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Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:25:04 PM »
Okay. I, by no means, think I am an authority on all things Hisui. My intention of putting this guide up is to “break the ice”, if you will, and allow other Hisui players to add their feedback on where I’m wrong or didn’t say enough, and together we’ll be able to make a more complete guide.

Before I say anything else I will tell people my impression of Hisui. She is, in many uses of the word, bullshit. She is most likely the love child of Anji and Ky, having both tremendous zoning ability, good damage, and autoblocks (in the form of clash frames). She also has nice okizeme options on throw or on wake up if they choose not to tech. And they do choose to tech, you have a tech punish opportunity. Plus, she has too many anti air moves that can be combo’d off of. Basically, she has the ability to control the round from start to finish with only a bit of effort from the player.

Okay, Lets get started.

Relative Ease of Play (Little to no execution requirement)
Ridiculous Clash Frames
Good Damage
Good Priority
Good Zoning
Super antiair
Many options on wakeup

A few moves easily bara-able.
Pressures… are there… kinda… but not really.

Okay, I stick to three, and unfortunately, I don’t think I start one of them correctly.
2A 2B 2C 5C 6C j.BC, j.BC Airthrow. (Okay, standard. It does about 3k damage, fairly easy to hit with.)

[5]C 2C 5B j.A B C j. B C throw (I believe you can start this from any ground normal into chair, but I don’t know for sure and that’s how I always practiced it. Does about 4k damage.)

Okay, now is the famous EX Dust loop. Possibly the easiest loop in the game with only a very small timing requirement if the opponent is standing.

(If opponent is standing)
2B 5C 623C 5B 5C (wait a bit) 5B 5C 2B 2C 5C 6C j.BC j.BC throw (Okay. The window you’re allotted to hit the 5B again and still combo is pretty small, but it is doable. If you’re not close enough the dust may go in front of them, and then you have to do a mix up or a pressure. Does about 5-6k damage)

(If opponent is crouching)
2B 5C 623C 5B 5C 5A(whiff cancel) 5B 5C 5A(Whiff cancel) 2B 2C 5C 6C j.BC j.BC throw (A LOT easier to do. Does 5-6k damage)

And Lastly, I ended up learning this on accident while practicing the dust loop.
5C 236C 5A 5B j.B C j.B C throw. (A lot less room for error than the dust loop at the expense of 1k damage; does 5k)

Normals to know about:
5A: Good anti air, you can poke people out of the sky with this.
2A: Okay, nothing very special about it, good or bad.
2B: Very nice clash frames, but the real reason anyone would use this move is for the tech punish properties. Not much else to say. If you know where they’re going to tech, use this to punish it.
2C: Standard Sweep, can’t tech from it. Drop a Bento box and have some fun okizeme, or combo.
5C: Okay… it’s the chair. The chair is pretty darn useful, but not without its weaknesses. First it’s unblockable in the air, so if you have an annoying V.Akiha flying around, the chair will swat it out of the sky. Second, it’s got enormous clash frames. I once chaired my way out of Shiki’s ex Shoryuken. Third, its only vulnerability points are at the very start and the finish of the chair’s animation, and if you whiff cancel it, its only got vulnerability in the beginning. If someone tries to stuff it after the small window of vulnerability, you’ll either trade hits, or win. Period.  And lastly, you can make an easy 4k combo from a ground hit from chair, and max 6k damage if you got meter. If you hit someone in the air, you can go straight into your air combo.  Now, it seems like it’s really good and should be used often. Wrong. It should be used only to stuff other people’s attacks. Don’t throw them out there willy nilly, despite what you see in my matches. For one, it is extremely bara-able, which is really bad. If you fight a person who has no good baras, then lucky you, but still don’t use it too much, for reason two. It is also fairly baitable if you use it too much. You can only whiff cancel on block, but if the opponent side steps, or jumps over it, you’re a sitting duck. I am in the process of trying to break the urge of using it whenever it looks like a good idea.
j.B: good poke out of the air.
j.C: Another good poke for a high hit on the ground.
j.2C: Relatively bad priority (relative to j.C), slow activation, not a high hit. You’d think it sucks, but it makes for a great cross up on wake up, and also has some other options that I’ve seen, but don’t fully understand.

236A,B,C: EX version is the only worthwhile one(in my opinion), because you can combo afterward if you hit.
623A,B,C: The A version is okay if your chair was blocked, you missed the whiff cancel and you really gotta run away. EX version is the only real pressure move Hisui has.
214A,B,C: Ex version pretty useless, though does a humorous amount of damage to the AI. A and B versions are good zones.
22A,B,C: A and B are bentos. Use one after a throw or 2c for a mix up(or so I’m told) or a tick throw. Very useful. 22C is a chair. In all honesty, I’ve seen it used, but I don’t see how it affects the match.
6C,6C,236C: Three step cooking. If you get the third hit off, it results in a wall slam, and you can combo if you’re close to a wall by hitting 5B and doing the air combo. Charge the second 6C for a high hit.
4B: Watering can. Takes away 30% magic circuit, and if they’re standing, they fall down. I mostly use this after an ex dust if they’re far enough back, because I can eat off 60% meter, or if they’re standing, 30% and then they get hit by the dust.

Arc Drives:
Arc Drive, Satoday Naito FEEVAAA!!!: I don't care what it really is called, the fact that she says that was enough for me to love playing as her. Much like Shiki's Arc, its a get out of any shit you're in free card, unless they're too close and running into you, so watch out for that. Also, if your opponent is in the air, there is absolutely nothing they can do to stop being hit, unless they're too high. Plus you can charge it, I don't think its a good idea to, but you can.

Another Arc: Same thing, except it hits more times, so don't jump too early 'cause you may miss a combo opportunity afterward.

Last Arc: You fuck with their controls. If you don't make them eat multiple combos, I'm going to smack you.

Unless I forgot anything(Which, by the way is up to you guys to point out) I think I’m done.


Edit: Arc drives? What do you mean I'm missing arc drives? You're crazy.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 07:35:34 PM by AlmightyNam »

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2007, 09:51:44 PM »
I guess ill add a bit of my experience with using this meido.

First the 2B properties
-2B counts as a Low Hit.  :P
-Because of how long it stays out there, it makes a good meaty hit, thus the tech punishing property.

A few things to add about Hisui's "Arc Drive"
-This baby cant be shielded.
-At the moment of firing to the moment the fireball is launched, you are invincible and will recover quickly, if not instantly, and the end of the move. This gives this move counter properties and makes a decent wake up. It also can be an answer to getting out of an opponents pressure string if need be.
-Charging the move does 2 things
   O  It freezes all movements in the game temporarly.
   O  After the freeze, the fireball will gain an extra hit property the longer you charge it.
       o  The max you can charge the fireball is 8 hits (default is 3 hits)
       o  Letting go of the charge (if you choose to charge it) doesn't assure that the fireball will hit right away.
       o  <speculation> It seems that the fireball with only fire after a specific animation frame.

Random fact about 6C: If you land a Frying pan against a ducking opponent, it will force them in standing stun. :V

Thats all I can think of adding for now.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 06:51:06 AM by Numakie »
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2007, 06:56:52 AM »
I really meant to write up a Hisui guide, because as is this is just messy, but it's something we can build upon.

I have alot of character specific match up shit to add in as well.
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Offline Qaenyin

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #3 on: August 30, 2007, 07:19:06 AM »
Situational combo(tested on nanaya):

5B 2B 5C 2C 6B j.BC j.BC Airthrow:Deals 4761.  Works from any part of the screen, but cant use a poke or jumpin to hit confirm.

Can use j.C, BE j.C, 5A, or 2A to hitconfirm in the corner, but have to cancel the 5C on the first hit to do it.  using an A as a hitconfirm in the corner makes it deal 4100 damage, using j.C makes it deal 5000, using BE j.C makes it deal 5200.

Rather situational due to the positioning requirement, and the 5C cancel timing is somewhat picky, but the fact that it can deal up to 5200 circuit-free damage is rather nice.

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #4 on: August 30, 2007, 07:21:51 AM »
Yeah, if you cut off the 2A or 5A in combos you generally get a good hunk of damage like that anyway. It's a rarity that you'll get to start off a combo with 5B / 2B though, unless perhaps as a meaty counter hit (or punsihing ex-hiero).
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Offline Qaenyin

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 08:19:19 AM »
Yeah in the long run I mostly intended it as either a corner string or something to get a good chunk of damage off a counterhit 5B or 2B/5B meaty.

Edit:One thing to note is if you modify it to 5ABC 2C 6B j.BC jBC Airthrow it can be used from anywhere on the screen without the positioning requirements I mentioned earlier, and it still deals a nice 4200+ damage.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 10:18:02 AM by Qaenyin »

Offline AlmightyNam

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #6 on: August 30, 2007, 10:19:50 AM »
Matchups would be awesome, Chibi.

I only know how to fight Akiha, Aoko(somewhat), Ciel(more like, know how to lose  :emo:), V.Akiha(somewhat) and Shiki. I guess I'll add those matchups when I get time off my 18 credit semester.

Also, isn't 6B, just 5B? I didn't know that there was another B normal besides 2B and 5B.

I can see starting a combo off with 2B, because of all the clash frame that it has, though its pretty darn risky.

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #7 on: August 30, 2007, 10:22:40 AM »
6B is ladle launcher.
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #8 on: August 30, 2007, 10:24:46 AM »
Oh, duh. I completely forgot. Mostly because I never use it

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #9 on: August 30, 2007, 10:26:05 AM »
Oh, duh. I completely forgot. Mostly because I never use it

Yeah, it's a rarely used normal of hers. Not entirely bad, but not all that noteworthy either.

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #10 on: August 30, 2007, 11:14:00 AM »
Hisui has 4 B normals.  4B is watering can(drains circuit), 2B is crouching two handed push, 5B is standing twohanded push, 6B is ladle launcher.

Seems to me the ladle launcher has longer range than 6C as a launcher, might just be imagining things though.

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2007, 11:16:08 AM »
Oh, duh. I completely forgot. Mostly because I never use it

Yeah, it's a rarely used normal of hers. Not entirely bad, but not all that noteworthy either.


I hate when that shiz comes out accidently @.@

Luckily i find that if it comes out, i can Double Jump and j2BB right afterword.  Might as well make the most of a mistake.  :V
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #12 on: August 30, 2007, 11:27:16 AM »
Oh, duh. I completely forgot. Mostly because I never use it

Yeah, it's a rarely used normal of hers. Not entirely bad, but not all that noteworthy either.


I hate when that shiz comes out accidently @.@

Luckily i find that if it comes out, i can Double Jump and j2BB right afterword.  Might as well make the most of a mistake.  :V

j.2BB is not a move, and doing j.BB after an 'accidental' 6B is insanely bad. Just immediately jump up and do j.B j.C j.B j.C airthrow or pretty much ANYTHING into air throw.
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #13 on: August 30, 2007, 11:47:41 AM »
Oh, duh. I completely forgot. Mostly because I never use it

Yeah, it's a rarely used normal of hers. Not entirely bad, but not all that noteworthy either.


I hate when that shiz comes out accidently @.@

Luckily i find that if it comes out, i can Double Jump and j.BB right afterword.  Might as well make the most of a mistake.  :V

j.2BB is not a move, and doing j.BB after an 'accidental' 6B is insanely bad. Just immediately jump up and do j.B j.C j.B j.C airthrow or pretty much ANYTHING into air throw.

j.bb Corrected ;P

6B sometimes has a tendency of launching an opponent already in the air too high to a point where you cant even connect anything afterword.  Its all situational really

Also... you will never let go of me doing anything that is not an air throw, will you?  :V
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 11:51:50 AM by Numakie »
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
<Pfhor>: no, I only have nightmares about your play numakie
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #14 on: August 30, 2007, 11:59:08 AM »
That's because you're being naive in thinking that whatever your doing is worth it because it works on people on the WC. Think about it for a second.

If you're going to give people the opportunity to tech (which you're doing by following up with j.BB) then wouldn't it be a better idea to go for MORE DAMAGE first (in the form of some air combo ending in air throw) and then giving them the option to tech AFTER the airthrow, instead of getting SHIT for damage off a j.BB and pretty much letting them run free with little worry of a tech punish as a follow up?

You have to guess for the tech punish either way, but because your spacing is ASS from the j.BB, you get shit as a guarantee for tech punish, where if you go for an airthrow from a BnB you have at least TWO out of THREE tech options covered.

I'll keep pounding this shit into you, because you decided to pick her, and at the very least you could be doing the right shit.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 12:01:04 PM by Master Chibi »
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #15 on: August 30, 2007, 12:43:30 PM »
You speak as though as the Throw in an air combo is absolute. Well i am saying that it is not the only option.  Sure the throw has great tech punishing. properties but the option can also have the option of not teching.  Do it enough and you feel like throwing a bento out, i can simply recover and throw the beat down on you because of the lag that setting the bento has, just to point an example.  However there are situations where you simply cant land in a throw and have to rely on other options.

There are several ways to mix things up. Up in the air, you can either throw, j.BB or even do a qcf-A multi sachel.  Each has their strengths, each has their weaknesses. Relying on 1 too much will make you too predictable.  Thats why it is good to throw something out unexpected from time to time to knock the opponent off guard, or even to have different options.  Basic concept of any fighting game.

Ill stop there for now
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #16 on: August 30, 2007, 12:46:21 PM »
That's because you're being naive in thinking that whatever your doing is worth it because it works on people on the WC. Think about it for a second.

You do realize that the stuff that "worked on the people in the WC" worked on you right?.

Anyway, I have to agree with you Chibi, that its always ideal to go for the most damage...
But sometimes things happen where it doesn't go as planned and you have to improvise and thats where creativity and reaction come in.
In this case, that is what I see in Numakie's style.

Perhaps the both of you should've saved the MM replays when you had the chance so that there would have been a chance to see and explain why the both of you made the decisions in the clinch that you made during the matches.
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #17 on: August 30, 2007, 01:03:30 PM »
Ok Numakie, now you're just being fucking stupid, seriously. It's starting to make my head hurt just talking to you. 236A as part of an air combo? Are you seriously that stupid? Throw in an air combo is ABSOLUTE, you have to be a complete IDIOT not to want an air throw after any sort of combo in the air. You want to keep the momentum going, you want better options, and you want MORE damage, and doing ANYTHING IN THE WORLD into air throw after 6B will net you that, not whatever the hell you think works. You mix up your opponents after a knockdown or during block strings, not when you're aiming to get the most damage out of them. Dont' give me shit like 'the basic concept of a fighting game' when the basic concept you're completley ignoring is "IF I LAND ON A HIT ON MY OPPONENT, GET THE MOST DAMAGE I CAN OFF OF IT, AND IF POSSIBLE, CONTINUE THE MOMENTUM AFTERWARDS".

Christ, think this shit through already, you two already made fools of yourselves in the general mechanics thread, don't be doing it here with what little you know.

If you instill the fear of being punished for teching, it's to your advantage, that's why people went as far as they did to figure it out and put it into her game. Once they STOP teching, put out a damn bento and go to town. It's almost always in your favor guy.

6B -> BLAHBLAHB -> air throw -> j.A before landing \/

Tech punish into MORE DAMAGE.

If they tech again and you call them on it:


If they don't tech, put out a chair or bento and start some mix ups. The momentum is STILL in your favor. It's all about getting into the other guy's head, which Hisui does a damn good job of doing. If you guess wrong (which is hard, seeing as how you have the ability to catch 2 out of 3 options each time), then guess what, you STILL got the most damage you could out of the combo before it.


You do realize that the stuff that "worked on the people in the WC" worked on you right?.

And you realize your shit stopped working on me after the first round in our match, right? I'm not taking his win away from him (he got my money afterwards), but just because he won doesn't make how he played right. It worked for the MM, but don't expect that shit to work again. I'd love for him to play Xaq, Zar, or Sp00ky and see how well doing j.BB works when they rape the shit out of him for it.

But sometimes things happen where it doesn't go as planned and you have to improvise and thats where creativity and reaction come in.

Don't give me that shit, seriously. He's feeding me lines after playing for two months like I don't know how to play my own character after two years. Get the fuck out of here, it's a fucking insult to me after putting so much work into learning the character, studying videos, and getting whatever match up expierence I can. I'll be damned to sit here and take it.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 01:08:28 PM by Master Chibi »
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #18 on: August 30, 2007, 01:16:20 PM »
Ok Numakie, now you're just being fucking stupid, seriously. It's starting to make my head hurt just talking to you. 236A as part of an air combo? Are you seriously that stupid? Throw in an air combo is ABSOLUTE, you have to be a complete IDIOT not to want an air throw after any sort of combo in the air. You want to keep the momentum going, you want better options, and you want MORE damage, and doing ANYTHING IN THE WORLD into air throw after 6B will net you that, not whatever the hell you think works. You mix up your opponents after a knockdown or during block strings, not when you're aiming to get the most damage out of them. Dont' give me shit like 'the basic concept of a fighting game' when the basic concept you're completley ignoring is "IF I LAND ON A HIT ON MY OPPONENT, GET THE MOST DAMAGE I CAN OFF OF IT, AND IF POSSIBLE, CONTINUE THE MOMENTUM AFTERWARDS".

Christ, think this shit through already, you two already made fools of yourselves in the general mechanics thread, don't be doing it here with what little you know.

If you instill the fear of being punished for teching, it's to your advantage, that's why people went as far as they did to figure it out and put it into her game. Once they STOP teching, put out a damn bento and go to town. It's almost always in your favor guy.

6B -> BLAHBLAHB -> air throw -> j.A before landing \/

Tech punish into MORE DAMAGE.

If they tech again and you call them on it:


If they don't tech, put out a chair or bento and start some mix ups. The momentum is STILL in your favor. It's all about getting into the other guy's head, which Hisui does a damn good job of doing. If you guess wrong (which is hard, seeing as how you have the ability to catch 2 out of 3 options each time), then guess what, you STILL got the most damage you could out of the combo before it.


You do realize that the stuff that "worked on the people in the WC" worked on you right?.

And you realize your shit stopped working on me after the first round in our match, right? I'm not taking his win away from him (he got my money afterwards), but just because he won doesn't make how he played right. It worked for the MM, but don't expect that shit to work again. I'd love for him to play Xaq, Zar, or Sp00ky and see how well doing j.BB works when they rape the shit out of him for it.

But sometimes things happen where it doesn't go as planned and you have to improvise and thats where creativity and reaction come in.

Don't give me that shit, seriously. He's feeding me lines after playing for two months like I don't know how to play my own character after two years. Get the fuck out of here, it's a fucking insult to me after putting so much work into learning the character, studying videos, and getting whatever match up expierence I can. I'll be damned to sit here and take it.

Do you still have fun playing this game?  :psyduck:
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #19 on: August 30, 2007, 01:19:06 PM »
Ok Numakie, now you're just being fucking stupid, seriously. It's starting to make my head hurt just talking to you. 236A as part of an air combo? Are you seriously that stupid? Throw in an air combo is ABSOLUTE, you have to be a complete IDIOT not to want an air throw after any sort of combo in the air. You want to keep the momentum going, you want better options, and you want MORE damage, and doing ANYTHING IN THE WORLD into air throw after 6B will net you that, not whatever the hell you think works. You mix up your opponents after a knockdown or during block strings, not when you're aiming to get the most damage out of them. Dont' give me shit like 'the basic concept of a fighting game' when the basic concept you're completley ignoring is "IF I LAND ON A HIT ON MY OPPONENT, GET THE MOST DAMAGE I CAN OFF OF IT, AND IF POSSIBLE, CONTINUE THE MOMENTUM AFTERWARDS".

Christ, think this shit through already, you two already made fools of yourselves in the general mechanics thread, don't be doing it here with what little you know.

If you instill the fear of being punished for teching, it's to your advantage, that's why people went as far as they did to figure it out and put it into her game. Once they STOP teching, put out a damn bento and go to town. It's almost always in your favor guy.

6B -> BLAHBLAHB -> air throw -> j.A before landing \/

Tech punish into MORE DAMAGE.

If they tech again and you call them on it:


If they don't tech, put out a chair or bento and start some mix ups. The momentum is STILL in your favor. It's all about getting into the other guy's head, which Hisui does a damn good job of doing. If you guess wrong (which is hard, seeing as how you have the ability to catch 2 out of 3 options each time), then guess what, you STILL got the most damage you could out of the combo before it.


You do realize that the stuff that "worked on the people in the WC" worked on you right?.

And you realize your shit stopped working on me after the first round in our match, right? I'm not taking his win away from him (he got my money afterwards), but just because he won doesn't make how he played right. It worked for the MM, but don't expect that shit to work again. I'd love for him to play Xaq, Zar, or Sp00ky and see how well doing j.BB works when they rape the shit out of him for it.

But sometimes things happen where it doesn't go as planned and you have to improvise and thats where creativity and reaction come in.

Don't give me that shit, seriously. He's feeding me lines after playing for two months like I don't know how to play my own character after two years. Get the fuck out of here, it's a fucking insult to me after putting so much work into learning the character, studying videos, and getting whatever match up expierence I can. I'll be damned to sit here and take it.

Do you still have fun playing this game?  :psyduck:

Yes, my time at Evo playing everyone was a learning expierence I greatly appreciated, and was worth every amount of 1,000+ I spent to get there. Now stop acting like Numaki's cheerleader and let him talk for himself.

And stop doing 623+C at the end of combos unless it's the last round in your favor and it'll kill the guy.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2007, 01:22:21 PM by Master Chibi »
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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2007, 01:27:42 PM »
Obviously we're not going to agree on anything. -.-
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
<Pfhor>: no, I only have nightmares about your play numakie
<Pfhor>: because it makes no fucking sense

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #21 on: August 30, 2007, 01:28:54 PM »
Hisui sucks. 5/10

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #22 on: August 30, 2007, 01:30:29 PM »
She suuuure does..  :fap:
~~Playing the wrong way... and somehow getting away with it.~~
<Pfhor>: no, I only have nightmares about your play numakie
<Pfhor>: because it makes no fucking sense

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #23 on: August 30, 2007, 01:32:24 PM »
To put things simply:More damage>less damage.  Airstring into airthrow=more damage.  No air string into j.BB=less damage.  If you tech punish, you get more damage.  If you dont tech punish but you could've, you get less damage.  More damage, they die faster, you win.

How the hell is that so hard to get?

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Re: Hisui! The maid who makes exploding sammiches.
« Reply #24 on: August 30, 2007, 01:34:35 PM »

How the hell is that so hard to get?

Hell if I know.

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