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Author Topic: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }  (Read 2985 times)

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Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« on: May 14, 2008, 07:58:34 PM »
I got the idea from a GG player by the name of "Simon" (?) at my trip to MWC last year.

I remember most of the GG rules and they are quite simple:

One match (2/3 rds)

*The loser of a round pays $1 to victor
*An additional $1 is owed to the victor should they achieve a "Perfect" victory
*$1 is owed to opponent if Gold Burst activation is thrown
*The winner of the match receives the difference in debt (I'm not 100% sure on this)

I thought the idea was kinda cool and I've been trying to adopt my own modifications to the rules to complement Melty Bloods game mechanics for a while now. About a week before I attended my latest gaming event (BBG2), I made some last minute mods and gave it a test run w/ Zaelar. We discussed the rules and logic and thanks to his contributions we were able to finalize...

Simon Money Match Rules for Melty Blood

One match (2/3 rds)

*$1 is owed for each rd lost

*An additional $1 is owed if perfected by opponent

*$1 is owed to opponent should Circuit Spark (CS) activation 1miss the opponent

*$0 for draw game or double KO

(here's where it gets a bit tricky)

*The loser of the match must pay the difference in debt.
--E.g. 1p loses 2rds and gets perfected once by 2p (1p owes $3). However, 1p takes 1rd off 2p in the same match (2p owes $1).
1p = $3, 2p = $1.
Difference = $2. $2 goes to victor of the match who is 2p.

*If the winner's debt exceeds that of the loser, the loser will only owe $1 to the winner of the match
--E.g. 2p is CS baited 4 times ($4) and is perfected once ($1) by 1p but wins 2rds in the match.
2p = $4 (CS baited x4) + $1 (rd lost) + $1 (perfected) = $6
1p = $2 (lost 2rds [match]) = $2
Difference = $4  :-\
Now it wouldn't make much sense for 1p to have to pay that difference when they obviously had better reads in the match (OR 2p could just be lame and intentionally have their CS baited just to up their own debt to have the loser of the match pay the difference  >:D). So to be fair, in this instance, if the loser of the match has a lower debt than the victor the loser will owe only $1 (regardless of the difference between debts).

*If both player debts are even, the loser of the match owes $1 to the winner.

*In the event of a draw game (the game resets and returns to title. neither player is declared victor) the player with the higher debt owes $1 to opponent. If debts are equal then neither player is awarded $$ (i.e. RUN THAT SHIT BACK!)

Is identified as [not striking and downing the opponent]. A good example in which a "down" would not occur is if the character has armor properties activated (such as Kouma 22c). The CS activation will strike Kouma but not down him and is considered to be a "baited CS". In this case, the opponent must forfeit $1 to the Kouma user.

As you can see, many of the GG variants rules still carry over and most of the changes take place in total awards for some of the situational occurrences (like for draws and odd-ball debts, etc). This will help you manage money a bit better and you probably wont go broke as quickly considering that on an average the payoff/loss is about $1-$2 per match (going by my experiences with Zaelar). Things can get a bit interesting when you start netting $6 a game (e.g. double perfect, 2rds straight, 1 CS bait each rd)  :o . And lets not forget the unlimited potential of having CS baited on multiple occasions in a match (this can get ugly but is highly unlikely).

So try out the Simon MM's MB variant with some friends and tell me what you think. Try not to let the simple arithmetic rules discourage you either - it's not that serious  :slowpoke:

« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 08:03:24 PM by ZARtacus! »
zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2008, 09:12:23 PM »
How much does Jiyuna owe Arly for getting LA'd twice? :psyduck:
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they don't know they're dead to me 'cause intent never makes a sound

Offline AARP|ZTB

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #2 on: May 14, 2008, 09:28:25 PM »
oh shit....


good stuff there, Hacchan   :V. I'll have to add $1 penalty for LA's.

hmmm now that i think about it...that's kind of a toughie. Some chars obviously have advantages over others w/ LA's, such as being limited to air shielding only to exe it (kouma, len, ciel). Then you have instances where LA's won't necessarily always hit or can be avoided (akiha, aoko vs anyone with held orb out). So do I award opponent $1 for landing the LA or just for exe'ing it?  :mystery:

I'll have to consult Zaelar on this. I'd like to know what others think about this idea as well.
zar are you even aware that your attitude is what drove people off in the first place. i think zar's attitude is worse than all of that. cause neither of you guys mean anything. but zar can poison shit around him. zar's the one that gets personal online and does realtalk that's out of line.

Offline linalys

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2008, 09:55:14 PM »
I think that the baited CS has to be "punished" (hit or throw in the recovery period) for the penalty to count.  If say Shion does 214c and the opponent CS's and doesn't get punished for the whiffed CS, then no debt should be incurred. 

Furthermore, might as well award $1 for punished activations.  If the activation is punished, debt is incurred. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2008, 10:00:09 PM by linalys »
<Xenozip> actually i think miyako was intuitive for linalys
<Xenozip> simple because his playstyle is.. well..
<Xenozip> linalys
<Xenozip> true chaotic

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2008, 12:59:00 AM »
Did you punish it, or were you one frame late and your opponent didn't block?  Theres also the issue of certain characters having easier times punishing, for example ciel can just combo into 236c off of some moves and continue a combo even if you don't spark.

I was thinking about heat activations and last arcs.  Activations are just like any other meter using attack in essence and shouldn't be counted.  Last arcs could be counted, but I figure there's already enough involved.

A draw should just be a flat out difference.

Instead of calling it by dollars, call it by points.  It makes it easier to say "simon mm $5 points".

Sparks don't need to down, just connect in non super armor or shield(am I missing something? can they clash?).  An OTG spark wouldn't count against you for example.

We shouldn't be trying to preserve the rules, but instead make them specifically for mb.  If we wanted to preserve them then there wouldn't be anything about baiting sparks, it would just be for clashing(specifically clashing, not baiting with something else) with heat/blood heat activation, as they are the closest things we have to gold burst, and clashing is the closest thing we have to air throwing them, although neither are the only ways to punish.  ...after thinking about it doing it that way doesn't sound too bad.  1 point for round, perfect, and clashed heat/blood activate.

Lets not go overboard and turn it into 1 point for every move that uses meter that doesn't connect, including shields.

My final suggestion is:

1 point for round win(2 for perfect).
1 point for clashing with a heat or blood heat activation.  No punish necessary.
1 point for causing a circuit spark to whiff or to be eaten by super armor or other such mechanic.  No punish necessary.

Loser pays the winner the difference if the winner has more points.
If the loser has more points or the same amount of points, the loser pays one point.
In a draw game, whoever has less points pays the difference.  If the same then the match is considered a draw and no rewards given.

Clash can be anything that makes that ding effect, so shield, 5b, and hisui chair are all fine.  Super armor and dodge aren't.  I was originally excluding shield but I think it's more balanced character wise allowing it.

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2008, 03:14:00 AM »

My final suggestion is:

1 point for round win(2 for perfect).
1 point for clashing with a heat or blood heat activation.  No punish necessary.
1 point for causing a circuit spark to whiff or to be eaten by super armor or other such mechanic.  No punish necessary.

I don't agree with this rule. 1 point for shielding heat/blood heat activation, sure. Clashing is stupid easy for certain characters, and I'd like to see intentional actions scoring points, not possible luck.

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Re: Spice up your Melty MM's with { Simon Money Match Rules }
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2008, 04:21:28 AM »
After thinking about it I'd like to just forget about that rule.  I don't want to encourage bad play, and there's no easy way to put 'bait activation' in a way that's simple, clear, and not open to interpretation.  It's not like we need it since it's enough without it, so forcing it is a bad idea.

Unless you have a way to easily and reliably count frames to determine if an activate is punished or if they just didn't block afterwards that's out.