with WArc (I play Ciel and he plays V Akiha and V Sion).  This has been a topic of debate between us and I would like someone good with her to shed some light on the subject.

So to put it short, is Red Arcueid's Arc Drive ever useful in any situation?  If it is useful, is it better than going into Heat and gaining health or doing normal Supers?

I only use it on my friend like this.

-Get into Max
-Use her arc drive
-When opponent comes to hit you go into heat and knock them back
-Use the arc drive again XD
-Then 2 meteors hit them.

Yeah.....barely works but when it does its always fun to get a furious "WTF!?" from your friend.

See the above combo in action here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPX7aquHnt4& at 1:18.

Most arc drives are pretty useless or very situational in this game, and are generally a waste of meter for some characters.

Its not useful, don't use it.


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