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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #300 on: July 23, 2010, 11:36:55 PM »
Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime are *NOT* the same universe. They are all part of the greater Nasuverse, but they are not the same universe. At all. Fate, KnK, and Tsukihime are the three sub-universes that make up most of the greater Nasuverse. (There's also stuff like DDD in there, but then we're getting real in-depth - for all intents and purposes, those are the three that "matter.")

But we know Touko exists in the Tsukihime universe. She's referenced by Aoko in the canon.

I want to know why they aren't the same thing, though - there's no actual canon saying that they aren't happening at the same time, and Aoko even shows up in KnK if you're paying attention (she pretends to be Touko when Ryougi is in the hospital). There's absolutely no reason that they can't be happening at the same time, especially if Ryougi can be summoned at all. My understanding of Kara no Kyoukai was that it's like Tsukihime: Gaiden - KnK gives much more insight into the mechanics and the workings of the Tsukihime world, and actually helps to explain some of the things in Melty Blood in particular that I didn't understand.

Additionally, Azaka really is nothing like Akiha if you take into account the fact that she's quoted by Shiki to be "unrealistically strong" - she's much more a brawler than Akiha is in the canon, and I think she'd play VERY differently in a fighting game. Additionally, even though her character design is SIMILAR, it's not really identical imo - Azaka is definitely much more girlish than Akiha is, with Akiha having a bit more of a dignified look.

The only one that I think is a bit of a stretch would be F/SN characters in Melty Blood, since most of them are never referenced in the source material, and Fuyuki city isn't mentioned at ALL. However, Touko is referenced by Aoko, and obviously Ryougi is there, so who's to say they aren't happening simultaneously?

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #301 on: July 24, 2010, 01:30:58 AM »
But we know Touko exists in the Tsukihime universe. She's referenced by Aoko in the canon.

I want to know why they aren't the same thing, though - there's no actual canon saying that they aren't happening at the same time, and Aoko even shows up in KnK if you're paying attention (she pretends to be Touko when Ryougi is in the hospital). There's absolutely no reason that they can't be happening at the same time, especially if Ryougi can be summoned at all. My understanding of Kara no Kyoukai was that it's like Tsukihime: Gaiden - KnK gives much more insight into the mechanics and the workings of the Tsukihime world, and actually helps to explain some of the things in Melty Blood in particular that I didn't understand.
Actually, it's more like Tsukihime is "KnK: Gaiden." Kara no Kyoukai was created about two years before Tsukihime, in 1998; a lot of the ideas and concepts that started in KnK went on to Tsukihime. For example, Kokutou Mikiya looks nearly identical (but doesn't act like) Tohno Shiki, and Kokutou Azaka, Mikiya's sister, looks fairly similar to Akiha and has fairly similar abilities (plus she, like Akiha, wants to hump her brother, although unlike Tohno Shiki, Mikiya is her actual blood brother.) Despite this, Kara no Kyoukai takes place around somewhere around 1998-2000 I think; Tsukihime's dates add up to a calendar date of either 1999 (Most likely, since the game came out in 2000) or 2004 (possible, but unlikely.) While there is some overlap between characters, (such as the aforementioned Aoko) generally speaking, characters from different sub-universes of the Nasuverse don't come into contact with the others. The only reason Aoko might be an exception is due to the events of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru - which precedes Kara no Kyoukai and is one of Nasu's earliest works. We'll find out about that when people begin to translate it, I guess. Anyway, while it's TECHNICALLY possible, crossovers are very rare, so for most intents and purposes, characters stick to their own sub-universes and that's that. It doesn't stop plenty of crossover fanfiction, of course, or games such as BattleMoonWars, but those aren't canon, of course, so for 99% of characters, there is no crossing over.

Additionally, Azaka really is nothing like Akiha if you take into account the fact that she's quoted by Shiki to be "unrealistically strong" - she's much more a brawler than Akiha is in the canon, and I think she'd play VERY differently in a fighting game. Additionally, even though her character design is SIMILAR, it's not really identical imo - Azaka is definitely much more girlish than Akiha is, with Akiha having a bit more of a dignified look.
There are still several similarities between the two - they both manipulate some form of heat and fire (although the mechanism is different), they both have the hots for their sibling (In Azaka's case, it's her blood sibling; in Akiha's case, Shiki is adopted), they do look rather similar (though as I said, Akiha would kill for a chest and figure like that) and so on. Do they have some differences? Of course, and that is that other than her good fighting skills and her ability to manipulate fire with her glove, Azaka is 100% human, while Tohno Akiha is half-human, half-demon, and has a whole lot of nasty secrets in her family and skeletons she'd prefer to keep in the closet. They're both very interesting characters, in my view, and I do like Azaka quite a bit, but having a character who's basically a blend of Sacchin + Akiha when those two are already on the roster isn't really a smart move - they'd have to do something a little more with her to differentiate her enough to stand out from the rest of the cast.

The only one that I think is a bit of a stretch would be F/SN characters in Melty Blood, since most of them are never referenced in the source material, and Fuyuki city isn't mentioned at ALL. However, Touko is referenced by Aoko, and obviously Ryougi is there, so who's to say they aren't happening simultaneously?
I'm pretty sure the events of F/SN happen a few years after Tsukihime occur. (Nasu generally sets his stories around the time he writes them.) It'd certainly be possible for things like this to occur, but Servants are only summoned for Holy Grail Wars, and those are usually held every 60 years or so. (The exception being between the fourth and fifth ones - that one is only a decade apart.) Therefore, The Matous, the Tohsakas, etc. usually do *NOT* have Servants and such puttering around; they're summoned exclusively for Holy Grail Wars and that's it. Don't get me wrong, there's still definitely a few characters who could make a mark from Fate even without Servants, but without them, even Tohsaka Rin is, at best, a medium-high ranked Magus - certainly not someone who would likely be able to go toe to toe with a Dead Apostle.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 01:32:30 AM by Dark Pulse »
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #302 on: July 24, 2010, 02:07:19 AM »
But we know Touko exists in the Tsukihime universe. She's referenced by Aoko in the canon.

I want to know why they aren't the same thing, though - there's no actual canon saying that they aren't happening at the same time, and [Aoko even shows up in KnK if you're paying attention (she pretends to be Touko when Ryougi is in the hospital)]. There's absolutely no reason that they can't be happening at the same time, especially if Ryougi can be summoned at all. My understanding of Kara no Kyoukai was that it's like Tsukihime: Gaiden - KnK gives much more insight into the mechanics and the workings of the Tsukihime world, and actually helps to explain some of the things in Melty Blood in particular that I didn't understand.

If you're referring to chapter 4, I'm pretty sure that's Touko herself. She has 2 sides, one kind, cheerful with glasses and the other vicious and epic without glasses. Correct me if I'm wrong.

And this turned into a lore discussion. Goody.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #303 on: July 24, 2010, 03:14:22 AM »
Tsukihime and Kara No Kyoukai are definitely in the same world/timeline/universe.  There is no disputing, since there are direct links between the two.  Fate has only one major link to Tsukihime, and the nature of it makes it pretty debatable (Zelretch gives Rin his jeweled dagger since she's his descendant or some shit, but he can warp through dimensions so it's kind of hard to call it a direct link), so that's whatever. 

Also I agree with DP that Azaka shouldn't be put in, since she's far too visually similar to the 3 Akihas that are already in the game.  Touko or maybe Araya would be the only worthwhile KnK characters to add to the roster.  Really though, if the game does somehow get another sequel, just add in more Dead Apostles.  There's so fucking many to choose from and they're all pretty unique and awesome.  No reason to pull characters from the sister series if they can pull more in from the original source material.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #304 on: July 24, 2010, 05:02:59 AM »
I think Arihiko would be a pretty badass choice for another character if they don't want to make up more Dead Apostles, really. 99% chance he'd be a joke character lower than the Nekos, but I think he'd be pretty cool as a serious playable character with Nanako. Plus, off the top of my head, him and SHIKI are the only characters that appear in Tsukihime that aren't in (besides, y'know, 'interesting side character' and what not).

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #305 on: July 24, 2010, 10:34:20 AM »
IIRC they actually already have names and descriptions for all 27 of the Dead Apostles. I'm not 100% sure, but you're right, those would be better.

Really I just want Fujino. D= I like her character design.

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #306 on: July 24, 2010, 10:59:16 AM »
<fubarduck> hey bell good shit beating kusoru in melty
<fubarduck> he was like "i lost to a long haired asian"
<fubarduck> aaaaaaaaa

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #307 on: July 24, 2010, 11:08:23 AM »
there's actually not 27 dead apostle ancestors. alot of the seats were empty at the time of tsukihime supposedly. (this is subject to change though, word of god and all.)
Theres a fuckton of regular dead apostles, (like Satsuki), just not DAA's like nero, walachia, and roa.
Anyway Azaka isnt going to happen since we already have her. Asagami Fujino inst really FG material since she has no physical attacks whatsoever, and only one type of telekenesis attack. Shes a great character, but she doesn't fit into fighting games for the same reason Professor X isnt playable in Marvel. It just wouldn't work without going against source material. Lio is pointless just because we dont need another knife user. (ryougi has a Lio pallet to satisfy those who want to play as him anyway), which leaves Touko and Tatari Araya left from KnK to add.

As for Fate characters, there's pretty much no chance of servants other then Archer (summoned as a counter guardian to Tatari or ATE). Non-servant characters don't really work since Fate hasn't even HAPPENED yet in the melty timeline. So no Rin/Shirou.

Also, Fate is the same universe as Tsuki/knk, but its much more detached storywise. The links are zelretch (Arcueids foster-grampa) and the fact that Rin goes looking for Touko in the Heaven's Feel ending to get a better body for Shirou.

So, just as this has been discussed several times before, the primary candidates for existing characters to be added into the melty series are Arihiko, Touko, Araya, and SHIKI (blood manipulator, not knife fighter). Nanaya Kiri is also a bit of a fan-favorite around here for some reason too.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #308 on: July 24, 2010, 12:49:11 PM »
There are only six empty seats. And if you count Roa as one (he's "unnumbered"), there are only 5 empty seats. That's still a lot of additional characters that could be added. <<

Though some of them wouldn't make very interesting fighting game characters (I -TOTALLY- want to play as The Forest of Einnashe), others could be fun to play (I would play as Merem Solomon all day long, kthx).

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #309 on: July 24, 2010, 01:53:12 PM »
There are only six empty seats. And if you count Roa as one (he's "unnumbered"), there are only 5 empty seats. That's still a lot of additional characters that could be added. <<

Though some of them wouldn't make very interesting fighting game characters (I -TOTALLY- want to play as The Forest of Einnashe), others could be fun to play (I would play as Merem Solomon all day long, kthx).
...You want to play as an immobile forest? Ciel would just lob Black Keys at you all day. The Necos could win by Shinso/Chaos Beaming you to death. Fuck, C-Roa could win. So no.

Merem could be mildly interesting, though, I'll give you that. The trick would be balancing him, since each of his limbs are very powerful on their own.

Arihiko: No. We already have enough joke characters. I like Arihiko as a character, but how in the blue fuck are you going to say Arihiko has a chance in hell of beating someone like Nero?

Nanako: Mildly interesting, but it'd have to be another "team" character in the vein of HisuKoha, as it's been said that Ciel's the only person powerful enough to pull her soul into material form. (We can't count the sidestory of Kagetsu Tohya.)

None of you besides me mentioned Altrouge Brunestud, or even commented on her. Son, I am disappoint.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #310 on: July 24, 2010, 02:03:50 PM »
I'd personally like to see Gransurg Blackmore.

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #311 on: July 24, 2010, 02:18:28 PM »
I want gun god to show Sion whos baus
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #312 on: July 24, 2010, 02:50:59 PM »
They could always just put in some dead apostles and/or true ancestors and use tatari as explanation if they've been killed already.  Zelretch would be pretty gdlk.

Yeah that sounds infinitely more interesting then whatever Dark Pulse and co are going on about.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #313 on: July 24, 2010, 04:04:38 PM »
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 04:08:36 PM by ShinMasaki »
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #314 on: July 24, 2010, 05:05:42 PM »
Let's make one thing quite clear...

Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime are *NOT* the same universe. They are all part of the greater Nasuverse, but they are not the same universe. At all. Fate, KnK, and Tsukihime are the three sub-universes that make up most of the greater Nasuverse.

Oh? And where do you get this info from? The only thing regarding the two being different is that Nasu stated that Aoko is of different ages between the two, which is obvious because of the placement chronologically. KnK takes place in 1999 while Tsuki happens in 2000. From all the info I've gathered, the two are the same universe, just two different towns. In fact, the two are pretty close to one another as the tea shop Ahnenerbe shows up in both.

The only reason Ryougi Shiki showed up in Melty at all is that she got summoned as a Counter Guardian to counter the "apparent" return of Archetype Earth, but this isn't the real Archetype Earth, it's an illusion. Regardless, that illusion was powerful enough for Ryougi Shiki to be summoned over as a Counter Guardian on the behalf of humanity.

Stealing my words? I'm not sure why I threw in that explanation to you as you were asking about Reis and not Ryougi or Archetype.

They could always just put in some dead apostles and/or true ancestors and use tatari as explanation if they've been killed already.  Zelretch would be pretty gdlk.

Zelretch would be broken as fuck. Given that he is the highest ranking mage (along with Lorelei), he is one of the top 10 of the DAA list, he killed Crimson Moon Brunestud, he is a sorcerer holding the power of the Second true magic, and can manipulate dimensions, I would say that Zelretch is perhaps one of the most broken character in the Nasuverse.

I'm pretty sure that's Touko herself. She has 2 sides, one kind, cheerful with glasses and the other vicious and epic without glasses. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Correct you are.

And this turned into a lore discussion. Goody.

Thus, my presence here.

Tsukihime and Kara No Kyoukai are definitely in the same world/timeline/universe.  There is no disputing, since there are direct links between the two.  Fate has only one major link to Tsukihime, and the nature of it makes it pretty debatable (Zelretch gives Rin his jeweled dagger since she's his descendant or some shit, but he can warp through dimensions so it's kind of hard to call it a direct link), so that's whatever.  

There is a bit of argument regarding whether of not Fuyuki City exists within the same universe. The presence of Zelretch is so not a deciding factor here because of his ability to traverse time, space and dimensions, he could have direct family across so many multiple realms, he could essentially be his own father...the realm of existence for Zelretch is so obscure that I couldn't begin to say anything on it. Personally, I say it is, but the only connection is the mage that can create artificial bodies (aka Touko, who can only do so for herself and not others).

Nanaya Kiri is also a bit of a fan-favorite around here for some reason too.

Because he is a badass, maybe? Because Nanaya Shiki is comparable to Ryougi Shiki as far as ability, but Nanaya Shiki doesn't meet up to the ability of Kiri? Ryougi's godmode does match with Kiri, however.

There are only six empty seats. And if you count Roa as one (he's "unnumbered"), there are only 5 empty seats.

Technically, following the end of Melty Blood, there are 10 open seats. 3, 7, 10, 12, 13, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26. #3 is questionable. While being killed by Zelretch in the past, Crimson Moon still exists within Arcuied and once her power reaches over 9000, Crimson Moon takes over and is reborn.

I want gun god to show Sion whos baus

Godo (Gun God) isn't really all that great a character. The only thing he had going for him is he had the Black Barrel which only worked on beings that had Gin. The interaction between the Gin and the effects of the Black Barrel allowed for damage against entities that had Gin. If he shot at Sion (who existed before the time of the Angels), nothing would happen to Sion. He took down Type-Venus because Type-Venus' body was made up of mostly Gin and the damage from having that effected was too much and Type-Venus died.

It's like a match. If you drop a lit match into a bottle filled with oxygen, nothing happens. If you dropped a lit match into a bottle filled with propane gas, well there you go. Sion overall was a much better fighter since Godo was lazy and spent most of his time shooting down Angels from his house window. After killing Type Venus, it reformed into the body of a young girl name V/V that ended up living with Godo. Essentially, she was like a maid.

...You want to play as an immobile forest? Ciel would just lob Black Keys at you all day. The Necos could win by Shinso/Chaos Beaming you to death. Fuck, C-Roa could win. So no.

The Forest of Einnash moved and was semi-sentient. At the very center of the forest, if you could survive the trees, was the heart of the forest. Tohno Shiki killed the forest in Talk. Unless you were in the very middle of the forest, you wouldn't be able to damage it really, and then if you were, you would be under attack from all sides at once. It took both Ciel and Merem Solomen to get close to the middle but they were beaten to their goal by Tohno Shiki who was slowly becoming more Satsujinki.

Merem could be mildly interesting, though, I'll give you that. The trick would be balancing him, since each of his limbs are very powerful on their own.

And massive in size as well. I'm really not too sure how Merem works at all.

Arihiko: No. We already have enough joke characters. I like Arihiko as a character, but how in the blue fuck are you going to say Arihiko has a chance in hell of beating someone like Nero?

Well, he can carry and equip the Seventh Holy Scripture, which would normally be quite bad for any normal human. Regardless, I would say his normal fighting style would be a bat with nails and a curbstomp.

None of you besides me mentioned Altrouge Brunestud, or even commented on her. Son, I am disappoint.

She is OP as well. She has two forms, a young 14-ish girl and an older adult form. The younger form is weaker, but yet was able to take down Arcuied in a fight (and cut her hair) without having to change forms. She was however beaten by original Roa. Reality Marble: Overpower could be massive hax mode. Can you imagine a tag team style?

>Michael Roa Valdamjong activates Reality Marble: Overpower
>Character change: Michael Roa Valdamjong switches out with Kishua Zelretch
>Zelretch activates Kaleidoscope (while team power Overpower is still active)
>The world asplode


Sorry, I think I wrote too much in this thread.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2010, 05:09:33 PM by ShinMasaki »
Common Sense?! In My Touhous?! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!!!

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #315 on: July 24, 2010, 06:36:01 PM »
Quote from: ShinMasaki
Quote from: Dark Pulse
Merem could be mildly interesting, though, I'll give you that. The trick would be balancing him, since each of his limbs are very powerful on their own.

And massive in size as well. I'm really not too sure how Merem works at all.

If I'm interpreting the Type-Moon wiki right, Merem detaches a limb and it turns into one of the 4 beasts depending on which one. My guess is that if he were to be in a fighting game he'd function like Carl with the Right Arm functioning in a way reminiscent of Nirvana. The two legs would be part of his Arc Drive (of which I propose he has 2 one for each of the legs: left leg as an antiair, right leg as ground only).


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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #316 on: July 24, 2010, 07:48:38 PM »
lol saw the new posts and thought there was some influx of info about the game, nope, just a bunch of yappity nerds  :toot:

anyway they should put that mom bitch with the bus-size titties from queen's blade in the pc version, it'll totally be canon

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #317 on: July 24, 2010, 09:07:00 PM »
Zelretch would be broken as fuck. Given that he is the highest ranking mage (along with Lorelei), he is one of the top 10 of the DAA list, he killed Crimson Moon Brunestud, he is a sorcerer holding the power of the Second true magic, and can manipulate dimensions, I would say that Zelretch is perhaps one of the most broken character in the Nasuverse.

...why do you think this matters?  iirc Aoko is 1 of 5 remaining people capable of sorcery(aka MIRACLES) and she's not OP in the game.  Miyako is a little girl who is Tohno's adopted sister.  Koha is the best character in MBAA.  Story doesn't affect how good a character is going to be in a fg. 
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #318 on: July 24, 2010, 10:32:32 PM »
Zelretch would be broken as fuck. Given that he is the highest ranking mage (along with Lorelei), he is one of the top 10 of the DAA list, he killed Crimson Moon Brunestud, he is a sorcerer holding the power of the Second true magic, and can manipulate dimensions, I would say that Zelretch is perhaps one of the most broken character in the Nasuverse.

...why do you think this matters?  iirc Aoko is 1 of 5 remaining people capable of sorcery(aka MIRACLES) and she's not OP in the game.  Miyako is a little girl who is Tohno's adopted sister.  Koha is the best character in MBAA.  Story doesn't affect how good a character is going to be in a fg. 

even though she can use it, Aoko never does use it...her true magic.

miyako is allowed to do what she can because of the effects of the dream world superimposed upon the city by TATARI

kohaku needs to be balanced

If they made the characters capable with what they can or cannot do, then Zelretch is far too OP. If you are saying that 'it doesn't matter because it is a game and does not follow canon', then in that case there should be no problem putting Arihiko in the game either.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #319 on: July 24, 2010, 11:33:55 PM »
So Zelretch won't use his op stuff like Aoko.  I never knew characters were balanced around their cannon strength.  I also didn't know it was cannon that people could double jump(anime!), which is what you're saying since what characters can do in game is apparently cannon.  Maybe Aoko's tripple jump is her magic.

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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #320 on: July 24, 2010, 11:39:24 PM »
Oh? And where do you get this info from? The only thing regarding the two being different is that Nasu stated that Aoko is of different ages between the two, which is obvious because of the placement chronologically. KnK takes place in 1999 while Tsuki happens in 2000. From all the info I've gathered, the two are the same universe, just two different towns. In fact, the two are pretty close to one another as the tea shop Ahnenerbe shows up in both.
If you'll remember, based on the dates given in-game in Tsukihime, I told you there's only two recent years where it could occur: 1999, and 2004. Those are the only two calendar years in the last 15 where the dates fall on those specific days. Thus, they're either alternate universes, or Tsukihime is set in 2004, which I really don't think is the case.

Stealing my words? I'm not sure why I threw in that explanation to you as you were asking about Reis and not Ryougi or Archetype.
Well, yes. But it is relevant to this. :P

The Forest of Einnash moved and was semi-sentient. At the very center of the forest, if you could survive the trees, was the heart of the forest. Tohno Shiki killed the forest in Talk. Unless you were in the very middle of the forest, you wouldn't be able to damage it really, and then if you were, you would be under attack from all sides at once. It took both Ciel and Merem Solomen to get close to the middle but they were beaten to their goal by Tohno Shiki who was slowly becoming more Satsujinki.
Yes, and there's the fact Einnashe would null the magic of Ciel's Black Keys, at the least. Still, Forest of Einnashe would be a horrible character to have in the game. Bad enough Tekken has Mokujin; we don't need him too.

Well, he can carry and equip the Seventh Holy Scripture, which would normally be quite bad for any normal human. Regardless, I would say his normal fighting style would be a bat with nails and a curbstomp.
Yeah. It'd be funny the first handful of times, but then you have to think about "How could Arihiko realistically beat Dead Apostle Ancestors?" The answer: He can't. He has no chance in hell. Then again, you do have Hisui and Kohaku... so all bets are off.

She is OP as well. She has two forms, a young 14-ish girl and an older adult form. The younger form is weaker, but yet was able to take down Arcuied in a fight (and cut her hair) without having to change forms. She was however beaten by original Roa.
So then she sticks in the first form, and only enters the second for her AD/AAD/LA or something. Plus I think Altrouge would be the type who'd pull punches to toy with people. After all, destroying people with a fingersnap has to get boring after awhile. If we can tone down Wallachia, who can suck blood from whole cities overnight, I'm pretty sure we could find a way to put Altrouge in. :P
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #321 on: July 25, 2010, 12:10:13 AM »
If you'll remember, based on the dates given in-game in Tsukihime, I told you there's only two recent years where it could occur: 1999, and 2004. Those are the only two calendar years in the last 15 where the dates fall on those specific days. Thus, they're either alternate universes, or Tsukihime is set in 2004, which I really don't think is the case.

Okay, saying we were to take the dates you plugged into a calendar as canon to the Tsuki universe...KnK doesn't give any exact dates for when these events occur. By this, the two could be in the same universe supposing that the KnK dates coincide with the Tsuki dates.

Sorry about one thing with my previous post, I did get them a year off...KnK happens in late 1998 - early 1999 while Tsuki happens in 1999. source
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #322 on: July 25, 2010, 12:27:44 AM »

Isn't it Overload?

If we can tone down Wallachia, who can suck blood from whole cities overnight, I'm pretty sure we could find a way to put Altrouge in. :P

The Wallachia in Melty is his original form, Zepia Eltnam Oberon, who lacked the powers to suck whole cities dry. Through a pact with Altrogue, Wallachia would return to his original form at the rise of the Crimson Moon every thousand years. Due to Arcueid summoning the Crimson Moon using her Marble Phantasm, Wallachia got more balanced in the game.

And as far as canon stuff in a fighting game goes, whenever Shiki is close to the enemy it's instant win due to his MEoDP. I'm sure canonically he doesn't need 300% of his Magic Circuit to cut anyone into 17 pieces.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #323 on: July 25, 2010, 01:06:48 AM »
Sorry about one thing with my previous post, I did get them a year off...KnK happens in late 1998 - early 1999 while Tsuki happens in 1999. source
That pretty much solves the ambiguity, then. The events of KnK precede the events of Tsukihime by about a year.

Still, aside from Aoko, the brief mention of Touko, Ryougi, and (possibly) Zelretch, there's still not much crossing over. They're definitely exceptions, not the rule.

It'd be kinda scary, if they did. How would Azaka know which person was the right one to be incestually smitten with? Then again, how would Akiha? And if they somehow got mixed up, would either of them speak up when their respective "sisters" cried out "Nii-san!!!"


...I apologize for this post.
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Re: The MB:AA:CC thread: Current Code
« Reply #324 on: July 25, 2010, 01:07:39 AM »
I was joking about the Forest of Einnashe, RE: everyone telling me how terrible it would be.