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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Infy

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Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: August 12, 2009, 06:05:12 AM »
Hello there!

I guess I had better describe who I am, so I'll do that. My real name's Sam, although most people on forums and even at ranbats/tourneys and stuff always call me 'Infy' anyway. I'm 18, been playing fighting games since I was a little kid, with SFIIT on SNES and progressed from there. MB certainly isn't the first fighting game that I've decided to take seriously, and it certainly won't be the last, but at this point in time I'm still totally new to the game. I had originally played MBAC at a friend's about two and a half years ago, but nothing more than a few casuals.

So, the reason why I've started playing again is because during my time spent in Japan last month, I visited a number of arcades, and played a lot of matches across many different games, many which I haven't touched in years (Vampire Savior and MvC1 being good examples). As you might have guessed, I ended up playing MBAC in a couple, then gave MBAA a shot and really enjoyed what I played. Leading on from that, I bought MBAC for PS2 whilst I was over, and I've been playing a decent amount since! I don't have a PC to use for version B or Netplay, but I still manage to find matches here.

Here being Glasgow, in Scotland. Not many people play MBAC here I guess, so hopefully with MBAA's release, the series will draw more interest from the Scottish scene. As for who I've been playing here, besides messing about on the game with friends who don't play, I've been playing Irysa and Roukanken, who both know a lot more about the game than me, so it's handy learning from them. I guess I main Hisui, because her BnB is so easy and fun to use, and stuff-fu is probably the smartest projectile I've seen of its kind, although stupidly easy to EX Shield. That and her j.C is awesome when you're air-dashing tons.

Eh, Frostbolt (Frozenwave) from Neo Empire really helped me get started with basic advice, and he's been a good help with how to play Hisui. If any of you are showing up for SvB next month, I'll hopefully get some games of MBAA with you!

Besides that, I can't really think of much else, other than I mostly play 3S now, and gave SFIV a bit of time for a while, but I'm still unsure of it. Much prefer 3S, though.

Anyway, nice to see a strong community like this for the MB scene, and I look forwards to learning from you all!

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