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Author Topic: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)  (Read 23170 times)

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Offline Arlieth Tralare

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #25 on: August 04, 2007, 12:17:00 PM »
Haha, it's okay. I really appreciate it. I made some slight changes so that the terms are consistent with Tsukihime's translation (i.e.: 666 Pieces which is a play on Shiki's 17 Pieces) and Akiha's Inversion Impulse.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2007, 12:40:25 PM by Arlieth Tralare »
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

Offline Keith

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #26 on: August 04, 2007, 01:40:42 PM »
Some of the translations feel a little bit awkward and/or suffering from machine-translation syndrome. But, at least it's better than nothing.
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Offline Arlieth Tralare

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #27 on: August 04, 2007, 08:14:58 PM »
Well, you can't cut-and-paste the kanji, unfortunately, which is why this takes so long. :p Some of these translations are surprisingly accurate though, like Mai:lish Wizards.
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

Offline Aya Reiko

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #28 on: August 04, 2007, 11:33:26 PM »
Well, you can't cut-and-paste the kanji, unfortunately, which is why this takes so long. :p Some of these translations are surprisingly accurate though, like Mai:lish Wizards.

If it's the kanji you want...

Sion&Sion アトラスの錬金術師
Sion&Arc 真祖と錬金術師
Sion&Ciel ノーライフ・ノーブラッド
Sion&Akiha お嬢様と錬金術師
Sion&Hisui キャラ的には被っています。
Sion&Kohaku 遠野家地下の二大博士
Sion&Shiki 真夏の夜の夢
Sion&Miyako エジプティアン・チャイニーキック
Sion&Walachia コード:ウロボロス
Sion&Chaos 貪欲と暴食
Sion&Sion(TATARI) 祟りの夜
Sion&Red Arc ウイルス&クランケ
Sion&Verm. Akiha 強気なお嬢様と錬金術師
Sion&Mech-Hisui 科学的にありえません
Sion&Nanaya 暗殺者と錬金術師
Sion&Satsuki 元祖 路地裏同盟
Sion&Len 夢魔と錬金術師
Sion&Aoko クライン・マギズ
Sion&Kouma 沈黙の共闘者
Sion&White Len 第二次 路地裏同盟
Sion&Neco-Arc 生物学的にありえません
Sion&Neco-Arc Chaos もはや宇宙的にありえません

Arc&Arc 真祖の姫君
Arc&Ciel 女の友情・メガトンパンチ
Arc&Akiha お嬢様とお姫様
Arc&Hisui メイドと姫君
Arc&Kohaku 面白ければなんだっていいのです!コンビ
Arc&Shiki ムーンライト・ラバーズ
Arc&Miyako お師匠さまはお天気ヴァンプ
Arc&Walachia 千年の徒労
Arc&Chaos 真祖と混沌
Arc&Sion(TATARI) ゴールド&パープル・ヴァンプ
Arc&Red Arc 千年城の姫君たち
Arc&Verm. Akiha 血の令嬢と吸血姫
Arc&Mech-Hisui 吸血ロボメカヒスイ
Arc&Nanaya ウォーキング・デッド・マン
Arc&Satsuki 真・猫と鼠チーム
Arc&Len 元祖・ネコさんチーム
Arc&Aoko デュエル・オブ・トップ
Arc&Kouma 2001万パワーズ
Arc&White Len 味方で噛みあうネコさんチーム
Arc&Neco-Arc 超しんげったん月姫
Arc&Neco-Arc Chaos 禁煙しなさいよそこのネコ

Ciel&Ciel 埋葬の代行者
Ciel&Akiha 峰より華麗
Ciel&Hisui シュート!シュート!シュート!
Ciel&Kohaku カレーを巡る闘争
Ciel&Shiki おそろい眼鏡
Ciel&Miyako カレーはまだ食べられません
Ciel&Walachia ブラッドロード・クルセイド
Ciel&Chaos 混沌と代行者
Ciel&Sion(TATARI) ブラッドロード・レコンキスタ
Ciel&Red Arc 黒と白の処刑人
Ciel&Verm. Akiha 三咲町の夜を守る会
Ciel&Mech-Hisui メカとカレー
Ciel&Nanaya ムーンライトライナー
Ciel&Satsuki 鷲と鼠チーム
Ciel&Len 汝、誘惑することなかれ
Ciel&Aoko 年上お姉さんズ/トップオブシューター
Ciel&Kouma 鬼と弓
Ciel&White Len 夢のカレーケーキショウ
Ciel&Neco-Arc 教えて!知恵留先生
Ciel&Neco-Arc Chaos 教えろ!ネコカオス教授

Akiha&Akiha 遠野家当主でよろしくて?
Akiha&Hisui 主と使用人(正しい力関係)
Akiha&Kohaku 主と使用人(微妙な力関係)
Akiha&Shiki 色々あるけど仲良し兄弟
Akiha&Miyako レッド・テンション・シスターズ!
Akiha&Walachia 悪夢のジゼル
Akiha&Chaos 抑圧と暴食
Akiha&Sion(TATARI) 血を吸うお嬢さんたち
Akiha&Red Arc 魔王とお嬢様
Akiha&Verm. Akiha 反転衝動
Akiha&Mech-Hisui 命令系統大混乱
Akiha&Nanaya …たまにならこういうのもいいんですけど
Akiha&Satsuki 使用人としてなら許してあげます
Akiha&Len 当主と飼い猫
Akiha&Aoko お嬢様と魔法使い
Akiha&Kouma 鬼の末裔
Akiha&White Len お嬢様倶楽部・性格編
Akiha&Neco-Arc 相容れぬものたち
Akiha&Neco-Arc Chaos すごく相容れぬものたち

Hisui&Hisui お屋敷の使用人
Hisui&Kohaku 翡翠&琥珀
Hisui&Shiki 貴方が私のご主人様
Hisui&Miyako 鉄拳娘と鉄のカーテン
Hisui&Walachia タタリの国のアリス
Hisui&Chaos ダンディとメイドさん
Hisui&Sion(TATARI) タタリなシオンとメイドボイルドワンダーランド 
Hisui&Red Arc 魔王の国のアリス
Hisui&Verm. Akiha おてんば当主を巡る冒険
Hisui&Mech-Hisui どっちが本物?
Hisui&Nanaya 遠野邸殺人事件
Hisui&Satsuki 引っ込み思案ガールズ
Hisui&Len 無口な同居人
Hisui&Aoko メイリッシュ・ウィザーズ
Hisui&Kouma 無口な人たち
Hisui&White Len 梅ケーキだけは許せないのよ
Hisui&Neco-Arc 怖くない怖くない
Hisui&Neco-Arc Chaos タバコはお体によくありません

Kohaku&Kohaku 割烹着の悪魔
Kohaku&Shiki 注射は勘弁して下さい
Kohaku&Miyako こはくはすごい
Kohaku&Walachia 脚本家と迷監督
Kohaku&Chaos 策士と混沌
Kohaku&Vシ 世界転覆委員会
Kohaku&Red Arc 悪魔使いコハクッチ
Kohaku&Verm. Akiha 絶対騙されてる
Kohaku&Mech-Hisui 琥珀脅威のテクノロジー
Kohaku&Nanaya 主と使用人(悪魔が敗北する日)
Kohaku&Satsuki 新たな手駒ができました
Kohaku&Len 厨房の仲良しコンビ
Kohaku&Aoko デビルズ・スマイル・フィクサーズ
Kohaku&Kouma 向日葵と獅子
Kohaku&White Len ひそかにライバル
Kohaku&Neco-Arc このコンビは解消です!
Kohaku&Neco-Arc Chaos おい割烹着、オレのタバコに火をつけな

Shiki&Shiki 月を穿つ
Shiki&Miyako とつげきチャイナパラダイス
Shiki&Walachia ルール・マーダー
Shiki&Chaos 混沌を御するもの
Shiki&Sion(TATARI) ごちそうは目の前です
Shiki&Red Arc アポトーシス・オーバードライブ
Shiki&Verm. Akiha 兄ガミと鬼妹
Shiki&Mech-Hisui ドリル・ビームはみんなのロマン
Shiki&Nanaya 七つの夜の月
Shiki&Satsuki 片思い・ゼロ距離続行中
Shiki&Len ビューティフル・デイ・ドリーム
Shiki&Aoko 正義の味方株式会社(社長と秘書)
Shiki&Kouma 水月鮮影
Shiki&White Len ホワイト・スノウ・シンデレラ
Shiki&Neco-Arc おいメガネ、猫缶をナイフで切れ
Shiki&Neco-Arc Chaos 666分割

Miyako&Miyako 突撃チャイナガール
Miyako&Walachia 監督、次はエコールものですか?
Miyako&Chaos 大熊猫のいない動物園
Miyako&Sion(TATARI) チャイニーズマーケット・スーパーガール
Miyako&Red Arc パワーパフ・ガール&レディ
Miyako&Verm. Akiha 鬼妹と突撃妹
Miyako&Mech-Hisui Miyakoちゃん木人拳
Miyako&Nanaya パンダへの長い道
Miyako&Satsuki 従兄妹とクラスメイト
Miyako&Len 少女と黒猫
Miyako&Aoko 魔術と拳法をあわせたまったく新しいコンビ
Miyako&Kouma 修験道とか拳法とか
Miyako&White Len 少女と白猫
Miyako&Neco-Arc しゅくめいのライバル
Miyako&Neco-Arc Chaos こんとんのライバル

Walachia&Walachia ナイト・オン・ザ・ブラッドライアー
Walachia&Chaos エルダータイトル
Walachia&Sion(TATARI) 冥界の砂、虚言の王
Walachia&Red Arc エンド・グラン・ギニョール
Walachia&Verm. Akiha ブラックシネマ・メタサディズム
Walachia&Mech-Hisui キルボット・ホラーショウ
Walachia&Nanaya シャドウエンタ・カトリシズム
Walachia&Satsuki 監督と新人
Walachia&Len 悪夢と夢魔
Walachia&Aoko ブレイカー&ディーラー
Walachia&Kouma 無音劇団
Walachia&White Len タタリの残滓
Walachia&Neco-Arc まさに悪夢
Walachia&Neco-Arc Chaos もっと悪夢

Chaos&Chaos 混沌の獣
Chaos&Sion(TATARI) タタリと混沌
Chaos&Red Arc 魔王と非常食
Chaos&Verm. Akiha ブラッド・ジャンク・ドリンカー
Chaos&Mech-Hisui その発想(メカ)はなかったわ
Chaos&Nanaya キリング・サーカス
Chaos&Satsuki 大先輩と新参者
Chaos&Len 夢魔と混沌
Chaos&Aoko コスモス&Neco-Arc Chaos
Chaos&Kouma 鬼と獣
Chaos&White Len おじさまとロリータ
Chaos&Neco-Arc 667匹目のお友達
Chaos&Neco-Arc Chaos もうつかれたよネコラッシュ

Sion(TATARI)&Sion(TATARI) タタリの後継者
Sion(TATARI)&Red Arc デザートノイズ・ロストワールド
Sion(TATARI)&Verm. Akiha 血の暴走
Sion(TATARI)&Mech-Hisui …これ、ホントはタタリと関係ないでしょう?
Sion(TATARI)&Nanaya 殺人貴と吸血鬼
Sion(TATARI)&Satsuki 吸血鬼化進行中
Sion(TATARI)&Len クライン・バッドドリーム
Sion(TATARI)&Aoko タタリと魔法使い
Sion(TATARI)&Kouma 鬼と吸血鬼
Sion(TATARI)&White Len ミクロワールド・デザイナーズ
Sion(TATARI)&Neco-Arc 猫ではなくネコという生き物なのです
Sion(TATARI)&Neco-Arc Chaos …ヒッチ○ックにあやまりなさい

Red Arc&Red Arc 堕ちた真祖
Red Arc&Verm. Akiha トゥ・ファナティック・エンブレス
Red Arc&Mech-Hisui 魔王新軍・メカノイド
Red Arc&Nanaya ドゥームズ・デイ
Red Arc&Satsuki V,V,V
Red Arc&Len 魔王と夢魔
Red Arc&Aoko 魔王と魔法使い
Red Arc&Kouma 鬼と魔王
Red Arc&White Len 堕ちた精霊たち
Red Arc&Neco-Arc それは猫属性をなくし、それはネコではない
Red Arc&Neco-Arc Chaos これは魔王軍一番の小物!

Verm. Akiha&Verm. Akiha 赤主の権現
Verm. Akiha&Mech-Hisui …一体いくらなのかしら・・・?
Verm. Akiha&Nanaya 反転兄妹
Verm. Akiha&Satsuki さっちん、決死のライバル宣言
Verm. Akiha&Len 化けネコ仲間?
Verm. Akiha&Aoko 何か似てない?
Verm. Akiha&Kouma 紅赤朱
Verm. Akiha&White Len お嬢様倶楽部・ツンデレ編
Verm. Akiha&Neco-Arc 真・化けネコ同盟
Verm. Akiha&Neco-Arc Chaos だからタバコはやめなさい

Mech-Hisui&Mech-Hisui M×M×M×M
Mech-Hisui&Nanaya メカ的には同じご奉仕対象です
Mech-Hisui&Satsuki ハイパーアーム・グラップラーズ
Mech-Hisui&Len 長台詞は苦手です
Mech-Hisui&Aoko アイアンメイデン・アフターバーナー
Mech-Hisui&Kouma 続・無口な人たち
Mech-Hisui&White Len 電子メイドは白猫の夢を見るか
Mech-Hisui&Neco-Arc ネコとメカメイド
Mech-Hisui&Neco-Arc Chaos もう誰も分からない

Nanaya&Nanaya 殺人貴
Nanaya&Satsuki 九十九折る月下の惨劇
Nanaya&Len 夢魔と暗殺者
Nanaya&Aoko 正義の味方株式会社(社長と汚れ役)
Nanaya&Kouma レッド・ライオン
Nanaya&White Len アンバランス・ウイーピ・ハッピー?
Nanaya&Neco-Arc あれ、十八分割しちまった…?
Nanaya&Neco-Arc Chaos …ヤニの匂いは消してほしい

Satsuki&Satsuki 薄幸吸血少女
Satsuki&Len 夜を走るふたり
Satsuki&Aoko 新米吸血鬼、怒られる
Satsuki&Kouma 敵・即・極!
Satsuki&White Len 第三次路地裏同盟
Satsuki&Neco-Arc げっちゃ2
Satsuki&Neco-Arc Chaos カオスなデジャヴュ

Len&Len 黒い夢魔
Len&Aoko 夢魔と魔法使い
Len&Kouma 鬼神と夢魔
Len&White Len 白と黒のロンド
Len&Neco-Arc 黒猫とどちらでもないネコ
Len&Neco-Arc Chaos 地獄ヶ腹の悪夢

Aoko&Aoko マジックガンナー・ミスブルー
Aoko&Kouma 沙門と弁天
Aoko&White Len エスケープ・アガシオン
Aoko&Neco-Arc カニ対エビ
Aoko&Neco-Arc Chaos 禁煙してくれない?

Kouma&Kouma 紅い鬼神 
Kouma&White Len 氷と焔
Kouma&Neco-Arc ネネネの軋間
Kouma&Neco-Arc Chaos 酒もタバコも賭け事も大好きです

White Len&White Len 白い夢魔
White Len&Neco-Arc 白猫とモザイク猫
White Len&Neco-Arc Chaos ダンディカオスとツンデレロリータ

Neco-Arc&Neco-Arc サンドバッカーズ
Neco-Arc&Neco-Arc Chaos グレート・オールド・ネコズ

Neco-Arc Chaos&Neco-Arc Chaos スーパーサンドバッカーズ

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #29 on: August 05, 2007, 02:14:00 PM »
@Aya Reiko
Wow! I really need those! Thanks a bunch! I'll translate those to romaji then in English (if I can)...

edit: added some more team names, translations added also and corrections are welcome...^^

Sion Eltnam Atlasia

w/Kyuuketsuki Sion
- Tatari no Yoru

w/Yumizuka, Satsuki
- Motosou, Rojiura Doumei (Original Back-Alley Alliance)

w/Tohno, Akiha
- Ojou-sama to Renkinjutsushi

w/Sekishuu Akiha
- Tsuyoki na Ojou-sama to Renkinjutsushi

w/Bousou Arcueid
- Virus and Kranke (Kranke means 'diseased person')

w/Shiroi Len
- Dai Ni Ji, Rojiura Doumei (2nd Act, Back-Alley Alliance)

w/Aozaki, Aoko
- Klein Magus

w/Warakia no Yoru
- Code: Ouroboros

w/Tohno, Shiki
- Manatsu no Yoru no Yume (Midsummer's Night Dream)

w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Ansatsusha to Renkinjutsushi (Assassin and Alchemist)

- Akumu to Renkinjutsushi (Nightmare and Alchemist)

w/Arima, Miyako
- Egyptian Chinese Kick

- No Life, No Blood

w/Arcueid Brunestud
- Shinsou to Renkinjutsushi (True Ancestor and Alchemist)

w/Sion Eltnam Atlasia
- Atlas no Renkinjutsushi (Alchemist of Atlas)

Tohno, Akiha

w/Arcueid Brunestud
- Ojou-sama to Hime-sama

w/Sekishuu Akiha
- Hanten Shoudou

w/Bousou Arcueid
- Maou to Ojou-sama

Tohno, Shiki

w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Nanatsuya no Tsuki (Seven Nights of the Moon)

w/Aozaki, Aoko
- Seigi no Mikata Company (Kaichou to Assistant)


- Docchi ga Honmono? (Who is the real one?)

Kyuuketsuki Sion

w/Warakia no Yoru
- Shakai no Sa, Kyogen no Ou

w/Kishima, Kouma
- Oni to Kyuuketsuki

w/Sekishuu Akiha
- Chi no Bousou (Berserked Blood)

w/Arcueid Brunestud
- Gold and Purple Vamp

Arcueid Brunestud

- Onna no Yuujou, Megaton Punch (Woman of Friendship, Megaton Punch)

w/Tohno, Akiha
- Ojou-sama to Hime-sama

w/Kyuuketsuki Sion
- Gold and Purple Vamp

- Omoshikereba Nandatteiinodesu! Combi

w/Tohno, Shiki
- Moonlight Lovers

w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Walking Dead Man

w/Nrvnqsr Chaos
- Shinsou to Konton (True Ancestor and Chaos)

- Chou Shingetsutan Tsukihime (Super Lunar Legend Tsukihime)

- Motosou, Neko-san Team

- Kyuuketsu Robo Mecha-Hisui

w/Aozaki, Aoko
- Duel of Top

w/Sion Eltnam Atlasia
- Shinsou to Renkinjutsushi (True Ancestor and Alchemist)


w/Arcueid Brunestud
- Onna no Yuujou, Megaton Punch (Woman of Friendship, Megaton Punch)


w/Arima, Miyako
- Shoujou to Kuroneko (Young Girl and Black Cat)

w/Shiroi Ren
- Shiro to Kuro no Rondo (Rondo of White and Black)

Arima, Miyako

- Shoujou to Kuroneko (Young Girl and Black Cat)

Sekishuu Akiha

w/Sion Eltnam Atlasia
- Tsuyoki na Ojou-sama to Renkinjutsushi

w/Sekishuu Akiha
- Hanten Shoudou

w/Kyuuketsuki Sion
- Chi no Bousou (Berserked Blood)

If I found any additions, I'll post up again.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2007, 06:48:31 PM by kaihidou »

Offline Arlieth Tralare

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #30 on: August 06, 2007, 11:20:29 PM »
Hey Aya, are you actually Japanese or live in Japan? Or just really fluent in it?
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2007, 01:03:38 AM »
No.  I wish.  No.

Offline Arlieth Tralare

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2007, 03:24:24 AM »
Ahh, okay. ^^;;
<bellreisa> arly *has* given up 3s
<bellreisa> retired it anyways
<linalys> no he hasn't
<linalys> it lives on in crouch shield
<proxyZAR> and it will die there too lol

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2007, 04:33:46 PM »
I wikified the stuff. Many many thanks to Aya Reiko for providing the bulk of the info there. I used the kanji listing as the base list, thus the lists for each character get shorter because there are no duplicates. I suppose that can be fixed when the translations are complete. I just haven't filled out the lists yet because I don't want to worry about adding translations to multiple locations.


Only one I didn't get was Nero + Aoko. In the kanji listing, it says "コスモス&Neko Arc Chaos", but the translation reads "Cosmos & Chaos". What's Neko Arc doing in there?

Everyone, feel free to edit with your translations.
Running H-Kohaku, and I don't want to stop.
Graced by the presence of His Wongness as he ly ped from the heavens and stole everyone's cash.

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #34 on: August 10, 2007, 04:55:21 PM »
I wikified the stuff. Many many thanks to Aya Reiko for providing the bulk of the info there. I used the kanji listing as the base list, thus the lists for each character get shorter because there are no duplicates. I suppose that can be fixed when the translations are complete. I just haven't filled out the lists yet because I don't want to worry about adding translations to multiple locations.


Only one I didn't get was Nero + Aoko. In the kanji listing, it says "コスモス&Neko Arc Chaos", but the translation reads "Cosmos & Chaos". What's Neko Arc doing in there?

Everyone, feel free to edit with your translations.
The kanji should be: "コスモス&カオス"
A better fit for Sion/Verm. Akiha may be "The Strong-willed Lady and the Alchemist".

Sion TATARI + Mech Hisui = ...this, the true TATARI, and it has nothing to do with you?
Sion TATARI + Akiha = Blood Sucking Girls
Sion TATARI + Shiki = The feast is imminent
Sion TATARI + Nanaya = The Homicidal Maniac and the Vampire
 (Note: Homicidal Maniac <- Satsujinki)
Arc + Red Arc = Princesses of the Millenium Castle
Arc + Verm Akiha = The Daughter of Blood and the Blood Sucking Princess
Arc + Neco-Arc = Super Shingettan Tsukihime
Red Arc + Kohaku = The Devil's Messenger Kohakucchi
Red Arc + Mech-Hisui = New Devil Army ・ Mechaniod
Red Arc + Neco-Arc Chaos = This is an accessory of the First Devil Army
Akiha x2 = Are you ready, Head of the Tohno Household?
Nanaya x2 = The Homicidal Maniac
 (Note: The kanji when romanzied is Satsujinki)
Akiha + White Len = High-class Girls Club ・ Personaility Compilation
Akiha + Ciel = Magnificent Mountain Top
Akiha + Satsuki = Regarding her like a servant
Akiha + Kouma = Relatives of the Oni
 (Note: I'm changing all 'Ogre's to 'Oni's.)
« Last Edit: August 11, 2007, 02:32:45 PM by Aya Reiko »

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #35 on: August 11, 2007, 08:52:37 PM »
From the help of my good friend kai i was able to get these two translated.

Shiki&Shiki 月を穿つ - thrust through the moon

Verm. Akiha&Aoko 何か似てない? - Dont they look the same?

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #36 on: August 11, 2007, 09:59:14 PM »
Verm. Akiha x2 = Incarnation of the Red Master

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #37 on: August 11, 2007, 10:37:53 PM »
Here are the translated team names on Tohno, Shiki...some are missing in translations. I'm not sure on the ones I translated...

Tohno, Shiki

w/Tohno, Shiki
- Tsuki wo Ugatsu (Piercing of the Moon)

w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Nanatsuya no Tsuki (Moon of the Seven Nights)

w/Aozaki, Aoko
- Seigi no Mikata Kabushigaisha (Shachou to Hisho) [Hero of Justice Company (President and Secretary)]

w/Arima, Miyako
- Totsugeki China Paradise (China Paradise Assault)

- Rule Murder

w/Nrvnqsr Chaos
- Konton wo Taosu suru mono

w/Kyuuketsuki Sion
- Gochisou wa Me no Mae desu

w/Red Arcueid
- Apotheosis Overdrive

w/Kurenai Akiha
- Ani-gami to Oni-imouto (Nagging Brother and Oni Younger Sister)

- Drill Beam wa minna no Roman (Drill Beam is everyone's romance)

w/Yumizuka, Satsuki
- Kata Omoi, Zero-kyori zokkouchuu (Unrequited love, distance inside continues at zero)

- Beautiful Day Dream

w/Kishima, Kouma
- Mizuki Senkage

w/White Len
- White Snow Cinderella

w/Neko Arc
- Oi Megane, Neko-kan wo Naifu de kire (Hey Glasses, cut the canned Cat with the knife)

w/Neko Arc Chaos
- 666 Bunkatsu (666 Pieces)

w/Sion Eltnam Atlasia
- Manatsu no Yoru no Yume (Midsummer's Night Dream)

edit: added Sion and edited the translated names...
« Last Edit: August 12, 2007, 05:31:45 PM by kaihidou »

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #38 on: August 12, 2007, 01:18:55 PM »
Corrections and suggestions:

Tohno, Shiki
w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Nanatsuya no Tsuki (Seven Nights of the Moon)
Should be the other way around, "Moon of the Seven Nights".

- Drill Beam wa minna no Roman (Drill Beam for everyone's romance?)

"is" instead of "for".

w/Neko Arc
- Oi Megane, Neko-kan wo Naifu de kire (Hey Glasses, cut the Cat can with knife?)
What I'm getting is "Hey Glasses, cut the canned cat with the knife"

w/Neko Arc Chaos
- 666 Bunkatsu (666 Dissection)
I think it's "666 Pieces" instead.

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #39 on: August 12, 2007, 02:16:08 PM »
Corrections and suggestions:

Tohno, Shiki
w/Nanaya, Shiki
- Nanatsuya no Tsuki (Seven Nights of the Moon)
Should be the other way around, "Moon of the Seven Nights".

- Drill Beam wa minna no Roman (Drill Beam for everyone's romance?)

"is" instead of "for".

w/Neko Arc
- Oi Megane, Neko-kan wo Naifu de kire (Hey Glasses, cut the Cat can with knife?)
What I'm getting is "Hey Glasses, cut the canned cat with the knife"

w/Neko Arc Chaos
- 666 Bunkatsu (666 Dissection)
I think it's "666 Pieces" instead.
Thank you, I'll revised the ones on the list I made. ^^

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #40 on: August 12, 2007, 05:09:35 PM »
Nanaya + W Len = Imbalance Weepy Happy?
Nanaya + Walachia = Shadow Winter ・ Catholicism
Nanaya + Satsuki = Tragedy Meandering in the Moonlight
Nanaya + Miyako = The Long Journey of the Panda
Nanaya + Neco-Arc Chaos = Get rid of the smell of nicotine
Hisui + Len = Quiet Housemate
Len + Mech-Hisui = Dislikes Long Speeches
Len + Ciel = You, do not tempt me
Len + Satsuki = Two People Running in the Night
Len + Neco-Arc = The black cat and that which is unlike a neko
Verm. Akiha + W Len = High-class Girls Club ・ Tsundere Chapter
W Len + Mech-Hisui = The white cat's attempt to look at the electronic maid's dream
Ciel + W Len = Dream Curry Cake Show
Ciel + Miyako = The curry is not eaten yet


Akiha + W Len = High-class Girls Club ・ Personality Chapter
Walachia + Neco-Arc Chaos = Another Nightmare
Aoko + Miyako = New combo where Sorcery and Kenpo are combined
W Len x2 = White Succubus
Miyako + Red Arc = Power Puff Girl & Lady
Miyako + Verm Akiha = The oni younger sister and the charging younger sister
Miyako x2 = Charging China Girl
Hisui + Neco-Arc Chaos = Cigarettes are not good for the body
Miyako + Neco-Arc = Rival of Fate

More Revisions (from Evospace):
Sion + Hisui = Character wise, they are duplicates
Sion + Aoko = Klein Magis
Aoko + Shiki = Protector of Justice Co. (President and Secretary)
Aoko + Nanaya = Protector of Justice Co. (President and the Doer of Dirty Jobs)

More new:
Walachia + Kohaku = The Playwright and the Puzzle Master
Walachia + Neco-Arc = A Certain Nightmare
Satsuki + Aoko = Newbie vampire, get angry
Satsuki x2 = Unfortunate Blood Sucking Maiden
Ciel x2 = Burial Agent
Hisui x2 = The Servant of the Mansion
Kohaku x2 = Devil of the Apron
Miyako + Nrvnqsr = Rival of Chaos
Ciel + Kohaku = Curry related fight
Arc + Miyako = Master of the Elements Vamp
Verm. Akiha + Satsuki = Sacchin, Declared Rival of the Hero
Verm. Akiha + Neco-Arc Chaos = So hurry up with the cigarettes
Hisui + Nanaya = Tohno Mansion Homicide
Hisui + Satsuki = Introverted Gals
Hisui + Neco-Arc = Dreadful Dead Dreadful Dead
Kohaku + Kouma = The Sunflower and the Lion
Kohaku + Neco-Arc Chaos = Hey, Apron, light my cigarette
Ciel + Aoko = Older Sisters / Top of Shooter
Ciel + Neko-Arc = Teach me! Wisdom Stopping Teacher
Miyako + Neco-Arc Chaos = Rival of Chaos
Aoko + Kouma = The Wandering Monk and the Goddess of Music and the Arts
V Sion + Neco-Arc Chaos = ...we apologize, Hitchc@ck.
Satsuki + Neco-Arc = Geccha 2

- - - - -

Stuff I'm having a hard time figuring out...

V Sion + Neco-Arc = 猫ではなくネコという生き物なのです -> neko dehanaku NEKO toiu ikimono nanodesu
Arc + Kohaku = 面白ければなんだっていいのです!コンビ -> omoshiroke rebanan dattei ino desu! Combo
Arc + W Len = 味方で噛みあうネコさんチーム -> mikata de kami au NEKO-san Team
Red Arc + Neco-Arc = それは猫属性をなくし、それはネコではない -> soreha neko zokusei wonakushi, soreha NEKO dehanai
Akiha + Nanaya = …たまにならこういうのもいいんですけど -> ...tamaninarakouiunomoiin desu kedo
Akiha + Neco-Arc = 相容れぬものたち -> aiire numonotachi
Akiha + Neco-Arc Chaos = すごく相容れぬものたち -> sugoku aiire numonotachi
Verm Akiha + Hisui = おてんば当主を巡る冒険 -> otenba toushu wo meguru bouken
Verm Akiha + Kohaku = 絶対騙されてる -> zettai damasa reteru
Verm Akiha + Mech-Hisui = …一体いくらなのかしら・・・? ->  ...ittai ikurana no kashira...?
Verm Akiha + Ciel = 三咲町の夜を守る会 -> san saki machi no yoru wo mamoru kai
Hisui + W Len = 梅ケーキだけは許せないのよ -> ume Cake dakeha yuruse nainoyo
Kohaku + Satsuki = 新たな手駒ができました -> arata na te koma gadekimashita
Kohaku + Neco-Arc = このコンビは解消です! -> kono Combo ha kaishou desu!
Mech-Hisui + Nanaya = メカ的には同じご奉仕対象です -> Mecha tekini ha onaji go houshi taishou desu
Mech-Hisui + Chaos = その発想(メカ)はなかったわ -> sono hassou (Mecha) hanakattawa
Mech-Hisui + Miyako =  都古ちゃん木人拳-> Miyako-chan ki nin kobushi
Shiki + Kouma = 水月鮮影 -> mizu tsuki sen kage
Nanaya + Neco-Arc = あれ、十八分割しちまった…? -> are, juuhachi bunkatsu shichimatta...?
Walachia + Miyako = 監督、次はエコールものですか? -> kantoku, tsugi ha Ecole monodesuka ?
Satsuki + Kouma = 敵・即・極!-> teki . soku . kyoku!
Kouma + Neco-Arc = ネネネの軋間 -> NENENE no Kishima
^ (I have no clue...) ^
« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 03:27:57 PM by Aya Reiko »

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #41 on: August 21, 2007, 11:28:51 PM »
Complete list of team names:

/Sion - Alchemist of Atlas
/Sion (TATARI) - Night of the TATARI
/Arcueid - The True Ancestor and the Alchemist
/Red Arcueid - Virus and Kranke
/Akiha - The Lady and the Alchemist
/Verm. Akiha - The Stubborn Lady and the Alchemist
/Hisui - Character wise, they are duplicates
/Kohaku - The Two Great Doctors of the Tohno Estate
/Mech-Hisui - Scientifically Impossible
/Shiki Tohno - A Midsummer Night's Dream
/Shiki Nanaya - The Assassin and the Alchemist
/Len - The Succubus and the Alchemist
/White Len - The Second Back-Alley Alliance
/Ciel - No Life, No Blood
/Nrvnqsr - Greed and Surfeit
/Walachia - Code: Ouroboros
/Satsuki - The Original Back-Alley Alliance
/Miyako - Egyptian-Chinese Kick
/Aoko - Klein Magis
/Kouma - Silent Struggle Society
/Neco-Arc - Biologically Impossible
/Neco-Arc Chaos - By now, impossible in the Milky Way.

/Sion - Night of the TATARI
/Sion (TATARI) - Successor of TATARI
/Arcueid - Gold & Purple Vamp
/Red Arcueid - Desert Noise Lost World
/Akiha - Blood Sucking Girls
/Verm. Akiha - Reckless Pursuit of Blood
/Hisui - TATARI Sion and Maid - Boiled Wonderland
/Kohaku - Global Upheaval Commission
/Mech-Hisui - ...This, Really Has Nothing to Do with Tatari at All Doesn't It?
/Shiki Tohno - The feast is imminent
/Shiki Nanaya - The Homicidal Maniac and the Vampire
/Len - Klein Bad Dream
/White Len - Micro World Designers
/Ciel - Blood Road Reconquista
/Nrvnqsr - TATARI and Chaos
/Walachia - Sand of the Dark World, King of Lies
/Satsuki - Vampire conversion underway
/Miyako - Chinese Market Super Girl
/Aoko - TATARI and the Sorceress
/Kouma - The Oni and the Vampire
/Neco-Arc - That Animal Is Not a "Cat" It Is a "Neko"
/Neco-Arc Chaos - ...apologies to Hitchc@ck.

/Sion - The True Ancestor and the Alchemist
/Sion (TATARI) - Gold & Purple Vamp
/Arcueid - Princess of the True Ancestors
/Red Arcueid - Princesses of the Millenium Castle
/Akiha - The Lady and the Princess
/Verm. Akiha - The Daughter of Blood and the Vampire Princess
/Hisui - The Maid and the Princess
/Kohaku - If It's Interesting, Anything Goes! Combo
/Mech-Hisui - Vampire Robo Mecha-Hisui
/Shiki Tohno - Moonlight Lovers
/Shiki Nanaya - Walking Dead Man
/Len - Progenitor - Neko-san Team
/White Len - Ally-biting Neko-san Team
/Ciel - Friendship between Women, Megaton Punch
/Nrvnqsr - The True Ancestor and Chaos
/Walachia - Vain effort of a thousand years
/Satsuki - A Real Cat and Mouse Team
/Miyako - Master of the Elements Vamp
/Aoko - Duel on Top
/Kouma - 2001 Thousands of Powers
/Neco-Arc - Super Shingettan Tsukihime
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Stop smoking you Neko of another world

Red Arcueid
/Sion - Virus and Kranke
/Sion (TATARI) - Desert Noise Lost World
/Arcueid - Princesses of the Millenium Castle
/Red Arcueid - The Fallen True Ancestor
/Akiha - The Devil and the Lady
/Verm. Akiha - Too Fanatic Empress
/Hisui - Alice of Devil's Country
/Kohaku - The Devil's Messenger Kohakucchi
/Mech-Hisui - New Devil Army ・ Mechaniod
/Shiki Tohno - Apotheosis Overdrive
/Shiki Nanaya - Doomsday
/Len - The Devil and the Succubus
/White Len - The Fallen Spirits
/Ciel - Executioners of Black and White
/Nrvnqsr - The Devil and the Emergency Rations
/Walachia - End Grand Guignol
/Satsuki - V,V,V
/Miyako - Power Puff Girl & Lady
/Aoko - The Devil and the Sorceress
/Kouma - The Oni and the Devil
/Neco-Arc - That Has Lost Its Cat Attributes, That Is Not a Neko
/Neco-Arc Chaos - This Is the Devil Army's Smallest Thing

/Sion - The Lady and the Alchemist
/Sion (TATARI) - Blood Sucking Girls
/Arcueid - The Lady and the Princess
/Red Arcueid - The Devil and the Lady
/Akiha - Are you ready, Head of the Tohno Household?
/Verm. Akiha - Inversion Impulse
/Hisui - The Master and the Servant (Correct power relationship)
/Kohaku - The Master and the Servant (Delicate power relationship)
/Mech-Hisui - Order Systematic Mayhem
/Shiki Tohno - The brother and sister who still have a good relationship despite various things
/Shiki Nanaya - Occasionally This is Also Good But...
/Len - The Rightful Master and the House Cat
/White Len - High-class Girls Club ・ Personality Chapter
/Ciel - Magnificent Mountain Top
/Nrvnqsr - Restraint and Surfeit
/Walachia - Giselle of Nightmares
/Satsuki - Regarding her like a servant
/Miyako - Red Tension Sisters!
/Aoko - The Lady and the Sorceress
/Kouma - Relatives of the Oni
/Neco-Arc - Incompatible
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Really Incompatible

Verm. Akiha
/Sion - The Stubborn Lady and the Alchemist
/Sion (TATARI) - Reckless Pursuit of Blood
/Arcueid - The Daughter of Blood and the Vampire Princess
/Red Arcueid - Too Fanatic Empress
/Akiha - Inversion Impulse
/Verm. Akiha - Avatar of the Red Master
/Hisui - Tomboy Mistress Goes on an Adventure
/Kohaku - Completely Tricked
/Mech-Hisui - ...What on Earth How Much Did That Cost?
/Shiki Tohno - Graceful Older Brother and Oni Younger Sister
/Shiki Nanaya - Inversion Siblings
/Len - Paranormal Neko Companion?
/White Len - High-class Girls Club ・ Tsundere Chapter
/Ciel - Meeting only at Misakichou's Night
/Nrvnqsr - Blood Junk Drinkers
/Walachia - Black Cinema Metasadism
/Satsuki - Sacchin, Desparate Rival Declaration
/Miyako - The oni younger sister and the charging younger sister
/Aoko - Don't they look the same?
/Kouma - Crimson Red Vermilion
/Neco-Arc - Truth - Haunted Neko alliance
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Therefore Stop Smoking!

/Sion - Character wise, they are duplicates
/Sion (TATARI) - TATARI Sion and Maid - Boiled Wonderland
/Arcueid - The Maid and the Princess
/Red Arcueid - Alice in Devil Land
/Akiha - The Master and the Servant (Correct power relationship)
/Verm. Akiha - Tomboy Mistress Goes on an Adventure
/Hisui - Servant of the Mansion
/Kohaku - Hisui & Kohaku
/Mech-Hisui - Where's the real one?
/Shiki Tohno - You are my master
/Shiki Nanaya - The Tohno Mansion Homicide
/Len - Quiet Housemates
/White Len - Eating Only Plum Cakes is Not Permitted
/Ciel - Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
/Nrvnqsr - Dandy and the Maid
/Walachia - Alice in TATARI Land
/Satsuki - Shy Girls
/Miyako - Iron Fist Daughter and Iron Curtain
/Aoko - Mai:lish Wizards
/Kouma - Quiet People
/Neco-Arc - I'm Not Scared I'm Not Scared
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Cigarettes are not good for the body

/Sion - The Two Great Doctors of the Tohno Estate
/Sion (TATARI) - Global Upheaval Commission
/Arcueid - If It's Interesting, Anything Goes! Combo
/Red Arcueid - The Devil's Messenger Kohakucchi
/Akiha - The Master and the Servant (Delicate power relationship)
/Verm. Akiha - Completely Tricked
/Hisui - Hisui and Kohaku
/Kohaku - Devil of the Apron
/Mech-Hisui - Amber-level threat technology
/Shiki Tohno - Please pardon the injection
/Shiki Nanaya - The Master and the Servant (The day when the demon is defeated)
/Len - Kitchen Friendship Combination
/White Len - Secretly Rival
/Ciel - Struggle Over Curry
/Nrvnqsr - Schemer and Chaos
/Walachia - The Playwright and the Director
/Satsuki - A New Pawn Has Been Created
/Miyako - Kohaku is Awesome
/Aoko - Devil's Smile Fixers
/Kouma - The Sunflower and the Lion
/Neco-Arc - This Combination is Cancelled!
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Hey, Apron, My Cigarette Might Light You on Fire

/Sion - Scientifically Impossible
/Sion (TATARI) - ...This, Really Has Nothing to Do with Tatari at All Doesn't It?
/Arcueid - Vampire Robo Mecha-Hisui
/Red Arcueid - New Devil Army ・ Mechaniod
/Akiha - Order Systematic Mayhem
/Verm. Akiha - ...What on Earth How Much Did That Cost?
/Hisui - Where's the real one?
/Kohaku - Amber-level threat technology
/Mech-Hisui - M X M X M X M
/Shiki Tohno - Drill Beam is Everyone's Romance
/Shiki Nanaya - Mecha-like Same Service
/Len - Dislikes Long Speeches
/White Len - Does the Electronic Maid Dream of a White Cat?
/Ciel - Mecha and Curry
/Nrvnqsr - That Concept (Mecha), Did Not Exist
/Walachia - Killbot Horrorshow
/Satsuki - Hyperarm Grapplers
/Miyako - Miyako-chan Mokujinken
/Aoko - Iron Maiden Afterburner
/Kouma - Continuation. Quiet people
/Neco-Arc - The Neko and the Mecha-Maid
/Neco-Arc Chaos - No One Understands Anymore

Shiki Tohno
/Sion - A Midsummer Night's Dream
/Sion (TATARI) - The feast is imminent
/Arcueid - Moonlight Lovers
/Red Arcueid - Apotheosis Overdrive
/Akiha - The brother and sister who still have a good relationship despite various things
/Verm. Akiha - Graceful Older Brother and Oni Younger Sister
/Hisui - You are my master
/Kohaku - Please pardon the injection
/Mech-Hisui - Drill Beam is Everyone's Romance
/Shiki Tohno - Piercing of the Moon
/Shiki Nanaya - The Moon of Seven Nights
/Len - Beautiful Daydream
/White Len - White Snow Cinderella
/Ciel - Matching Glasses
/Nrvnqsr - Those who manage chaos
/Walachia - Rule Murder
/Satsuki - Unrequited love, It Continues at Zero Distance
/Miyako - Charging China Paradise
/Aoko - Protector of Justice Co. (President and Secretary)
/Kouma - The Moon's Clear Reflection on the Water
/Neco-Arc - Hey Glasses, Use Your Knife on This Can of Cat Food
/Neco-Arc Chaos - 666 Pieces

Shiki Nanaya
/Sion - The Assassin and the Alchemist
/Sion (TATARI) - The Homicidal Maniac and the Vampire
/Arcueid - Walking Dead Man
/Red Arcueid - Doomsday
/Akiha - Occasionally This is Also Good But...
/Verm. Akiha - Inversion Siblings
/Hisui - The Tohno Mansion Homicide
/Kohaku - The Master and the Servant (The day when the demon is defeated)
/Mech-Hisui - Mecha-like Same Service
/Shiki Tohno - The Moon of Seven Nights
/Shiki Nanaya - The Homocidal Maniac
/Len - The Succubus and the Assassin
/White Len - Imbalance Weepy Happy?
/Ciel - Moonlight Liner
/Nrvnqsr - Killing Suckers
/Walachia - Shadowinter ・ Catholicism
/Satsuki - Tragedy Meandering in the Moonlight
/Miyako - The Long Journey of the Panda
/Aoko - Protector of Justice Co. (Leader and the Doer of Dirty Jobs)
/Kouma - Red Lion
/Neco-Arc - Huh, 18 Pieces?
/Neco-Arc Chaos - ...I want to get rid of the smell of nicotine

/Sion - The Succubus and the Alchemist
/Sion (TATARI) - Klein Bad Dream
/Arcueid - Progenitor - Neko-san Team
/Red Arcueid - The Devil and the Succubus
/Akiha - The Rightful Master and the House Cat
/Verm. Akiha - Paranormal Neko Companion?
/Hisui - Quiet Housemate
/Kohaku - Kitchen Friendship Combination
/Mech-Hisui - Dislikes Long Speeches
/Shiki Tohno - Beautiful Daydream
/Shiki Nanaya - The Succubus and the Assassin
/Len - Black Succubus
/White Len - Rondo of Black and White
/Ciel - Thine, Cry at Temptation
/Nrvnqsr - The Succubus and Chaos
/Walachia - The Nightmare and the Succubus
/Satsuki - Two People Running in the Night
/Miyako - The Girl and the Black Cat
/Aoko - The Succubus and the Sorceress
/Kouma - The Demon and the Succubus
/Neco-Arc - The Black Cat and Not Really a Neko
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Hellish Nightmare of the Stomach

White Len
/Sion - The Second Back-Alley Alliance
/Sion (TATARI) - Micro World Designers
/Arcueid - Ally-biting Neko-san Team
/Red Arcueid - The Fallen Spirits
/Akiha - High-class Girls Club ・ Personality Chapter
/Verm. Akiha - High-class Girls Club ・ Tsundere Chapter
/Hisui - Eating Only Plum Cakes is Not Permitted
/Kohaku - Secretly Rival
/Mech-Hisui - Does the Electronic Maid Dream of a White Cat?
/Shiki Tohno - White Snow Cinderella
/Shiki Nanaya - Imbalance Weepy Happy?
/Len - Rondo of Black and White
/White Len - White Succubus
/Ciel - Dream Curry Cake Show
/Nrvnqsr - The Old Man and the Lolita
/Walachia - Leftover of TATARI
/Satsuki - The Third Back-Alley Alliance
/Miyako - The Girl and the White Cat
/Aoko - Escape Agathion
/Kouma - Ice and Flame
/Neco-Arc - The White Cat and the Mosaic Cat
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Dandy Chaos and the Tsundere Lolita

/Sion - No Life, No Blood
/Sion (TATARI) - Blood Road Reconquista
/Arcueid - Friendship between Women, Megaton Punch
/Red Arcueid - Executioners of Black and White
/Akiha - Magnificent Mountain Top
/Verm. Akiha - Meeting only at Misakichou's Night
/Hisui - Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
/Kohaku - Struggle Over Curry
/Mech-Hisui - Mecha and Curry
/Shiki Tohno - Matching Glasses
/Shiki Nanaya - Moonlight Liner
/Len - Thine, Cry at Temptation
/White Len - Dream Curry Cake Show
/Ciel - Burial Agent
/Nrvnqsr - Chaos and the Agent
/Walachia - Blood Road Crusade
/Satsuki - Eagle and Mouse Team
/Miyako - Can't Eat Curry Yet
/Aoko - Older Sisters / Top of Shooter
/Kouma - Devil and Bow
/Neco-Arc - Teach Me! Wise Teacher
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Teach! Neko Chaos Professor

/Sion - Greed and Surfeit
/Sion (TATARI) - TATARI and Chaos
/Arcueid - The True Ancestor and Chaos
/Red Arcueid - The Devil and the Emergency Rations
/Akiha - Restraint and Surfeit
/Verm. Akiha - Blood Junk Drinkers
/Hisui - Dandy and Maid
/Kohaku - Schemer and Chaos
/Mech-Hisui - That Concept (Mecha), Did Not Exist
/Shiki Tohno - Those who manage chaos
/Shiki Nanaya - Killing Suckers
/Len - The Succubus and Chaos
/White Len - The Old Man and the Lolita
/Ciel - Chaos and the Agent
/Nrvnqsr - Beast of Chaos
/Walachia - Elder Title
/Satsuki - The Large Sempai and the Newcomer
/Miyako - A Zoo Without a Panda
/Aoko - Cosmos & Chaos
/Kouma - The Oni and the Beast
/Neco-Arc - Your 667th friend
/Neco-Arc Chaos - I'm Already Bored of This, Neko Rush

/Sion - Code: Ouroboros
/Sion (TATARI) - Sand of the Dark World, King of Lies
/Arcueid - Vain effort of a thousand years
/Red Arcueid - End Grand Guignol
/Akiha - Giselle of Nightmares
/Verm. Akiha - Black Cinema Metasadism
/Hisui - Alice of TATARI Country
/Kohaku - The Playwright and the Director
/Mech-Hisui - Killbot Horrorshow
/Shiki Tohno - Rule Murder
/Shiki Nanaya - Shadowinter ・ Catholicism
/Len - The Nightmare and the Succubus
/White Len - Leftover of TATARI
/Ciel - Blood Road Crusade
/Nrvnqsr - Elder Title
/Walachia - Night on the Blood Lair
/Satsuki - The Director and the Newcomer
/Miyako - Director, Is the Next One Ecole?
/Aoko - Breaker & Dealer
/Kouma - Silent Theatrical Company
/Neco-Arc - Absolute Nightmare
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Another Nightmare

/Sion - The Original Back-Alley Alliance
/Sion (TATARI) - Vampire conversion underway
/Arcueid - A Real Cat and Mouse Team
/Red Arcueid - V V V
/Akiha - Regarding her like a servant
/Verm. Akiha - Sacchin, Desparate Rival Declaration
/Hisui - Shy Girls
/Kohaku - A New Pawn Has Been Created
/Mech-Hisui - Hyperarm Grapplers
/Shiki Tohno - Unrequited love, It Continues at Zero Distance
/Shiki Nanaya - Tragedy Meandering in the Moonlight
/Len - Two People Running in the Night
/White Len - The Third Back-Alley Alliance
/Ciel - Eagle and Mouse Team
/Nrvnqsr - The Large Sempai and the Newcomer
/Walachia - The Director and the Newcomer
/Satsuki - The Unfortunate Vampire Maiden
/Miyako - Secondary Sibling and Classmate
/Aoko - Newbie vampire, it's angry
/Kouma - Enemy, Immediately, Extreme!
/Neco-Arc - Geccha 2
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Chaos Deja Vu

/Sion - Egyptian-Chinese Kick
/Sion (TATARI) - Chinese Market Super Girl
/Arcueid - Master of the Elements Vamp
/Red Arcueid - Power Puff Girl & Lady
/Akiha - Red Tension Sisters!
/Verm. Akiha - The oni younger sister and the charging younger sister
/Hisui - Iron Fist Daughter and Iron Curtain
/Kohaku - Kohaku is Awesome
/Mech-Hisui - Miyako-chan Mokujinken
/Shiki Tohno - Charging China Paradise
/Shiki Nanaya - The Long Journey of the Panda
/Len - The Girl and the Black Cat
/White Len - The Girl and the White Cat
/Ciel - Can't Eat Curry Yet
/Nrvnqsr - A Zoo Without a Panda
/Walachia - Director, Is the Next One Ecole?
/Satsuki - Secondary Sibling and Classmate
/Miyako - Charging China Girl
/Aoko - Magic and Kenpo Unite Perfectly to Form a New Combo
/Kouma - Shugendo or Kenpo
/Neco-Arc - Rival of Fate
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Rival of Chaos

/Sion - Klein Magis
/Sion (TATARI) - TATARI and the Sorceress
/Arcueid - Duel on Top
/Red Arcueid - The Devil and the Sorceress
/Akiha - The Lady and the Sorceress
/Verm. Akiha - Dont they look the same?
/Hisui - Mai:lish Wizards
/Kohaku - Devil's Smile Fixers
/Mech-Hisui - Iron Maiden Afterburner
/Shiki Tohno - Protector of Justice Co. (President and Secretary)
/Shiki Nanaya - Protector of Justice Co. (President and the Doer of Dirty Jobs)
/Len - The Succubus and the Sorceress
/White Len - Escape Agathion
/Ciel - Older Sisters / Top of Shooter
/Nrvnqsr - Cosmos & Chaos
/Walachia - Breaker & Dealer
/Satsuki - Newbie vampire, it's angry
/Miyako - Magic and Kenpo Unite Perfectly to Form a New Combo
/Aoko - Magical Gunner Miss Blue
/Kouma - The Wandering Monk and the Goddess of Music and the Arts
/Neco-Arc - Crab vs Shrimp
/Neco-Arc Chaos - It does not stop smoking?

/Sion - Silent Struggle Society
/Sion (TATARI) - The Oni and the Vampire
/Arcueid - 2001 Thousands of Powers
/Red Arcueid - The Oni and the Devil
/Akiha - Relatives of the Oni
/Verm. Akiha - Crimson Red Vermilion
/Hisui - Quiet People
/Kohaku - The Sunflower and the Lion
/Mech-Hisui - Continuation. Quiet people
/Shiki Tohno - The Moon's Clear Reflection on the Water
/Shiki Nanaya - Red Lion
/Len - The Demon and the Succubus
/White Len - Ice and Flame
/Ciel - Devil and Bow
/Nrvnqsr - The Oni and the Beast
/Walachia - Silent Theatrical Company
/Satsuki - Enemy, Immediately, Extreme!
/Miyako - Such as Shugendo or Kenpo...
/Aoko - The Wandering Monk and the Goddess of Music and the Arts
/Kouma - Crimson Demon
/Neco-Arc - Ne Ne Ne Kishima
/Neco-Arc Chaos - We love liquor, tobacco, and gambling

/Sion - Biologically Impossible
/Sion (TATARI) - That Animal Is Not a "Cat" It Is a "Neko"
/Arcueid - Super Shingettan Tsukihime
/Red Arcueid - That Has Lost Its Cat Attributes, That Is Not a Neko
/Akiha - Incompatible
/Verm. Akiha - Truth - Haunted Neko alliance
/Hisui - I'm Not Scared I'm Not Scared
/Kohaku - This Combination is Cancelled!
/Mech-Hisui - The Neko and the Mecha-Maid
/Shiki Tohno - Hey Glasses, Use Your Knife on This Can of Cat Food
/Shiki Nanaya - Huh, 18 Pieces?
/Len - The Black Cat and Not Really a Neko
/White Len - The White Cat and the Mosaic Cat
/Ciel - Teach Me! Wise Teacher
/Nrvnqsr - Your 667th friend
/Walachia - Absolute Nightmare
/Satsuki - Geccha 2
/Miyako - Rival of Fate
/Aoko - Crab vs Shrimp
/Kouma - Ne Ne Ne Kishima
/Neco-Arc - Sandbags
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Great Old Nekos

Neco-Arc Chaos
/Sion - By now, impossible in the Milky Way.
/Sion (TATARI) - ...we apologize, Hitchc@ck.
/Arcueid - Stop smoking you Neko of another world
/Red Arcueid - This Is the Devil Army's Smallest Thing!
/Akiha - Really Incompatible
/Verm. Akiha - Therefore Stop Smoking!
/Hisui - Cigarettes are not good for the body
/Kohaku - Hey, Apron, My Cigarette Might Light You on Fire
/Mech-Hisui - No One Understands Anymore
/Shiki Tohno - 666 Pieces
/Shiki Nanaya - Get rid of the smell of nicotine
/Len - Hellish Nightmare of the Stomach
/White Len - Dandy Chaos and the Tsundere Lolita
/Ciel - Teach! Neko Chaos Professor
/Nrvnqsr - I'm Already Bored of This, Neko Rush
/Walachia - Another Nightmare
/Satsuki - Chaos Deja Vu
/Miyako - Rival of Chaos
/Aoko - It does not stop smoking?
/Kouma - We love liquor, tobacco, and gambling
/Neco-Arc - Great Old Nekos
/Neco-Arc Chaos - Super Sandbags
« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 03:43:36 PM by Aya Reiko »

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #42 on: August 22, 2007, 12:22:39 AM »
Damn, man! +HEAT for you.
Running H-Kohaku, and I don't want to stop.
Graced by the presence of His Wongness as he ly ped from the heavens and stole everyone's cash.

Offline Aya Reiko

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #43 on: August 31, 2007, 02:59:56 PM »

Verm. Akiha + Neco-Arc = Truth - Haunted Neko Alliance
Verm. Akiha + Len = Paranormal Neko Companion?

Converted all instances of cat to neko when neko was in katakana.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2007, 03:38:14 PM by Aya Reiko »

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #44 on: August 31, 2007, 03:08:18 PM »
+Heat for the translations.

So I use Devil's Smile Fixers... :)
Melty Blood
Main: Aoko
Secondary: Kohaku
How about those orbs? BlazBlue: Litchi Arcana Heart: Kamui (Bha/Pa), Mei-Fang (LaGo) CvS2: K- Mai, Morrigan, Nakoruru (2)

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #45 on: October 11, 2007, 08:15:07 PM »
I should have checked this thread earlier.
Reiko, if you're there, can you explain some of your edits to me?
Stuff like particle placement being changed and other stuff that's bugging me.
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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #46 on: November 20, 2007, 04:54:39 AM »
I think Neco Arc & Shiki's team title is

"Glasses, open this can with your knife."

Miyako & Warakia's team title has something to do with ECOLE....

And Mech-Hisui & another Mech-Hisui's team title is


Oh and thanks for the effort of translating the team titles  :D  ;D
« Last Edit: November 20, 2007, 05:44:20 AM by Nanako »
ξ・∀・) めるぽ!

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Re: MBAC - Team Titles (Ver.B PC)
« Reply #47 on: January 27, 2008, 03:14:50 PM »
Oh wow, So those that mean that other people play team mode for fun? :blah:
woof: like all the stuff i hear from them im like 'thats everything i had t o deal with back when i played'