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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Topics - Bolverk-GTM

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I don't know if I nailed the right thread for this topic, but I'm curious if there's really any MB wallpapers of this size out there or if anyone is willing to make a few.  I haven't hit up pixiv yet (probably my next stop) but pretty much everywhere else I look, there's none to be found (1024x768 is the largest I've seen so far).  Anyone willing to help me out here?   :psyduck:

Akiha's Tea Room / MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread *Updated 1st Post*
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:01:25 AM »
Okay so to fill everyone in really quick on what a "Ryutar" is, a "Ryutar" as I like to call them are avatars that depict a fighting game character in a funny and/or stupid looking way and beside of them is a phrase or name of a move that they're known well for severely misspelled in a humorous way.  Once upon a DustLoop topic, a user known as Mr.Ryu made some avatars in this particular style for a group of New Jersey Guilty Gear players that were looking for some avatars, and eventually as these NJ players posted around the boards, their avatars got a lot of attention and people requested for more of them.  Thus began a trend that died out sort of quick for a little while after Mr. Ryu took off for a bit.  A couple weeks or months later, a friend of mine from New York known as SH_Junkie finds these avatars one way or another and gets a huge kick out of them.  This eventually led to him making a few of his own and posting them on DustLoop, which generated a huge number of laughs and also led to couple of other people posting their own versions of these creations.  The trend of "Ryutars" had come to life again.

....Alright that was maybe a little on the tl;dr side but that's a good summary of where these things came from, and with that said I thought it would be a good idea to make a few Melty Blood "Ryutars" and heck maybe if it gets popular enough, someone out there will want to make some Fate/Unlimited Codes Ryutars.  Just to get started and give everyone an idea of what one of these things looks like, here's some that were made over in DustLoop for Guilty Gear and BlazBlue:

"Avakume" (Arakune) by SH_Junkie:

"ShlayR" (Slayer) by Dizor the gnome:

"Zahpa" (Zappa) by Dizor the gnome: (Note: this is one of my favorites)

"Chepp" (Chipp Zanuff) by Mr. Ryu:

"Hahkuhmenz" (Hakumen) by SH_Junkie:

"Laitchee" (Litchi) by Hellknight10:

These are just some examples from the DustLoop community.  Now I direct your attention to what the Melty Bread community has conjured so far:

"Rowah" (Roa) by Shaker:

"Roahsbeeeef" by NarugaDenka:

"Kohawkcuu" (Kohaku) by Master Chibi:

"Zehpeeahh" (Warakia) by Kamina:

So far 4 have been made and I have ideas for 2 more already.  If someone wants to do Aoko or Nrvnqsr Chaos, I can give you the ideas I had for them if you're dry on ideas for those two.  Otherwise this is where you deliver the lulz with "Ryutar" pics that you've created out of the various Melty Blood cast.  The possibilities are only limited to what you can think of here.  ;)    Also the preferred size for these pics is 160x64 for sake of space and it's kind of a traditional size sort of thing now, but if you need more detail in the pic, bigger size pics are always welcome.  Now then, let the antics begin!!!

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