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Author Topic: General and Character Specific Strategies  (Read 4343 times)

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Offline Kryojenix

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General and Character Specific Strategies
« on: August 13, 2008, 02:36:21 PM »

Although MECH excels at zoning, she's quite capable at close range combat.  For the most part, you'll want to start the round from a distance and use her projectiles as cover to close the distance.  Keep in mind that her zoning damage pales in comparison to her close range damage.  I would advise against starting the round close to your opponent.  As awesome as her normals are, they're a few frames slower than most other characters' so you'll rarely land the first hit at that range.

Schools of thought on how to spend meter

Offensive - Always use meter combos to pump out maximum damage

Balanced - Always maintain at least 100% meter for emergency heats or EXs

Defensive - Only spend meter when in MAX mode so CSs and ADs are more readily available

Normals to keep in mind

2b - the reach on this move is 2nd only to 2c.  It also hits twice so it makes for an excellent hit-confirm.  Finally, it has great clash frames.  As long as you ride the clash out, there are few moves it will lose to.  Keep in mind that the opponent can easily IAD over it to punish you so don't get predictable with it.  Keep range in mind since 2b only hits once if the foe is too far.

5c - the reach is a little shorter, it comes out a little slower, and the clash is a little less reliable, but mixing up between 2b and 5c is important for victory.  Unlike 2b, 5c sweeps through the air so IAD punishments are nullified.  Also, this move must be shielded high, which is useful against foes who start shielding low to catch the 2b.  Keep your range in mind as the farther you are, the less hits you're likely to score.

j.2c - no combo potential but is an excellent zoning tool, particularly to push away from air to air pressure since it pushses you back if you use it after recovering from air blocking and has a tick of clash to stave off anymore air to air pressure before the flames come out.

4b - a meter less okizeme.  Do not use this if your foe has an easy punish (i.e. EX Hiero)

Combos to keep in mind

There are a myriad of ground combo starts but they almost always lead into 2b so I'll note combos from there.

2b5c2c 421a...  Meterless filler 1
There are ranges at which 5c will only hit once or less making this combo filler defunct.

...j.c hj.cb throw  Damage ender
The timing is strict for some, more strict with others, and impossible for the rest.

...j.b dj.cb j.236a/b  Tactical ender
Use j.236b if you think your foe will airtech forward or neutral or if you want to reach the ground faster.  Use j.236a for everything else.

2bc5b(1-2 hits)6c...  Meterless filler 2
Use this filler either when the foe is too far for the first fill to work or when you're going for damage but the ender with not work.

...j.cb hj.bc throw  Damage ender
Begin the ender as late as you can or you may not be able to throw the foe.  Against the "lightest" characters, you may have to use j.c dj.cb throw instead

...j.cb hj.bc 236a/b  Tactical ender
Same as with the first filler

2b(5c)2c 421a...  Corner filler
Use this filler when YOU are in the corner.  Believe it or not, MECH busts out some of her best damage when her back's too the wall.

...j.cb dj.bc throw  Damage ender
This works against everyone in the corner so there's nothing to worry about.  The air throw puts you back into the corner at the end.

*note: you could do a jetpack ender in the corner if you really want but the damage ender puts you in a great position to tech punish or set up okizeme's so I wouldn't bother.

2b5c2c 421a...  Tech punish filler (close)
Use this when the foe  techs toward/neutral from the corner combo

2b(1 hit)2c 421a...  Tech punish filler (far)
Use this when the foe techs away from the corner combo

214b 236b 236a  Far combo 1
If for some bizarre reason, your foe allowed himself to get hit by the b.missiles, this combo is a free 3k points of damage.  It'll only work when you're in the farthest 20% of the screen from each other.  Any closer and the b.missiles will hit too soon for the b.laser to connect unless you scored a CH.

214b 236a  Far combo 2
Use this if you're too close for Far Combo 1 to connect.  It's free 2k damage and it's easier to confirm.

2b(5c)2c 421c 5c2b(1 hit)5b2c 421a...  Meter filler 1
Adds about 1k more than the meterless version.  Use the same enders.

2b(5c)2c 421c 2bc5c(1-2 hits)6c...  Meter filler 2
Use if version 1 is too hard or if you're going for damage and the damage ender for version 1 won't work.  use the same enders as the meterless version.

*note: some of there combos are noted w/ hj for high jump instead of dj for double jump.  To execute a high jump, tap 9 very briefly instead of double jumping like normal.  It gives you the extra horizontal push necessary to finish certain combos.  Keep in mind that it gives you less vertical push so a regular double jump is necessary in other situations.

Character Specifics

Akiha Vermillion
This bitch is FAST!  Be particularly careful when using the shotgun since she can easy jump up and dash into your face.  Finally, be judicious w/ TK jetpacks since she can dash in w/ 2c to punish.

Aoko Aozaki
This is a bizarrely even match and a lot of fun to watch at higher level play.  Clear her starmines with projectiles but be very careful of your position.  Aoko can easily use a manual mine to pop you into the air for a CH.  There is a deadzone between her mid and long range manual mines where she can't hit you with either.  Learn where this gap is and harass her from there.

Arcueid Brunestud
This is a fairly standard match.  Just be careful of using lag moves when she can AD.

Arima Miyako
This is a fairly standard match.  Depending on the player, you might want to pin her down or you might want to let her come to you.  Whatever you do, just keep her off as her offense can easily crack open MECH's defense.  5c will hit 4 times after 421c.  Filler 1 damage ender will not land.

This matchup may seem against your favor at first but it's more even than you would think.  Ciel's EX Hiero does seal up a lot of your projectile options so just be careful with them.  Her aerial approach isn't great so she'll be dashing in a lot.  Use 2b/5c to stop her in her tracks.  For the most part, let her come to you, don't bother chase her around.  Finally, don't use AD if she's on the ground with meter.  EX Heiro punishes the lunch rush.

Hisui & Kohaku
If Hisui is leading, it's like fighting a gimped version of her standalone.  The only thing she's got is the water setup and it's hardly worthwhile.  Assuming Kohaku is leading, it's a fairly standard match.  You'll be zoning a little more.  Wait until you score a knockdown before trying to get in close.  Just make sure you keep her off at all costs.  Don't be afraid to let her come to you.

She's superior in the air so don't try to out A2A her.  Just use jetpacks to keep her off.  Any projectiles she throws is a hint that she'll probably try to rush in.  Shotgun is your best friend here.

Kishima Kouma
Use j.a to punish AA shield -> command throw attempts.  Also keep in mind that 5c after 421c hits 4 times against Kouma so don't let that throw off your timing.

Pretty much like KohaHisu without having to worry about the assist.  Still, watch out for her command throw and molotovs 

Play like you would any vs. Len match...by placing your head between your legs and kissing your ass goodbye.  In all seriousness, your best chance is to zone her all day.  Zap her w/ a.laser the instant she tries to summon a cat.

Like any mirror match, it's a lot of mindgames and quick reaction.  For once, there's a mirror match that's not utterly boring to watch.

Nanaya Shiki
He's fast, has range, and will outprioritize you like crazy.  Keep him off and zone but watch out for his teleport moves.  Filler 1 damage ender will not work.

Nrvnqsr Chaos
Patience is the key here.  Your field control maybe be a little better than his but his normals are definitely superior.  Use shotgun to harass him but watch out for snakes.  This will feel a little like vs. Aoko.

Red Arcueid
This match is mostly in MECH's favor but that doesn't mean you can get careless.  Be particularly careful with crossbows since Warc can just teleport through them and punish you as you land.

Tohno Akiha
You need to be careful about spamming jetpacks here.  She can easily dash in with a 2c to punish TKs.  Don't play recklessly since Akiha's playstyle is patient and can easily punish anything predictable.  You need to be patient here.

Tohno Shiki
This will feel a bit like vs. Nanaya without the annoying speed.  If he get's close, be a little patience.  This will be pretty standard play for the most part.

Sion Eltnam Atlasia
Keep her off with a standard assortment of projectiles but be careful with TK jetpacks when you're close since she can pull you out of the air with her b.whip.

Fairly standard play.  Just don't let her pressure you in the corner since she's got frame traps and a mean corner throw combo.

Zone him but watch out for his teleports.  5c after 421c will hit 4 times

White Len
She's a little more solid at close range but don't be afraid to rush in if you see the opportunity.

Yumiduka Satsuki
Careful with the air moves (jetpacks, crossbows, flamethrowers).  Sacchin can snatch you right out of the air w/ her 623a/c.  You'll want to zone her for the most part because of her priority.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2008, 02:50:13 PM by Kryojenix »
y'all niggaz is gay

Offline Kelong

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Re: General and Character Specific Strategies
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2008, 12:45:08 AM »
no love for the nekos.

Offline Kryojenix

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Re: General and Character Specific Strategies
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2008, 01:29:22 PM »
until they start showing up regularly in tourney...no...

i'm keeping my neco strats to myself
y'all niggaz is gay