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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Odda C.

Pages: [1]
Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: January 11, 2012, 01:58:29 PM »
Greetings! I am Odda C.

I've had an interest in Melty for quite awhile now, and now I'm really getting my chance thanks to the PC version of AACC. I am a life long fighting game player, with sizable experience in both, 2D and 3D fighters, though my interest in playing at the competitive level (or alternatively, actually getting GOOD at them). I consider myself to be very scrubby at the moment. Bear in mind that I'm also an impatient, neurotic perfectionist, so yeah...

I'm finding Melty Blood Actress Again Current Code to be a really fun, honest game with an interesting system; in fact, I may or may not have already logged more time into it than SSFIVAE, and the PC version of that game has been out for months. With this, combined with all the hype tournament footage I've seen, I've decided I need to learn this game, and connect with its community, hence why I'm here.

Currently maining C-Akiha, having no idea whether or not she's a character a total rookie should be playing. She... clicks with me. That said, I'm fully open to other characters and will be trying them when I inevitably get curious. She's the best character in the game though, seriously. Then again, I have a thing for elegant rich chicks with flat-chests, so bias. :p

If anyone is curious, yes I am Type Moon fan. In fact, AACC has given me a Tsukihime bug.

I look forward to speaking with you all, and contributing what I can.

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