When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Author Topic: WakeupSRK podcast:"Being only on PC does not prevent MBAACC from being @EVO2012"  (Read 17759 times)

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I think the bigger problem is that they usually only have 5 or 6 games at evo due to time constraints. With UMVC3, SSF4AE2012, SFxT, TTT2, Skull Girls, and MK, thats 6 games already.  So unless TTT2 doesn't get released before EVO 2012, then we don't have a shot in hell.
Not that big of a deal since MB won't occupy console setups.
For that reason alone it could be easier to get it in than yet another PS3 game.
The only thing we need now is to hype it up get enough people to play it when it comes out.
Also TTT2 won't be on console in time for the next Evo, and the arcade ver. will bring the T6 back to a coma for the next year.

So the candidates are: SF4,UMVC3,SFXT,MK9,SC5,BBCSE,SG,KOF13 and now MB. That's 9 games!
At this point trying to push one game to "beat" other games for a spot is stupid and unproductive for the scene.
I think it's better if all the communities (while focusing on expanding the current player bases for their respected games) also unite to push for a bigger event with room for more games.

I don't really agree with this, but he's kind've on to something.  Why pussyfoot around trying to convince other people to play our game and get to doing some work ourselves.  If Ehrik's crow apartment was any indication, it's pretty easy to get our community together (whether they've been out of the loop or not) for a general "poverty" event.  We can have MBAA as the main game of course, but also games like AH3, Skull Girls, and a bunch of other games active games that melty players generally play.  I put poverty in quotations because I would just want it to be a general event of underplayed games, not complete poverty and old games, unless they have a strong hidden following (like EFZ, which we would want to bring out)  It would basically just take getting a venue, 5 niggas to bring out their computers, 5 niggas to bring out TVs and setups, 3 stream equips and a ton of advertising. 

I'm not saying it wouldn't be hard (especially getting a venue), but we do have the resources (We can definitely manage between all of us the streams/setups) and connections (some of us definitely could get this advertised in big spots) to do so as a community and I think it would be a lot more proactive than just posting about how we can't get into Evo.

And if you really want to get in over your head, you can think about what this would grow into.  It could start as a one day event at some venue annually in NY/NJ/PA, but then in 2 years be a weekend event.  In 3 years, a bi-annual weekend event.  In 5 years, who knows? 

And the worst thing that happens is at the end of the day it's just ~25 melty players sitting around playing melty and poverty games. 

But if we really like MBAACCPC when it drops and netplay makes it really popular, I think it's worth atleast one shot next spring. 
« Last Edit: August 30, 2011, 08:08:23 AM by Komidol »
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Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.

Offline Zaelar

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unless they have a strong hidden following (like EFZ, which we would want to bring out)   

Komidol combos mistakes.

Offline Komidol

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unless they have a strong hidden following (like EFZ, which we would want to bring out)   

Komidol combos mistakes.

Zaelar loops faggotry.
GenericSuperHero: komidol's not a nerd, he's a visionary
AnFox: H-mech IS a character.
Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.

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I don't think it matters whether or not MBAA ever has a chance to make it into EVO's official lineup next year. You can still have a hype tournament even if your game ends up being a side tournament. I think case point to this was that huge GGAC side tournament at EVO this year. I don't know the exact number of players, but it must of gotten more than 50 players, a couple of which included some high level JPN players like RF and Kindebu (yes I know they went for SSF4AE but still). That's pretty amazing for a game that's been overall dead competitively, for years.
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I think only person qualified to talk in this thread is sadly chibi because hes been at evo/knows more evo policitcs etc
what the fuck is this game

Offline Qaenyin

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I don't think it matters whether or not MBAA ever has a chance to make it into EVO's official lineup next year. You can still have a hype tournament even if your game ends up being a side tournament. I think case point to this was that huge GGAC side tournament at EVO this year. I don't know the exact number of players, but it must of gotten more than 50 players, a couple of which included some high level JPN players like RF and Kindebu (yes I know they went for SSF4AE but still). That's pretty amazing for a game that's been overall dead competitively, for years.

IMO melty just needs more positive hype-building exposure to the fg scene in general, and I'm really not sure Evo is the best route to try and build that, considering how traditional the evo scene is.

I think we're better off trying to draw players in from the specifically MVC3 scene or the blazblue scene than the general capcom/srk scene.

Offline ShardZ

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Evo is not "anti-anime", I don't know where this impression came from.  They will run games based on anticipated turnout & sponsorship.  Despite the meh response from Ecole for evo MBAA I think it would be worthwhile to contact French Bread/Ecole to see if they would be interested in contacting MrWiz about sponsoring an MBAACC tourney.  If nothing else, it's a good way to continue reminding them that there are, in fact, people in the U.S. that want to play their game.
That being said, regardless of if it's a main game or a side tournament I will do my best to be at Evo to support Melty.

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well everyone, let's just be a little real and remember that what's officially said isn't always what's actually true

evo isn't officially anti-anime
evo doesn't officially cater to games that are popular and crappy but result in sponsors and money in their bank
evo doesn't officially prefer prettier games for their big tournaments simply out of being prettier
and so on and so forth



i personally don't think MBAACC has a shot at evo 2012. not so much because of the difficulty it would require to get MBAACC as an official game at evo, but the possible lineup for next year seems like it could be locked down already, there are a ton of big hitters that mb would have to compete with to be an official tournament at evo: ae2012, umvc3, kof13, sfxt, ttt2?, possibly other small ones to consider like skullgirls, vf5, even UNIB (which I would prefer over MB tbh since its newer), this is a lot of competition and i'm pretty sure that once evo staff sits down to consider the the 10 year anniversary lineup, a pc game is going to be ousted fast when you have all those other games to discuss. it doesn't matter all the little things that make it easier than people think to run MBAACC at evo, because 1. it doesn't outweigh the issues you'd have to deal with a PC game tourney 2. quite honestly I don't think you could get the right people to really listen.

So the candidates are: SF4,UMVC3,SFXT,MK9,SC5,BBCSE,SG,KOF13 and now MB. That's 9 games!
At this point trying to push one game to "beat" other games for a spot is stupid and unproductive for the scene.
I think it's better if all the communities (while focusing on expanding the current player bases for their respected games) also unite to push for a bigger event with room for more games.
so true....but will it happen? with these communities, I don't think it's anywhere close to happening.

<kijea> im like really sad life faggot

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nt for SSF4AE but still).
IMO melty just needs more positive hype-building exposure to the fg scene in general, and I'm really not sure Evo is the best route to try and build that, considering how traditional the evo scene is.

I think we're better off trying to draw players in from the specifically MVC3 scene or the blazblue scene than the general capcom/srk scene.

Capcom fans never truly embraced the game when it was highly accessible on the PS2 and every popular Capcom title was 8+ years old, so I'm having a very hard time picturing how we could do a better job at convincing Capcom players to play our game nowadays. With the way the fighting game scene is now, MB has yet another hurdle of bias to overcome: the hype factor. The only games that get any attention from fighting game players and outsiders alike, these days, are the games that have prizes over $5,000k per tournament and have a variety of streams that show case high level matches from professional players. MB is an excellent, well balanced game, but being a good game never seemed to be good enough in my experience, to convince a Capcom player to try a completely different fg, like MB.  These days it's even harder to convince someone to play a game where the scene for it is virtually dead, has no netplay at the moment, or any hype at all.

Personally, I think BB or AH players would be the easiest to convince. Capcom players have been traditional biased and stubborn when it comes to considering other fgs. It's even worst nowadays, since a lot of Capcom players are new and have only played SF4/MvC3. I think we're pretty fucked here.
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I personally didn't think Melty had a shot at being in evo2k10 even with the vote.  And yet.

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So Keits decided to be a cockblocker and suddenly retracted his statement in the OP post in the new episode when asked by LK about it.  :gonk: :psyduck:
I guess the best thing to do is to stop caring and focus on building alternatives like komidol said.

Offline Komidol

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I was thinking lets start using the fact we'll be using computers to our advantage.  We can have like a dozen other poverty games set up at tournament running off PC, and have a much bigger library of games all together. 
GenericSuperHero: komidol's not a nerd, he's a visionary
AnFox: H-mech IS a character.
Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.


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I was thinking lets start using the fact we'll be using computers to our advantage.  We can have like a dozen other poverty games set up at tournament running off PC, and have a much bigger library of games all together.
problem is do melty players really want to be "poverty gamers" any more? let's be honest, most "poverty games" range from mediocre to straight ass, I'd rather see melty running alongside practically any newer console release than the The Queen of Heart '98

It's going to be tough enough getting new people to play as is, probably won't help if we lock ourselves in the poverty treehouse with half our setups devoted to strip fighter 4 and efz
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Regardless though any serious tournament event is going to have more than one game, even if we make Melty the main attraction.  Most people who play melty are not going to accept to be along side MVC3/SSF4 (atleast, I don't think they'd enjoy it that much). 

If we don't want to do other poverty games we need new main games.  Though I'd rather play good old games like VSav or EFZ rather than new shit like Ougon.
GenericSuperHero: komidol's not a nerd, he's a visionary
AnFox: H-mech IS a character.
Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.


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Most people who play melty are not going to accept to be along side MVC3/SSF4 (atleast, I don't think they'd enjoy it that much).
this is where I think you're wrong, I'm pretty sure most people here would have no problems playing alongside a major capcom game; I know a number of people who play both melty and sf or mvc (some of the new rutgers guys came in from sf I think) and more importantly segregating ourselves into our own little bubble is just generally bad for attracting interest/new players
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In that case just run it alongside Under Night In-Bersth!

Actually... better yet.. run Melty alongside the fighting game that I made. Shit is legit.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2011, 01:04:57 PM by Greg »
It makes me sick to think I was fucking a woman who was having sex with an alligator.

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i really wish i had gotten a chance to catch EVO 2011 just so i could have watched the melty tourney. i didnt really see any side tournies at evo2k12, but i was busy judging most of the time.

this is where I think you're wrong, I'm pretty sure most people here would have no problems playing alongside a major capcom game; I know a number of people who play both melty and sf or mvc (some of the new rutgers guys came in from sf I think) and more importantly segregating ourselves into our own little bubble is just generally bad for attracting interest/new players

i agree. the bigger our community gets the more likely we are to see state side release.

Offline Komidol

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In that case just run it alongside Under Night In-Bersth!

Actually... better yet.. run Melty alongside the fighting game that I made. Shit is legit.

Did you learn the infinite yet or are you still the worst player at your own game.

Most people who play melty are not going to accept to be along side MVC3/SSF4 (atleast, I don't think they'd enjoy it that much).
this is where I think you're wrong, I'm pretty sure most people here would have no problems playing alongside a major capcom game; I know a number of people who play both melty and sf or mvc (some of the new rutgers guys came in from sf I think) and more importantly segregating ourselves into our own little bubble is just generally bad for attracting interest/new players

Valid opinion.
GenericSuperHero: komidol's not a nerd, he's a visionary
AnFox: H-mech IS a character.
Exciel: It's 2011, use whoever the hell you want already. Fuck haters and relish the salty tears that drip from their skulls as you stand victorious.