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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - The_Rahavic

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Ciel's Tech Support / Direct3D error, anyone help?
« on: December 18, 2011, 09:47:45 PM »
Not sure if its necessary for a system update or what have you. Yes I'm umtard at these things and I couldn't find any mention of it by anyone in the forums so I figured I'd make a thread. Any help at all is happily abliged. Thanks guys.

Update: Sorry I found the MBAACCTool and I guess it fixed it up. I haven't touched the game in a while sorry for unnecessary thread. :(

Do I have to have MBAACC already to get this demo? Or will it be a stand alone demo download  I just get and play? Srry its been YEARS since I've played this, I just recently decided to get back at it again due to the horrible amount of new fighting games being released as of late. So I apologize for coming off super noobish to all of this. Any help is apreciated :)

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