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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Atlas Academy > Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr)

MBAA Nero Match-ups


Since this whole section has been dead since Nov.  I'm gonna get things poppin by starting this.

So, I'm no where near well versed in this section, but I felt like it needed to be made to help me and other players become more confidant in certain matchups. 

First on the the chart is H-Roa.  My roommate plays this faggot of a character and I've noticed that "soko darou" (teleport thing) somewhat bitch slaps me in the face no matter what I do.  Every version of this move screws you in some way from summoning outside of a knock down or when he's in block stun. Everything else in this fight seems manageable.  Soko darou however is definitely the move that wins this match for him imo.  I've tried to IAD back to see if I see the B version coming but it he can block b/c that version has hardly no recovery.  I'm sure this would work on the A version but then again, you won't see the A version coming, even in block strings, if you hold up and he does the A version, you won't jump b/c you'll be stuck in block stun.  A version is unsafe on block but so far I haven't got down the timing to punish it yet on the ground.  So if anybody has any suggestions about this match, or any questions about any other matches, post them here so we can figure this shit out.

If you drop A sludge/snake/antlion (214A for all moons should work) then block, it usually eats people that rush in from far away for free.

Nero is bad against anyone with full screen projectiles. See: Generic raging at H Mech and H Sion, and Nero having bad matchups against any moon Mech.

how do i beat ciel?

bait flash kick, block knives, mixup your approach

be a better player than your opponent

White Len:

out range her with jumping C and qc A, DONT EVER LET HER GET YOU IN THE CORNER. all you gotta do to beat her is just range her out, be spontanious with a random deer too, if you think ur gonna get locked in a corner, throw out a deer and you can combo her out of it.


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