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Offline f-wlen ice loop

  • the troll that slays gods
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« on: February 25, 2007, 04:43:41 PM »
Updated for MBAC PC 1.03a.

This board is superior because it uses "Ren" instead of "Len".

Ren has always been the undercat of Mellbra. Ever since her early days of insanity in MBR 2.000, she has fallen down a spiral of pain and suffering leading to increasingly subpar damage and weak setups. If not for the advent of Act Cadenza, she may have been doomed to a life of mediocrity; now, thanks to this game, she's inexplicably a hard hitter who has to work about twice as hard as everyone else to land a solid hit in.


- Air dominance. Ren's air moveset is very, very good
- Blackcat. Amazing ground control
- High damage. Ren's damage off a single EX Ice and its followup combos is almost as high as Sion's, though not as versatile
- Loli


- Bad vitality
- Slow dash
- No jump momentum
- Low-range normals
- No low options except 2B and 236A
- High execution requirements


5A: A finger poke with a ball on her fingertip. Two hits, +1 on block, a generally good combo starter (first hit only). You can tick off this move on block, confirm into staggered 5B or 5C or go for a tick throw. It can be used as whiff cancel if you started a blockstring with 2A, but this is generally not advisable as it is slower than whiffing with 2A.

5B: Ren swipes forward with her ball. This is a good poke for keeping people at range, and it has clash frames. This move will be used primarily in juggles setting up for an aircombo, as well as zoning and ending blockstrings.

5C: Ren spins around, bringing her ball with her for up to five hits. This move is really very good now. It can be used as anti-air against a lot of the cast (beware though, as whiffing this move will mean swift death). It has many clash frames allowing you to blow through obvious, slow pokes. You can cancel the move on any of the five hits. The first hit is primarily used after a 2B 5B to combo into EX Ice. The second hit is primarily used after an airthrow or an EX Ice juggle in a 5A (1 hit) 5C (2 hits) combo to relaunch. The third hit is somewhat unreliable and can sometimes uncombo on you randomly, but will allow you to combo into 4B for an air combo or EX Ice. The fourth hit is optimal, leading into pretty much anything you want: you will use 5C (4 hits) often. The fifth hit should almost never be used, though you can cancel into 3C EX Ice or EX Ice by itself if you want. On block, this move should never go past 2 hits as it is easily bara cancelled.

2A: Low range, MID HITTING paw swipe. Terrible move overall, its primary use is to stuff obvious tick throws and to whiff cancel into as it is rather fast. This move will not stop a lot of higher-ranged moves or overheads such as V.Sion 6B, and is plain outranged by other overheads, so use sparingly.

2B: This is the only non-special low move in Ren's arsenal. It is a rather short-ranged sweep with proration of 65%, essentially lowering damage of anything you combo from it. Unfortunately, it is necessary to combo from this in situations where you cannot confirm the 5A (1 hit) 5C. On the plus side, this move cannot be teched, leading to guaranteed okizeme setups, and comboing from this into the first hit of 5C is one of the two ways you will typically set up EX Ice combos.

2C: Ren pounces forward in loli form, ending up where she started. Mid hit, slow, noncancellable: GUTTER TRASH. Don't use this move ever.

j.A: A long ranged horizontal finger jab. Probably the move you'll use the most in the air. Your all-purpose air to air combat tool, quite effective and allows you to mash j.A into j.C and dj.CB for airthrow as a hit confirm. You can doublejump to move as appropriate, and airdash afterwards. Early j.A is very important when you are jumping around fishing for openings. Because of the speed, it may induce counterhits which allow you free combos and knockdown. Also, it will make the enemy stop throwing out random heavy, slower attacks for fear of that counterhit. Beware of anticipatory airthrows and higher-ranged normals which will stuff Ren clean. For the most part, stick this move out and mix up between double-jump and airdash to keep the opponent from shielding or anti-airing you.

j.B: A turnaround kick. Range on this move is deceptive. You will use it in air combos, in un-crossovers (airdash back over their head j.B), and as an instant overhead in an IAD. It will generally not be used air to air as you do not incur major counterhit like you do with j.C and you don't get second action like you would with j.A.

j.C: A downwards swipe with her ball. Huge, HUGE hitbox on this move. It can hit deep allowing you to doublejump and do it again for a combo/fuzzy guard, it can hit behind her, it can hit straight under her. On counterhit it will leave the opponent hanging briefly in the air before dropping, giving you time to confirm into a combo. This is where a lot of the damage from your aircombos will be. Use sparingly as air to air because you can be easily airthrown out of it.

4B: An uppercut with her ball. Launcher of choice, this move doesn't prorate as bad as 2B and has decent range, making it virtually a guaranteed (98%) hit off of 5C (4 hits). You can use it in blockstrings for some minor pushback but other than a launcher in a combo it doesn't have too much use.

3C: Just like her pouncing 2C, but cancellable and leaves Ren in position where she pounced. Generally used in OTGs as it hits mid and moves Ren closer in a range where she is at risk. Cancel into blackcat or rocketcat on block so you don't die on recovery. You can also use this move to combo into EX Ice.

j.2C: Ren surrounds herself with balls of light that hit up to 4 times. Each hit has a scaled proration of 80% per hit. Because of this, it is generally better to use j.2C on block and to stick with other options when you hit so your scaling isn't kicked too far back. This move does not allow you to cancel into anything at all - jumps, other moves, specials or supers, so once you do this move you are committed to landing afterwards. Don't use it too early because you will be vulnerable on landing, and repeatedly using it will led to you getting shielded and countered. However, due to its multiple hits, overhead property and large hitbox, it is a good move to use for crossups and the occasional high/low mixup.


236ABC, j.236ABC. Ren throws a blade of ice forward, zoning the opponent. Can be done in the air.

236AB: 236A is one of Ren's three low moves in her entire moveset. This is generally used as a blockstring ender and sometimes a tech punish; partial charge 236A near the corner can be hit confirmed easily into EX Ice should the opponent tech forward. 236B is the same move but hits mid at a higher angle, catching people if they try to jump out. Both versions can be shielded in blockstrings and 236B can be slid under by certain moves. Using any of these moves essentially guarantees that momentum is reset, so try not to use them too often.

236C: EX Ice. Staple move for damage and setups in Ren's arsenal. See EX Ice Combos section for more details.

j.236AB: Use these cautiously to keep enemies from jumping up and around trying to escape your space control. These moves have a clash frame, but if you are clashing with them you're using them wrong as they should not be that close to you to begin with if you're doing this. These moves are best used TKed, as Ren cannot do anything until she lands. At a certain height you can do IAD j.236A/B and Ren will land before hitstun of the ice ends (no-recovery TK Ice). Good for attacking with cover fire but difficult to pull off consistently and not really practical in actual matches.

j.236C: Primarily used to cancel recovery of a whiffed j.236 (only if you have a lot of meter or if they read your attempt and are about to get under you), a tech punish, or to punish very obvious whiffs at range. This move should almost always be TKed if you are on the ground, as the recovery increases the higher Ren is in the air.


214ABC (with extra commands to guarantee certain ones). Cats are tactical moves meant to pin the opponent down or limit their mobility options, forcing them to react a certain way. You can only throw two of any of these at a time.

214A: Brown and Tabby Cats. The Brown Cat does absolutely nothing. The Tabby Cat goes relatively fast across half the screen and will launch them untechably in the air. Tabby Cat command is 214[2][A].

214B: White and Black Cats. White Cat will push the opponent back and away (very limited usefulness) and Black Cat will travel very slowly across the entire screen for an untechable knockdown. Black Cat is extremely good and is used at farther distances so Ren can get in on the opponent, forcing the majority of them to go to the air where her normals are somewhat stronger. You can also use it during an EX Ice combo to end with an airthrow that cannot be teched as they land on the cat (see above section). Black Cat is 214[6][ B ].

214C: Rocketcat. First hit is overhead, second hit launches the opponent untechably. You will want to throw it out after an EX Ice because it's guaranteed unpunishable setup off a 236[A] 2B. You can also throw it out on wakeup in corners if the opponent no-techs (or can't tech), as the first hit is overhead. Throwing the opponent into tincat will allow you to do a BnB afterwards if you're properly spaced.


623ABC. Spin is what you tack on at the end of blockstrings at times to mix things up. It has clash frames on the spin and can be comboed from normals in certain situations. Generally not too useful outside of the occasional blockstring ender (don't abuse this) or clashing through some moves.

623A: This is the only version you should be using aside from EX Spin. This move is neutral on block and +2 on hit. If it's blocked, do not stick a move out; Ren's 2A will trade or lose and neither will be in your favor. Block or jump to beat jumpouts. Mix up 623A with 623A~B against people who like to shield the last hit or to go for a throw on people blocking the whole thing. Whenever this move is done, always be ready to hit confirm into 623C if you have meter, and use 5AC relauncher combo if close to the corner.

Spin's other use is that it can also clash out of stagger pressure strings, although you will want to be judicious with this to avoid being beaten by a 2A. Hit confirm into 623C if you have the meter and gain your breathing room.

623B: Don't use this. This move is -19 on block and wallslams, meaning you basically have to land it and cannot use it to get back in on an enemy and play block tricks.

623C: This move should only be used after a hit confirmed 623A. Off any other normal hit you are better off going into BnB or EX Ice. This move doesn't have enough invincibility frames to be useful and is -15 on block, making it unsafe to use randomly. You can also SPARINGLY use this move on wakeup to stop pressure (prepare to die if it gets blocked).


421ABC. All of Ren's teleports have her ending in a crouch, and you have the option to remain crouching by holding down.

421A: Ren crouches, vanishes, and reappears forward. This is useful if an opponent is zoning you in the corner and you are crouch blocking a lot, as the animation is identical. It is also good for advancing behind a blackcat midscreen as an alternative to a superjump.

421B: Ren jumps... but doesn't, ending up exactly where she started. Useful at midrange on occasion to keep the enemy from predicting you too much. This is probably the one you'll use the most against people who like reading your jump-ins and anticipating a counter; it'll keep them a little wary. Best used up close, ironically, as people instinctively block high when they see Ren jump, allowing you to use 2B into a combo.

421C: Ren runs, but not as far as it looks. This is alright if you're prone to running in after an airthrow to do an OTG string, but not too useful.



Ren's ground blockstrings are somewhat weak, consisting of no real high/low game. Their primary purpose is not to stagger mixup like other characters, but to force opponents to not flinch or try to poke out so that later on when she gets them in the corner, they don't attempt to poke out of her high low mixups. As a general rule, you will want to whiff cancel with 2A because of its quick recovery time.

5A: Blocking both hits of Ren's 5A actually puts her at a small frame advantage (+1 or something stupid). You can use this to tick throw once in a while, or stagger into 5B or 5C if people try to poke out of it.
5B: Staple for pushback.
5C (1 or 2 hits): Never go above 2 hits on a blockstring, you are asking to get bara cancelled. From this you can either whiff into 2A, or go into post blockstring setups.
4B: It's one hit with pushback, making it a bit tricky to bara cancel, and you can stagger into 5B if they try to poke you after it.

Post Blockstring Options:

236A: A low hit. While Ren will be at a slight disadvantage on block, most people can't really punish her for it. You won't be able to capitalize anything from this though.
236B: Better for catching jumpers, though some characters will be able to slide under this. Being a mid hit it will also not be able to catch people that high block everything Ren does at range.
236[A]: Highly not recommended unless you're in the corner and already have a cat out for cover.
236[ B ]: At max range, the pause in attacks is similar to a cat command, but will come out fast enough to punish a lot of people attempting to poke Ren out of the move.
214[6][ B ]: Blackcat. Use this sparingly, as it can be punished if the opponent is watching for it.
214C: Rocketcat. Same idea as blackcat, but use closer to the corner to shut off aerial options and force a block/shield.
623A: Never use 623B. A blocked 623A is neutral, allowing Ren to jump afterwards, but look out for high-level 2A attacks that can stuff her mid-jump. You can bait a 2A with a shield on a blocked 623A, which will work a few times against people who've never seen it before. Cancel 623A into the options, preferably whiff, so you don't get the kick shielded for free after a while.


Ren's air blockstrings are where she shines, as her air normals allow her to continue for quite some time staggering in multiple overheads. A few things to keep in mind are that you will primarily use Ren's air blockstrings to force the opponent to block high, and then capitalize on their high block with a 2B. Without using 2B, there is no reason for an opponent to not simply block high and switch low once you run out of jumps.

Jump-In Option Tree:


- Requires opponent to be standing, or for you to do a j.A for mobility options.

- j.C
 - j.A/B
  - land (END)
  - dj.A
   - j.C (END)
   - fake j.C, land 2B/throw (END)
   - airdash forward/back (END)
  - dj.CB/2C, land (END)
 - airdash
  - fake j.B/C/2C, land 2B (END)
  - j.A (tick throw), land throw (END)
  - j.C
   - land (END)
   - dj.C2C/CB, land (END)
  - dj
   - dj.CB/C2C, land (END)
   - dj.2C, land (END)


- You generally don't really want to do mid level jumpins with Ren. She can't capitalize off her options as much as other characters can, since she'll be too high to do a fuzzy guard/dj mixup and too low to do an airdash mixup.


- j.B/C
 - dj.C2C/CB, land (END)
 - land 2B (END)
  *** These two options are the core of Ren's fuzzy guard.
 - dj.C
  - airdash j.C/j.2C, land (END)


- Options off an SJ are the same as the above, except you would usually lead in with a j.A or j.C. Depending on when you attack, just use the trees as appropriate.


- j.A
 - tick throw setup, land throw (END)
 - land 2B (END)
 - dj.C2C/CB, land (END)
 - dj.2C, land (END)

- j.B/j.C
 - land (END)
 - dj.C2C/dj.CB, land 2B (END)
 - dj.2C, land (END)
- fake j.B/C/2C, land 2B (END)

Fuzzy Guard:

This is related to Ren's air blockstrings. A fuzzy guard is when the blockstun of a move forces your character to remain in blocking animation for a duration of time, during which your character has already recovered and is free to do another attack. In terms of Ren, this allows her to execute a true 50/50 mixup in certain situations where an opponent is blocking a deep j.B or j.C. Executed properly, you will be able to do 2B upon landing or choose to do dj.C for the overhead, and if your opponent blocks low expecting a 2B, they will still be in high block animation and will be hit by the dj.C.

A typical fuzzy guard setup is done in the corner, as it is not possible to backdash out of it.

... EX Ice -> 236[A] 2B 214C
... airthrow -> OTG String -> 214C or 214[6][ B ]

Obviously the second setup is escapable via a forward tech which is generally not a smart option vs Ren to begin with. Most smart opponents will either usually let you OTG them and tech at the cat setup, or weather out the impending mixup. If you use rocketcat to set up, you can attack immediately with a IAD j.B/C and then do the fuzzy mixup from there (either IAD j.B/C 2B, or IAD j.B/C dj.C2C or dj.CB). If you use the blackcat setup, you may need to keep the opponent in further blockstun using 5B or 5C (1 hit) rebeated into 2A until the black cat hits the opponent to incur sufficient blockstun to cover your IAD.

Fuzzy guard is more difficult to execute on opponents with lower hit boxes, with Nanaya supposedly being the most difficult. However. due to Ren's overall lack of a high/low game, it becomes necessary to learn this technique against good opponents.


The below is all untested, I should probably look at some frame data.

5B: 2 clashes. Preferred for its range.
5C: 3 clashes, maybe more. Blow through slower pokes with this move, but you will lose if someone uses 2A or 2B.
236[A]: 1 clash. Since this move can hit in the middle of Ren, it's good for someone forward teching and then trying to poke, and it'll clash and then the ice will hit.
j.236: 1 clash. Not very useful, since if you're clashing you're in the totally wrong range for this move.
623: 2 clashes (unconfirmed). Not too bad for blowing through some pokes that 5C can't, though it will also lose to 2A.

Safe Heat Setups:

... 2B 4B 2A Heat: No meter used.
... 236C Heat 5A (1 hit) 5C (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow: A bit tricky to time but allows you to turn the tables very effectively.
... 236C 236[A] Heat: Causes knockback so you have breathing room. Easier to do than the Heat combo above.

Non-EX BnBs:

Always airthrow them as close to the corner as possible, unless you have a black or rocket cat out (in which case you throw them onto the cat).

2A 2B (delay) 5B 5C (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow: Her main BnB. This should only be used when you are point blank, as the 5B generates a fair bit of pushback. In situations where Ren is too low to land dj.B, simply use dj.C instead. This applies to every combo that has dj.BC in it. If you don't delay the 5B, Ren will only be able to use dj.C.

5A (1 hit) 5C (2-4 hits) 4B j.BC dj.C airthrow: This is primarily used if you land a 5C and are too far for all 5 hits to connect. Pretty much the same as the main one. Note that you can tag on a 5A before the 5C if you do this from a jump-in, in order to allow it to all chain together. Depending on range you may want to cut it short to 3 hits, but for the most part 5C (4) is fairly reliable at all ranges. 5C (3) has a weird timing that will sometimes uncombo you, so look out for that. This combo is a prime example of Ren being too low to use dj.BC.

5C (5 hits) 4B j.BC dj.C airthrow: If you have an opening as wide as day, this is the one to use.

5B 5C (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow: If you hit an opponent with the fringe of EX Ice (so you only get 1 hit) or need extra damage after EX Ice -> 236[A], you can use this.

EX Ice Combos:

EX Ice combos are Ren's primary way of netting damage and momentum. From EX Ice, she can set up an untechable airthrow into the corner or deal some hefty damage if she's already in the corner. Always be careful not to get lazy with the 236C motion, or else you'll get Arc Drive when you least want it. You can only do EX Ice off 5C's 1st hit or 3C. Do not use this move as antiair or wakeup, it will fail.

2A 2B 5B 5C (1 hit) 236C...: Your standard EX Ice combo off 2A.
5A (1 hit) 5C (3 or 4 hits) 4B 236C...: Standard EX Ice combo, much better due to 5C netting more damage.
5C (5 hits) 3C 236C...: For when your opponent is comatose.


Doubleice: 236[A] 236[ B ] j.BC dj.BC airthrow - Affectionately referred to as Doubleice combo. If you don't want to try midscreen rocketcat oki, this is the combo to use when not in the corner. Stylish and deals decent damage for only 100% meter, and allows you to play corner games if you land the airthrow in the corner. For this combo, you must do 236[A] immediately when EX Ice ends, before the blades vanish from the screen, and press the B slightly after the 236.

Blackcat EX Ice: 214[6][ B ] 5A (1 hit) 5C (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow - This combo will NOT work on V.Akiha or Aoko for unexplained reasons. On everyone else, it is a guaranteed non-techable airthrow setup into further mixups. For you do that, use a second blackcat then:

- Slight pause, SJ.C. This will cross the opponent up on wakeup.
- Slight pause, SJ airdash j.C. If the airdash is done fast enough this will look very similar to the first option, although there are visual and audio cues. This will come at the opponent from the front. Keep in mind that these two options can be blocked either way due to MB's crossup system (or lack thereof). However, the existence of these two options opens up to the following.
- Slight pause, SJ.C dj.C dj.2C. Fuzzy guard setup, works when the opponent expects dj.C 2B and you go high instead with j.C.
- Slight pause, SJ airdash j.C dj.C dj.2C. Same, but comes from the front.

- SJ.2C. Depending on the timing, the j.2C will deal a different number of hits before Ren lands. On taller opponents, early j.2C will place her in front while late j.2C will cross up.
- SJ airdash j.2C. Same principle, the airdash cuts SJ momentum short so the j.2C comes from front and allows Ren to switch up with the other mixup.
- SJ.late j.2C. Doing it late makes the move empty, which allows you to go low with a 2B. Works better than empty j.C due to multiple high hits, but will prorate damage very quickly.

- SJ empty dj; SJ air backdash; SJ airdash; or any combination of the above. Evasive maneuvers meant to bait out heat activations and anti-airs. Use these to keep the opponent honest.

Rocketcat Setup: 236[A] 2B 214C - The timing is slightly slower than Doubleice combo. If you do 236[A] too early, 2B will whiff. Generally, this is best done in corners where it's difficult to escape the rocketcat, but you can do it outside of corners and try to play crossups on wakeup.

Double EX Ice: 236[A] 5BC (1 hit) 236C... - A double EX Ice combo. This is a waste of meter unless you have Max or a really long Heat bar, as you don't get that much damage out of it. Standard enders as above apply.

Various Situational, Throw, and Airthrow Combos

The tightness of the timing is character specific.

Airdashthrow Combo: (standard combo into EX Ice) -> 236[A] j.C airdash airthrow 5AC (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow - This is the combo to use when you don't want rocketcat oki and have the opponent cornered. It works the easy class characters without too much trouble and deals good damage for 100%, allowing you to go into standard airthrow-in-corner tricks. Avoid using this against characters that are too narrow to be relaunched by 5AC, and use doubleice combo or rocketcat setup instead.

EASY: Walachia, Nero, Sion, V.Sion, Ciel, Kohaku, Arcueid, Warcueid
DIFFICULT: Hisui, M.Hisui, Akiha, V.Akiha, Aoko, Kouma
IMPOSSIBLE: Ren, Miyako, Tohno, Nanaya, Satsuki

Note: these airthrow relaunch difficulty lists are based on you facing the corner with the opponent in the corner. At very low heights, it is possible to relaunch everyone in the game off an airthrow.

Whiff Cancelled Airthrow Combo: 5A (1 hit) 5C (2-4 hits) 2B 5B 2A (wc) SJ.A airthrow 5AC (1 hit) 236C 236[A] j.C airdash airthrow 5AC j.BC dj.BC airthrow - Triple airthrow combo. Basically you can use this against enemies who are susceptible to her airthrow shenanigans (i.e. the same characters listed above). A difficult combo to do but very stylish. If you want to go into rocketcat oki you can do so after the 236[A], as doing a second EX Ice may not only partially whiff the opponent but will allow them to airtech earlier than usual. If you omit the 5C in the beginning, you can omit the SJ as well, although this obviously will reduce damage dealt.

EX Spin Relaunch: (near corner) xx 623C 5AC - Generally speaking, the guidelines for who can be relaunched after the wallslam of 623C follows the lists above, with a little more leeway (i.e. it's easier to launch Akiha off 623C wallslam than to airthrow-relaunch her). You would usually relaunch into an air combo unless you want to burn another 100% to set up an EX Ice combo of some sort.

Cornered Throw Combo: (cornered) throw 5AC - This is a launcher off a ground throw. Because Ren's throw cannot be controlled, it only works when you are in the corner and throwing them into the corner (i.e. the other way). However, it does work on everyone in the cast. Use 5C with 1 or 2 hits accordingly to how high they are, and what you want to do; 1 hit for EX Ice combos, 2 for a normal air combo.

Blackcat Relaunch Combo: (with bcat already onscreen) airthrow opponent onto bcat as it gets to the corner, dash 2A/B - A very very situational combo, but you have the potential to net massive damage off of this. Keep in mind that most of the time you will have already used your jump cancel beforehand, so you will need to either cancel into 2B 4B 2A and go for the whiff cancel airthrow combo, or 2A 5C (1 hit) for another EX Ice combo.

OTG String:

This is for when your opponent's in the corner after an airthrow and choose to no-tech, afraid of being reset into air combo again.

2A 5A 5C (2 hits) 2B 4B 5B 3C...: This string builds a little more meter and deals slightly more damage than Ruu's OTG string. If you omit the 3C, you can do 236[A] and it'll land meaty on wakeup, or do 214C which will hit overhead as they get up. Omit the 3C once in a while if your opponent likes to groundtech forward after an OTG string.

2A 5A 2B 4B 5C (2 hits) 5B 3C...: Ruu's OTG string, used for larger/easier to hit characters.

2A 5A 5C (2 hits) 5B...: A safer string that's shorter and has less damage but leaves you less open for people who like to forward groundtech.

2A 5C (2 hits) 5B 4B 2B...: A string that's a decent compromise between damage and safety, also set at the proper distance for Ren to use 5C (1 hit) 2A meaty on wakeup to incur blockstun before using IAD mixup afterwards or for rocketcat to hit meaty on most of the cast. (Adjust 214C command for certain characters such as Satsuki and Kouma)

- All of the above strings can be optioned into these enders, which you can use according to situation.

 - 623A/B: Extra damage. Different characters will tech at different times, but in general if you do 623 off a 5C (2 hit) or 3C you'll be alright. Make sure to cancel the spin with B afterwards so you're ready if they tech. If they don't tech, you won't be able to OTG them a second time, but if they tech it you can do standard anti-tech tricks such as 2B or 5C into air combo.
 - 236[A]: If the opponent no-techs a second time after the OTG string, this will leave them in considerable blockstun for you to do IAD mixup.
 - 214C: Also not safe, but if they no-tech this will set them into rocketcat oki to potentially be reset back into air combo, airthrow, and same situation.

2A 5B 4B 5C (2 hits) 3C 623A 2A 5C (2 hits) 4B 2B 5B 3C 623A: Double OTG string. Fairly difficult to do and risky if your opponent likes teching after the first OTG.

Tech Punishes

236C: Tech punishes are very dangerous and difficult to do for Ren. In general most smart opponents will respect Ren's tech punishing EX Ice and will allow you to do OTG strings. If an opponent likes to tech, your safest bet is to do a simple 236C, which will leave you relatively unpunishable against no-techers and will easily hit anyone that techs. Against certain characters, it will even OTG them, damaging them if they no-tech.

GUARANTEED: Kouma, Satsuki, Shiki, Nanaya, Arcueid, Warcueid, Neco Arc, Neco Arc Chaos
WHIFF MOST OF THE TIME: W.Ren, Ren, Miyako, Hisui, M. Hisui, Sion, V.Sion, Nero, Walachia, Akiha, Kohaku, Ciel, Aoko

As you can see, in B2 most of the characters are unaffected by the EX Ice OTG, making it a risky and costly way of tech punishing. There are other options below.

TK j.236C: This is best used anywhere from halfscreen to slightly inside halfscreen, as it is not possible for the opponent to tech forward and end up behind Ren. Done properly, it will OTG every character in the game regardless of the above chart and make opponents think twice about teching inside the range of air EX Ice.

236[A] (partial): This tech punish is best used when you are at a range where the opponent cannot forward tech behind you or back tech out of range and you don't have time to run in to OTG them, generally after an air or a ground throw midscreen. A partially charged A Ice gives you a lot of time to hit confirm into a EX Ice if you have the circuit, or to just tag them out of their forward tech or OTG if they no-tech.

5A: Only works when Ren isn't completely in the corner, walking back and timing 5A during their bounce upwards will allow the 2nd hit to tech punish so you can chain into 5C (4 hits) for some pretty good damage.

2B (delay): Difficult to time properly, but if you expect a forward tech use this to catch them on the recovery.

5C (2-4 hits) 4B: This is easier to time than 2B (start doing 5C when you see them bounce up midway through their tech, but you run the risk of having 5C hit improperly: it may leave you crossed up, it may be blocked if you time it too late, it may not hit fully. Cancel this into 4B or 5B as soon as possible to avoid being punished for misexecution, and if you end up crossed up learn to confirm into jump cancel to go for j.2C crossup + overhead shenanigans.

Dash 2A 5B: A catch-all string. Dash 2A recovers in time for you to 5B the opponent behind you if they teched forward. It may not hit due to timing but it won't leave you open either.

Bara Cancels

Ren's baras suck.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2008, 10:31:22 AM by bellreisa »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2007, 05:31:43 PM »
A cat is fine, too
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2007, 03:42:21 AM »
You failed to mention the buffest thing about Len! If you do sucesffuly confuse your opponent into geting hit by a crossup j.c, it combos into a deep 5c(all 5 hits) and hits their weakspot for massive damage. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm saying with a fair degree of certainty that deep j.c always combos into 5c, but I don't play len. I *know* it does in the crossup one, not sure about hitting from the front.

The way to get your opponent to get hit by the late crossup j.c is to continuously crossup varying deep j.c and land 2b. If you go low enough, they'll start trying to out guess you, and if you see it happening you can smack them with that deep jc and just rock them for all you're worth. This is the combo you should live for! Relish your whacky air preassure, and know you are not low tier!
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2007, 04:52:55 PM »
You failed to mention the buffest thing about Len! If you do sucesffuly confuse your opponent into geting hit by a crossup j.c, it combos into a deep 5c(all 5 hits) and hits their weakspot for massive damage. I'm not 100% sure on this, but I'm saying with a fair degree of certainty that deep j.c always combos into 5c, but I don't play len. I *know* it does in the crossup one, not sure about hitting from the front.

If you land a a crossup j.C, depending on how deep it is you would either go into 2A/5A 5C (2 hits) 2B 4B air combo, dj.C 2C, or 2AB 5BC (2 hits). Landing all 5 hits of Ren 5C is -EV for a couple reasons: if you mistime and they block, you're better off only having done two hits instead of five. 5C's fifth hit whiffs in a lot of situations, leaving you in a bad place with missed damage. Also, unless you cross up deep j.C, normal deep j.C doesn't guarantee all five hits.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #4 on: March 20, 2007, 06:02:35 PM »
Here's some videos I made in FT, which should also work in AC. Vids deleted a while ago, but combos are still valid, though modified for B2.

These are anti-Ciel combos specifically after a blocked EX Hiero, due to the move's property of placing Ciel in a class-2 counterhit state.

Easy: 5C (1 hit) IAD j.B 5A (1 hit) 5C (4 hits) 4B 236C 236[A] 236[ B ] j.BC dj.BC airthrow

Hard: 4B 236[A] 236[ B ] 236C 236[A] 5AC (2 hits) j.BC dj.BC airthrow

Note that the full version of the combo should be 4B 236[A] 236[ B ] 236C 236[A] 236[ B ] j.BC dj.BC airthrow, which is rather difficult to do due to the multiple tight links in the combo. Hopefully nobody's spamming EX Hiero at you to begin with since they really should know better, but if anyone ever does, this is what you do with Ren.

It is possible to do IAD j.C instead of IAD j.B in the combo as well. Also, you can combo into a full 5C at closer ranges and use 4B 2A (whiff) before going into j.BC dj.AC airthrow, though this begins to go into the realm of combo video material.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 07:08:44 PM by bellreisa »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2007, 12:28:18 AM »
I sat up too long last night trying stuff with Len:

2A > 2A > 2B(3hit) > 5C(1hit) > j.B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > dj.Air Throw

2A > 2A > 5B (1 hit) > 2B > 4B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > dj.Air Throw

Found these two just now:

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 2B > 5C (2 hit) > j.B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > Air Throw

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 5C (2 hit) > 4B > j.B > j.C >d j.B > dj.C > Air Throw ~4300 damage
« Last Edit: March 28, 2007, 03:45:11 AM by Skatan Milla »

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #6 on: March 28, 2007, 05:25:31 AM »
I sat up too long last night trying stuff with Len:

Found these two just now:

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 2B > 5C (2 hit) > j.B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > Air Throw

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 5C (2 hit) > 4B > j.B > j.C >d j.B > dj.C > Air Throw ~4300 damage

5b (2 hit) is difficult to confirm into on reaction, you're probably better off using 5c (2) 2b 4b.

Also the second combo is very distant-dependant, without a 2b first before the 4b you run the risk of whiffing at certain ranges.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #7 on: March 28, 2007, 05:55:37 AM »

Also the second combo is very distant-dependant, without a 2b first before the 4b you run the risk of whiffing at certain ranges.

Yeah I noticed that too, but when you have them in the corner I don't find it as much of a problem.
Besides, it's good damage so I feel that it might be worth risking it every once in i a while.

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #8 on: April 05, 2007, 02:00:58 PM »
I've played some Version B.

Notable changes:

- Maybe it was the machine settings but j.B off 236[ B] felt harder to do, the timing was tighter.

- Blackcat is 214[6]B. Tabbycat is 214[2]A. White and Browncat don't matter

- Ren has a new midscreen-only combo ending with airthrow onto blackcat; very difficult to do, and it involves (stuff) -> 236C -> 214[6]B -> 5C (2 hits) -> air combo -> airthrow -> land on blackcat (untechable). This is good for positioning the enemy closer to the corner without a way to tech away from it.

- 5C is cancellable on all 5 hits. This ONLY affects ground combos with 5C, air juggles with 5C (1 or 2 hits) are unchanged as 5C (3 hits) will not connect unless you do it off a delayed 2B (in which case you may as well do all 5 hits).
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #9 on: April 05, 2007, 02:31:31 PM »
I sat up too long last night trying stuff with Len:

Found these two just now:

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 2B > 5C (2 hit) > j.B > j.C > dj.B > dj.C > Air Throw

2A > 2A > 5B (2 hit) > 5C (2 hit) > 4B > j.B > j.C >d j.B > dj.C > Air Throw ~4300 damage

5b (2 hit) is difficult to confirm into on reaction, you're probably better off using 5c (2) 2b 4b.

Also the second combo is very distant-dependant, without a 2b first before the 4b you run the risk of whiffing at certain ranges.

Wouldn't he be hit confirming off the 2aa?
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #10 on: April 05, 2007, 03:15:05 PM »
Ren's combos are annoyingly finicky as it is without having to use a move where you have to cancel a hit a split second earlier or risk whiffing entirely for an extra 300 or so damage. If you feel that you can land 5B (2 hits) close to 100% consistency in a match, more power to you.

The main reason this combo will never be used is because as of Version B you can simply do 5C (3 or 4 hits), which gives you the extra damage plus more meter (like 1% for 5C (2 hits), and 3% for each extra 5C hit you use). Considering you can whiff 5C on any of the 5 hits or net more damage if more hits connect, at a fairly easy pace, there's really no reason to work that much harder for a 5B (2 hits).

Also, if you get blocked somehow, 5B is kinda bunker/bara bait. :V
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2007, 01:32:08 PM »
Added a Ren normal jump attack option tree, some improved BnBs, and such.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2007, 06:14:09 PM »
mmm, we need a Ren videos thread in here too. I know something like that might belong in Kohaku-room, but if it's character specific, we need a thread like that.
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #13 on: April 25, 2007, 08:11:39 PM »
Hey, I was bored last night and found a decent 12 hit combo with her. Don't know how useful it would be, but I'm going to post it here. It's practically a BnB.

2A 5A 5C(2 hits) 2B 5B(3 hits) j. BC d.j AC airthrow
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2007, 12:00:07 AM »
Hey, I was bored last night and found a decent 12 hit combo with her. Don't know how useful it would be, but I'm going to post it here. It's practically a BnB.

2A 5A 5C(2 hits) 2B 5B(3 hits) j. BC d.j AC airthrow

See: Optimized BnB #2
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2007, 07:28:47 AM »
Aww. Even though I read that post religiously (Literally) I missed that. Oh well. Thx.
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #16 on: July 29, 2007, 09:36:01 AM »
Is there any particular reason why you left out her 3c combos?
They're pretty useful on occasion.

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #17 on: August 29, 2007, 09:23:07 PM »
Alright, so.. thread revival here.
I just spent like 2hrs trying to get the fucking black and yellow cats to come out using the 214[6]B and 214[2]A movements. They don't fucking work. I had the input display on the practice menu and I did it as exact as possible, hitting ONLY AND EXACTLY 2142A, holding down only 2, only A, and both; and I got brown cats. I also tried 214B[6] and 214A[2]. I worked for like 2 hours and got random cats just about the whole. For a while, it appeared that I was getting only black cats with 214[6]B, but I got white when the input display showed me doing the exact motion. Either the movement is INHUMANLY STRICT right down to the number of frames an input is being held down, or it doesn't work. If someone out there is getting 100% 40~50 black or yellow cats in a row with this motion, please tell me and clear this up for me. It was incredibly frustrating tonight.

And please point out the 3C combos, I either forgot them, or never knew them. God, I feel like a noob.
« Last Edit: August 29, 2007, 09:30:52 PM by Sylvan »
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #18 on: August 29, 2007, 09:56:20 PM »
They will not work on PS2.

3C can only be comboed into 236C to do anything, and they're basically your average EX Ice combos with 3C used for range/damage considerations.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #19 on: August 29, 2007, 10:25:05 PM »
I'm actually playing B2 on the PC. It doesn't work here either, does it? You have another thread with PS2->B2 changes where you say "Blackcat, obviously. 214B[6]." I have no idea now.
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #20 on: August 30, 2007, 01:33:09 AM »
214A[2] for tabby, 214B[6] for black. Not sure how much more concise I can be, I can do it consistently. There is no strict timing, just do the motion then hold the direction while she's in the startup animation.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #21 on: September 03, 2007, 05:57:43 PM »
In the training room again today with my pet...

Please tell me what I'm doing wrong :(

I can get the black cat consistently; I just did about 20 in a row. Not with tabby at all though, 214A[2] gets me random tabby/brown.
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #22 on: September 06, 2007, 09:53:43 AM »
I always thought tabby was 214A[4] I could be wrong though. Haven't really tried it. T_T
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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2007, 06:29:50 PM »
Black Cat Shenanigans got integrated into the first post.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2007, 07:10:18 PM by bellreisa »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: Kuroneko-san
« Reply #24 on: December 21, 2007, 07:24:36 PM »
Guide completely updated for MBAC PC B2 1.03A.
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa