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Offline f-wlen ice loop

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Fucking Cat Videos
« on: April 13, 2007, 07:44:48 AM »
For purposes of this thread I will be mainly focusing on Ver.B and above videos. Disclaimer: The majority of Ren vids on Youtube don't actually show her winning.


Obviously no Ren post would be complete without Ruu, who's probably one of the best out there with her.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=_TDnnxkPw4A - vs. Walachia. My opinion is that this is actually one of Ren's favorable matchups. First off, she doesn't have a life disadvantage like she does with so many other matchups; her j.A dominates a fair amount of Wala's air game and TK 236 controls limbs/cape; her most situational combos all work easily on him; Wala's usual BnB has to be adjusted for range or else it'll whiff on her; random tincats flying around are always a problem for his cape, and with controllable blackcats, she controls a fair bit of the ground as well. The biggest factor Ren has to watch out for is 623 to shut her jumpins down, which Ruu doesn't really seem to have trouble with. Best part of this match is the combo at 2:15.


This player is one I've been studying recently. I think his style is a good balance between control with cats and straight offense.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=KxvyFUHKguk - vs. V.Sion. Unfortunately a pretty typical matchup for her, V.Sion just needs three correct guesses in the corner and it's game for Ren. First round, after 0:35 Ren guesses wrong 3 times and loses the round. This goes both ways around, however, as V.Sion guesses wrong 4 times in round 2 and gets perfected. Round 3, Ren guesses wrong 3 times and leaves with 20% life remaining, getting peaced out shortly after.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ccMnT7Ni9w0 - vs. Kouma. Ren should have won this immediately in 2 rounds, but Kouma lucked a comeback in round 1. However, you get to see some very sick shit in round 2, such as the double OTG string using 2A 5BC (2 hits) 3C 623A x 2 as well as double tincat 50/50 mixup in corner off 421B.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=DoUUqAW0Ct4 - vs. Miyako. An unusual match in which 894 looks like he makes all the wrong choices. The decision at 0:20 to airthrow Miyako *out* of the corner is just bewildering, as there's no reason you'd ever do that with Ren. The decision to tech at 1:01 is also bizarre, and the repeated insistence is what costs 894 the first round. He inexplicably goes for an EX Ice reset at 1:29, a decision that costs him a Circuit Spark later on at 1:47. At 2:31 is the odd airthrow *out* of the corner for no reason once again, and the sum of these decisions costs him the match.


Another very solid player, he's worth studying as well. Disclaimer: These are Ver.A vids.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=ehEsA2wpCrk - vs. Hyonkell's Satsuki. Notable at 4:09 for a double OTG string consisting of 2A 5C (2 hits) 2B 5B 236C. You're allowed to ground tech between the 5B and 236C, but doing so will obviously land you in the middle of the EX Ice; no-teching leads to a guaranteed EX Ice OTG, which actually hits as your 2nd OTG.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=28VincU1OM0 - vs. Ciel. Definitely one of Kamone's off days, he's playing fairly badly in this match but manages to win anyways. Lots of screwing around in this match.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=etRL3_9Pchg - vs. Hisui. Very good tincat trapping at 0:54.


Geo no Hito

Another Ren player who focuses on 623A a lot. I personally don't like overusing this move because it's easily bara-able by someone good

http://youtube.com/watch?v=yTwNahD2EWY - vs. Walachia. The famous "three cats walking against an impatient Wala" video. Some dubious play on both sides here; Ren used 623A way too often and Wala was too impatient to run into blackcats, but otherwise pretty standard.


Although he's got some execution problems at times, Kurisu's Ren is also pretty good.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leLQtBehk0U - vs. Hisui.

http://youtube.com/watch?v=dMEcJL6SaCI - vs. Tohno. Well played on both sides, Ren unfortunately guesses wrong a few times and loses, but the rounds are close.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dgGasUgjZs - vs. AkaAkiha. Kurisu drops the ball at 3:13 into what would've probably won the round for him.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVRw4qucPbY - vs. AkaAkiha 2. See how the dropped airthrow at 0:39 costs Ren the round, though she recovers to win the match. Round 2 is especially worth watching for the sheer amount of pressure Ren has to inflict to land a hit.


http://youtube.com/watch?v=dGfVcrpGvns - Ren vs. Nero. A very bad matchup on PS2 MBAC, Nero's ground dominance is somewhat alleviated by the presence of blackcats in arcade Ver.B. This video is either Ver.A or the Ren player doesn't like using blackcats (which is a fatal mistake IMO). For the most part there's nothing too special about this match except for a couple points: 1) 0:49 - The importance of not whoring out multi-hit moves on block for fear of bara, and 2) 1:27 - 236[ B] as a pokestring ender to stop people who instinctively jump when Ren's at max range with her 5B. (Linalys mentioned it's Ver.A, which explains a lot; this matchup is even worse for her there)

http://youtube.com/watch?v=-lwgTznSKeg - Ren vs. Miyako, a.k.a. [M]iyako [ B]attle [R]en. This is a classic example of how one or two wrong guesses/mistakes can cost you the match. At 0:49, Ren should have done 236[A] before doing 2B 214C for free extra damage; that way, even after Miyako dodges out of the tincat trap, a TK EX Ice at 0:56 would've killed her. Instead, Miyako manages to hang on long enough to secure the first round. The Ren player probably wanted some meter for subsequent rounds, but at the very least he still should've gone with 236[A] first. Mistake #3 was not hit confirming 623A into 623C at 1:00, which would've given Ren the momentum; instead, she goes for a move, gets hit out of it and shoved into the corner for the lose. While she still wins in the end, these are the sort of mistakes that will get you killed at high levels, where losing the momentum over dumb shit like this costs you 80% of your life.

(more coming)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2007, 02:31:14 PM by bellreisa »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

Offline Arlieth Tralare

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Re: Fucking Cat Videos
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 12:39:51 PM »
"Hey let's see if Ren can catwalk under Nero 4C?"
"Guess not."
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

Offline Psylocke

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Re: Fucking Cat Videos
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2007, 05:15:08 PM »
Here are some Ver.B BouNanaseR videos that we all missed(since they're on Google video)..  he's probably my favorite Japanese Ren player


‹ Tatari|JE › I have another friend who would play MB if it was "less like Mortal Kombat"
‹ HalVegas2 › how do you compare those two ‹ sphy › every time you touch someone in mb it turns into a BRUTALITY

Offline f-wlen ice loop

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Re: Fucking Cat Videos
« Reply #3 on: December 21, 2007, 02:16:26 AM »

Ren tutorial.

Just watch this and forget reading the thread, this pretty much has everything you need to know outside of movement and blockstrings.

Read the thread's first post, it has been updated.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 07:25:40 PM by bellreisa »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa