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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Kirah

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Tournaments and Events / Re: KIRAH'S NEW YEARS BASH!! JAN 1ST - 3RD!!
« on: December 16, 2009, 04:57:38 PM »
Oh yes, Hype squad assembled!

Tournaments and Events / Re: KIRAH'S NEW YEARS BASH!! JAN 1ST - 3RD!!
« on: December 16, 2009, 03:05:48 AM »
Sounds good, wow this second one is going to be so hype. ^^

Tournaments and Events / Re: KIRAH'S NEW YEARS BASH!! JAN 1ST - 3RD!!
« on: December 15, 2009, 05:44:20 AM »
And be warned my house is so poverty, too many renovation projects that didn't get finished you can thank the adults in my life for that. =/ I just ask everyone to look past the shitty exterior and just have a good time. ^^

I'm 100% sure i'm going it's just getting there, but i'm pretty sure about the plan so YEAH!

Yes, most definitely!!

Tournament Results / Re: Northeast Championships results!
« on: December 11, 2009, 09:07:18 PM »
Awesome job on the compilation Rithli! I thoroughly enjoyed watching it only thing I watched fully of MB besides a match video. XD

Tournaments and Events / KIRAH'S NEW YEARS BASH!! JAN 1ST - 3RD!!
« on: December 09, 2009, 12:03:09 PM »
Place: My house (PM me for directions and address)
Time: All Day!

This is the second big gathering that i'd like to hold in order to keep myself and others sharp and continuing their training, if you were at my last gathering you'd know to bring money for your own food or $5 dollars for pizza and no drinking or smoking (Sorry to any hard drinkers). I live in Jersey city so i'm simple train ride from New York City. Also if we get enough people i'll run a tourney for the SANGUINE TROPHY *echoes continuously* Yeah that's right a trophy lol even though it's a bowling trophy, but none the less it'll be yours lol XD Besides it's all in the spirit of fun and melty! Post in here if you're interested in going and the tournament maybe $1 dollar for entry haven't really decided.

Edit: Official day of the meet is Jan 2nd, but Jan 1st are just for relaxed casuals and grinding as for Jan 3rd farewell matches and reflection Anywho I believe the tournament will just be casual and for fun real laid back, also I barely have any seats so meh sorry guys ; ;also I don't have a lot of blankets neither i'll let people use some, but they aren't of abundance even though I don't think there will be much sleeping also see everyone next weekend this is going to be awesome.

*Steps off the podium.*

Tournament Results / Re: Northeast Championships results!
« on: December 08, 2009, 07:03:14 AM »
Yeah Mizuki's stick was amazing <3 Zero No Tsukaima, hopefully I can have my stick modded and prepared for FR. ^^ I need to level up meh C-Aoko to wrought fear on my opponents.

Tournament Results / Re: Northeast Championships results!
« on: December 07, 2009, 10:13:29 AM »
Yeah, guys it was my first major tournament and it was a great learning experience, thanks for the lessons Zar you'll definitely see me improve (Stay true to blue!) Nightroad and Kamina awesome job guys, the american dream team! Spooky thanks for the lessons and i'll definitely becoming to level up my game! To everyone else it was great thank you all!

Regional Community / Re: NECX: The Melty Bus
« on: November 19, 2009, 03:38:34 PM »
I'll be on that late bus with you guys. *Thumbs up.*

Thank you for the AV Mizuki, you do great work it's exactly as I wanted it. ^^

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: November 09, 2009, 12:05:26 PM »
That'd be great if you can depending on my responsibilities this weekend I may hold another gathering.

May I get one as well of Aozaki Aoko color #2 with her doing her 623A?

Edit: Her 623A in C-Moon please.

Regional Community / Re: MBAA @ Chinatown Fair~
« on: November 06, 2009, 04:06:04 AM »
Greentea, I replied to you anyone else who's interested send me a pm so that I may get in contact with you and give you the information.

Regional Community / Re: MBAA @ Chinatown Fair~
« on: November 05, 2009, 03:08:35 PM »
I want it to be on saturday also i sent you my number so we can set things up anybody else want to attend?

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: November 05, 2009, 09:52:53 AM »
Anybody up for a small gathering this weekend at my house? Possibly on saturday also I don't mind housing people also I still have 3 setups so we can get some good MBAA action.

Regional Community / Re: MBAA @ Chinatown Fair~
« on: November 04, 2009, 01:12:49 PM »
Anyone down for playing this weekend like a small gathering , I still have my three TV's up from the BBG Pre Bash Gathering. Just looking for something small to help NECX goers, I say like 5 or 6?

Aoko Aozaki / Re: [Crescent Moon] Aoko Guide - MBAA verPS2 + ver.A (Arcade)
« on: November 02, 2009, 04:18:04 PM »
I've actually found some uses for J623A, first J623A is completely safe on block and it chips away a good bit of guard gauge and it's good lock down and it leaves you right in front of the opponent with you in advantage. So take ~

6ABC > 236C > 421 [A] > IAD J.B > 623A

Even if the opponent tries to 5A or even 2A you, you'll counter hit the opponent also it leaves you right in front of the opponent on block. If the opponent does a normal that moves them forward you'll soar over them and this move virtually has no landing recovery so you can continue pressure especially if the opponent whiffs a high lag move because of Aoko's trajectory. Since the move has no landing recovery you can use this move as extra maneuverability in the air to trick your opponent. Also lastly this move can be used to mixup the opponent if TKed, since it looks like all her regular dps except without the smoke, and it's faster and safer for corner options and pressure.

Edit: TK J623A can go in 2A >2B  etc.. and it even crossups though the setup is extremely specific still testing.

Update Edit: Todays the 3rd testing it out, J623A can crossup on certain situations just don't use this move too high with the intentions of hitting because it simply won't the opponent will most likely snag you out of the air. It's good for catching people off guard especially when they figure you'll do an IABD J236A. TK 623A does real well with in your face situations especially when you have the opponent in the corner if the opponent tries to 5A mash out i've hard situations where Aoko soared over the hit and CHed the opponent. 2A mashing from what it seems still leaves you safe since A. The opponent will of course whiff the 2A B. The move is pretty speedy on TK so the opponent can get countered C. If the opponent blocks well they're pretty much locked for another round of pressure/mixups.

Edit: This move loses to alot especially in the air, but seems to randomly stuff Ciels 22A and 22B's on startup, also I found this move particularly useful against V-Sion's 6B. IABD > J623A will allow you to soar over a fully charged 6B and while V-Sion is recovering you can counterattack and get in a free combo or mixup setup.

Aoko Aozaki / MBAA Aoko Matchup Thread
« on: October 07, 2009, 09:58:22 AM »
I saw that the only matchup thread for Miss Blue is in MBAC and figured perhaps I could try and revive it, thought I may sound misleading my experience is still growing to fully understand my odds against other characters. So i'm looking toward more seasoned players to hopefully add to this thread and increase newer players understanding of their odds.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: October 05, 2009, 09:56:15 AM »
Sounds good for me also.

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: September 29, 2009, 11:07:07 AM »
I'm holding a small gathering at my house, so far I only have one person confirmed. It's at Jersey City, NJ I have 3 TVs, though one is immobile so perhaps someone can bring an extra portable. If anyone is interested PM me and i'll give you my number and the particulars.

Note: Max people is eight, and the gathering is on saturday.

Regional Community / Re: Mid-NJ Melty Player
« on: September 26, 2009, 07:59:53 AM »
Check your PMs. ^^

Tournaments and Events / Re: <[- Interest Check for Possible BBGXII -]>
« on: September 25, 2009, 03:40:27 AM »
I'm definitely good for Halloween, I can't wait for this BBG! Mad Hype!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Introductory Thread (Take off your shoes, please)
« on: September 24, 2009, 11:27:47 AM »
Hey there my name is Kirah and I main Aozaki, and I haven't had a secondary until this game which is Ryougi Shiki. Though I don't get to practice much with her with BBG and NECX on the horizon. I live in Jersey City, NJ and am always looking for new players. Also I live alone for the most part so I can hold small minute Melty congregations if anyone is interested. Minute as is 5 - 6 people if anyone in the area is interested PM and we can set stuff up. ^^

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: September 23, 2009, 09:35:29 AM »
As I said my house is pretty much open on the weekends, just no smoking or drinking me and my friends don't do it in my house so it's not allowed plus don't want it funking up my furniture. Just PM me for the details if anyone wants to congregate and have some good ol' melty fun. ^^

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