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Author Topic: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~  (Read 44390 times)

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Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« on: March 04, 2007, 08:20:17 PM »
This is for MBAC ver.B, PC version 1.02.

Updated 8/7/07

Added: Defense level info, SPECIAL HAPPY NOTES for xx 236c 2c xx corner combo and OTG combos, EX cancel after whiffed 22a/b info (Thanks, Tiamat), SUPER IMPORTANT B&B COMBO INFO which I will duplicate here so you see it for sure: here it is: It becomes markedly easier to link jc to dj jc after 2c6c j if you wait for a short duration after the 6c before jumping. Also random minor changes which reflect my displeasure at his new status as probably the worst character besides Neco Arc.

Wara has a variety of fast not-slow and long ranged normals, he is good okay for zoning and can stop ground and air rush-ins very well okay. He has a powerful decent B&B that is moderately easy to do and can be started off almost any remotely close ranged ground hit.

Note that Wara's defense improves markedly at every 4th of his lifebar. This means you gain the most benefit from heat regen in the last 1/4 of your lifebar, though people will expect you to use heat a lot more so you might want to do it in the 3rd quarter (between 1/2 and 1/4 life) of your lifebar to be on the safe side. DOUBLE NOTE: Wara has lower def as of Ver. B PC 1.00 and higher def in Ver. B PC 1.02 than 1.00 but still lower than Ver. B PS2.

Warakia's Moves:

5A: Very fast and short ranged, hits mid, not all that great. 2b works better than 5a for almost everything I can think of that 5a is useful for. The one reason to use this move is to cancel into it in a blockstring from a non-special move with heavy recovery.

2A: Very fast and short ranged. Hits low. Good for starting combos at very close range as part of a high/low mixup or rush in when you see an opportunity or just when your enemy is real close and on the ground. If you can react to Sion's overhead kick thing this will stop it and you can do a full b&b.

5B: Comes out very fast and is longer ranged than it seems. Safe on block as far as I know. On ground hit it combos into 2c (2 hits), etc. (See the B&B).

2B: Hits mid. Comes out very fast, hits in a short distance all around Wara, beats out many jump-ins but not recommended as anti-air vs faster characters. Combos into 623c off an air hit for good damage. Combos into jump j.a j.a j.b d.jump j.a j.a j.b air throw, but that is hard and you have to cut the j.bs short and sometimes not use the first j.a of each part, the benefit of this is that you gain meter and are in a good position to start pressure but if you mess it up it can suck. Combos into 2C (2 hits) off a ground hit into B&B for excellent damage. Won't hit small people who are ducking directly in front of you. If you are sure you're going to get a counterhit you can combo this into 6c, jump, j.c,   double jump, j.c, 421c or air dash air throw, just don't do the 6c as a standard followup because your opponent can recover and smash your face.

5C: The stuffer! Comes out fast. Hits mid. Not safe to end a blockstring with at close range. This is great to walk up and throw out when your enemy is running back and forth on the ground just outside what they think your range is and doing random stuff. In general, most people underestimate the range of this move and will run into it a lot if you time it well. Also good when the enemy is just waking up because they think when you're at the edge of the range of the move they can throw something out faster than you but when they get up in the middle of it you hit first unless they perfectly time a reversal which has invincibility from frame 1. This move will eat most IADs and trade hits with a lot of mid range jump-ins. This move hits behind Wara slightly but even if your enemy gets hit behind you he still usually recovers fast enough to start a combo before the 5C finishes. If you accidentally hit someone behind you with it, quickly cancel into 5a and pray. Combos into 236C which can then, if you're close to the corner the enemy gets smacked into, combo into dash-in 623c or the much harder 5b, 2b, j, j.b (1 hit!), j.c, dj, j.c 421c or airash throw. The move hits multiple times so it's not so easy to shield. If you time it well this will also usually stuff Nanaya's teleport mixup crap.

2C: Comes out kinda fast. Long range. Hits low. Not a good move to just throw out because if your enemy chooses to IAD or jump-in anything you are totally fucked. Works well in mid-range blockstrings and is vital to his B&B because the 2nd hit combos into 6C for powerful air followups.

6C: Massive vertical and deceptively decent horizontal hitbox. Hits mid. Comes out slow. Powerful but risky anti-air since it's air-blockable and leaves you open if blocked. If it gets blocked and the enemy isn't in range of anything else you can do, cancel it into 5a and block or backdash or dodge or shield or whatever. If someone blocks it high enough in the air you can cancel it into 623a or c, both of which are air unblockable. If you land 6c it you can followup with the air portion of the B&B for good damage. I wouldn't reccomend throwing this move out at all outside of combos since it's easily punishable on reaction. The one exception is if your enemy likes to jump up high straight above you and air control to one side or the other, making it difficult for you to input a special move or to connect a 2b, you can use this as they're reaching the peak of their jump and follow up with j.c, dj, j.c 421c.

j.A: Comes out very fast, hits high. Good if you're in the air and your enemy is coming in too close and fast for j.B and j.C, combos into j.a j.B (1 hit), dj, j.a j.a j.b (1 hit), air throw (you can omit a j.a from each section of the combo depending on range).

j.B: Comes out pretty fast, hits high. Great horizontal range. Using this and 5C in conjunction is great for keep-away and frustrating the Hell out of your opponent. Don't get too predictable, though. If you time and space it well, this move can pretty much prevent Nero from doing his GIGANTIC HOLY SHIT ARGH j.C to you at all while you're in the air. Note that it isn't a good idea to jump around spamming j.b when fighting Nero.

j.C: Not too fast, not too slow, has good range, hits high. Recent experience has shown me that if your enemy is in the air is it not a very good idea to use this move because it's easy to get counterhit out of which leads to pain. It is a very good idea to learn the exact hitbox of this move because it is amazing for hitting very, very deep from far away in the air. If you hit with it close to the enemy and the ground you can combo it into 2b, B&B, if you're too high in the air but still really close to the enemy you can combo into 421 b or c. A good blockstring that starts with this is j.C, dj, j.C(low to the ground), jump towards, j.C [land, jump toward and repeat or j.2C or rush-in throw or rush-in low hit]. If you use this move right before you hit the ground you will see the animation for it but it won't actually connect, this is a good way to make your enemy block high while you go for an empty jump into low. If you train your opponent to expect pressure after a j.c you can dash in and throw pretty easily after it since it incurs impressive block stun, just delay a tiny bit so you don't try to grab during block stun.

j.2C: Comes out slow, has the same hitbox as j.C, hits high. If this hits an enemy in the air it swats them to the floor like an air throw. Good to use if the enemy is too low to air throw and too far away to 421C after an air combo. Good to throw out after a blocked j.C, if you're far enough away for it to be safe, because people rarely see it coming if you don't abuse it.

236A/B/C: I can't think of much these are useful for. 236C is good to end a ground combo after 2c with if your opponent is too far to 6C and close enough to the corner and you have enough/want to spend the circuit for dash in 623C or the painfully difficult dash in, 5b, 2b, j, j.b (1 hit), j.c, dj, j.c, 421C or airdash throw.

623A/B/C: Never found a use for the B version but the A and C are air-unblockable and C does good damage. It's good to combo into 623C if you hit the enemy  in the air with 2B. If you land a 623c and the enemy air recovers forward and doesn't jump or dash afterward you can just do another 623c, being careful not to start the input motion until they are on the opposite side of you. 623C works as a reversal since you're invincible from the first frame until really late in the move. Still kinda risky, especially if your opponent expects you to reversal.

214A/B/C: They all hit mid and the C version is air-unblockable and the A version hits overhead. It's generally best to throw a summon out at the end of a blockstring when your enemy is reasonably far away. It's never completely safe to summon except to combo into one after the second hit of an unblocked 2c or after a ground throw (C version is still too slow) but if you don't do it too frequently and mixup with tornados or rush-in throws (don't do this often and read your opponent to see if they're the type to just start going crazy the second you end a blockstring) to finish blockstrings people won't feel safe running or jumping in too quick, especially if they have 1/3 or less health. 214a is probably the riskiest summon since the hit range is so specific but it comes out the fastest and hits overhead. The range on it is perfect for using after a 2a, 2b, 2c (2 hits) blockstring. If you summon the C version then dash in and throw your enemy before it hits it will actually hit them mid-throw for around 1.7k total damage.

421A/B/C: I haven't messed with these much since they were horribly unsafe in MBR. Apparently the A and B versions are faster now but I don't have enough experience to reccomend anything for them besides maybe using the B version to escape from a corner or when an opponent is coming down from above you and you don't feel confident in blocking their mixup or to do a lame OTG combo followup 2a, 2a, 2b if you miss a launcher and your enemy is a hit or two away from death.

22A/B/C: Holding A or B down longer for the A and B versions makes them come out slightly further away. Practice this! If you whiff one of these it sucks for you very hard. These are okay to end ground combos with if you're too far away for 6C and don't want to use circuit. Throwing them out at the end of a blockstring can also catch your enemy off-guard as long as you don't make a habit of it. If you land a clean 22A or B without comboing into it your enemy will most likely be in the air and you can potentially superjump in and throw after he recovers. A fully blocked 22b (shortest range version, don't hold b at all) gives you a small frame advantage. You can cancel into EX moves or Wara's arc drive after 22a or 22b even if you whiff them entirely. Mind games, ahoy! (Note: Unsafe) 22C is good if you're reasonably sure the enemy is going to IAD or jump-in or dash-in for something, even if it gets blocked it still gets the enemy the Hell away so you have the range advantage (except against Nero and maybe Warc). 22C is a good move to use if you have a brain fart and need some space but your enemy isn't actively locking you down. It's a safer option than heat activate for letting you start some long range games but you obviously don't get the regen. You can use it to protect your heat activate if you have a lot of circuit and really need that health but are fearful of your opponent baiting heat.

63214C: Uses 150% circuit. Good bara cancel. Hits mid. Comes out pretty fast after the super freeze, does like 2.5k damage on its own. You can combo into it off 2C (2 hits) but there's pretty much no reason to do that instead of the B&B or 236C. You can throw this out when the enemy is doing something slow outside of your 22B range. It's fairly safe if blocked from mid/far range. People very often do not see this move coming and don't have a canned response for when they see it, even if they block it. You can get some mileage out of this fact by canceling into it at mid range after a pressure string and, if it's blocked, resuming pressure after it since people don't have a good idea of the frame advantage it gives. Not safe but works. If it connects as a bara or just regularly and you are close to your enemy, you can combo into 2b, 2c (2 hits), 6c, jump, j.c, double jump, j.c, air dash air throw or j.421c.

j.421A/B/C: NEVER USE THIS OUTSIDE OF A COMBO EVER. Having said that, TKing the A or B version of this move when you and your opponent both have super low health just as your enemy is rushing in to attack works more often than it should but if you become predictable doing this it is worthless. It's easy to see coming no matter how close you are and if the enemy blocks or dodges it you eat a combo. Period. ALSO, YOU CANNOT COMBO INTO THIS MOVE IN AN AIR-TO-AIR COMBO. The range on the A and B versions is absolutely horrible, and the C version isn't much better unless you combo into it after the third hit of j.c. Learn the range well because if you try to end an air combo with them and miss or do it too slow it can easily lose the round for you. In a previous version of this guide I said that this move is a crossup. It isn't. No one has ever blocked it when I used it as one so I assumed it was. I believe the reason for this is that when Wara stops for a fraction of a second in mid air to start up the move people think he is going to do j.2c or they see an opportunity for anti air and try to do something and end up eating the move. Just so this section isn't misleading about the utility of this move let me be clear: UNSAFE AS HELL AND A BAD IDEA TO USE UNLESS YOU HAVE READ THE SHIT OUT OF YOUR OPPONENT AND KNOW IT WILL HIT.

214D: Same use as any shield bunker, I guess. Hits mid. I don't know why you'd want to use this except maybe as a round finisher. Wara's only practical bunker cancels are 41236C and 421A/B/C teleports.

41236C (Heat/Blood Heat only): Comes out fast after super freeze and makes you invincible except for the last few frames, hits mid, spawns directly below the enemy. You can combo into this but it isn't worth it because it does less damage than a B&B. If your enemy is doing a blockstring on you and you're pretty sure he's about to do a move with long startup you can use this very fast and you'll be invincible, you can also use it as a reversal as you wake up if your timing is good, but in general this is a risky move to use because if it gets blocked or whiffs your enemy has the chance to combo you for free even though most people don't know the proper timing to do so. This move is only safe to use if your enemy does something retarded far away from you, most often this will be someone summoning something. If the move hits an enemy in the air the last part, the bloody smiley face thing, probably won't hit which means less damage and potential retaliation. The Heat version of this move does decent damage if the entire thing hits and the Blood Heat version does pretty good damage. If you pop a 214C right before using this, Nero will sometimes catch people on the ground off guard and hit people in the air due to his air unblockability and increase the likelyhood of the arc drive hitting as well as tack on some decent extra damage.

D (EX) (Blood Heat only): Wara's Last Arc works on both mid and low hits. As far as I know no one is able to avoid it once it's activated. Does decent damage. Hilarious to watch. Causes circuit break.

Throw: Nothing remarkable about this other than the fact that if you have 214C out and throw someone it can hit them for a bit of bonus damage.

Air Throw: I have heard someone say that it is possible to tech out of Wara's air throw and punish him afterwards. I have never been punished for air throwing so I am not sure about this. If this turns out to be true I would imaging j.2C would replace air throwing for Wara. Edit: Shonen (a good Japanese Warakia player) air throws at SBO and does not get punished so I'm pretty sure it's safe.

Heat Activation: Gigantic horizontal hitbox on this, bigger than anyone's but Nero. A lot of the time it looks like this move should be hitting someone in the air next to you but the hitbox isn't actually very high vertically so don't use this as anti air unless you believe your opponent will go deep.

Warakia Combos:

2a, 2b, 2c (2 hits), 6c, j, j.c (3 hits), dj, j.c (3 hits), [j.421a or b if close, j.421c if mid-range, dash-in air throw if far] - Basic B&B, you can do the part after 6c after just about any 6c whether or not you combo into it and whether you hit an enemy on the ground or in the air. Every ground normal except 5c will combo into 2b or 2c (2 hits) and let you continue as normal after that. If you think the enemy is too far away to 6c by the time you hit twice with 2c then combo into 5c (to force the enemy into the air) or 22b (to send them way back) or teleport in, 2a, 2a, 2b (to be a weirdo) or summon to start up a new string. If you finish with an air throw and your opponent techs towards you you can slip a j.c out on your way down to start a new combo. If your opponent doesn't tech after the air throw you can still get in a tiny invalid hit with the j.c. If your enemy did something dumb and you're guaranteed to hit him you should do a 5b before the rest of this combo for a solid 300-500 damage boost. It becomes markedly easier to link j.c to dj j.c after 2c6c, j if you wait for a short duration after the 6c before jumping.

j.c, 2b, 2c (2 hits), 6c, j, j.c (3 hits), dj, j.c (3 hits), [j.421b or c if close, j.421c if mid-range, dash-in air throw if far] - The link from j.c to 2b is difficult to time but it's easier than Hell to hit confirm before the risky part of the combo (6c). Always follow up the 2b with 2c because a blocked 2b can be unsafe but the 2c puts the enemy too far out of range.

j.c, [j.241b or j.241c] - If you hit with j.c too high to land in time to use 2b this still nets you some nice damage. You have to be very close for the j.421c to work and very, very close for the j.421b.

[214b or 214c], 6c, j, j.c (3 hits), dj, j.c (3 hits), [j.421b or c if close, j.421c if mid-range, dash-in air throw if far] - Practice these since they have tricky timing and spacing.

214a, j.c (3 hits), dj, j.c (3 hits), [j.421b or c if close, j.421c if mid-range, dash-in air throw if far] - Same as above.

2b, 623c - Only works if the enemy is very close in. This combo is only worthwhile against opponents in the air. 2b is air unblockable and beats out a million different jump-ins. This doesn't do any more damage than the 623c itself but it gives you an opportunity to save 100% circuit and the vulnerable cooldown on 623c if the enemy hits the ground too fast or was making a feint.

2b, jump, j.a, j.a, j.b, d.jump, j.a, j.a, j.b, air throw. This combo only works against opponents in the air and you may have to omit the first j.a from each segment as well as some of the hits of j.b depending on height and distance. This combo is difficult.

j.A, j.B, air throw - Just a very fast and close ranged air-to-air combo.

Corner combo (SPECIAL HAPPY NOTE: THIS IS MUCH HARDER TO DO AS OF VER.B PC): j.c, 2b, 5b (1 hit), 5c (1 hit), 2c (2 hits), 236c, 2c (1 hit), 6c, jump, j.c, double jump, j.c, air dash air throw or j.421c. Only use the 5b and 5c if you're at point blank and you had forward momentum when the initial j.c hit. You can also start this from the ground, just ignore the first j.c and 5b and 5c. Doing j.421c at the end isn't really worth it unless you're sure it will kill your opponent, it barely does any more damage than the air throw at the end. This combo does better damage than the B&B in a corner, isn't any more difficult and only uses 100% circuit if you don't finish with j.421c.

The fuck you forever combo (only works if you're somewhat near a corner): j.c, 2b (1 hit if you're far away), 5b, 5c (cancel early or omit entirely if you're too far), 2c (2 hits), 236c (dash in beforehand optional, might be necessary to get you close enough to the corner), dash in, 5b, 2b, j.b (1 hit, omit if you're too far), j.c (if you omit the j.b you'll have to press up DURING the 2b and get the j.c out fast as fuck, the timing on this is merciless), j.c, 421C or air dash air throw. This is HARD but does crazy ass damage.

OTG combos (SPECIAL HAPPY NOTE: THIS IS MUCH HARDER TO DO AS OF VER. B PC): If you're not too far off the ground and very near the edge of the screen when you end an air combo with j.421c, you can do 2a, 2a, 2b, 5b anywhere onscreen or, in a corner do 2a, 2a, 5a, 5a, 2b, 5b (2 hits), 236a. You must input the 236a very, very fast. This is a good way to gain a bit of extra meter but it does shit damage and you don't get wakeup pressure. I only recommend using this if you think it will finish your enemy off or you want the extra circuit push for heat regen or max mode purposes.

As I said, all this is from my personal experience and things I consider safe or smart might have horrible problems which I am not aware of. If this is the case please say so and I'll be glad to change them.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 03:46:42 AM by Alt »

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 08:25:36 PM »
Reserved in case I eventually fill up the initial post.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2007, 06:12:10 PM »
Is whiffing J.c coming down after a air throw a good idea, or does it not matter? I usually whiff J.c for after air throw combos to tech punish or get that extra otg but meh I'm not 100% sure if its safe all the time D:
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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2007, 05:56:50 PM »
all i know is if they forward tech, you better block or shield? i dunno about his tech punish game but it seems that way...
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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2007, 08:56:45 AM »
It's not 100% safe but most people don't know how to punish it. Doesn't mean it's particularly useful though as people don't really get mixed up by it since it looks like it comes out while they're invincible, and the otg with it does pretty crappy damage. I'd reccomend waiting to see what the enemy does. If they end up not recovering you'll probably get more mileage out of pressuring them on wakeup than the .00000000001 damage you get from otg and if they do recover you'll be safe. If the person recovers backwards a lot and is near a corner you might wanna stick it out.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2007, 01:57:58 AM »
Is whiffing J.c coming down after a air throw a good idea, or does it not matter? I usually whiff J.c for after air throw combos to tech punish or get that extra otg but meh I'm not 100% sure if its safe all the time D:

it is for getting more gauge.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2007, 05:14:27 PM »
Okay I see thanks guys :D
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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #7 on: May 21, 2007, 06:44:56 PM »
Updated the FAQ with corner combo, OTG combos, combo after 63214C and various minor changes.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2007, 11:09:11 PM »
Is there any good reason not to use 214B after normal throw?  Cause it seems to be pretty effective for pressure.  Just wondering. 

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #9 on: July 12, 2007, 06:33:52 AM »
Er. Forgive me if this is already known or completely idiotic...

But I've been able to use 421A/B to punish various things, especially the A version against throw attempts. The C version has been occasionally helpful in pre-empting and avoiding being rushed down in the corner.

But uh... does any of that work against people who are good?

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2007, 10:29:42 AM »
those are the teleports

do you mean the air special moves?

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2007, 01:56:16 PM »
No, I mean the teleports. Given the tiny recovery, it seems to me like (and matches have proven this to work, but not matches with anyone particularly good, which is why I have some doubt) an A teleport will recover before a throw attempt, which will miss as a result of the teleport. I can then throw in a 2A or 2B to start a BnB combo.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #12 on: July 12, 2007, 06:00:02 PM »
evading a throw attempt with a teleport shouldn't give you enough time to punish them...throws don't take too long to recover

using the B one to get out of incoming corner pressure might work though

maybe I'll mess around with it

why not just dash into 2A or 2B combo for whiff punishing though?  wara's dash is very fast...
« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 06:05:17 PM by Tiamat »

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #13 on: July 13, 2007, 05:24:08 PM »
Even considering that a throw won't whiff until the Teleport is near the end of its animation?

I'm not trying to contest this, just clarifying. It also seems like a way to CREATE the whiff that is to be punished with minimal risk.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #14 on: July 13, 2007, 06:31:29 PM »
ah you mean dodging the throw with the teleport...I really don't know

just keep doing what works I guess haha

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #15 on: July 15, 2007, 01:20:52 PM »
Yeah, that's what I meant.

I'm worried that it's not universal, but at least against Warc and VAkiha, it seems to not only make them whiff their throw, but the animation is long enough for me to punish without thinking about it too hard.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2007, 10:27:48 AM »
random additon: you may be able to use his arc drive to punish fullscreen distance heat activations

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #17 on: July 23, 2007, 08:43:11 PM »
Or... any distance that doesn't hit you, really.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #18 on: July 24, 2007, 01:43:16 PM »
yeah it's just that normally you'd whiff punish with a dashing 2A/2B if you had enough time...but yeah

first off there are generally two ways that an air throw is connected from my experience with Wara

1) you end your B&B combo with it
2) you dash jump straight into air throw as an anti air

The thing I noticed recently is that you can attack on the way down or double jump/airdash.  You can always attack on the way down but you can only airdash or double jump after the air throw if you did it from a single jump.  It seems like you can tech trap with jB as you fall but I haven't been able to get a combo off of it. meaning for practical purposes here are your options...

1) landing jB, j2C, parry
2) air dash, double jump, otherwise same old options...generally you will be lower though so the jB may not come out fast enough to connect

anything I'm missing here?

also noticed that you can cancel drills even on whiff into any EX move...he mentioned that you could cancel into arc drive in the guide but it works with all EX moves too..good to know...
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 07:22:59 PM by Tiamat »

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #19 on: August 07, 2007, 03:21:08 AM »
The thing I noticed recently is that you can attack on the way down or double jump/airdash.  You can always attack on the way down but you can only airdash or double jump after the air throw if you did it from a single jump.  It seems like you can tech trap with jB as you fall but I haven't been able to get a combo off of it. meaning for practical purposes here are your options...

1) landing jB, j2C, parry
2) air dash, double jump, otherwise same old options...generally you will be lower though so the jB may not come out fast enough to connect

You can followup jb or jc with 421c if you can confirm it. I don't reccomend air dash or double jump if the enemy has good AA. If you anti air throw low enough you can tech trap with 2a into B&B.

also noticed that you can cancel drills even on whiff into any EX move...he mentioned that you could cancel into arc drive in the guide but it works with all EX moves too..good to know...

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that. Only found one ghetto setup with it which is: If the enemy is too far after you 2C in a combo for a 6C followup you can 5C and cancel it into 22b and cancel that into 623c. If the enemy recovers straight he eats a tornado, if he recovers toward you he eats an air unblockable Break. Timing takes some getting used to, setup is not even close to being safe but works on people who recover religiously. You're rarely in a situation where the enemy can effectively punish after a tornado anyway but I guess in general you could throw out a "stupid" tornado behind him to lure him in and go for 623c or 236c, which are still unsafe as fuck, or 22c just on the off chance it'll connect. Even if one of those works the damage won't impress anyone. If, for some reason, your opponent likes to sit in the back and wait for you to do something dumb then rush in you can summon tonho, 22b and cancel into 63214C or 22c as sort of a gauntlet. If by some miracle the 63213C hits him at that perfect range you can 2a2b5b2c5c or, if you're super hyper lucky, 2a2b2c6c etc.

Updated the FAQ. Whatever.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2007, 03:59:02 AM by Alt »

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #20 on: August 12, 2007, 04:08:48 PM »
I figure I'll post some wara tricks that I either copied from Japanese videos or found myself recently.  Don't think they've been mentioned.

214C (summon nero) + heat activation tricks
- if you are in corner and hit a heat activation (hits them to opposite side of screen) use 214C to give yourself some cover right after you recover...this should make it harder for them to get in and mess up your healing
- if you are on the other side of the screen from the opponenent, instead of going straight into heat activation use 214C first then heat activate.  similar to the first trick but kinda in reverse order
- 2Axn 2B 2C(2hits) cancel into 214C then heat activate.  safe(?) heat activation for those times when you can't kill them with another combo and you are in need of some healing
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 04:32:11 PM by Tiamat »

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #21 on: August 13, 2007, 03:55:20 PM »
214C (summon nero) + heat activation tricks
- if you are in corner and hit a heat activation (hits them to opposite side of screen) use 214C to give yourself some cover right after you recover...this should make it harder for them to get in and mess up your healing

Don't 214c immediately after you heat activate or the summon will go active before your opponent could possibly reach you. This is okay to do against anyone except  Ciel, Aoko, Nero (unless you don't mind eating a crow) Neco Arc and Neco Arc Chaos. You can switch between 214b (Stops Neco Arc, Neco Arc Chaos and Aoko from punishing you. Nero can still hit you with a crow but it'll trade with your summon.) right after activate or 214c a little after activate. Against Nanaya keep the distance of his long range sweep slice special (214b?) in mind.

- if you are on the other side of the screen from the opponenent, instead of going straight into heat activation use 214C first then heat activate.  similar to the first trick but kinda in reverse order

This is not safe. If someone comes in at an angle Nero doesn't hit or shields him you're screwed. If you have reason to believe the person will wait out your summon instead of go in for the kill then you might consider doing it.

- 2Axn 2B 2C(2hits) cancel into 214C then heat activate.  safe(?) heat activation for those times when you can't kill them with another combo and you are in need of some healing

Also unsafe but it seems unlikely that you will be punished for this if you space it properly. If you have 180+ circuit at the start of the B&B I reccomend doing the full combo and ending with 421c, no OTG, then (Optional: whiff a 2a early on the downed opponent first so they block or try to reversal. Don't do this if the enemy seems likely to use a reversal that can punish your activation.) heat activating.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2007, 04:43:07 PM »
yeah I was thinking some characters like Nanaya could use long range stuff like his 214B to hit you

These are mostly things I saw japanese players do in videos except I thought of the 3rd one myself.  I haven't really been punished for this stuff yet but it's probably cause I've only played against Kouma since I started doing these things and he's pretty slow as far as covering distance is concerned.  I have been punished by him for the 3rd thing once or twice but he had to use a super on wakeup (I think he did arc drive or 236C or something). 

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #23 on: August 13, 2007, 04:53:41 PM »
But I've been able to use 421A/B to punish various things, especially the A version against throw attempts. The C version has been occasionally helpful in pre-empting and avoiding being rushed down in the corner.
421A is a dangerous guessing game and you probably won't be able to punish any throw whiffs unless they are command throws. If you guess wrong you eat a combo. Not recommended at all. 421C is a valid option to escape corner pressure, especially as a bara. If you don't want to risk messing the bara up, use it when the enemy is in the air but not quite within his fast attack range.

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Re: Warakia/Wallachia Moves, Combos and Strategies~
« Reply #24 on: August 28, 2007, 12:36:59 PM »
I'm switching to Kouma so I'll probably stop updating the FAQ. If you play Warakia and want to be in charge of the FAQ from now on show me some match vids of you not sucking with him and post some intelligent stuff in this forum and I'll see if I can get Arly to give you control of the post. :emo: