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Author Topic: ahaha I wrote a Neco Arc guide!  (Read 7638 times)

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ahaha I wrote a Neco Arc guide!
« on: November 29, 2008, 08:15:31 AM »
Crosspost from thesrm.net

There clearly need to be one of these, lol.  I have no idea what I am doing, and a lot of this will probably be wrong becuase of that, I'm trying, though!  This character is awful and totally unplayable in a real match.  You will not win, probably.  Kaaimato lost to a Neco Arc once, though, so maybe there is hope!


5A.  Poke.  Have fun ever hitting.  Neutral on block, four frame startup.  It's fast, at least.

5B.  Weird launcher.  Chargable for EXTENDO-ARM.  Moves you forwards a lot.  Comboing off of 5B not charged is weird.  More info later.

5C.  Kick.  Chargable for EXTENDO-LEG.  Charged version isn't whiff cancellable until a while after it hits and is painfully minus frames.  Pushback might make it unpunishable though, need more testing.  Uncharged, combined with 2C, is your main launcher.  Love it.  Charged wallslams as well.

2A.  Fastest normal in the game, three frame startup, neutral on block.  Little fist poke.  Will lose to a lot of stuff, have fun.  Hits mid.

2B.  Chargable slide.  HUGE range when it's charged.  Frame advantage varies a lot.  Can be minus or plus, depending on when you hit.  Aim so you hit RIGHT at the end of the slide.  Hits mid if uncharged, low if like 1/4th charged.  Work on the timing.

2C.  Knockdown sweep.  Have fun with it?  Hits low.

6A.  Aoko punch.  Chargable for overhead.  Have fun being in range without being thrown.

j.A.  Tiny, tiny, tiny range.  Standard j.A, the hitbox is higher than it is low.  This hurts a bit.  Fast at four frames.

j.B.  Kick!  Decent range for a Neco Arc attack, can be used as an instant overhead against Nero if your timing is perfect.  Use it as a jumpin.  Six frame startup.  Hits high.

j.2B.  I have no idea why this attack exists.  Have fun hitting it accidentally.  Barely minus frames at a low height.

j.C.  Kick!  Six frames of startup, like j.B, but the hitbox is a bit higher.  Hits high.

j.2C.  Downwards swipe.  Four frames of startup and a high hit, with a decently low hitbox.  Can be used as an instant overhead against a bunch of people, but it's uncancellable so this is very pointless.  Causes a groundbounce, it's techable, and hits diagonally like Hisui j.BB.  Use in combination with j.B, j.C, and j.2C to keep them guessing when to block low on a jumpin.



236A:  This is your long distance BIIMU.  Use it to punish idiots setting up stuff at a long distance.

236B:  Antiair BIIMU.  Hurts like hell if it's blocked.

236C:  SUPER BIIMU.  Aims in between, slow startup, useless invincibiity at the start.  No chip, keeps them far away.  Don't use this much.  Idiots like to stand up and get hit in the middle of it.  Don't hope for that ever.


623A:  lol DP.  It does lower your hitbox a bit.  +1 on point blank block.  Not punishable on block, likes to cause SUPER COUNTER.  Or whatever.

623B:  Notable + frames on block.  Another DP, basically the same as the one before, with longer startup.



Teleports.  Makes three Neco's come out of the ground.  Pisses people off.

214A:  Pulls you farther away, you're the farthest Neco on your side.

214B:  Middle Neco.

214C:  Pulls you towards the enemy.  Can be handy to get in, but can be punished like mad.  Use carefully.


22A:  Firespit.  Pulls you really far away on block, bounces them on hit.  Pretty safe on block, becuase they're so far away.  They can move in on you fast though, so you might give them pressure.  Don't use it often.

22B:  Neco summon.  Who knows what will happen.  Too random to ever use.

22C:  Flying Neco summon.  Anti-air, maybe?  Not really sure about this.


j.214A:  This is how you move.  You have no airdash, so you use this as one.  It's an airdash with a hitbox.  Don't use it high or you'll get killed on the recovery.  TK'd is minus very few frames.  Lowest high on a jumpin is actually plus frames.  On ground hit causes them to keep on ground.  EX Cancellable.

j.214B:  Basically the same as above, but goes longer and will bounce them into the air techable on a standing hit.  Also EX cancellable.

j.214C:  This is a damaging combo ender.  You will die if this is blocked.  If you combo into it wrong, it will miss.  Have fun.


Warc blood rings!

j.236A:  Disappears if you use it on a double jump before it gets to ground.  Be careful, it disappears very fast.  Like Warc's A bloodring, you can't move or anything after this one.

j.236B:  Disappears fast as well.  Movement after it's launched.

j.236C:  Super bloodring.  Doesn't vanish.  Untechable combo ender which gives you oki.

41236C:  This is Arc's arc drive.  Small damage for normal version, pretty high for Blood Heat Arc Drive.  Combo into it if you want the worst damage ever.

63214C:  This is weird.  You spin around and hit them.  Confuses you and the enemy.  If you can play in confused, this is great.  If you can't, please don't use it.

Last Arc: Standing shield.  It's a last arc.


Combing with Neco Arc can be hard becuase of her short range.  However, she hits decently hard, and her j.2C can be painful.  All damage is no counters on W.Len.

2abc 5c j.abc j.abc airthrow.  3847 damage. 83.5% meter.  You can't do much off of airthrow, so this kind of sucks.

2abc 5c j.abc dj.abc2c.  3799 damage. 86.5% meter.  Techable, but if they don't tech...
Midscreen: land, 236B.  A bit more damage and meter.  4094 damage, 89.5% meter.  Looks cool when they fly into the beam.
Corner: jump up again and hit them with an aircombo.  Do whatever followups you like.  Can break 5000 damage.

2abc 5c j.bc dj.bc 236C.  3680 damage.  Gives you oki.  Yay, oki.  Maybe you can OTG but Neco Arc is awful at OTG.  You can do j.abc dj.abc but it's hard, and only like 80 extra damage.  Try it if you want.

Combos with Neco Arc are far easier if they start with 2B.  Keep that in mind.

If for whatever reason you hit with 5B on a standing opponent:

5B j.C dj.BC follow up.  You need to delay that first j.C a lot.  If you do an airthrow, do dj.ABC so you don't rebeat.

6ABC uses the 5B to launch, so treat that as a 5B combo.  Jump straight up midscreen or you will go under the enemy and that really isn't good for you.  Seriously, just jump straight up.

5[ B ] is different, you can do j.BC dj.BC off of it, but hitting it is weird.

Fun instant overhead against Nero:

j.B (you have one frame for this) 214B 214C.  3000 damage off of an 11 frame overhead.  Ahaha.

Fuzzy Guards:

Neco Arc is extremely good at this.  Her small height and large arsenal of air moves makes it very hard to tell when you're going to land.

Tested on Arcs, who are, if memory serves, medium height to tall height.  I doubt this works on the shorter characters.

For high, the basic setup is
Deep j.C dj.BC 236A xx 236C
For low, obviously
Deep j.C land 2C

Deep j.C dj.BC 236A xx 236C land j.BC dj.BC j.2C
Deep j.C dj.BC 236A xx 236C land 623C

If the character is too short for dj.BC, try this.  This should work on almost every character, but it doesn't on the Ren's and Miyako, at least (I wouldn't be surprised if it did but I just suck and can't do it)

Deep j.C dj.B 214B xx 236C.
You could land and OTG 623C or something, but you might want to just try to get some sort of high low oki setup off.  Mess around with it.

Looking back some of this is silly and really just use this:
Deep j.C dj.C 236A xx 236C land 2C 5C j.ABC dj.ABC airthrow.

Much more reliable.


Neco Arc has a few problems that make her unplayable.  Her airdash is awful, in every, single, total way, and her range.  If you are in range, the enemy can probably throw you.  Throw comes out faster than attack.  You lose.  Her priority is awful.

Move around with j.214A/B.  It's a lot of fun, and bothers people.  Don't get picked out of the air easily by anti-airs.  214A/B/C can be fun.  On jumpins, switch up between j.B, j.BC, and on taller characters, j.BC2C.  They won't know how many hits  to block high.  623A/B can be used in blockstrings for advantage in frames, but you are probably too far to do anything.  2A is fast, really, really fast.  Have fun, it can punish some stuff that nobody else can punish.  Nobody will expect to be hit by it.

Her charged moves have large range, which can be unexpected, and 5[C] is fast.  You might just surprise somebody with it.

You will probably bore your opponent to tears playing Neco Arc.  They will hate you and you will lose.  Don't actually play her.  Her throw is okay, her airthrow kind of sucks, you will lose in anything involving priority.  Your low options are pretty bad, so your high low game is kind of weak.  Have fun playing a totally pointless joke character who might as well not exist, becuase playing her generally isn't funny, and she can't compete.  Also, she has a decent backdash and forwards dash.  Something decent, yay!
« Last Edit: May 23, 2009, 06:06:49 PM by Benny1 »
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

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Re: ahaha I wrote a Neco Arc guide!
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2008, 10:12:04 AM »
Go HnK with 623c against ciel after her wiffed arc drive during the recoil armor or during Kouma's recoil armor off 22c.
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Offline Benny1

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Re: ahaha I wrote a Neco Arc guide!
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2008, 05:56:24 AM »
I experimented with 5[ B ] some.

5[ B ] 5A whiff 5[ C ] will get them way the heck away from you.  Very little damage, very stupid, don't actually do this, okay?  It's better to air combo.
For some lol:
5[ B ] 5A whiff 5[ C ] delay (the cancel frames in 5[ C ] are late) Arc Drive / Blood Heat Arc Drive.  This is kind of dumb but looks hilarious and anybody ever hit by it will be laughing for the rest of the match rather than playing.

5[ B ] delay 5C air combo etc.  This is kind of nice, a little damage boost.  The timing isn't that bad, but 5C doesn't have much of a hitbox or active frames, so you gotta be careful.  You might be able to get a 2B into this combo too, but that might prorate too much.

Off of a j.236C aircombo it turns out you can like 2C them for whatever meter that's worth.  It's probably not worth it.  Maybe you can tech punish if you whiff cancel that.

I am told throws aren't really a weakness of hers and I'm just bad at playing her.

I also hear Kouma is a good matchup for her!  A good matchup, yay!
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.

Offline Benny1

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Re: ahaha I wrote a Neco Arc guide!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2009, 06:57:31 PM »
Holy shit, more 5[ B ] combos.

5[ B ] 2[ B ] 2C 5C j.ABC dj.ABC finisher.  
Works on Aoko, Akiha, Shiki Tohno, Arcueid, Ciel, Wallachia, Warcueid, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Sacchin, Ren, W.Len, Nero, Neco Arc Chaos, Kohaku (drop the 2C against her), Neco Arc
AKA don't use it on Sion, V.Akiha, V.Sion, Hisui, or M.Hisui, and make sure to not use 2C against Kohaku.

5[ B ] 2[ B ] 236A
5[ B ] 2[ B ] 236C (needs some good spacing, watch out.
5[ B ] 2[ B ] Arc Drive
Works on Aoko, Akiha, Shiki Tohno, Arcueid, Ciel, Wallachia, Warcueid, Nanaya, Kouma, Miyako, Sacchin, Nero, Neco Arc Chaos, Neco Arc
AKA don't use it on Sion, V.Akiha, V.Sion, Hisui, Ren, W.Len, Kohaku, or M.Hisui.

Even if you are midscreen, if the 2[ B ] will move you to the corner, obviously you can do the air finisher.  5[ B ] and 2[ B ] do move a lot, after all.

Have fun trying to randomly hit with 5[ B ] on the ground!  Maybe I can play around with 5[ B ] Air counter hit later.


Even more fun!  Have you ever wanted to feel like Leo, doing those kind of crazy blood ring swapside combos?

Well now, you can!

For Ciel, at least, you go...
2C j.ABC dj.BC 236C
Yay!  2C to j.A is a retarded link and you will pull out hair over it and you must be point blank for it to work.  dj.BC to 236C randomly fails!  But if the stars align and this works, you go down with them, and now... well, you can't really do anything special since you don't have a throw that hits otg!  Yay!  If you have lots of meter, you can 623C.

This looks mad awesome though and I will have a replay or video at some point.

EDIT even more:

5[ B ] 2A whiff dash 2C 5C j.BC dj.BC 236C
Totally useless as usual, but it's AWESOME.  You hit this by holding 5C for a quick bit before you let go, so you move forwards, or it will whiff. 
« Last Edit: May 30, 2009, 07:19:36 PM by Benny1 »
C-Wara main, H-Warc/F-Sion alt.