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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Sentenru

Pages: [1] 2
hey Scott, u mind taking me over there for the tourney in SJ tomorrow??, if no, then well i cant make it... :slowpoke: sorry bout it being it last minute and all

WTH?!?!?!?! y is it all of a sudden people are using V.SION NOW!!!!!!  :psyduck:

Well, I switched my main to V.Sion and everyone else just copied me...

Actually, it's the other way around, BOTH of you were copying me, so that makes me feel special.... :toot:

and whatever happened to your shiki?? and white ren?? :slowpoke:

doesnt matter anymore, im switched my main to sacchin or white ren.....go E tier characters.... :toot:

Thanks to everyone that came down for the session yesterday. It was great to see the Sac crew again and get some games in with them. Shout out to Checkerpatch for randomly showing up and actually playing Melty Blood. P.S: I'll have that ISO ready for the next time I see you.

At the session we held a small 2v2 round robin, single match, char-locked tournament with 7 teams (14 players in all).

Player + Character List:
Sims - Nero Chaos
Sataya - Aozaki Aoko
Tsubasa - Hisui
sync - Ciel
ZeroXOZ - Warakia
Checkerpatch - Hisui
Devereaux - V.SION
magz - Sion
LastElixir - Warcueid
Chun - Sion
Blaze - Warcueid
Captain Nanners - Warakia
Spiritsnare - V. SION
Satsujinki - Shiki Nanaya

WTH?!?!?!?! y is it all of a sudden people are using V.SION NOW!!!!!!  :psyduck:

she sucks and i dont know how to use her :toot:

anyway, Sac group...........very disappointed in your win ratio, but thats just me.... :V

seems like it was a good session, too bad i missed it......ah well........... :V

Good games from yesterday everyone! It was a lot of fun and well worth the trip. Next time we come down, me and Cpt. Nanners will piss you guys off some more while wowing you with our Melty AND Arcana Heart skillz!  ;D

lol i cant believe the sac group is actually playing arcana heart,.....i am one of them btw :psyduck:....
its sad I wont be going to session w/ u guys anytime soonn (SJSU people),

it'll be nice to win money from the tournament that'll be held at the 22nd, but i wont be able to make it to that one either..... :slowpoke:

so im basically stuck w/ playing w/ only the sac group (not in a bad way) :prinny:

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: February 21, 2008, 09:39:27 AM »
K, we need to host another tourney I've been dying to play in one for a while.

Who's got ideas?


The best things that I can think of would be to do something at Sac State again or somewhere within UC Davis that you happen to scout out.

that'll be great, i haven't touched melty blood in a month, so it'll be good to get back into it again. :toot:

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: KJAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
« on: February 16, 2008, 11:07:03 PM »
can someone please tell me why arcana heart is more popular than melty blood over here??...

IT'S.............sooooooo...........pink.....and happy....... and the music is ...well..really .....uh....cheesy....and happy... :psyduck: :slowpoke:

is it because it's so easy to pick up? or is it just might be me   :blah:

eat a dick

man, get a grip fool, grow up or something, im not trying to offend anybody, i was just wondering, sheesh  :toot:

Uh... to my knowledge only EC plays AH.  The AH scene on the west coast is fucking non-existent.

i kinda thought about that.........just the fact AH has a US release and MBAC doesnt.......well bugs me.........so yeah......

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: KJAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
« on: February 14, 2008, 11:22:42 AM »
can someone please tell me why arcana heart is more popular than melty blood over here??...

IT'S.............sooooooo...........pink.....and happy....... and the music is ...well..really .....uh....cheesy....and happy... :psyduck: :slowpoke:

is it because it's so easy to pick up? or it it just might be me   :blah:

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: January 10, 2008, 04:50:54 PM »
Who is going to the gathering in SJ tomorrow?  Let's figure out carpool rides~

i guess i'll go..........needa get them replays so i can study them....... :toot:

if theres room for me that is...... :-X

btw Scott.....do u know if Nerina is coming......im just wondering i need to play his Warc.....
just a thought

Regional Community / Re: Northern California aka GET DAT MONEY SON!
« on: January 10, 2008, 02:24:27 PM »
so who wants to give me a ride?......anyone? :V

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: January 02, 2008, 01:58:48 PM »
Varn, you failed. I am thoroughly dissapointed in you...  >:(
J/K. You did well for your first appearance. Now you know what to practice up on for West Toast X.

Anyway, another Sac Sessioning this weekend anyone? I may be busy Saturday so I was hoping that we could work something out this Sunday.

sure sounds good to me........i dont know if others want to though.....

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:27:35 AM »

If you don't, I may just have to kill you the next time we session...

Good luck to all who's left in Nor Cal who's goin. GET HYPED!!!  :toot:

SORRY MAN........i failed........i was one spot away from being in the top 8......9th!!

Sentenru - Lost to Nerina - T-9th

I know you could have won that fight.

it was actually pretty close......after doing a last arc and arc drive on him......i almost had him.....i have to play him more often......

besides the fact i won most of my casuals against some of the best.( hf blade, psylocke, kejea...lol...( he wasnt using mech-hisui so it really didnt count)...and i SHOULD have won against chaotic blue......i was doing sum really stupid shit and was being tooooo predictable...wasnt adjusting ( im such a idiot)....but whatever

next time........i promise to be in the top 3......at least......cause i needa get that money!!! haha

Tournament Results / Re: West Toast 9 TEAMS Results
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:14:41 AM »
Good moring!
GGs to everyone i played and thanks very much to everyone who was at FFA!

Dennys everywhereeeeeeeeeeee

next time when we go to west toast.......we have to tally mark all the DENNYS....because.......they were...............EVERYWHERE....lol

Tournament Results / Re: West Toast 9 SINGLES Results
« on: January 02, 2008, 11:11:19 AM »
how did NorCal do, or did they not show up this time?

oh u must be talking about me........i failed.....only got 9th.......why did i have to fight nerina?!?!

anyway.........good games to everybody......coming all the way from nor cal to west toast was a  loooooooooonnng drive but well worth it.....

on the next west toast.....i will be in the top 8 w/ my low tier V.SION...lol

West Toast 9 was totally awesome. I hadn't actually played Melty Blood in real life (since I had just started playing about a week ago), so it was inspiring to see how much better everyone else was. I'm most definitely going to practice up for West Toast X. Props for Senteneru (did I spell that right?) and Soniti for beating me.

well u were close...lol

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 26, 2007, 03:42:02 PM »
so basically NOR CAL is going to be non-existant in west toast 9......  :psyduck:

still wanna go though.... so i need to take a spot in Scott's car....

besides....i have a better chance not going up against somebody from nor cal now.... ;D

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 22, 2007, 04:05:48 PM »
For me it'd have to be sometime in January, unfortunately.  I'm busy all this weekend and next weekend I'll be in LA for West Toast 9.

hey Scott, u have an idea whos even coming to west toast 9??
since i wanna go ( and its only a week away") so post info if u have it....

Regional Community / Re: Northern California aka GET DAT MONEY SON!
« on: December 22, 2007, 03:55:38 PM »
what are the plans for west toast9 already??  :blah:

just wondering since no ones ANSWERING!!!

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 17, 2007, 09:59:57 AM »
PARKING IS FREE AT SAC STATE.....besides......... the machines are like miles away from the actually parking lot.... :mystery:.......

Why do you always use this ->  :mystery: ???
I know it's retarded how they have the parking machines so far away from the actual parking garage but I see you use that thing ALL the time...


Varn: Get a f-ing stick. You can do soooooooooo much better once you get used to it. It's a real shame to be limited like that XD

I've always wondered where Varn goes to use the Internet since he doesn't have it at home.

He's either using his brother's PC or he's at a friend's house. Nobody really knows... :mystery:  :D


what is this? why is everyone hating on me?.. :psyduck:.....
it was a nice change of pace anyway......kinda got tired of winning......while i was stick that is.....

NOTE: if anybody wants to make me look like a noob, just gimme a stick and u'll get your results.. still searching for a character .. and i know its not my current main.....on pad however..... >:D....thats a whole different story.......

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 14, 2007, 09:08:27 AM »
just a heads up whoever might be coming to sac state tomorrow besides the usuals......

PARKING IS FREE AT SAC STATE.....besides......... the machines are like miles away from the actually parking lot.... :mystery:.......

I'm bored, so I'll MMM (mirror money match) anyone for $20 at WT9.  We'll randomly select characters 1 at a time (no repeats) till someone wins 11 out of 21 (characters). 

I make this declaration knowing NO ONE will accept!  :toot:

You know what..........that sounds like fun  :V........

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 11, 2007, 11:17:42 AM »
Varn, get a stick.  If I had a spare working one I'd totally let you borrow it. :'(

Scott, I have no funds to afford a stick,......and only if u HAD a spare working one would have been great.. :psyduck:...thanx for the offer tho  :toot:.....but i seriously should be practicing on stick tho....  :'(

I thought Satsujinki would have handled this but I guess I'll do this myself...  :-\

and he was getting soooo hyped about it while we were discussing it too........ :mystery:......

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 10, 2007, 09:57:30 AM »
Today was fun, always enjoyable playing vs other people...even though failcon was fail >.>

lmk when y'all are doing stuff, i may drive up for casuals and such =)

ggs to u and thomas...., we have more people now......alright....thats makes like........around 7 or 8 now?

key moment:
the look on thomas face when i told him my main is V.Sion...:....." :slowpoke:......What?.....Why?.... :mystery:"
its funny how I knew that was the kind of reaction I will get from such a ....."worthless character??" lol

anyway everybody should be studying for finals.........so you know how that goes....

and I don't yet own a copy of the game, but so far I've only used the PS2 controller, so I prefer that.

First off I'd like to get some names. I was the guy with blonde hair, wearing black. Who was the guy with the broken controller? (R1 lol) and the other guy who was showing me the controls and pwning me?

That was my controller....lol...so you were prolly referring to me...lol.... whats so wrong w/ a button thats super flexible???....and the fact the L2 n R2 doesnt work will not add anything special to it -_-.......

 you can go the character sections to learn their BnB( bread n butter) and/or check some match videos in kohaku's video room...

hopefully this helps

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: December 05, 2007, 10:24:28 AM »
SOMEONE.................REVIVED THIS THREAD ..............NNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOWWWW..... :blah:

Regional Community / Re: Northern California aka GET DAT MONEY SON!
« on: December 05, 2007, 10:22:58 AM »
SOOOOOOOOOOOOO.............whos planning on going to west toast 9?? :mystery:

Regional Community / Re: Northern California aka GET DAT MONEY SON!
« on: November 20, 2007, 09:45:57 AM »


Nerina + 2

HUH?!?!.....I m not planning to go to west toast w/ yall since Im gonna be broke for the rest of the year....but thanks for thinking about me..... ;D

SpiritJuice - TrickPat, Renzo, Lisu, Kijiyama
Tsubasa - Sataya, Devereaux, Buzzsaw
magz - Dakanya, Sync, Edmund, Nerina + 2 Friends

now this sounds more reasonable......good luck everybody..... :toot:....

Regional Community / Re: Northern California: Sacramento Community
« on: November 16, 2007, 10:11:31 AM »
I wouldnt mind going........but im buzy that day..... :(.....

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