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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Phae

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Not -planning- on going to Evo because I -will- be there :fap:

That's what I am talking about

Regional Community / Re: NECX: The Melty Bus
« on: November 27, 2009, 08:29:56 PM »
mbread's mobile layout is confusing.. :(

anyway, boltbus issue is you HAVE TO BE ON TIME, and hal has said it is not a big deal for us to take the fob bus and get to the hotel from there.

If you've got boltbus tickets on the cheap already stick with that if not find out when a caravan of players are fobbing.

I know Akuma and myself plan on a 3pm depart.

So we all going to Popeye's on Saturday night. Discuss the greedy niggas over biscuits.

Mmm Popeye's.

Anyway, phae is confirmed for NEC, I will be staying in the 36 Chambers of Povert (aka Hyperhal's room).

Super hype.

Regional Community / Re: NECX: The Melty Bus
« on: November 26, 2009, 03:07:14 PM »
I work from 6:30 to 2 on Friday, I will be taking a 3 PM fob bus to Philly.

My plans will be run from work to the Chase on the corner, cash my check, and then get on a bus to Philly.

If you're down for this adventure instead of Boltbus or whatever, just meet me at CF on Friday. I'm pretty much without a computer. Or message Hyperhal and have him message me with questions of whatever, he's got my number.

Aaagh hype levels through the roof

Can't wait to see y'all again!!

Also sometime during gazebo i am going to the Doughnut Plant ( for donuts, it's maybe a 15 minute walk from Gazebo. If anyone is interested in procuring some, let me know.


Other than that; if someone can bring some fox ears, fangs and a long ass tail, I'll wear it.  :V

I *may* have cat parts (tail, paws, ears), I used to have a pair of blue fox ears somewhere but I dunno where.   :mystery:

ANYWAY see yall at the gazebo

Sorry I missed it and missed all of you guys  :emo:

If I didn't have to spend my weekend planning/packing for my vacation i'd have been there.

Good shit on new people for coming out, welcome to NYC bitches.

Hype! I'm drinking my morning coffee and whatnot, I should be at CF by 1:30 or 2PM the latest.

* Legendary Blue Shirt neatly sets out his shirt for tomorrow.


The power of Blue Shirt!

Also guys there is rain/thunderstorms in the forecast, bring umbrellas, take care of your equipment, etc.

For what it's worth I'll be there for enjoying the nice weather, some booze, and some people I haven't seen since like, last year.

Zar if you still need external speakers, my speaker bag should be available for the day.

This is an MB event?

I thought this was more of a weekend of playing poverty games and drinking and waking up with massive headaches?

Also I am definitely down for Mario Party. I used to get that Mario Party Blister every kid got from the N64 controller back in the day. I am a little scared though because I have definitely lost some friendships due to Mario Party, and the fact the game cheats so blatantly. It's the SNK boss of party games.

If its possible, could I please be fit into the "maybes"?

If I go I can pretty much clean the house if needed.(completely serious)


anywho, stick me in the maybes.

Prepare for the RETURN OF SPEAKER BAG..

Melty Blood in SURROUND SOUND or some shit who the fuck knows.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: April 22, 2008, 08:31:20 PM »
I come close to getting lost in the 3 color lines subway system we have here. Fuck your letters and colors.

If you think that's bad one time I was drunk and I saw a RR train go by. It's a line that they stopped using in like the 70s, but the front of the train where the circle is had the RR on it.


Sometimes weird shit like that happens.

I checked the bag, the speakers unzip from the main backpack and I think if we position the bookbag so the laptop rests against it I can put the speakers one on each side of said laptop

if not there is no stereo melty, the cords connecting the speakers to the bookbag do not stretch very far. :teach:

Tournaments and Events / Re: cf/gazeebo meetup in ny 4/19
« on: April 21, 2008, 05:03:29 AM »
I had fun  :V

Was happy to loan out the bookbag so we could all enjoy the hot music of MB..

Next time it happens i'll bring my converter so we can keep shit going, and if need be I could bring my stick too.  :toot:

Tournaments and Events / Re: cf/gazeebo meetup in ny 4/19
« on: April 19, 2008, 04:39:42 AM »
I'll be there, dunno if I count as a Melty player :mystery:

Get hype  :toot:

Tournaments and Events / Re: cf/gazeebo meetup in ny 4/19
« on: April 18, 2008, 11:00:55 PM »
Lol... not willing to drive all the way to NJ, so I guess this is the second best option...

Hey, what's the full address of this place?

CF is 8 Mott Street

Gazebo is up the block.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Arcana Heart PS2 Version?
« on: September 09, 2007, 08:38:33 PM »
i haven't been following up on it.  is the difference as bad as MBACvA vs MBACvB or even more drastic?

I'm not so sure about the differences between the MBAC's, but there's a huge amount of differences between AH and AHF in terms of damage buffs and increases and whatnot.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Photos from Evolution 2k7
« on: September 09, 2007, 08:33:39 PM »
Sweet mother of Sacchin that's amazing!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Arcana Heart PS2 Version?
« on: September 05, 2007, 06:15:18 PM »
PS:  I'm not saying that I'm that great.  competition at AI is scarce so i lack much experience.  i'm just saying that it's not all that hard to get the mechanics down pat

Oof so you're still playing on AH Regular and not AHF? Be prepared for hijinx once PS2 drops and you gotta get used to playing Full!.. I doubt many people want to play AH Regular.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Arcana Heart PS2 Version?
« on: September 05, 2007, 06:39:39 AM »
no way in hell would i be caught dead playing w/ that stick...

as for the PS2 port, i'm probably not going to bother.  the game, despite how fun it is, is pretty basic to the point of which i feel as if i've learned all i need to know w/in the first 10 games of arcade mode i played.  all that's left is to build more experience from playing other players...which probably isn't going to happen much on the PS2

You really like to underestimate things, don't you.. I would honestly love to hear what character/arcana combination you are using because I would certainly love to be as great as you are. I mean, 10 games and you know everything? When you die donate your brain to science so we can preserve it so other fighting game players may learn to be as awesome as you!!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Do any of you not like Anime?
« on: August 19, 2007, 05:27:18 PM »
I don't watch a whole lot of shows, actually.

I mean my favorite series are Evangelion and RahXephon, and it's so rare a series like that comes around.. last one that came around like that that really had a nice story and giant fuck-off robots was Eureka 7 which I did watch..

I'm just too picky to really enjoy anime. I don't like comedy shows, or slice-of-life shows, I need something dramatic and full of robots or I don't care. Sadly enough a lot of shows coming out are comedy or slice-of-life, or are full of robots, but over-the-top. :(

Tournaments and Events / Re: !! TO ANYONE GOING TO EVO WORLD !!
« on: August 19, 2007, 06:36:33 AM »

Ok. Looking at things now, and the keycards.. um.. I know for sure I will be out and about a lot because of both room restrictions/getting together with people I have been speaking to for 3 years but never met. So if for some reason I get locked out of the room and I wind up blowing up your cell phone I am not getting yelled at, yes?

Because I am sure you guys will sleep sometime, and I hang out normally with MvC2 players, whom as we know, never fucking go to sleep.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Who has NOT played Tsukihime?
« on: August 11, 2007, 02:24:38 AM »
I'm playing Tsukihime for the first time right now  :psyduck:

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