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Author Topic: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB  (Read 18990 times)

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Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« on: September 24, 2011, 05:50:39 PM »
Since MB first came out on PC, I know most of you started playing this game on keyboard. I WAS ONE OF YOU GUYS, and I fucking loved keyboard, used it for 2+ years learning and playing this awesome game.

However when MBAA came out of the ps2 my dreams of destroying everyone with my amazing keyboard crushing skills became nonexistent. Delusional, I first thought I could just play on emulator and use my keyboard there like in MBAC, but of course I realized it was complete fucking shit, and I should slap myself, etc.

So I started to look for an arcade stick to use. My first arcade stick was a Arcana Heart 2 ps2 stick made specifically for the amazing (lol) port examu did. Then came the long road but rewarding road to learning how to become gay play on stick.

Now I can't say I'm a total expert on sticks, and I'm not. But I'm hoping that I can help people who were once like me to get a good start on finding/learning about sticks.

Now if you're reading this thread, you're probably either:

a) Wanting to change to stick but dunno how to start :(
b) Wondering why you should change to stick in the first place
c) You love me :toot:

If its A, C, then <Good!>. A should skip the pros and cons and go on down.

If its B, then you've come to the right place. Here are some pros and cons to learning stick (IMO of course), and from those pros and cons you should be able to determine whether or not you want to learn stick or not.


-Universal Controller for a reason: You can generally get converters to play on any console, you can also mod it too for the same effect. You can play it on pretty much any console out there, as long as you get a willing modder + $$$.
-Borrow Shit: When you go to gatherings/tournaments, if you forget your stick somewhere you can generally ask someone to borrow theirs. Whenever I've been lazy or I lent my stick to someone else, people were always willing to lend me something to use if I ask nicely. No one is going to really lend you their keyboard, and there probably isn't a extra keyboard anywhere anyways.
-^That being said, almost everyone in the fighting game community knows how to use stick, so its basically a universally used controller which can be very convenient. (Of course theres going to be pad players too).
-Play Arcade Cabs: Arcade Cabs use stick = When you go to japan, you can play on their cabs :]
-Pretty Pictures: Stick art (Can't decorate your keyboard) + pretty buttons + pretty balltop
-You aren't carrying a keyboard around...
-Keyboard Banning: Keyboards can sometimes be banned from tournaments (for example in MBAC you had access to both players controls on one keyboard).
-Almost Every Fighting Game Supports Arcade Stick (can't think of exceptions, but I'm sure there's some in the realm of poverty somewhere.)
-Hand dominance plays less of a factor in execution.


-$$$Expensive$$$: One thing that deters many from playing on Arcade Stick is the price. Most arcade sticks are anywhere from 60-300 dollars! Modding just adds onto that overall cost.
-Bulky/Heavy: Unless you have a special bag, its kind of a bother carrying arcade sticks around since they're bulky and sometimes very heavy (VLX).
-Takes Time: Depending on the person, it can take a lot of time and patience to learn how to play on stick transitioning from keyboard/pad/etc.
-My computer came with a keyboard.
-If it breaks....: Generally normal people don't know how to fix an arcade stick or are too lazy to learn. They usually have to contact someone who knows how to mod to get it fixed and that just adds to the amount of $$$ you have to shell out. Keyboards you can just get a new one for 15 bucks.
-Slower directional input speed.

I think thats it. (Thanks to Kamina and Living shadow for help on the pros and cons).

For those of you who aren't daunted by the cons to learning stick, please read on!


Buying my First Stick aka Where the Fuck do I Find a Good One?


NOTE 2: IF YOU WANT TO PLAY ON BOTH PS3 AND XBOX, GET A XBOX360 STICK. IT IS DIFFICULT TO DUAL MOD PS3 STICKS. (Or you can just get a PS2 stick then get two converters for xbox/ps3 or just mod the ps2 stick.)

NOTE 3: BTW, there are two major preferred companies from where people get their parts which are, Sanwa and Seimitsu parts. There is a third company that makes parts called Happ parts and those are the usual "American" style arcade parts. Theres no difference in quality, its just a matter of preference.

1. The Madcatz Tournament Edition (TE) Stick (Solid Choice)

Price: Roughly $120-$150

Its a solid choice, comes with Sanwa stick and parts, you can't really go wrong with this one. You will also frequently see a ton of deals for this stick too since its so popular. (I know Roku got two for the price of one once). You can pretty much buy this anywhere.

2. Real Arcade Pro V3/VX by Hori (Solid choice number 2)

Price: $100-$130

Another solid choice, just by a different company, sanwa parts etc. The compartment that holds the wire is much nicer than the TE's though.

3. The Madcatz Standard Edition (Cost Efficient, but you need to mod this stick ASAP)

Price: Roughly $60-$90. With modding, expect to add about 45-55

Not bad, but some people don't like the curvature near the bottom of the stick. The stock parts it comes with are fucking ass, so you would need to mod it right away. If you find a cheap one though, and you're on a budget, I'd say go for it. You would need to buy a new stick (roughly 23~ dollars) and 5-6 buttons (~10-30 dollars) (buttons are anywhere from 3-5 each).

If you go this route, this video is very helpful: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4wDobtOmY0

4. Real Arcade Pro 3 by Hori

Price: $80-$120

Sanwa stick, but you need to replace the buttons. Buttons can be replaced same way as above SE stick. Different button layout (Notice how it curves downwards?), and has a nice box to rest your hands on.

More to come...


OKAY I have my Stick, How2Play???

First, you have to learn how to grip the stick. I only really know three ways, so if people could help me out by adding more, I'll gladly edit the post later.

Find the one that is most comfortable for you, that is the most important step.

1. Half Wine Glass Style:

Cup the ball inbetween your middle finger and fourth finger (Yeah it sounds gay but do it anyways)

Then turn it over to the side.

This is how I hold it. Its really nice doing things left to right, but right to left is a little tough to get used to. Use your thumb for doing things right to left, use your other fingers for doing moves left to right.

2. Half Wine Glass Alt.

Instead of keeping the stick inbetween your fingers, you don't.

3. Wine Glass Style (JP STYLE)

Cup in between your middle and fourth finger, but don't move anything over.

Equal strength on both sides, pretty versatile but it was too weird for me to use.

4. Alternative Wine Glass (With pinky and fourth finger instead)

Instead you have the stick in between your pinky and fourth finger.

5. Grab your dick style aka Battop style.

Self explanatory. Don't know much about this style so I can't comment much.

6. Ball Top Style

Quote from: LivingShadow
For this style you use your thumb and index finger almost exclusively, I personally recommend keeping the rest of your hand loose and not gripping with your entire hand. Quarter circles are done by rolling the pressure from the middle of your index finger to either your thumb or the top of your palm. Or at least that's how I do it.


Pressing down on the buttons, unlike keyboard where you use only three fingers, utilizes all five of your fingers. A is for your forefinger, B is for your middle, fourth for your C button, Pinky for E button, and Thumb for D button. (Thats how I prefer it, you can do whatever you want really.)

Important: Make sure you lift your wrist a little while playing, or you will do some damage to your wrist. Or get a oppai chan to help out, like Jimmy here  :teach::



When I started learning stick, I imagined these motions in my head:

236x and hcf (41236)x are pretty obvious. Most people like me though, have trouble with the DP motion. What I did to get used to it was to learn a character that uses the DP motion frequently in their bnbs. (Vakiha, Sacchin, Tsubaki in BB, etc). Just imagine writing a Z in your head.

Note: Be careful about hitting 7/9 while doing motions! When I first started playing I would hit these frequently because I would over exaggerate my motions. Do it slowly, and keep constant control in your hand, you should be able to build speed soon.

Note 2: Regularly practice doing things right to left, and left to right. Change it up so you get used to doing it both ways. I've had times where I would learn how to do combos left to right, and when I played a match right after I would get owned cause my friend would always be on the left side.

Instant Air Dash:

This is what killed me. I could not do IADs to save my life. Unfortunately, I know people who come from other games frequently complain about how difficult it is to IAD in MB on stick. So its not just you or me, its pretty much MB's fault. But don't worry, MB made IADing actually easier once you know that 6A+B = dash.

Basically you can just input 7/8/96A+B and you will get your IAD :] (I personally use 76A+B).

Quote from: Rokunaya
I use 76A+B because with the A+B macro, you need to hit 6. It's not 9/6/3 A+B, it only reads 6, which is easy to mess up off just 9. When you hit 9A+B, you get JB, which is definitely not what you want and will probably lead to a bad situation.

Keep that in mind ^.

If you want to do it the harder way, you can input: 7/8/966 or 686 or 696 or 6956 (Don't remember anymore off the top of my head, I use 686 when I want a raw IAD though). Most players use both, so its very useful to learn it both ways.

You don't need to hold a direction all the time!

Quote from: Rokunaya
Another HUGE thing most people forget to mention about learning stick is that you HAVE to get used to letting the stick sit at neutral 90% of the time. Let the stick go where it wants to go, to neutral, almost all of the time unless you're blocking. When you do specials and movement, just tap the stick in the directions you want to go. No need to be too forceful, no need to hold it, just get used to constantly being in neutral.

[5] is extremely important to learning stick so make sure you get that down really well.


This takes a ton of time to learn, and a lot of patience. But if you keep at it, the rewards are great! Good luck, and don't get discouraged; took me about 2 months to get used to stick, then another 6 months to master it. Combos were hella easy, but getting used to movement was what took the longest time for me :X

Useful Links:
www.lizardlick.com - This is where you can buy your buttons/sticks
www.shoryuken.com - Oh noes SRK. Just go straight to tech talk, you can learn a LOT about modding your stick, finding modders in your area, and learning about sticks in general.
http://www.tek-innovations.com/arthobbies/ - This is where you can get those fancy plexi covers as well as templates for whatever stick you have

Any comments/criticism would be really appreciated, just whipped this up really quick so people could start getting ready for CC (if they wanted to transition for a while but didn't have a reason to till now).

Edit: Updated
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 07:36:38 AM by ロースピード »
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2011, 06:04:42 PM »
Alot of JP and also myself use the wineglass with the pinky/ring finger instead.


Another HUGE thing most people forget to mention about learning stick is that you HAVE to get used to letting the stick sit at neutral 90% of the time. Let the stick go where it wants to go, to neutral, almost all of the time unless you're blocking. When you do specials and movement, just tap the stick in the directions you want to go. No need to be too forceful, no need to hold it, just get used to constantly being in neutral.

[5] is extremely important to learning stick so make sure you get that down really well.


The fastest MB I.AD without using A+B is 6956 or 6596.
I use 76A+B because with the A+B macro, you need to hit 6. It's not 9/6/3 A+B, it only reads 6, which is easy to mess up off just 9. When you hit 9A+B, you get JB, which is definitely not what you want and will probably lead to a bad situation.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 06:08:27 PM by Rokunaya »
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2011, 06:20:30 PM »
Being sort of in the process of doing this myself here are a few things I'd like to add:

Half circles and Kohaku's 3632141c activation are much easier to do on stick.
Hand dominance plays less of a factor in execution.

Slower directional input speed.

With regards to playing on stick:
The first thing you're going to do is get your Quarter circle, DP and half circle motions down.
Once you can do them reliably relearn your ground strings and aircombos without a double jump.
Then incorperate double jumps.

Balltop Style:
For this style you use your thumb and index finger almost exclusively, I personally recommend keeping the rest of your hand loose and not gripping with your entire hand. Quarter circles are done by rolling the pressure from the middle of your index finger to either your thumb or the top of your palm. Or at least that's how I do it.

When I finally get to using stick for melty I'll probably end up using 956. The input is relatively easy and similar to standard dashing. In a standard dash you input 66 (technically 656) which is pressing the 6 direction twice, to IAD just sub a 9 input for the first 6 input.

For the moment, I'm probably going to continue using my hitbox. I'm sort of proficient at SF using stick, but it still needs work.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2011, 06:29:12 PM by LivingShadow »

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2011, 07:34:39 PM »
Great guide, ehrik.

One thing: can I translate this guide to portuguese?

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2011, 08:19:08 PM »
Thanks for the feedback guys, I appreciate it

@Vinn Aleixo: sure, I don't feel like its finished though lol but go ahead
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2011, 09:56:10 PM »
Ultimate J-Stick Balltop Holding Tutorial vid, for practical reference:


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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #6 on: September 24, 2011, 09:59:52 PM »
I came from pad and played keyboard a little bit...I can say that IAD's were such a bitch for me too,

Here's the secret.  It's easier for your brain/hand to understand ergonomically going left to right than up to right.  You should do 76(A+B), 766, or 94(A+B) 944 when I was learning.  623's I also made easier by doing 6123.

While I want to debate directional inputs are not "slower" on stick, that's a losing argument.  What I will say though is a stick gives you a certain fluent reaction to fighting game inputs and is the native fighting game input style.  Everyone uses a stick for a *reason*.  It's much easier to correct faulty input gives you a more smooth-feeling input.    What I can say is that stick buttons are ENORMOUSLY better than keyboard buttons.  And button pressing is often what makes hard execution things like loops easier.  I had an impossible time doing a ~6 frame link on pad, but with my stick I was doing things I couldn't do in months in under a week.     

Besides the lure of being able to goto any arcade to just play (they're not prominent in America), I was hesitant to put out the money to learn stick.  What pushed me over the edge was a certain LordKnight telling me "Imagine a couple years down the line, you're the best F-Koha in the world and in you want to participate in SBO or a big melty championship....but you can't....because you play pad." 

And here I am a day after playing at Hydra GP  :laffo: :laffo:  I didn't think too much of it then, but it did spark a little light that said if I want to have fun at competitive tournament level play, it's something I have to do.  If you want to play competitively at fighters, it's something you have to do too.  And it'll be worth it and fun.  It's like learning to play an easy instrument.

I'll also say I don't think most tournament players when CC comes out are going to support keyboard players.  It's a bitch to setup the configuration and will slow down the whole tournament, but more specifically you can't have two keyboard players on one computer unless they're stretched over one keyboard which sounds ridiculously stupid for something that's supposed to be competitive play. 

For me personally having an arcade stick adds to the experience of playing a game.  I use my arcade stick for almost any game I can on computer or console if I physically can console or PC alike (as in the game doesn't have 10+ buttons or requires analog input). 

Alternatively if you want a "key-stick", I'll make you one, but it'll cost you quite a bit.   :nyoro:

My advice is not to be stubborn about and just go for it if you've been playing melty (or any fighter) for a month or two and really find yourself liking it.  For me the breakdown happened like this

1 week - Impossible, fuck everything about this.  Played pad for almost 2 years. 
3 week - I can do this, I can do somethings I can do on pad better, some things on stick better
2 months - I can play better on stick than on pad but some things still bother me with stick and I think some things are easier on pad
6 months - total baller on stick. 
9 months - Can pick up and play with pad and notice why other input systems are considered inferior, there pros/cons.

I think if people take more than 2 months to really get used to holding a stick, then they're holding the stick wrong.  Like Ehrik posted most people use half wine glass in America.  Most of the Japanese use full wineglass but it's only easier if you have small hands.  I think in slow execution fighters you can vary a lot to what feels comfortable, but for mb I highly recommend just doing half wine glass even if it feels weird for a day or two. 

I'm not saying it's impossible to play on pad (or possibly even with a keystick) and do well.  I know players who are better than me that do that.  I'm just saying using the stick opens up more options for yourself, is a fun experience, and makes it less of a hassle for other people later.  Ultimately, if you want to play at tournaments with keyboard anyway, you have to buy a key stick, which is more expensive and silly looking than an arcade stick. 

Also #1 thing if you're having trouble is to stop for like 15 minutes and come back and make sure your adjusted correctly.  Learning stick is an ungodly frustrating experience, but will get more fun as time goes on.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 02:25:59 AM by Komidol »
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #7 on: September 24, 2011, 10:05:04 PM »
Alternatively if you want a "key-stick", I'll make you one, but it'll cost you quite a bit.   :nyoro:

Outside USA, it'll costs more than usual  :laffo:

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #8 on: September 24, 2011, 10:08:25 PM »
While I want to debate directional inputs are not "slower" on stick, that's a losing argument.
More specifically, I'm referring to opposite directions. It's not really that big of a deal and probably not much more than a couple frames difference.
Besides the lure of being able to goto any arcade to just play (they're not prominent in America), I was hesitant to put out the money to learn stick.  What pushed me over the edge was a certain LordKnight telling me "Imagine a couple years down the line, you're the best F-Koha in the world and in you want to participate in SBO or a big melty championship....but you can't....because you play pad." 
Which is exactly the reason why I'm thinking of picking up stick.

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2011, 01:25:24 AM »
Slower directional input speed.

If you're serious about being the best then this alone should convince you to not switch to using a stick.

There are only two reasons why you should want to use a stick.  One is you're already used to it.  Switching will give you a marginal benefit for a significant amount of effort.  Two is if it's your only option, which for the most part translates into you want to play in an arcade.

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2011, 03:16:22 AM »
As a keyboard player myself I've given a lot of thought about this, and since I have no prospects of ever playing Melty in arcade I decided to make a keyboard -> hitbox arcade transition, which seems much easier of a transition than keyb -> stick. Also, the weird layout of the movement buttons cuts finger transition time for down-up, potentially making a better use of your reactions.

I don't discard the option of using stick tho, might try to learn it someday.
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2011, 03:18:38 AM »
Most people try a stick and make it out to be like the hardest thing ever, but in just a couple weeks of training mode you'll be on your feet again no problem.  It's really not that big of a deal. 

I think Ehrik was especially motivated to make this thread because he had a bit of a harder time than most to learn stick, and he wants people to take the shortcuts to learning that he had to learn himself - the hard way. 

Give it a real shot.  You might have fun. 
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 09:42:56 AM by Komidol »
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2011, 07:33:56 AM »
I don't think I've had it especially hard at all, pretty sure everyone went through same thing I did. All I did was complain a lot :| You give me too much credit.

@Zaelar: I guess thats true but I feel like its worth it anyways for the reasons listed above. I mean, people can choose whatever (I probably did put some bias on stick though somewhere lol), but just trying to get people started cause when I first tried to learn I didn't have much of an idea of where to start with everything.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2011, 07:37:35 AM by ロースピード »
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #13 on: September 26, 2011, 03:52:49 PM »

Give me the money for a stick then.

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #14 on: September 26, 2011, 04:00:25 PM »
if you don't got the money then don't buy one?
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #15 on: September 26, 2011, 04:05:42 PM »
What about transitioning to keystick?
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #16 on: September 26, 2011, 04:10:28 PM »
What about transitioning to keystick?

ask madscientist/papertigre to build you one :>
<Graven> When you are Ciel, don't try to win, don't even try to do anything. The more you do, the stupider and bigger faggot you become because you're using Ciel.
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #17 on: September 26, 2011, 04:16:05 PM »
What about transitioning to keystick?

ask madscientist/papertigre to build you one :>

But that's not a guide to transitioning to keystick T_T
[01:08] <Komidol> that marisa cosplayer that took my registration was sexy
[15:24] <Rokunaya> i've actually reached the point where some voice actors sound familiar in animes
[22:40] <bellreisa> i'm an insane murderer who is overwhelmed by nihilism but that's ok cause i'm in love

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #18 on: September 26, 2011, 04:17:32 PM »

jay kay. In honesty I started using arcade stick just because I wanted to be legit like all the top players and the Japanese. I'm actually surprised there are still so many non-stick players, logically if you consider fighting games originally designed to be played on an arcade stick layout then it'd be the best way to play them. It's like learning to type or drive, just takes a bit of effort to stick to something that feels foreign at first. Great guide by the way.

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #19 on: September 26, 2011, 04:27:32 PM »
It's like learning to type or drive, just takes a bit of effort to stick to something that feels foreign at first.

And $$$$$$
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #20 on: September 26, 2011, 04:34:59 PM »
It can't be that hard to spend even $200. Any hobby requires at least that much. Get a job meltybread.


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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2011, 04:50:33 PM »
I just want to say that me and oppai chan make a really cute couple

And $$$$$$
whatever dude sticks really aren't that hard to get, you just need to activate your top player swagger and jack one from fan, they'll more than likely be honored that your worship deigned to touch their controller and fall asleep every night thinking about your skillful hands manipulating their stick
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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2011, 05:06:35 PM »
if you dont have the money to buy 1 arcade stick then u shouldnt be playing games.

also if u think its expensive, its an investment. you know the louise stick i bring everywhere? that thing has been used for 4 years now and i bought it for 125 premoded and its still going. if you want to learn stick and give up u also shouldnt be playing fighting games bc its a learning process and you cant endure learning new equip you want to learn to play a game that must mean u dont wanna learn how to be better at the game bye
what the fuck is this game

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2011, 05:36:39 PM »
It's the same as in saying "If you don't want to be famous some day, just go kill yourself bye".

Never heard of playing for fun duh.

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Re: Transitioning from Keyboard to Stick Guide for MB
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2011, 06:24:10 PM »
One beef i have with playing keyboard: Simultaneous inputs. 

Got reminded of it when I was playing Chantalise (Steam HnS. Not a fg, i know) and I couldn't dodge back or forward since the inputs involved 2ZX for back or 8ZX for forward. I could only dodge left and right.  It sucked when fighting a boss...

Transition that to Melty, that means I cannot dodge with 2AB, or I might press down to burst with 3 buttons and it wont come out.   (Sure i can use the E button, but I dun wanna). I'd probably be too paranoid to do 4/6AB air dashing and risk the dash not coming out.

Personally I'm all into having a stick for all my fighting games.  I remember when i first got my PS2 Tekken stick.  Served me well, specially for MB, and I'm still using it to this day.  I even modded it with Sanwa buttons & got some Sumoto converters to play it on the PS3 and computer whenever i feel like it.  I feel it was a great investment.
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<Pfhor>: because it makes no fucking sense