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Atlas Academy > Len

I play the Akihas, the Shikis, and Ciel, and wanna learn Len. Help?


My style is pretty basic, and there's a consistent combo that I've learned works with most characters (notice I said most: some got so horribly butchered in the combos department, like Sacchin and Sion, and Arc to a lesser extent, that it's undoable with them), which is my basic form of attack (though of course, mixing it up is the name of the game, and I always try to do some other stuff in between). The combo goes, usually, 5A, 5A, 2A, 2A, 2B, 2C, 5C, [4C (depending on the character),] j.A, 5A, 5B/C, d.jA, 5B, air throw (sometimes 2C with Akiha or 5C with V.Akiha).

The main problem with this combo when learning new characters is, it assumes the character has:
1. a generic sweep on the 2C command;
2. a generic, non-lifting/non-pushing (grrr Arc) strong attack on the 5C immediately afterwards; and
3. ability to combo somewhat correctly in midair.

Some of them don't (examples being Sion, who has her sweep in 2B, and Sacchin, who can't air combo if her life depended on it), thus making it difficult to learn easily. Normal Len, to some extent, also has this problem, as her sweep is in 2B, and her 5C attack is non-standard, and she's been giving me one hell of a battle to learn to play. Can anybody recommend combos and techs for me to try, so I can learn to play her somewhat decently? Originally, I forced myself to learn to play Akiha and V.Akiha because of (silly, I know) emotional attachment to her after playing Tsukihime, both Shikis were pretty basic and were just there (:P), and Ciel just was a fantastically mobile character (as much as I hated her route in the game). Now the same thing that happened with Akiha happened with Len, after playing Kagetsu Tohya, and here I am, trying to get her style down.

Help, please? :'(

All I can say is bring up their moveset, maybe a guide (there's a Len guide here, so that won't be a problem), and load up practice mode. Start practicing their moves and drilling their combos so that you can get a feel for the character. It's probably better to take on each character by themselves instead of thinking there is a universal BnB.

I'm also playing with Ren on the side, and I main VAkiha.  The first roadblocks you're going to learn is that Ren is very much more timing dependent.  Ren doesn't have a nice, clean launcher that can be practically put into most of her BnBs, so she relies upon a combination of 2B and 5C to render her opponents airborne.  Learning the timing between these two is going to be your first obstacle.

Secondly, her 5C is very useful, but you have to learn how to cancel out of it on the hit you want (primarily the second or fifth hit.)  This is the most important part of mastering Ren's basics, and a big headache for me.



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