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Author Topic: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI  (Read 5304 times)

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Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« on: September 27, 2007, 10:16:43 AM »
After mid-screen air throw:

If they tech...

2a - your best choice.. combo away
22a - not worth it.  can't follow up
22c - same as 22a

2b - best choice.  leads to combo, mashable
236a - not worth it
623c - if you screw up the timing, it's safe on block.  use if you're scared, I guess... ?
421a - you'd might as well use 2b... but if they jump, you'll either get them or they'll air block it (in which it is safe on block)
421c - 2sexy !!  if you got the meter and you just know DO EET

214a - only option.

Opponent is completely safe - there are no OTG combos for Mech-HISUI... after an air throw, of course.  haven't experimented enough to find the best OTG hits after random unteched stuff, but I'm just doing 2b-> 2c right now

Air throw against the corner:

they better stay down.  If they tech away, all the tricks you can use on a neutral mid-screen tech will work.  they don't bounce away far enough and your 2b will reach them.  If they tech neutral, they'll be close enough to punish with 2a.

Air throw with YOU in the corner:

them teching away means they tech into the corner.  they'll be in range for 2b.  if they try to tech out, they're in 2a range.  don't forget that your air throw switches positions with your opponent.  if you're not used to it, it's pretty disorienting - for your opponent AND you.


Kind of seems like the smartest thing to do as a Mech-HISUI player is to wait and use 2a or 2b.  if they're dumb enough to tech towards you, it's not hard to hit 2a even if your reflexes suck.  as for training your reflexes for 2b, that will be harder.  but yeah, considering Mech-HISUI doesn't have the most intense oki game, the opponent is probably going to stay down more often than not.

feel free to agree / disagree.  this was mostly for my personal notes, but I figured I'd post it and get feedback or something.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 10:32:21 AM by Mailorder »

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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #1 on: September 27, 2007, 06:38:15 PM »
i think her oki game is pretty good, she has alot of moves that can give her + frames, example is 4B, i mean she also has long range moves that can let her do it at a far enough distance, only problem s she doesn't have a standing overhead, so her jump C or jet pack gimmicks are her choice for any cross up or overhead options.. as for a weak okizeme she actually ahs averagely good? as for tech traps, the airthrow one is probalby the most lol, and most players should know not to tech but meh
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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #2 on: September 27, 2007, 10:53:48 PM »
so far, I've been abusing 5c every time they get up.  it's difficult to shield and it ensures I keep them in block stun.  course there's the risk of being shield/bunker cancelled, but whiff cancelling beats that - 5c, 2a, 5c, 2a... is another tool I've been abusing as of late.  I was actually inspired to do it on noticing Satsuki players do 2c, 2a, 2c, 2a to discourage people from jumping out of her block strings and I wanted something similar

I've used 4b before, but they get up and they're ducking right under it and I get hit.  but you said something about being at the right distance.. which makes sense, the fire sort of spreads in a somewhat-cone shape which I imagine would get a croucher to block.  I guess I'll start using it again, I just need to be a small distance away.

I'm also experimenting with stuff to do if people air recover.  the most common situation in which they air recover is when they're hit (not CH) by jetpacks.  I'm thinking I need to start dashing up and doing 5b, 6c, air combo or something.  it's possible to fit a 5c before the 6c, but my reflexes aren't fast enough to determine how high they are from the ground when I land the hits... so I'd rather play it safe and get to the air combo by skipping the 5c
« Last Edit: September 27, 2007, 11:05:21 PM by Mailorder »

Offline Zaido

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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #3 on: September 28, 2007, 12:04:35 AM »
i mean, 5C is pretty good of the multi hit and all, and it it has range, i mean you an even attempt vag bomb as oki which is a very good tool..

stuff like 5C semicharge 2C stuff like that can screw tith their minds...

having the flame out 4B from time to time is good, certian character like satsuki who duck like they are laying on the floor isn't really good choices to do again, But... 4B if done at certain places is good, cause satsuki can't jump in on you toow ell cause she will have to think of jump in for trade? she wll get hit by 4B in the air, but you have to be aware she can jump ove ryou and hit you.. other stuff to abuse can be done on if they are too far away for you to do anythign you can use 2C as an oki really fast like they too far dash in 2C as they wake up, they have to block it, it has crazy range... i mean alot of character i dont htink can punish that range on that thing.. i think if youtime it right, it can even hit peopel who attempts to jump??

all in all, okiing with iad jC stuff is pretty good too. you can do jC semi charge fall as a fake overhead or jC dsj jC again for instant overhead.. i mean if they block ur okizeme, mix up ur strings to stuff liek A missles to other shinanigans so they hae to actaully sit there and try to predict what you goan do.. and if they guess wrong they get hit !.... these stuff is hard to do on the fly... so it might take some time  :slowpoke:
<@Sp00ky> basically ruu got on the stick and started having sex with heart
<@Sp00ky> and she did impossible shit
<@Sp00ky> and arturo died

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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2007, 02:11:20 AM »
Probably gonna add tech punishes off the shield bunker in my original post.  I've had some successes with it recently

Are there property changes in semi-charged and full-charged 5c and 2c?  as I recall, 5c doesn't become an overhead on semi-or full charge.  I'd say the only reason to use charged 5c is to discourage someone from ex-shielding the chainsaw.  which reminds me.  I need to start whiffing chainsaw (for oki) on purpose when I suspect they're gonna do AA reversal.  I'm sure this trick'll work as long as I use it sparingly.  actually, I can see semi-charged 5c used for punishing late jump-ins and late IADs.  oh, the amount of times I've been punished for whiffing 5c in anticipation of jump-in or IAD.  I guess semi-charged would fix that, or at least discourage the opponent from being too aggressive.

I may add stuff on punishing air recoveries... but I guess that would be punishing air recoveries, not techs.  actually... are they the same thing?  I've heard people say "tech" when referring to air recovery in various fighting games... but maybe they didn't know any better.  I've had different successes and failures trying to land air unblockables-> combo against people who air recover non-CH jetpacks... but only using 5b.  And now that you've mentioned 2C...

I definitely haven't been using 2C very much as a tech punish.  I'm scared of being punished if I whiff... but using 2c at max range, I guess it's pretty safe.  I will have to give it a shot.  and I'll have to try it vs. people who air recover non-CH jetpacks and throw out a high priority attack on the way down to stop my 5b.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2007, 03:10:12 AM by Mailorder »

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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2007, 10:30:16 AM »
This is very good tactics. I am learning very much thanks for you.

I had not known this possible be with mecha hisui. Very very good!

Offline Zaido

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Re: Tech Punishing with Mech-HISUI
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2007, 02:29:42 PM »
glad to hear that we are helping !
<@Sp00ky> basically ruu got on the stick and started having sex with heart
<@Sp00ky> and she did impossible shit
<@Sp00ky> and arturo died