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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Sp00ky

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both sticks broken now.

B button on player 2 side is still fucked.

Sion TATARI (Vampire) / H-V.Sion
« on: December 13, 2008, 07:31:17 AM »
Mostly will go over changes and 'new' strategy, as 90% of her old mbac strats are intact.


5A: Longer range than old one, otherwise pretty much the same.
(new) 6AAA: Half moon chain. Connects off 5C except at really long ranges, Sets up 2C to Akiha or Satsuki summon, usable in blockstrings to similar effects as the old 2C delay 2b tactics but doesn't hit low.

5B: A really awesome new normal where V.Sion swipes at air. this is awesome antiair, awesome in blockstrings, has 'Anti-A armor'.

5C: Same as in mbac but made Cancellable.

2A: same as mbac

2B: A new normal that still keeps its neutral frames on block but no longer hits low and has shorter range. do NOT use this in longer ange combos it will miss.

2C: Slightly sped up otherwise same as MBAC.

J.A: Same as MBAC

j.B: A new move with an awkard animation that makes it an excellent crossup. Apllicable similar to old Ciel j.B, now you can airdash at people freely and use this to hit even if you overshoot them.

j.C: same as MBAC.

Command normals:
6B: A strange new move where V.Sion points and creates a drill. This works similar to 236B on block having high + frames. It also has a lot of shield frames at the beginning making it a somewhat unwieldy anti-air. This is crouchable if not point blank.

6C: A new overhead. Chargable which adds range. dodges lows. dodges throws. anti-a armor. NOT cancelable, you must link after it to combo or connect with a summon.

3C: Old 3B

j:2B: anti A armor added.


236X: Same as MBAC

623X: Same as MBAC. 623C now lands based on whether the first hit was blocked/shielded or not and does not have the same followups.

214X: Same as MBAC

high: untechable 623A. free to use 2C xx summon or a bnb after it lands.

low: modified version of 2C. Cancellable (summons work best)

new notes:
Airthrow is techable. use land 5B or late j.2B to snuff techs where possible.
Losing 6B ground bounce requires heavy modification of summon combos.
Throw xx 2C is no longer a 1 frame link and much more viable.
Super double jump added.
Malice bnb is much easier, try 2AB 5B 2C 5C 623B j.BC airdash C sdj.ABC airthrow or other variations.
5A whiff 2A can replicate some old normal Sion tactics. Try 5C 2A whiff 2C 236B as a ghetto version of the old normal sion warning shot blockstrings.
Summon setting: 2AB 5B 5C 6AAA 2Cxx summon

Summon tricks:
6C is much more worthwhile than the old 6B in summon setups. It beats many more tactics such as defensive throws and 2A xx jump.

Throw breaks are worthless in the face of summon setups. Try 2ABC xx Satsuki Summon Meaty 2B5A dash up throw. On break satsuki hits 2C 5C 3C j.BC sdj.ABC airdash C airthrow. It's actually less damage for the opponent to TAKE the throw in this scenario.

2ABC akiha summon:

-----IAD B (hits meaty crossup) or IAD j.2B (fake crossup)
1)Akiha hits dash to corner 5C j.BC dj. BC airdash C airthrow
2)opponent blocks crossup: [6C or 2A] 5B 5C 6AAA 2C akiha summon

Shiki Tohno / Re: What's the best way to follow up a Shiki Last Arc?
« on: September 29, 2008, 11:36:05 AM »

barely does anymore damage but looks slick

Tournaments and Events / Re: West Toast XIII: Samhain Slaughter
« on: September 21, 2008, 02:13:23 PM »
WOOPS jiyuna posting on sp00ky's name ;;

Thanks a lot to everyone who came out. Sorry for being a crappy host as usual. Expect the vids in a week or so.

Alright. What it comes down to is this:

I have too many people scheduled to stay at my house.

Some of you people need to man up and go home after this event if you are able to.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: EVO World 2008 (updated)
« on: August 15, 2008, 06:29:41 PM »
Thanks for the encode, you're awesome.

I'm probably going to revert back to wmv after this one and just up the bitrate. H264 looks much better but the cpu requirements are just a bit too high.

This is one of the reasons I didn't want to use h264. If your pc can't keep up with the stream then you will hear out of sync sound. It's actually synced close to perfectly much like the previous vids.

And yes the point of it is to make the actual matches look almost fraps quality. 350 megs is a bargain considering the actual fraps footage added up to 8 gigs.

Here is the final ruling on my place for this weekend.

Anyone who is coming in from out of state and does not have an easy pathway home is welcome to stay with me. Examples are Brandino/Nas/Baod/Sphyra/LK/Hyperhal/Jiyuna

Anyone who can get home easily (if you can go to port authority and then jump on a bus and easily be home within an hour or you can just take the subway home this means you) needs to go the hell home after the event is over to leave space for the people coming from out of state/OUT OF THE COUNTRY (lol Canada). Don't make me have to be the bad guy, plan ahead of time to go home when the event is over.

The only exception is Saiyd, because he is coming to my house for reasons unrelated to this event. Anyone else get on that train and go the hell home.

MKV is a container.

what you mean is h264, and the answer is no, not because I am trying to make things more difficult for non windows users but because my streamlined approach for vids works best in wmv at this time, though I have plans for h264 in the near future. I ask that you bear with the wmv in the meantime.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: August 01, 2008, 11:19:53 AM »
As of now I'm instating a no (more) fake MB:AA videos rule. It might be amusing but it's also trolling.


No more fake MB:AA videos.


Sacchin Toast is one thing, this is another.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Battle by the Gaezbo vids!
« on: July 29, 2008, 03:05:38 AM »
The video on youtube is a completely different video. That's just the exhibition match, not the top 8 from the tourney.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Battle by the Gaezbo vids!
« on: July 28, 2008, 06:16:35 AM »
Well I'll try to explain as best I can the techniques used in the final vid.

First off I use a Sony camera (non hd) for the live footage + sound.

For actual replays I used fraps in 60 fps mode.

To integrate reps into the live footage I used Sony Vegas. Syncing the reps with the sound just requires time and patience.

I made a seperate copy of the faces during finals and used Vegas' track motion feature in a somewhat nonstandard way to get the 'picture in picture' effect.

Final encoding settings were 60 fps 640 x 480 wmv in best quality 3MBPS Constant Bit Rate (2 pass)

Nothing too complicated for someone more advanced at editing than I am, but considering I am pretty much an amateur at this I take what I can get.


bbg5 Singles.

Did the best I could with what I had. filesize is a lot bigger than I wanted and there is a spot where there is no sound for about 2-3 seconds because of how I had to sync up the crowd sound.

But not to be immodest this is one of the best MBAC vids quality wise I've ever seen.


BBG5 Exhibition Match.

Singles tourney will be uploaded Tommorow, it's encoding now.

Hisui / Re: 623A Cancel
« on: July 25, 2008, 04:23:21 AM »
Snuffs jumpouts.

Sorry for the delay in the vids but I am having some difficulties with the finals which I am working on a trick for. If I don't get it resolved by sunday then I will put up the vid as is.


This video uses a surprise encoding technique for the matches. Please comment and tell me what you think.

BBG4 Tourney #2
BBG4 Money Matches.

Tourney #1 is still encoding. I have a special surprise for that one.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Custom MBACPC Music? Check!
« on: July 02, 2008, 01:06:22 PM »
^ what he said. Unfortunately this is a really proprietary solution and it takes a lot of unnecessary effort to get working absolutely perfect, involving doing things like editing your songs to keep only the most important sections and cutting file sizes down.

Tournaments and Events / Re: 2008 Melty Cup - "Same Character" Poll
« on: June 18, 2008, 03:09:42 AM »
I'm indifferent. This decision won't effect who I team with or how I approach my matches in any way.

I do think that a 3 on 3 = large enough teams that there could be potential conflict on characters if same character is not allowed. Since we are the U.S. and not Japan after all.

I agree with 'we do not have to follow everyone else's tournament rules to a T' but I also acknowledge that more people do NOT want same character and want this to be a more traditional tournament rather than a gimmick one especially since it will be the premier Team tourney for the year (and possibly forever with mb:aa around the corner.)

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