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Author Topic: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion (New OTG and Ciel only combos!)  (Read 49323 times)

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Offline Lord Knight

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OK folks, time for the revamped V AKIHA thread of legendz.

Replayz here peepz.

Section 1 - COMB-OH's!

Combo {Optional Input} (Repeated inputs) (Normal Damage / Max Damage)
Comments. You want to go for all the optional inputs because they will maximize damage. Just keep in mind they are optional in case you are spaced a bit far out. All Damage is tested on Ciel with no critical hits.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB jA jB jump jB jC (2528 / 3434 Dmg)
Newbies, start here. The level 1 V Akiha combo. Note that this is also heat safe - as in, after this combo, you can land and heat safely without being punished.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB jA jB jump jA jB jC (2613 / 3501 Dmg)
Standard V Akiha combo. As you can see adding the 5C 4C adds quite a bit of damage and sets them up well for some OTG shenanigans.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB ja jB airdash jB sjc jB jC (2762 / 3625 Dmg)
Hardest 5BB combo. It only does a bit more damage but pushes the opponent farther back thanks to the airdash.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB jB airdash jB jB jC (2688 / 3577 Dmg)
Easier version of the above combo - less damage, same results.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB 868 jb Jc (2190 / 3166 Dmg)
V Akiha's famous sideswap combo. Center screen this opens up for some interesting mixups. In the corner, it switches control from your opponent to you. Always useful.

2A 2A {5C 4C} 2C 5BB jA jB airdash jump jB jC (2528 / 3434 Dmg)
Harder version of the above, but with some positives. You basically use it for a bit more damage or more meter - but you have to be quick to get that OTG in time.

6C 623B 2C 623B 228C (3005 Dmg)
Corner 6C Momiji loop. You can only do 2 reps since 6C wallslams. Using 228C will leave no lag on your EX pit.

6C dash cancel 5B (2C 623B x3) 228C (4047 Dmg)
Using 5B adds a tick more of damage. This can be done from center or 3/4th's screen straight into the corner.

2A 5C 4C {5B} (2C 623B x3) 228C (4310 / 4512 Dmg)
The famous Momiji loop. Learn it, love it, use it a LOT. Use 5B when you're opponent is crouching. On characters like Sacchin or Tohno, you can omit the 2C instead to make it easier.

2A 5C 4C {5B} 2C 623B 2C 5C 2C jump 228C (3727 / 3834 Dmg)
The Half Momiji loop. This leaves your opponent open for midscreen mixups in the corner. Lots of implied damage open here.

2A 5C 4C {5B} 2C 623B 2C 5BB jA jB jump jA jB jC (no damage approximation yet)
Single Momiji combo. This is used when you already have the flamepit setup. It lets you get free OTG (where you can gain health and extra meter) and set up for okizeme.

2A 5C 4C 2C 623C 9 (2C 623B x2) 228A/C (3445 Dmg)
Fullscreen EX Momiji loop. V Akiha gets meter easily, so most of the time you'll end with EX Pit. If not, you can use 228A instead.

623C airdash whiff jA (2C 623B x2) 228A/C (3175 Dmg)
If you aren't doing wakeup 236C or 623A, you're gonna do this combo. You have to airdash right after the last hit of the EX Momiji and whiff jA really low to the ground and instantly 2C. Takes some practice.

2A 4C 2C 5C IAD jB jB jC (2786 Dmg)
Basic center to corner wallslam combo.

2A 4C 2C 5C IAD jB land jB jB jC (3030 Dmg)
Satoken's leveled up version of the above combo. Takes a little bit of work to get it tight. Just make sure you let yourself land and you'll be fine.

2A 4C 2C 5C IAD jB land jA jB jump jA jB jC (3175 Dmg)
Hardest version of this combo. Only does a bit more damage, but good for meter.

2A 5C 4C 2C 5B 623B 2C 5C IAD jB double jump jB jC (no dmg yet)
Ciel only[/u] combo, works fullscreen. You need to delay the 2C into 5B in order to get the 3 hit 623B. Ciel will go behind your body (for one reason or another) and you can hit with the tip of 2C and send her to the other corner. Makes sideswap ALMOST unneccessary (you'll use it if you have pit obviously).

2A 5C 4C 2C 5B 623B 2C 623B {5B} 2C 623B 228C (no dmg yet)
Ciel only[/u] combo, works 3/4th of the screen. Basically, if you hit ciel anywhere but the VERY corner of the screen, hitconfirm int o this combo. Requires a solid mastery of 2C after a 3 hit momiji (not easy, since 5b is usually used to ez mode your way through the loop in the corner, but does not reach far enough in this situation).

2A 5C 4C 2C *delay* 5B 623B (2C 623B x2) 228C (no dmg yet)
The guranteed proper height momiji loop. Use this on Sacchin, Tohno, Kouma and Aoko to get them at the proper height to do the Momiji loop no matter what.

Section 2 - OTG's

OTG's are important to V Akiha's game. They are the fuel you need to keep your damage high. V Akiha is blessed with OTG's that give a lot of meter and do some damage, but they take some practice. Here are the main OTG's you'll be using. Keep in mind that you temporarily gain LESS meter after using an EX move.

(2A x5) 4C 5C 2C 5BB (69% meter gained)
Your basic OTG. You have several options after this. 236C covers all tech options. You can also use TK8 ribbon to cover all options, but you must be spaced properly, plus the timing is awkward after 5BB. The 5BB makes for good airdash mixups.

(2A x5) 5BB 4C 5C 2C (69% meter gained)
Almost the same as the above, but 5BB is in the middle. This makes doing the TK8 easier, but is harder to airdash out of. Use the two however you want.

(2A x4) 5BB 5C 5A 2A 2A 4C 2C (76% meter gained)
Your flamepit OTG. This harder OTG serves several purposes. It's main use is for when your flamepits are up. When they are in an OTG'able state, you will still gain extra health and meter when they are in it (and they of course, will lose health and meter). You can use all the normal options after this OTG, but 236C is preffered since you want to keep them sitting in the flamepit.

(2A x3) 2C 4C 5C 5B *let them fall* 2A 5BB 5A 2A 2C 4C 5C 2368/9A or 228C
Hato's double OTG that does not require dashing forward. I'm sure the second part does not work on Sion and V Sion. The key to hitting this OTG is timing your 2A right just after they hit the ground. If they tech, 5B will cover all techs. 2368/9A will deal with heats and teching, if you think they'll respect it then TK the flamepit and meaty with 2B, 5C, or EX ribbons. Definately the hardest V Akiha OTG listed here.

Section 3 - Tactics

V Akiha is one of the hardest characters to play due to having the lowest defense in the game. This means you're going to have to be smart and use all of her strengths efficiently to your advantage. Her greatest strength is her overwhelming pressure game. What you're going for is to knock the enemy opponent down or get that counter hit combo, then RUSH DAT SHIT DOWN. Take advantage of her being the fastest character and learn to use her moves properly.

--Important moves
jA - fast, stuffs a LOT of moves. Clutch vs a lot of characters. Good when coming from above.

jB - pretty fast, good range. Can crossup whiff. Good when someone is above you. Also clutch for guardbreaks.

jC - Aircombo ender, overhead 50/50 mixup ender. Generally IAD jA land 2A or IAD jA airdash jC.

5A - Used in guardbreaks.

2A - Used in 50/50, good low poke. Helps hitconfirm.

5B - Good move. Stuffs farther low pokes plus it'll knock them down. Hit confirm to 2C 623B in corner or 2C 5C IAD jB midscreen. When used as a meaty, stuffs low shield.

2C - Good sweep. Has quite a bit of pushback. Can stagger 2C 5C at closer ranges. Beats high shield.

5C - Great meaty. Stuffs jumps hard. Only drawback is the massive pushback it has, which isn't even much of a problem since you can 214A/B or TK ribbon. Best used after a move that gives you frame advantage (igniting flamepit, or 236C for example).

4C - Two hits, second hit has massive pushback. Not as good for staggered stuff - puts you in perfect range to TK ribbon and beats dash ins.

2368A - Gives you frame adv, keeps you far away, helps bait a LOT of things. Can do whatever combo you want off CH. Follows aerial momentum.

2367A - Gdlk. Ribbon that makes you go backward. Protects you from a lot. Learn it, love it, use it a LOT.

2368B - Not quite as awesome but it doesn't send you flying back. Use it if you don't quite have that 2367A down.

236C - Keeps them down, gives hardcore frame adv. However it's Vakiha's primary bara bait.

22C - Awesome move, part of her core game. Gives +33 on block. PLUS THIRTY THREEEEEEEEEEE. CH 22C ignition - reloop pit.

6C - Command overhead that doesn't look like an overhead. Nuff said. Can dash cancel straight to the corner. 2C them before they hit the wall for a 3 rep loop. If you 6C in the corner, 2 rep loop.

623A - Anti-air.

2B - Wins clash battles.

--Use of her combo's

After seeing what her basic strategies are, how will her combo's help her? Other characters, like Nanaya, generally use one combo most of the time to do damage - however, each one of V Akiha's combo's serve a unique purpose. Generally, the combo you want to use will be one that sends them to or near to the corner (like all of them).

The combo that'll always be used in the corner is the 623B loop. It gives high damage and gives you a free pit setup - very useful. When you land a hit and your back is to the corner, you have 2 options - if you have the meter (130% or so), go for the full screen EX Momiji loop. If not, or if you think you'll need more meter and can definately hit your corner mixup, go for the sideswap. If you're desperately low on meter, there is the alternate sideswap. When you don't have meter in the center of the screen, generally doing the wallslam combo is best. It generally all depends on where you are and how much meter you have - but you want to keep your opponent in a bad position at all times.

623B Nuances

Sion and V Sion require a slight delay after 2C. Shiki requires that you instantly 623B after your 2C. Nanaya has a slight delay after 2C, but the timing is stricter than Sion and V Sion. Kouma and Aoko both have awkward hitboxes, but generally doing 623B right after 2C will work. Kohaku, Hisui, Arcueid and Red Arcueid can't be hit too high after 2C - if so, the fourth hit will miss. Against Miyako, you can time the first hit of 4C into 2C and then use 623B for more damage/meter.

_________________________________________________ _________________________________________________ _______________________

Section 4 - Application

This is where the culmunation of all your knowledge is finally put to the test. V Akiha has several schools of play (given by the tools at her disposal) that can be effectively used to play

1. Satoken
The focus of the classic V Akiha style is to use her overwhelming speed to land a counterhit aerial flame ribbon or jC. For okizeme, unusual air blockstrings and flashy airdash whiffs are used to confuse the opponent. Damage is maximized in by using the Momiji loop into pit. The goal here is simple - knockdown, get them into the corner, and show no mercy. Blockstrings are designed to prevent common escapes and keep you at advantage and still be able to dash in safely to continue pressure.

--2368/7A - This is the core of the original ideas of V Akiha pressure. V Akiha has several moves that have large pushback, and dashing in again is risky. To prevent getting hit by moves like Satsuki's 2C some other strong poke, this long range aerial flameribbon, which gives you +2 frame advantage, creates a fresh okizeme situation. First, it makes dashing in safe again. Secondly, you can restrict the opponents options when you move back in. A dash 5C will counter pokes, and hit people out of jump animation instantly. Knowing this, you can recreate a knockdown situation where you can freely go for another mixup, or meaty again. Finally, this can protect you from things like heat activation, and you can net a free Momiji loop off it.

--Aerial Flameribbons - Your friends. J236A is used to deal with threats in front of you, j236B is used for threats under you. Learning to use these can help you against characters that have high priority air attacks, like Red Arcueid's jB. Effective use of the range of these moves, plus your aerial mobility, give you control of the stage. J236B's weakness is that it stops your reverse momentum - thus, it can be countered by a dash jump attack or airthrow. Keep that j236A shares this weakness in the corner, since you can't go any farther back. The strength of these moves are getting a counterhit - no matter where they are, you can dash and confirm it into a combo that can push them in the corner (or if they're close enough, momiji loop them right there).

--Aerial Blockstrings - A concept not used often by today's V Akiha players. Thanks to her double airdash, she has the potential to string several attacks in the air as an okizeme option. This in itself can be confusing to the opponent, since these blockstrings use her second jump before her second airdash most of the time. The spotlight of these blockstrings are her jB and jC. Her jB can be used to mask another airdash, since her body "should" land instantly. To do jB airdash jC, jump and airdash again (so quickly that you can't see the jump). JB, used in combination with jA and jC, can be used to create several high/low and guard break situations. Beaware that this can be easily countered by heat activation after a jump or airdash, and with that, you lose important momentum.

--22A/B/C - During air time, 22A and B can be used to control your opponent. The pits last 30 seconds - the only way they'll go away is if you get hit. Having these hazard areas up can force your opponent to move to the offensive. Thus, your C flamepit will also be used to drain health and meter. The fear of the ignition's enormous hitbox can limit your opponents options severely.

--214B - A different long range move. Used generally in the corner, this move basically discourages an opponent to act. Neutral on block, it can lure hits (netting 800 or so damage) or can force block jumps, giving you an oppurtunity to react and dash back in.

2. Dadami
Once again noting V Akiha's low defense, heat activation turns into a reversal option rather than a health gaining one in order to minimize damage. Since V Akiha can die in 2 or 3 combo's, defense is tossed out the window for an overwhelming offense. Midscreen control is once again kept with flameribbons, but with 236A's closer to the opponent in order to fish for counterhits or create a guardbreak attempt. Here, every character is treated the same - as with Satoken, you can fight every character the same in the corner  :toot:.

--The Whiff Cancel Cancel - A common misconception about V Akiha (or several other characters) is that whiff canceling is the end of the blockstring, and a potential point to counter your next action. Where Satoken would perhaps use a TK ribbon, he developed an idea that Dadami abuses - the Whiff Cancel Cancel (needs a better name :psyduck:). The idea here is to cancel your 5A (V Akiha's common whiff cancel move) to another attack while in close range to the opponent. This makes V Akiha's 5C and 5B very dangerous - after being whiff canceled, the opponent is guaranteed to get counterhit if they attack, or hit out of their jump.

--Flamepit Usage - The Ignition - Here, the Flamepit is used for direct offense. Rather than using it for indirectly draining them, it is used for its massive +33 on block and enormous hitbox. If you guess an opponents jump correctly, it creates an easy guardbreak for you. If they block, you can go for another mixup.

--Damage Maximization - Every combo, somehow, some way, leads to the Momiji loop. Once the pit is set up, the flame pit Momiji combo is used instead to net more meter and different okizeme off V Akiha's extended OTG. The idea here is to wipe out the opponent as quickly as possible - since one mistake can mean the same to you.


Hato (or Hatoken  :toot:)revitalizes V Akiha with intelligent use of her normals and dangerous staggers and okizeme. Abusing the half Momiji Loop can create unique mixups that can confuse the opponent, along with the flamepit ignition pulling the opponent back into you. Each character is approached very differently, since V Akiha's moves must be used differently on different characters. Instead of flying around and trying to land a jC, landing a counterhit jA or jB is more important - netting 1500 to 2000 Damage and setting up for okizeme.

--V Akiha's normals - Knowledge of how to use V Akiha's normals are very important. Learning what moves are effective vs what character can give a heavy advantage to V Akiha. JA can be used very safely from above, while jB can be well spaced from below. Keep in mind jA's high speed and learn (and be able to react to) landing a counterhit of either of these aerials and doing more than simply jC'ing after it to maximize damage.

--Focus on Staggers - Instead of focusing on exclusively on V Akiha's whiff cancel strings, Hato introduced V Akiha's dangerous staggers. Learn the timing between 5B and 5C where the opponent can act for only a split second where you will counterhit no matter what - and be prepared to hit confirm into 2C right away. Also, learn to utilize the slightly charged 5B to confuse the opponent on the timing of your hits.

--Half Momiji Loop - Setting this up initailly ables you just to be able to airdash behind an opponent - however, many more setups than this are possible. The Momiji loop just deals a lot of damage, and sets up a flame pit as okizeme. The Half Momiji loop, on the other hand, sets up a flame pit, then lets you to set up okizeme. The difference? The Momiji loop deals the most damage, and sets up the flame pit - then you're safe to do pretty much anything - but it's usually revolved around forcing your opponent to block. Using the Half Momiji loop lets you freely mixup since you're in the air when you set the pit rather than tigerknee'ing it. Learn and create tricky setups off this to confuse the opponent and really generate high damage.

--Damage Maximization - Normals - Since you may be sacrificing some damage for some complicated high damage setups, learn the spacing on when you can do 4C 5C in your combos. 4C 5C adds good damage to any one of your combo's and can even make those sacrifices matter that much more in case your setup fails.

--Opponent Analyzation - Knowing your opponent is one thing - knowing your opponents character is another. V Akiha doesn't have a long life to live, and with her high damage output, neither does your opponent. Knowing common strings and setups of your opponent's character and knowing how to counter them before hand can help avoid getting into tricky situations.

Examples: Not teching or using EX ribbons vs Ciel (Both can be punished by her 236C)
              Knowing that Satsuki will more than likely IAD towards you after a 214A
              Knowing that you can jump Kouma's 214C on reaction
              EX Sheilding common overheads or unblockables that you can react to, like Arcueid's 5[ B ]

No matter how you end up personally approaching V Akiha as a character, you will end up creating your own unique style. Learning to use V Akiha's strengths will let you cover her main glaring weakness - her low defense. Realize that when it comes to risk/reward - the enemy taking a risk (say, by doing some random poke during pressure) has a far greater reward for them than if you did something similar in that same situation. With this in mind, punish their risks with V Akiha's many safe options and teach them to respect her great offense.

« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 08:57:43 PM by Lord Knight »
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #1 on: August 27, 2007, 04:40:06 PM »

Something I saw in the SBO vids which is VERY interesting in the corner:

2A 2A 4C 2C 623B 2C 5C 2C jump 22C mixup

This has a LOT of potential. A lot. It does almost as much damage as a full loop, and places the opponent very slightly away from the corner. It leaves room for more mixups than standard corner stuff. You can see it here

Hmm, that's neat. I'm trying it but the combo goes invalid on the last 2C. Is there a pause or something of the sort there?

Also on the video he's doing 4C 5B 623B and not 4C 2C 623B, or at least that's what it looks like to me.

P.S. replays for all that stuff plz =)
« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 04:46:09 PM by mir »
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2007, 05:24:37 PM »
I mention the 4C 5B later in the post. It's because Tohno is crouching.

I can make replays later. The delays are kind of character specific.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2007, 05:21:00 AM »
Nice combos. By the way, is it possible to include tips for some v akiha matchups that ppl might find diffcult to deal with?

Is it hard to do 2368/2367/2369 B on a keyboard? I tried for sometime and still cant get the timing. Any advice would be nice. Thanks.

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2007, 06:44:33 AM »
If you're talking about TK ribbons on keyboard, those are pretty easy for me. I suggest holding 2 for at least 7f so you don't get a superjump though. Know preemptively when you're going to do your TK ribbons and hold 2.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2007, 07:26:55 AM »
I'm not sure what I'm missing but all the combos seem to omit 5c?

Offline Lord Knight

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2007, 08:07:34 AM »
For spacing issues. IMO 5C is kinda optional, doing it kinda fucks with your loop spacing too. For example, if you get a jC starter and did jC 2A 5C 4C 2C 623B, it'd be likely on some characters that it'll be a 3 hit 623B and you'd have to follow up with 5B 2C 623B, resulting in another 3 hitter (except they'd go higher). Not worth the difficulty.

For wallslam midscreen combo's, you do use it, and it's mentioned in the first post.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2007, 12:52:20 AM »
Hi. Just started trying to learn V akiha, so i have a few question here,

1) Is the first two combos listed in the midscreen Bnb section a sideswapping combo? If not then care to provide one?
2) How do u combo into her arc drive and is her arc drive useful?
3) What moves have a higher priority than her jc? Is jb useful?
4) What are some of the strategy that v akiha can use to counter nero's jc or 5b or 4c?
5) for the standard Bnb the part after launcher (jab jabc) do i need to delay a bit before inputting these commands?
6) Is there any basic tutorial for v akiha on the net since there seems to be nothing here? (the sub forum for her here go straight to advance stuff)

Any reply would be appreciated. ^-^
« Last Edit: September 04, 2007, 12:53:51 AM by asuka »

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #8 on: September 04, 2007, 05:53:03 AM »
well im new to melty but i tried this once i often delay my atks a little that it can chain in some combos
but for some reason i tend to forget what combo i will use. just delay it a little you B atks connects

and we have the same problem with nero's jc,5b and 4c just use ex-shield then counter it
thats what they told me since nero recovers slow neither his atks.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #9 on: September 04, 2007, 04:38:28 PM »
For asuka:

1. No, they aren't. Sideswapping combo's are:

2A 2A {5C} 2C 5BB IAD jump jB jC


2A 2A {5C} 2C 5BB jA jB airdash jump jB jC

2. You don't combo into it. Her arcdrive is VERY useful since it's a grab. It's a good wakeup and you can tick throw with it, or even do something like IAD whiff jC arcdrive grab. You have to learn to time it or you might fuck up though.

3. I don't know much about priority and such, but jA is great, jB is good, jC is good. As far as clash frames go, 2B and 5B are good options.

4. 236A in the air is good vs nero, as is jA for its speed. You want to lockdown Nero HARD. 5B counters her IAD hard, so you can bait that as seen in this classic V akiha vid here. Granted, this is an EXTREME case, but it still works. Satoken baits it with a double jump into CH jC into rape. As far as 4C is concered, I'm pretty sure the 2nd hit is air blockable. . .

5. As far as jA jB jA jB jC, I just input it fast and tight.

6. As far as basics are concerned, I guess no one has really done anything. . . >.>
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #10 on: September 04, 2007, 05:46:13 PM »
Thanks for the reply. BTW, what is CH jc?   

Meanwhile i shall get back to practising the side swapping combo.

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #11 on: September 04, 2007, 09:57:12 PM »
Could you throw some Mixup info my way too please?  Ive been working on most of the BNB's and stuff but my biggest problem is whats done inbetween those BNB's or seting up for htem and such.

LK, you've seen my latest match video so im sure you know what im talking about maybe you could even tell me other things i should do?

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #12 on: September 19, 2007, 07:36:59 PM »
Just saw this great setup in the corner. Good for punishing heats. It's at the VERY end


If they're in a pit and they're about to wake up, whiffed TK Ribbon(A) into Arc Drive if it's obvious that they will heat. If you have the meter of course.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2007, 04:15:16 AM »
got question how many times can i use the loop 2c?
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2007, 12:06:54 PM »
got question how many times can i use the loop 2c?
2c  623b?  3 times.

and about punishing heat with AD .. im not really sure using AD for heat punish is worth it, I mean i think Vermillions 5c is just as good as Akiha's 5c for heats.  I'm not sure though so. . .

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2007, 03:38:29 PM »

He does it here, except he lands the grab portion
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2007, 01:22:13 AM »
well about that 82c of hisui is much better to use when anticipating 5c of opponents hit their back then go for mr. dust  ;D
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #17 on: October 01, 2007, 12:02:10 AM »
After spending some more time in practice mode, I get the feeling that the 2C5C delay with the alternative 623B loop might be universal for most characters. I tried on both shikis and satsuki and they all had similar timings...felt like Arc's wall loop startup O.o

Oh yeah, here's a question for  y'all. How do you follow said loop aside from the obvious dash jC? I need options XD
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #18 on: October 01, 2007, 01:45:17 AM »
I just do IAD jc or rush in 2a or rush in 5c but i guess it is kind of unsafe. Want to ask whether it is possible to do iad ja then air dash then jc or something similar to this since i need more variation to my mixup. Some help would be nice.

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #19 on: October 01, 2007, 08:54:57 AM »
End the loop with 228C/282C. If the pit is already there, do a [2c]5bb j.B j.B j.C into OTG string followed up by some kind of mixup if they have a tendency not to tech.

IAD j.A AD j.C is possible anywhere on the screen and it works fairly well until your opponents get used to it. That's when you need to mix it up more by doing things like IAD j.A land Throw(veteru would say this is unsafe)/2a/2b/2c/6c(highly unsafe).
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #20 on: October 01, 2007, 09:22:17 AM »
That's not exactly what I asked. Say I do the alternative loop:

2a 2a 4C 2C 623B 2C (pause) 5C 2C j 22C

I end up quite high in the air, what's a good follow-up aside from dash-bait jC?
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #21 on: October 01, 2007, 09:59:31 AM »
That's not exactly what I asked. Say I do the alternative loop:

2a 2a 4C 2C 623B 2C (pause) 5C 2C j 22C

I end up quite high in the air, what's a good follow-up aside from dash-bait jC?
If you are high enough after doing j.22C:
Aerial Flametongue (a or b)
Backdash Aerial Flametongue (a or b)
Airdash forward j.A airdash forward j.C (or some other mixup involving airdash j.A)

Just come up with something, lol.
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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #22 on: October 09, 2007, 07:24:59 PM »
Odd thing I've noticed about her air sequence jA jB, j jA jB jC:  If you're not holding forward as you do them, the timing feels much stricter.  Is this because the hitbox is placed differently, or some other mechanism at work?


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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #23 on: October 10, 2007, 01:26:43 AM »
Normally i just press up+forward after launcher and also during jump in an air combo and it works perfectly. Just that u need to delay her aircombo     
 to make the jab j jabc connects. I think the timing on her otg is more strict? Not very sure about this since i can only perform the 5aX5 5bb portion of her otg on the keyboard. T_T

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Re: Advanced Akiha V. Combos/Tactics Discussion
« Reply #24 on: October 10, 2007, 06:35:50 AM »
So now tactical question, what kinds of methods do you guys use to keep the pressure on while prying for an opening?
