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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Oni

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Regional Community / Re: Melty Vegas and Evo Thread
« on: May 17, 2010, 02:39:30 AM »

It'd be cool if you could make it to Bell's tourney in late June too.

Well I can try and see what I can do, but I'll need to know a few things first. First one being if I should be bringing money, since you know, I don't really have much that I can honestly say is my own and I'd have to... oy... ask for some.
Second would be checking to see if my mom could handle things by herself here for the few days I'll be gone, or if someone else could take care of her in my stead for the weekend.
The other stuff would just be finding out what to bring and such if I actually get the okay to be heading out with you guys.

Also, god dammit, don't think I didn't notice that custom title added on.

Regional Community / Re: Melty Vegas and Evo Thread
« on: May 16, 2010, 05:23:02 PM »
Well crap. Didn't get an e-mail from this thread and it looks like that W-Len video was taken out or something. I dunno.

Anyway, lol @ GO monthlies being on my birthday. Maybe it's a sign? |3 Anyway, been stepping up my game even more so we'll see how things turn out if I can manage to get there that day. Not sure if anyone here would mind me doing so since it'd be my birthday and all.

Regional Community / Re: Melty Vegas and Evo Thread
« on: April 25, 2010, 12:20:31 AM »
Okay, here goes.

I'm on, I vanish, just the way things always seem to be. Anyway, when I was able to I've been practicing, knowing what lies ahead at EVO. I know it's gonna get hectic up in there so I've been trying to get better, though if any of you have talked with Level 0 you'd know that for the past week I've been at the hospital watching after my mom. Probably won't be able to get back to practicing till I'm guessing next week, maybe later maybe sooner.

I've been wanting to step up my game as much as possible since that last tournament I was at. Hearing people telling me I've improved makes me feel like I can actually keep the momentum going and hold my own, but this isn't enough so I'm hoping to get leagues better than where I'm at right now. Like Prinny said, defense game for Vegas needs to get stepped up, and this goes double for me since I was humiliated by his unblockables with Ryougi. *Fist shake*

I'm all for it if anyone thinks I can make it to represent the Vegas team, but I know there's still a lot to improve on. When the day comes I want to shine as bright as I can. No more hiding potential, no more sitting back and letting opportunities like this pass by for stupid reasons, I'm determined more than ever now to make this happen.

Also, cheesy speech is cheesy. |3

Regional Community / Re: Melty Vegas and Evo Thread
« on: February 11, 2010, 01:20:02 AM »
The fourth would be my younger brother, who mains C-WLen and whom you've met once or twice before.  I wouldn't say he's beastly, but I'm harsh on him because a) he beats me a lot, by range most of the time, and (b) he never practices ever, which pisses me off because I practice nearly every day.  Also he's my younger brother, so I tend to be harder on him most of the time since I KNOW he could be worlds better.  Goddamn Maplestory.

He's also more antisocial than I am, which means we'll probably never see him on Melty Bread.

First, I haven't been playing Maplestory, so, no.

Second, yeah I'm antisocial when it comes to most things but since I had to make an account here for notifications on this thread, figured I'd might as well use it.

Also get better fighting against range or you shall fail forever.

Anyway, you can bet I'll be practicing after tonight for several reasons: new combos, to learn better tactics, and I'm looking forward to AM6.

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