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Author Topic: C-Mech player, searching for help!  (Read 5518 times)

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C-Mech player, searching for help!
« on: January 18, 2012, 05:08:49 PM »
Hello everyone! I'm new to this site, and I've been playing MBAACC for about a week. However, I've discovered that it's much harder to find helpful advice for this game than it is for games like Blazblue and Street Fighter!

I've looked around a lot, and besides combo videos for previous versions and Japanese pro matches, there are very few resources a new player can use to improve their play! I've visited Mizuumi wiki's mech hisui page, and I know about all the mechanics of the game(except guard crushing...), so I'm trying to find where I should look for advice next. I decided asking people here would be a good way to learn some new tricks and strategies with mech, so I made an account and started writing this! If you know any helpful resources for learning C-mech, or have anything of your own to contribute, I'll greatly appreciate it!(Also, it would be nice to know who the best C-mech players are!)

I'll try to tell you a little about how I play now:
-I use 2B to poke usually if my opponent is too close for a projectile, but if they're out of range of that I'll opt for 2C or 421A.
-While my opponent is far away, I usually use a mix of TK'd jet packs, eye lasers, and non-TK'd crossbow to keep my opponent out of range.
-My combo I'm learning to do(I can get it usually in practice mode, but not in actual games) is 2B 5C 2C 421C 2B 2C 5C 6C jump j.B j.C double jump j.B j.C air throw (~4.2k)
-If I whiff the crossbow, I usually mash 22B or 22C and pray.(a bad habit!)
-I have a lot of trouble continuing close-ranged pressure
-I'm bad at following up CH projectiles with combos

Here are a few quick questions most people could probably answer:
On wakeup, I like to shield > 22A, but the hitbox is so small it whiffs in most situations outside of jump-ins! Are there other viable options off of a successful wakeup shield, if your opponant is crouching, or farther away?
I have trouble breaking opponants pressure, without mashing 22A/B/C... What are some other good ways to break pressure with C-Mech?
What are some effective ways of using C-Mech's arch drive? Are there any ways to combo into it, other than off of counter hits?
And of course, are there more efficient combos I should learn? The one I do is my own concoction...

Thank you all in advanced for the help!

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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2012, 07:50:07 PM »
I don't think there are any mech players anymore so ill throw in some advice.

Shield 5a or 2a is probably better than barrier. but barrier works good sometimes as well.

A good meter less combo is 2b5c2c 421a sj.bc dj.bc air throw. I don't like to use meter much with mech because her arc drive is her best reversal (which is all you should really use it for), and she has low health early on so you want to heat more early match. You should explore using her missiles. they're good at preventing approaches when you learn to mix them up.

Sounds like you actually know what you're doing for the most part. For getting out of pressure it depends really. you can always try jumping away. dashing under a jumping opponent. you already know shielding. Arc drive is a good reversal. hitting a button at the right time. dodging.
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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2012, 10:53:20 AM »
Thanks for the advice!
Shield 5A works much better than shield barrier.
I'm not quite good enough to use that meterless combo yet,(I mess up the super jump every time) but I'm sure I'll get used to it after some time. For now I'm doing 2B 5C 2C 6C air combo as my meterless combo.(It only does a little less, the pre-launcher damage is 2.2k, compared to 2.4k(tested against ciel))
I completely missed that her arc drive is a reversal when I was looking at her move breakdown on mizuumi wiki... eheheh...
I've seen good players using the AA missile to good effect, but it seems like eye beams are better than the double missile most of the time, it has less active frames doesn't it?
On the topic of dodging, I'm not really sure when you're supposed to use it... It seems like it's usefulness overlaps with what you can do with shields a lot. Can you explain what situations are better for shields/dodges?

Also, when you say there aren't any Mech players, you mean none that are active here, right? Or are there really no high level non-japanese Mech players?

Offline Tempered

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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #3 on: January 19, 2012, 02:42:35 PM »
both really. ive only seen like 1 jp mech recently and the only 2 american mechs I know of dont really play anymore.

Dodge is a bit safer than shield vs people on the ground. since you dont have the 50/50 between normals. its hard to say when theres a good time to use it. same with bunkers. You just kind of have to learn where they're good.
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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2012, 01:04:37 PM »
It's too bad that there aren't many good MBAACC videos of mech, but I watched a bunch of Xie's MBAA videos, and learned some special tactics from him. In terms of combos, I'm learning 2B 5C 2C 421A 236[A] 2C 421A super jump j.bc j.bc air throw, and I've gotten it a few times in training mode(gonna take a few more hours of practice though, before I can actually use it in games!) and after that I'm gonna practice comboing off of random things in non-super-sloppy ways, like I am right now. Luckily the local players are very skilled, so I get lots of good practice for using my new combos in actual matches, as well as pressuring and defending!

Thanks again for the tips!

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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2012, 09:59:25 AM »
As far as pressure, just block! Wait until they push themselves out, then 2b them. If they start iad'ing over your 2b, try to shield 5a or just block.

Don't forget your heat has huge reward (they get knocked fullscreen), so that's good too.
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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2012, 06:42:02 AM »
Don't forget about 5[d] 22a as an escape tool, it's great vs IAD pressure resets and obvious jump ins, weak in strings because 22a does have some startup, but it's got clash to make up for it and you can relaunch into a combo on counter-hit. Also be careful with her 2b, some characters can flat out destroy you for trying it, even without IAD (c-nanaya 2b comes to mind).
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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #7 on: February 09, 2012, 07:36:07 AM »
Never fear, FUROK is here!

I'll try to tell you a little about how I play now:
-I use 2B to poke usually if my opponent is too close for a projectile, but if they're out of range of that I'll opt for 2C or 421A.

Mech's 2B is the normal to use when you're sure that the opponent is going to approach you on the ground. Used in this manner, 2B will keep them in check and allow you to either establish range (i.e start zoning) or hit-confirm into a combo of choice. Unfortunately, this move does have both start-up and recovery frames. As such, the only ways you'll be "destroyed for trying it" is when the opponent either reads that you're going to do 2B and jumps/IAD's over it and punishes the recovery (which is just you being predictable), or the opponent is doing a staggered blockstring to CH the start-up of not just 2B, but anything really. Think before you press.

-While my opponent is far away, I usually use a mix of TK'd jet packs, eye lasers, and non-TK'd crossbow to keep my opponent out of range.

The TK jet packs and eye lasers are good (B laser if they're on the ground, A laser if you think they're going to jump out, or they have a large hitbox), but the crossbow is a somewhat situational tool. I would recommend using it when you are in the air already establishing space some kind of air normal (j.B is best) and you want to cover a ground approach. Or, if you have multiple TK jetpacks out covering an air approach, do an A TK crossbow to send one horizontal projectile quickly along the ground and cover a ground approach. Do keep in mind that crossbow ought to be used sparingly, because some characters have an easier time working their way around your zoning than others, and will punish you severely for the many, many frames of recovery that crossbow has.

-My combo I'm learning to do(I can get it usually in practice mode, but not in actual games) is 2B 5C 2C 421C 2B 2C 5C 6C jump j.B j.C double jump j.B j.C air throw (~4.2k)

Acceptable. However, do try to learn the whip loop (of which you have to walk forward after the 236[A] for certain characters before the 2C), and the hammer/gravity loop (Typically, 10 hit combo -> EX Whip -> 5A -> 5C (all hits) -> (2C -> 6C -> 236 [A])x2~4. There are apparently variants of this combo that you can do in CC now, which I don't know. Do note that Miyako and Ryougi can be brought into the Hammer/Gravity/Beam/whatever loop with only 6 or so hits before the EX whip. Why? Because fuck 'em.)

-If I whiff the crossbow, I usually mash 22B or 22C and pray.(a bad habit!)

You know, you can EX cancel the A version of crossbow. Why not cancel into EX crossbow to keep them from approaching, or trade with the impending j.C that you're going to get hit with?

-I have a lot of trouble continuing close-ranged pressure

You must master reverse-beat pressure. 5C will beat low shields and catch jump-outs, and 2B will beat high shields and most anything else really. A great string to do is whatever-> 2B (1 hjt) -> reverse beat to 2A (make sure you're out of 2A range so it doesn't hit) -> 5C (jump outs, low shields) OR 2B (tries to move, high shields) OR 214B (tries to move, locks them down) OR TK jetpack (tries to jump out -> blocks TK jetpack, which puts them in blockstun in the air -> 5A AIR UNBLOCKABLE INTO COMBO) OR 421[A] (does catch jump outs, but mainly used only for people who cannot react to overheads) OR 421B (PSYCHIC KING). Mix and match, stagger your blockstring, keep them guessing, use 2C as well (on CH, will lead to an OTG combo that goes into whip loop (which is why it is important to learn!)).

-I'm bad at following up CH projectiles with combos

This is difficult to get used to, but it will come in time. In CC, try your best to follow up CH TK jetpacks with 236[ B ], since you now have enough time to reliably do that. Otherwise, just use either 2B->5B->6C->Air Combo or 2C->5C->6C->Air Combo. You may or may not have noticed that if both missiles of 214B connect, you get the CH of Death. Following this up into anything leads to good damage.

On wakeup, I like to shield > 22A, but the hitbox is so small it whiffs in most situations outside of jump-ins! Are there other viable options off of a successful wakeup shield, if your opponant is crouching, or farther away?
I have trouble breaking opponants pressure, without mashing 22A/B/C... What are some other good ways to break pressure with C-Mech?

Listen to Lord Knight. You may ONLY use 5D -> 22A if you are absolutely certain that they have no more air options. Otherwise, it will be baited or completely avoided and you will die a miserable death.

What are some effective ways of using C-Mech's arch drive? Are there any ways to combo into it, other than off of counter hits?

As Tempered already stated, it is a reversal. If you're back is to the corner and if they opponent goes in and applies pressure without thinking of the consequences, they will either get hit, block (in which you'll hit them with an air-unblockable 5A) or they'll shield on reaction (in which you will air-throw them). This is also great to use when the opponent has no more air options available and they must come to the ground. If they have air options, most characters can maneuver around it.

And of course, are there more efficient combos I should learn? The one I do is my own concoction...

Watch match videos and take notes, this will help you immensely.

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Re: C-Mech player, searching for help!
« Reply #8 on: February 09, 2012, 01:00:07 PM »
Wowow, a lot to absorb there! It seems like it's been a long time since I posted this.

- In response to the 2B statement, I'm starting to get better at using it, and I'm mixing in 5B as well to catch IAD and other shenanigans.
- In terms of my zoning, I've stopped using the crossbow so much since It's really slow. I mostly TK jetpacks and use A/B missiles, and catch unsuspecting people with eye lasers and crossbows(since those both move very fast)
- I know the whip loop now, and can do it 80% of the time on anyone who's easier to hit than Sion(it's really hard to do to her!) I haven't started to learn the gravity loop, but I probably should try it out soon.
- I'm getting a bit better at close ranged pressure, but reverse beat is definitely something I have to work on.
- I'm getting better at following up CH projectiles, but it takes a while to get used to! Also, all 5 hits from j.214B is the REAL CH OF DEATH!!
shield > 22A is still working pretty well for me against IAD pressure/on wakeup(if they jump in, otherwise it usually whiffs), is it really that easy to punish?
- This arc drive thing was easy to fix after I learned it was a reversal, it's a very fun move to use!

Also, a tool that I like to use now is after a reset, IAD backwards and flamethrower. So long as they're forced to block it they can't punish it, and it takes me super far away for zoning!

Thanks for all those tips!