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Misaki Town Bakery => Melty Blood Auditorium => : Psylocke August 08, 2010, 11:59:49 AM

When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?
: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke August 08, 2010, 11:59:49 AM
Here we go, let's see how far my fake ass Japanese can take me
First off, schedule of qualifiers


Almost everything is squeezed into the month of August

Format is 2on2 Waseda

1. GO1(Akiha), Ieda(Kohaku)
2. Hato(VAkiha), Leo(Warc)
4. Inoshi(VSion), Kaimaato(Kouma) and Tatsuya(Ciel), X(Nero)


Winners of the area qualifiers and block finals.  I have bolded the teams that have won block finals, AKA the teams that are 100% going to SBO.  The unbolded teams have won area qualifiers, and still have to win block finals to qualify.

☆A-1 [カノン(青子)カイト(ネロ)] Kanon(Aoko), Kaito(Nero)
(8/29) スーパーノバ福島店/福島県 [骸(紅摩)&knit(ロア)] Mukuro(Kouma), knit(Roa)
(9/4) ドリームファクトリー会津店/福島県 [ABT(都古)&キノピオ(ワラキア)] ABT(Miyako), Kinopio(Wara)
(9/5) スーパーノバ会津インター店/福島県 [カノン(青子)&カイト(ネロ)] Kanon(Aoko), Kaito(Nero)

◎A-2 [ざわわ(シオン)&ポタ(白レン)] Zawawa(Sion), Pota(WLen)
(8/21) セガワールド日和田/福島県 [M氏(さつき)&A.K(琥珀)] M-Shi(Satsuki), A.K(Kohaku)
(8/22) スーパービンゴ郡山店/福島県 [ざわわ(シオン)&ポタ(白レン)] Zawawa(Sion), Pota(WLen)
(8/28) ドリームファクトリーいわき店/福島県 [あぶと(都古)&きのぴお(ワラキア)] Abuto(Miyako), Kinopio(Wara)

◎A-3 [かもシオ(シオン)&かめ(メカ)] Kamoshio(Sion), Kame(Mech)
(8/28) LA倶楽部/岩手県 [PAN(Vシオン)&さか(ワルク)] PAN(VSion), Saka(Warc)
(8/29) SOYU Family Game Field 花巻店/岩手県 [かもシオ(シオン)&かめ(メカ)] Kamoshio(Sion), Kame(Mech)

◎A-4 [町田の猛犬(かいまーと)&池袋の犯罪者(井野氏)(Vシオン)] Kaimaato(Kouma), Inoshi(VSion)
(8/8) トレジャー新庄店/山形県 [マダラメ(秋葉)&モス(赤主)]  Madarame(Akiha), Moss(VAkiha)
(8/15) プレイランドエフワンR/宮城県 [町田の猛犬(かいまーと)&池袋の犯罪者(井野氏)(Vシオン)] Kaimaato(Kouma), Inoshi(VSion)

☆B-1 [ふじなみ(Vシオン)&かた(赤主)] Fujinami(VSion), Kata(VAkiha)
(8/29) 大久保アルファステーション/東京都 [A.K(琥珀)&M氏(制服) ] A.K(Kohaku), M-Shi(SAkiha)
(9/4) SEGA代々木/東京都 [ふじなみ(Vシオン)&かた(赤主)] Fujinami(VSion), Kata(VAkiha)
(9/5) 新宿スポーツランド本館/東京都 [くそガキ1《オヤシロ》(式)、くそガキ2《空》(赤主)] Oyashiro(Ryougi), Sora(VAkiha)

◎B-2 [はぎ(リーズ)&するめ(七夜)] Hagi(Ries), Surume(Nanaya)
(8/21) パソピアード東京/東京都 [わんわん《リン》(シオン)&もんもん《赤レン》(レン)] Rin(Sion), Akaren(Len)
(8/22) クラブセガ秋葉原 新館/東京都 [ぜあ(リーズ)&レイ(式)] Zea(Ries), Rei(Ryougi)
(8/28) クラブセガ秋葉原/東京都 [はぎ(リーズ)&するめ(七夜)] Hagi(Ries), Surume(Nanaya)

◎B-3 [ジン(翡翠)&SAT(ネロ)] Jin(Hisui), SAT(Nero)
(8/8) GAME-NEWTON 大山店/東京都 [23onメカヒスイ代表(丸やん)(シオン)&23onキシマ代表(BaT)(秋葉)] Maruyan(Sion), BaTsister(Akiha)
(8/14) 池袋GiGO/東京都 [しぐれ(リーズ)&宍戸(シオン)] Shigure(Ries), Shishido(Sion)
(8/15) タイトーステーション BIGBOX高田馬場/東京都 [ジン(翡翠)&SAT(ネロ)] Jin(Hisui), SAT(Nero)

◎B-4 [はと(赤主)&レオ(ワルク)] Hato(VAkiha), Leo(Warc)
(8/7) アミューズメントスペースUFO八王子店/東京都 [はと(赤主)&レオ(ワルク)] Hato(VAkiha), Leo(Warc)
(8/8) セガワールドアルカス/東京都 [A・K(琥珀)&M氏(さつき)] A.K(Kohaku), M-Shi(Satsuki)
(8/14) 立川ゲームオスロー第1店/東京都 [骸(紅摩)&knit(ロア)] Mukuro(Kouma), knit(Roa)

◎B-5 [キョウ(ワルク)&マオ(式)] Kyou(Warc), Mao(Ryougi)
(8/28) セガワールド小山/栃木県 [ワタリ(青子)&kino(ワルク)] Watari(Aoko), kino(Warc)
(9/4) プレイスポットビッグワン/埼玉県 [キョウ(ワルク)&マオ(式)] Kyou(Warc), Mao(Ryougi)

◎B-6 [はれ(さつき)&わか(琥珀)] Hare(Satsuki), Waka(Kohaku)
(8/15) ゲームガレージ大宮店/埼玉県 [隆(ワラキア)&みる崎ふーすい(青子)] Takashi(Wara), Fuusui(Aoko)
(8/21) ゲームマグマックス川越/埼玉県 [はれ(さつき)&わか(琥珀)] Hare(Satsuki), Waka(Kohaku)
(8/22) セガワールド入間/埼玉県 [がる(琥珀)&T.I(志貴)] Garu(Kohaku), T.I(Shiki)

◎B-7 [洋(アルク)&BB(ネロ)] You(Arc), Bubu(Nero)
(8/7) ゲームチャリオット五井店/千葉県 [洋(アルク)&BB(ネロ)] You(Arc), Bubu(Nero)
(8/8) ゲームチャリオット船橋店/千葉県 [はれ(さつき)&王国民(芳乃)(レン)] Hare(Satsuki), Yoshino(Len)
(8/14) アミューズメントエース津田沼/千葉県 [じゃむを(ワラキア)&ぜあ(リーズ)] Jamu(Wara), Zea(Ries)

◎B-8 [攻撃力2200《隆》(ワラキア)&守備力1500《ふーすい》(青子)] Takashi(Wara), Fuusui(Aoko)
(8/22) CLUBSEGA綱島/神奈川県 [かた(赤主)&ふじなみ(Vシオン)] Kata(VAkiha), Fujinami(VSion)
(8/28) パームトップス/神奈川県 [美希《丸やん》(シオン)&夜々《BaT》(秋葉)] Maruyan(Sion), BaTsister(Akiha)
(8/29) CLUBSEGA 相模大野/神奈川県 [攻撃力2200《隆》(ワラキア)&守備力1500《ふーすい》(青子)] Takashi(Wara), Fuusui(Aoko)

☆C-1 [ヒツジ(赤主)&ひろかわ(リーズ)] Hitsuji(VAkiha), Hirokawa(Ries)
(8/28) ミラクル藤枝店/静岡県 [K(ワラキア)&S(ネロ)] K(Wara), S(Nero)
(8/29) ミラクルドーム/静岡県 [しいな(都古?メカ?)、かいる(さつき?)] Shiina(Mech), Kairu(Satsuki)
(9/4) THE 3RD PLANET OZ浜松店/静岡県 [へいほぉ~(ワラキア)&ダノン(琥珀)] Heihoo(Wara), Danon(Kohaku)
(9/5) セガワールド静岡/静岡県 [ヒツジ(赤主)&ひろかわ(リーズ)] Hitsuji(VAkiha), Hirokawa(Ries)

C-2 [鈴木《ひょんける》(リーズ)&えふて~(都古)] Hyonkell(Ries), FT(Miyako)
(8/15) メルクス東名/愛知県 [だっくす(さつき)&きむちー(式)] Dax(Satsuki), Kimchi(Ryougi)
(8/21) 岐阜レジャーラント穂積店/岐阜県 [奈留《なるそら*おだだいき》(志貴)&びぃ(秋葉)] Misora(Shiki), Bii(Akiha)
(8/22) PLAY SEVEN/愛知県 [鈴木《ひょんける》(リーズ)&えふて~(都古)] Hyonkell(Ries), FT(Miyako)

◎C-3 [たつや(シエル)&エクス(ネロ)] Tatsuya(Ciel), X(Nero)
(8/7) クラブセガ金山/愛知県 [乾沙凪(kuga)(メカ)&二階堂 遊(遊)(赤主)] kuga(Mech), Yuu(VAkiha)
(8/8) ゲームスカイ/愛知県 [たつや(シエル)&エクス(ネロ)] Tatsuya(Ciel), X(Nero)

◎C-4 [T.I(志貴)&がる(琥珀)] T.I(Shiki), Garu(Kohaku)
(8/28) チャンス白根店/新潟県 [T.I(志貴)&がる(琥珀)] T.I(Shiki), Garu(Kohaku)
(8/29) ゲームセンターテクノポリス/新潟県 [ヤンマー(志貴)&RMM(七夜)] Yanmar(Shiki), RMM(Nanaya)

◎C-5 [乾 紗凪《kuga》(メカ)&ナヤ(アルク)] kuga(Mech), Naya(Arc)
(8/28) セガアリーナ/福井県 [たきの(翡翠)&ゆきち(赤主)] Takino(Hisui), Yukichi(VAkiha)
(8/29) コスモランド小松/石川県 [乾 紗凪《kuga》(メカ)&ナヤ(アルク)] kuga(Mech), Naya(Arc)
(9/4) ゲームインさんしょう掛尾店/富山県 [品の無い軋間《びん》(紅摩)&センスない都古《小力》(都古)] Bin(Kouma), Koriki(Miyako)

◎C-6 [キリト(秋葉)&キリヤ(シオン)] Kirito(Akiha), Kiriya(Sion)
(8/15) ゲームパニック甲府/山梨県 [なる(ヒスコハ)&えるぇ(赤主)] Naru(Maids), Erue(VAkiha)
(8/21) アミューズメントパークNASA/長野県 [ホロ《こはく・・・かも》(琥珀)&ラッシー(秋葉)] Horo(Kohaku), Lassie(Akiha)
(8/22) セガワールド エデン/長野県 [キリト(秋葉)&キリヤ(シオン)] Kirito(Akiha), Kiriya(Sion)

◎C-7 [GO1(秋葉)&いえだ(琥珀)] GO1(Akiha), Ieda/Nakau(Kohaku)
(8/7) ゲームチャオ松阪/三重県 [綾(シオン)&犬(凡太)(秋葉)]  Aya(Sion), Bonta(Akiha)
(8/8) セガワールドスキップタウン/三重県 [ナヤ(アルク)&新(ワルク)] Naya(Arc), Shin(Warc)
(8/14) セガワールド生桑/三重県 [GO1(秋葉)&いえだ(琥珀)] GO1(Akiha), Ieda/Nakau(Kohaku)

☆D-1 [銀時(青子)&リュウイチ(アルク)] Gintoki(Aoko), Ryuuichi(Arc)
(8/29) ハイテクランドセガ西中島/大阪府 [彰《AI》(リーズ)&しゅうへい(赤主)] AI(Ries), Shuuhei(VAkiha)
(9/5) チャレンジャー関大前店/大阪府 [銀時(青子)&リュウイチ(アルク)] Gintoki(Aoko), Ryuuichi(Arc)

◎D-2 [夢守(シエル)&山昆布(シオン)] Yumekami(Ciel), Yamakonbu(Sion)
(8/7) ゲームプラザエム/大阪府 [夢守(シエル)&山昆布(シオン)] Yumekami(Ciel), Yamakonbu(Sion)
(8/8) エンジョイパラダイス/大阪府 [GO1(秋葉)*1人チーム] GO1(Akiha) single entry!

◎D-3 [赤星(さつき)&らくちゃん(レン)] Akaboshi(Satsuki), Rakuchan(Len)
(8/21) ゲームランドエース/大阪府 [びん(紅摩)&こりき(都古)] Bin(Kouma), Koriki(Miyako)
(8/22) 星狩物語 中百舌鳥店/大阪府 [老けアゴ《辻井》(ワルク)&もみやま(シオン)] Tsujisosu(Warc), Momiyama(Sion)
(8/28) アテナ日本橋/大阪府 [赤星(さつき)&らくちゃん(レン)] Akaboshi(Satsuki), Rakuchan(Len)

◎D-4 [テラスピードホワイト《ハイスピード白》(ワラキア)&ユウ(シオン)] Highspeed Shiro(Wara), Yuu(Sion)
(8/29) アミューズメントスペースガオラ/滋賀県 [テラスピードホワイト《ハイスピード白》(ワラキア)&ユウ(シオン)] Highspeed(Wara), Yuu(Sion)
(9/4) neo amusementspace a-cho/京都府 [おかじ~(紅摩)&ゆうき(レン)] Okaji(Kouma), Yuuki(Len)

◎D-5 [コウ(赤主)&ラキスタ(ネロ)] Kou(VAkiha), Luckystar(Nero)
(8/8) 遊スペース マジカル/兵庫県 [こりき(都古)&びん(紅摩)] Koriki(Miyako), Bin(Kouma)
(8/14) セガ三宮SANX/兵庫県 [赤星(さつき)&ユウ(シオン)] Akaboshi(Satsuki), Yuu(Sion)
(8/15) GAME IN COO/兵庫県 [コウ(赤主)&ラキスタ(ネロ)] Kou(VAkiha), Luckystar(Nero)

☆E-1 [てぃーる(秋葉)&ふかひれ(ワラキア)] t-ru(Akiha), Fukahire(Wara)
(8/29) セガワールド松江/島根県 [J・アンソン(ロア)&わか(ワルク)] J-Anson(Roa), Waka(Warc)
(9/4) フタバ図書GIGAZONE/広島県 [KEY(都古)&ロリ山(さつき)] KEY(Miyako), Loliyama(Satsuki)
(9/5) ビバーチャ2/広島県 [てぃーる(秋葉)&ふかひれ(ワラキア)] t-ru(Akiha), Fukahire(Wara)

◎E-2 [時雨 亜沙(翡翠)《憐》&しっきー(志貴)] Aware(Hisui), Shiki(Shiki)
(8/21) テクノランド/岡山県 [ふかひれ(ワラキア)、てぃーる(秋葉?)] Fukahire(Wara), t-ru(Akiha)
(8/22) アミパラキャッスル/広島県 [KEY(都古)ロリ山(さつき) ] KEY(Miyako), Loliyama(Satsuki)
(8/28) セガワールドメガ海田/広島県 [時雨 亜沙(翡翠)《憐》&しっきー(志貴)] Aware(Hisui), Shiki(Shiki)

◎E-3 [ハヤテ(さつき)&紅葉(秋葉)] Hayate(Satsuki), Kouyou(Akiha)
(8/8) ハイテクセガ新居浜/愛媛県 [看護師(ワルク)&あすた(志貴)] Kangoshi(Warc), Asuta(Shiki)
(8/14) マックスプラザ善通寺/香川県 [ハヤテ(さつき)&紅葉(秋葉)] Hayate(Satsuki), Kouyou(Akiha)
(8/15) 戦/香川県 [憐(翡翠)&しっきー(志貴)] Aware(Hisui), Shiki(Shiki)

☆F-1 [あり(紅摩)&チェスト(シオン)] Ari(aka Sena Airi)(Kouma), Chest(Sion)
(8/28) TAC 北方店/福岡県 [橘 美也(きるあ)(秋葉)&七咲 逢(とれもろ)] Kirua(Akiha), Toremono(Arc)
(8/29) TAC戸畑/福岡県 [とばり(赤主)&ふぁも(レン)] Tobari(VAkiha), Famo(Len)
(9/4) モンキーハウス本館/福岡県 [パロスペ(シオン)&スグロ(琥珀)] Parospe(Sion), Suguro(Kohaku)
(9/5) アミューズメントスペースOPA/福岡県 [あり(紅摩)&チェスト(シオン)] Ari(Kouma), Chest(Sion)

◎F-2 [ハミデント(レン)&鳳仙花(ネロ)] Hamident(Len), Housenka(Nero)
(8/21) アミューズメント・リバティー/鹿児島県 [パロスペ(シオン)&スグロ(琥珀)] Parospe(Sion), Suguro(Kohaku) 
(8/22) セガワールドヒダカプラザ/宮崎県 [ハミデント(レン)&鳳仙花(ネロ)] Hamident(Len), Housenka(Nero)

◎F-3 [ジェフリーマンソン(青子)&信(秋葉)] Jeffrey Manson(Aoko), Shin(Akiha)
(8/14) アミューズジョイBOX/沖縄県 [K太(秋葉)&かもへー(ヒスコハ)] K-Ta(Akiha), Kamohe(Maids)
(8/15) ゲームインナハ2/沖縄県 [ジェフリーマンソン(青子)&信(秋葉)] Jeffrey Manson(Aoko), Shin(Akiha)

Last Chance Qualifier #1 - Jアンソン(ロア)プロト(翡翠) J-Anson(Roa), Mr. Protoprahe(Hisui)
Last Chance Qualifier #2 - 遊(シオン)ダックス(さつき) Yuu(Sion), Dax(Satsuki)

Final character count
7 Sion
6 Nero
5 Akiha
4 VAkiha, Aoko, Satsuki
3 Arc, Kohaku, Wara, Ries, Hisui
2 VSion, Shiki, Warc, Ciel, Mech, Len, Kouma
1 Nanaya, Miyako, WLen, Ryougi, Roa
0 Maids, SAkiha
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Curbeh August 08, 2010, 06:16:49 PM
C-Ciels in datASS already
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rokunaya August 08, 2010, 06:20:10 PM
C-Ciels in datASS already

I'm sure Zaelar will rejoice at this fact, haha. I'm not so surprised to see Sion got in, but Nero? Hurrrr~
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce August 08, 2010, 06:32:08 PM
Hare/Yoshino team and GO1 team are most surprising to me.  Sacchin/Len team?  Really?  Team lowtier heroes.  lol.  Also GO1 as Akiha and running solo is surprising.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Chie Satonaka August 08, 2010, 07:08:07 PM
C-Ciels in datASS already

All we need now is Deguchi and Niiya in the building and shit will really pop off.  :toot:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Irysa August 09, 2010, 05:29:44 AM
where the fuck is jamu
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: HRGS|忍 August 09, 2010, 05:54:29 AM
Hare/Yoshino team and GO1 team are most surprising to me.  Sacchin/Len team?  Really?  Team lowtier heroes.  lol.  Also GO1 as Akiha and running solo is surprising.

GO1 is about to go Garu on these niggas.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: fiendmaw August 09, 2010, 05:55:20 AM
Note there's only ONE Shiki player
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Van_Artic August 09, 2010, 07:03:52 AM
wow, no vsion at all
and only one kohaku as well
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke August 09, 2010, 08:59:44 AM
where the fuck is jamu
He teamed with Rei Nanaya at the area qualifier that You/Bubu won, ended up getting 2nd
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Irysa August 10, 2010, 07:37:06 AM

jamu ;_;

I'm quite impressed by the character variety so far at least but fuck, if Wara made it in SBO last time MB was there why not now D:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: ehrik August 10, 2010, 12:03:33 PM
forest wara failed us all

Did highspeed or RYU ever make a team and go for it?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: MissedFRC August 11, 2010, 06:15:25 PM
Glad to see Leo in.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Dintrao August 11, 2010, 08:33:41 PM
Yoshino repping Len  :toot:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Coren August 11, 2010, 09:38:27 PM
I can seriously imagine the GO1 solo team being a "Fuck You" to Garu or something.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke August 15, 2010, 09:56:13 AM
Another wave of qualifiers finished this weekend, so updated the first post with results.  Notables include Jeffrey Manson qualifying with the same team that he made it to top4 with in 2007 Tougeki MBAC and a Ryougi player finally qualifying.

Also, Garu teamed up with TI at the Bigbox qualifier, and I think they got 2nd.  Some old school players from MBAC Ver.A days, like niga, Furan, kubo, and ILS(all made it to top4 2006 tougeki mbac) are also back and trying to qualify as well.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: lain102300 August 15, 2010, 10:58:42 AM
Kou going back to VAkiha? Probably going to run Crescent.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: fiendmaw August 15, 2010, 12:48:02 PM
Kubo playing MBAA again?!?!!?
Also,it's nice to see oldschool MB players going at it again.Also,where were they hiding lol.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce August 15, 2010, 04:49:57 PM
Kou going back to VAkiha? Probably going to run Crescent.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Alfonse August 15, 2010, 05:11:50 PM
Lack of Yukinose saddens me, as a fellow Akiha player.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce August 15, 2010, 05:53:22 PM
You still have two Akiha players in.  No Miyako is qualified yet.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Cristu August 15, 2010, 06:00:47 PM
anyone know if F.T played already?

btw anyone knows if Oyashiro, TIL or Motomachi are playing? and if they played already?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Ultima66 August 15, 2010, 06:12:33 PM
Hare didn't make it :(
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Benny1 August 19, 2010, 11:27:10 AM
Zea/THER is playing Ries?  Weird
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke August 22, 2010, 10:13:29 AM
First post updated with more of the quals from this weekend.  EVO champion Garu teams with TI and finally wins an Area qualifier, but they fail to take the block final.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Lord Knight August 22, 2010, 03:28:29 PM
That block looked like a nightmare lol
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rei August 22, 2010, 09:56:32 PM
(8/22) クラブセガ秋葉原 新館/東京都 [ぜあ(リーズ)&レイ(式)] Zea(Ries), Rei(Ryougi)

Gotta win the next one to make it in!!!
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce August 23, 2010, 01:03:13 AM
Nice to see FT made it.  Where the fuck is Kanna though?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: fiendmaw August 23, 2010, 02:20:02 PM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rokunaya August 23, 2010, 02:54:41 PM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

I for one actually welcome the lack of a Tohno/Nanaya, those characters are too boring/overused, in my opinion.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Pete278 August 23, 2010, 04:10:22 PM
Does anyone know if Moscow tried yet? I want to see one Maids player in SBO. :(
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce August 23, 2010, 10:41:05 PM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

I for one actually welcome the lack of a Tohno/Nanaya, those characters are too boring/overused, in my opinion.
Nanaya isn't really used that much.  Not like Tohno or vSion was in ver.a.  And like...Tohno had some hype ass shit (well, C did, not so much H), but he was just so overplayed that it became an ultimate snore fest in no time flat.  I'm glad he got nerfed, but I almost feel bad at the degree in which he was raped.  lol.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rei August 24, 2010, 08:20:42 AM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

Most of the cast got nerfed instead of doing buffs to the others.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rokunaya August 24, 2010, 01:47:49 PM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

Most of the cast got nerfed instead of doing buffs to the others.

Yeah, if what I heard is right, they just decided to nerf everyone down so they could be near the same level, instead of buffing the weaker characters; making an overall less damaging game. I'm up for that, though, actually. 6k combos being not that abnormal is kinda gay, imo. Especially since alot of them can be from pretty much 'nothing' but a counterhit and a regular BnB.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rei August 24, 2010, 02:03:36 PM
I'm still hoping for at least one Tohno or Nanaya in SBO...
Strange that Nero got nerfed,yet he is the most represented character.

Most of the cast got nerfed instead of doing buffs to the others.

Yeah, if what I heard is right, they just decided to nerf everyone down so they could be near the same level, instead of buffing the weaker characters; making an overall less damaging game. I'm up for that, though, actually. 6k combos being not that abnormal is kinda gay, imo. Especially since alot of them can be from pretty much 'nothing' but a counterhit and a regular BnB.

Yeah, lower damage MB is pretty nice
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Irysa August 25, 2010, 03:03:22 PM
Tohno being awesome and then being mediocre is a fucking standard in MB these days.

It's been like that since way back, dude always went up to retardly good in the first/second versions then get's raped in the final.

(also there are like no serious Nanaya players these days anyway so it's not a big change)
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: fiendmaw August 25, 2010, 10:56:43 PM
C or F are easily in the top 8 of best characters....I hope....
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke August 29, 2010, 12:15:34 PM
Tons of qualifiers finished this weekend, so updated the first post again.  Notables include the Satsuki player M-Shi somehow winning a B-1 area qualifier with Seifuku Akiha, Hagi qualifying with his new character Ries, and EVO champion Garu finally winning a block final, with TI.

Next weekend will be the last for MBAACC Tougeki qualifiers
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rei August 30, 2010, 10:48:08 AM
Hagi got me this time.

: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Soniti September 01, 2010, 08:06:32 PM
Yay for Garu!
I'm hype to see how he does  :toot:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke September 05, 2010, 10:39:58 AM
Updated the first post.  This was the final weekend of qualifiers, so the main 30 spots for Tougeki MBAACC have finally been filled!  There are still two more spots to fill out the bracket, and those will be last chance qualifiers and/or foreign qualifiers.

Character count for the Tougeki qualified teams
6 Sion, Nero
5 Akiha
4 VAkiha, Aoko
3 Arc, Kohaku, Wara, Satsuki, Ries
2 VSion, Shiki, Warc, Ciel, Hisui, Mech, Len, Kouma
1 Nanaya, Miyako, WLen, Ryougi
0 Maids, Roa, SAkiha

If we also count the teams that won Area Qualifiers..
12 Sion, Akiha, VAkiha
8 Warc
7 Kohaku, Wara, Nero, Satsuki
6 Len, Ries
5 Shiki, Aoko, Kouma
4 Arc, Miyako, Ryougi
3 VSion, Hisui, Mech
2 Nanaya, Ciel, Maids, Roa
1 WLen, SAkiha
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Pete278 September 05, 2010, 11:42:41 PM
0 Maids, Roa, SAkiha

Oh well, means I won't be biased towards any one character and can just support the best team.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Soniti September 06, 2010, 03:50:13 AM
Thanks for doing this, Psylocke. I was thinking about it but posting the Guilty and BlazBlue results on dustloop took a bunch of work already ;)
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Rei September 06, 2010, 07:09:38 PM
Mao qualified? wtf?

Every match vid I've seen of him, he's sucked pretty badly and got raped by everyone
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LivingShadow September 06, 2010, 07:50:05 PM
Mao qualified? wtf?

Every match vid I've seen of him, he's sucked pretty badly and got raped by everyone

My thoughts exactly. But these are team matches, I guess his partner was just that crazy.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: lain102300 September 10, 2010, 01:17:59 PM
Damn, Tsujisosu didn't qualify.

As long as they don't run into Luckystar, I got Highspeed and Yuu winning this.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: dakanya September 10, 2010, 01:54:37 PM
I'm expecting Shinjuku Melty to dominate and win their first and second matches unless they have to fight each other.

I'd like Hato and Leo to win but I wouldn't be surprised if any of these teams won.

You (Arcueid) and Bubu (Nero)
Jin (Hisui) and SAT (Nero)
Hagi (Ries) and Surume (Nanaya)
Hare (Satsuki) and Waka (Kohaku)
T.I (Shiki) and Garu (Kohaku)

I'm also looking forward to watching these teams.

Kou (V.Akiha) and Luckystar (Nero)
GO1 (Akiha) and Ieda (Kohaku)
Aware (Hisui) and Shiki (Shiki)
Highspeed (Warakia) and Yuu (Sion)

More underdogs that I'm also looking forward to but yes, am ranking lower.

Fujinami (V.Sion) and Kata (Akiha)
any Akiha and V.Akiha player lol

And it sucks that these players weren't able to qualify.

Sora (V.Akiha)
Takashi (Warakia)
Fuusui (Aoko)
Jamu (Warakia)
Misora (Shiki)

ok this post is too long now but these are my personal highlights for SBO
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Tonberry September 10, 2010, 09:14:15 PM
And it sucks that these players weren't able to qualify.

Takashi (Warakia)
Fuusui (Aoko)

They did qualify.

: Psylocke
◎B-8 [攻撃力2200《隆》(ワラキア)&守備力1500《ふーすい》(青子)] Takashi(Wara), Fuusui(Aoko)
(8/22) CLUBSEGA綱島/神奈川県 [かた(赤主)&ふじなみ(Vシオン)] Kata(VAkiha), Fujinami(VSion)
(8/28) パームトップス/神奈川県 [美希《丸やん》(シオン)&夜々《BaT》(秋葉)] Maruyan(Sion), BaTsister(Akiha)
(8/29) CLUBSEGA 相模大野/神奈川県 [攻撃力2200《隆》(ワラキア)&守備力1500《ふーすい》(青子)] Takashi(Wara), Fuusui(Aoko)

That team is going to be hella hype.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: dakanya September 10, 2010, 09:17:44 PM
oh for reals? damn when did that happen lol
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: abitofBaileys September 10, 2010, 09:23:06 PM
This is going to be rather interesting.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LivingShadow September 11, 2010, 04:08:21 AM
I'm hoping Hare does well, his Sacchin is fun to watch. I'm also curious as to how Hagi plays Ries.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Cristu September 16, 2010, 10:32:18 PM
you guys already bough acess to the stream? seems like it will begin in 18.5 hours from now

I'll watch it with a friend tomorrow allday \o/

cheering for Nakau and F.T equally
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke September 17, 2010, 04:23:28 PM
The brackets for MBAACC have been made already.  From what I am reading, it seems that there are no foreign spots, so there will be two last chance qualifiers.

Bracket is attached, excuse my ghetto Photoshop skills
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Alfonse September 17, 2010, 04:42:55 PM
Hey, there's a Miyako.. Loli would be pleased.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke September 17, 2010, 04:55:49 PM
Wow that was fast, just a few minutes after I posted, the results for the two last chance qualifiers came in.  They are
LCQ #1 winner: Jアンソン(ロア)プロト(翡翠) J-Anson(Roa), Mr. Protoprahe(Hisui)
LCQ #2 winner: 遊(シオン)ダックス(さつき) Yuu(Sion), Dax(Satsuki)

To clear up any confusion, the Yuu in LCQ #2 is different than the Yuu in Highspeed's team.  The Yuu in highspeed's team has always played Sion, and mainly shows up at a-cho, while the Yuu in LCQ#2 was a former VSion player and mainly plays at Gamesky.  New bracket is attached

This brings the final character count to
7 Sion
6 Nero
5 Akiha
4 VAkiha, Aoko, Satsuki
3 Arc, Kohaku, Wara, Ries, Hisui
2 VSion, Shiki, Warc, Ciel, Mech, Len, Kouma
1 Nanaya, Miyako, WLen, Ryougi, Roa
0 Maids, SAkiha
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce September 17, 2010, 08:17:24 PM
Thanks for the update Psy.  + a lot of heat for keeping everyone up to date so well.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: ehrik September 17, 2010, 11:05:19 PM
Ieda and GO1 beat Hato and Leo in GF

: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: HRGS|忍 September 17, 2010, 11:14:35 PM
Top 4

Ieda/GO1 defeats Kaimaato/Inoshi 2-0
(Ieda over Inoshi 2-0; GO1 over Kaimaato 2-1)

Leo/Hato defeats Tatsuya/X 2-0
(Hato over X 2-0; Leo over Tatsuya 2-0)

Finals: Ieda/GO1 defeats Leo/Hato 2-0
(GO1 over Hato 2-0; Final Match - Ieda over Leo 2-0)
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Pfhor September 17, 2010, 11:16:05 PM
As happy I am that team ieda won SOMETHING finally after trying since mbac, I wish the matches were more solid and less one sided.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Irysa September 18, 2010, 06:07:26 AM
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Kamina September 18, 2010, 08:15:29 AM
Nice to see that Kaimaato made it up to top 4, I'm pretty satisfied with even if his team didn't take it all.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: FataCon September 18, 2010, 08:33:30 AM
KAIMAATO!  :emo:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Ultima66 September 18, 2010, 01:17:03 PM
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Vhaeraun September 18, 2010, 04:10:13 PM
I'm glad Leo made it to the top 4 finally, even though he isn't nearly as active as before in their tournament scene. I only saw a few vids of him in
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce September 18, 2010, 04:42:21 PM
Do they have the full brackets up anywhere?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: HRGS|忍 September 20, 2010, 08:57:32 AM
Don't thank me, thank Psylocke, MS Paint, and IRC log files. I'm missing 2 matches, but w/e use your imagination.


: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Cristu September 20, 2010, 10:03:40 AM
is it legal to post youtube link of tougeki recorded with camera by people there?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LivingShadow September 20, 2010, 10:07:46 AM
Garu+T.I. VS Kyou+Mao: winner: Kyou+Mao

Kyou must have been god-like.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LoliSauce September 20, 2010, 10:55:14 AM
is it legal to post youtube link of tougeki recorded with camera by people there?
It's fine, post if you'd like.

Shin, F.T and Hyonkell lost their first match, so that's one gap filled in for you.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Cristu September 20, 2010, 11:01:53 AM
Ok then ;D
I suggest watching on mute because it's impossible to hear any sound of the game. It's even hard to listen the japanese comments. And the guy with the camera speaks french, so if you don't know french sound is useless.

First Semi-Finals:
Hato (F V.Akiha), Leo (C Warcueid) vs X (H Nero), Tatsuya (C Ciel)

Second Semi-Finals:
Ieda Nakau (C Kohaku), GO1 (F Akiha) vs Inoshi (F V.Sion), Kaimaato (F Kouma)

Grand Finals:
GO1 (F Akiha), Ieda Nakau (C Kohaku) vs Hato (F V.Akiha), Leo (C Warcueid)
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke September 20, 2010, 07:55:05 PM
Don't thank me, thank Psylocke, MS Paint, and IRC log files. I'm missing 2 matches, but w/e use your imagination.

Forgot to mention those on IRC, since people didn't post those results until later
Rakuchan/Akaboshi beat Hagi/Surume
Highspeed/Yuu beat Kanon/Kaito
Yumekami/Yamakonbu beat Hyonkell/FT
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LivingShadow September 21, 2010, 05:15:07 AM
Hmm... Johnny mixups. Ieda's fun to watch.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: sevalle September 21, 2010, 05:17:21 AM
hato must have felt really sick eating 2 command grabs in a row, that was about 6k dmg in 5 seconds  :prinny:
also, ieda executing kohaku's flashy battou wallslam loop and pulling off a double crossup johnny made my jaw drop

i wish i knew what the japanese commentators said when they saw those stuff  :V
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: KeiForce! September 21, 2010, 11:21:28 PM
Very. VERY Nice.

I'm purely saying it to be contrary, but the killing blow in the final was... anti-climatic. Like "Boop. you died. :D"

I don't even wanna tag on a 'However/Nonetheless/Anyhow'. I really liked those matches outright.

: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Alfonse September 24, 2010, 07:08:13 AM
He had the guts to pull an invalid EX battou. I know a couple of hundred health is the thing that decides life and death in jp melty, but..  :mystery:
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Vecayse October 22, 2010, 07:31:29 PM
Are they gonna be releasing a DVD or something with all the matches from the tournament? If so anyone know when...?
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Psylocke November 25, 2010, 02:17:32 PM
Are they gonna be releasing a DVD or something with all the matches from the tournament? If so anyone know when...?
Unfortunately it looks like there's not gonna be a DVD release for Tougeki MBAACC.  Probably because it was a category C game

With that said, it's probably okay to link these videos now.  Somebody managed to archive the stream of the top4 matches.  Yay for Chinese streaming sites

And shakycam vids that some German dude recorded of a few of the pre-top4 matches
Luckystar(C-Nero), Kou(F-VAkiha) vs Naya(F-Arc), kuga(C-Mech)

Hato(F-VAkiha), Leo(C-Warc) vs Mr. Protoprahe(H-Hisui), J-Anson(H-Roa)

Gintoki(F-Aoko) vs Shin(C-Akiha)

Takashi(C-Wara), Fuusui(C-Aoko) vs GO1(F-Akiha), Ieda(C-Kohaku)

Mao(C-Ryougi) vs Kaimaato(F-Kouma)
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: LivingShadow November 25, 2010, 03:39:39 PM
With that said, it's probably okay to link these videos now.  Somebody managed to archive the stream of the top4 matches.  Yay for Chinese streaming sites
First time I've actually watched Tougeki. The showmanship is something I'd like to see done in the US.
: Re: MBAACC at Tougeki
: Nandeyanen November 25, 2010, 06:49:00 PM
Mao(C-Ryougi) vs Kaimaato(F-Kouma)

This made me laugh.