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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - pherai

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Props to purple dream team members who didnt make top8  :toot:

What an exciting tourney though, very close matches all day! I've said it a thousand times already, but I really need to work on my anti satsuki game. Leo schooled me. Maybe me and mason can play a long set in the next couples day so I can see what works and what doesn't, cause what I was doing today certainly wasn't working!

And thanks to all non local players for coming. Was cool meeting all of you, even the ones I didn't even get a chance to talk to. And thank you lina and brian for recording matches. I'll be looking forward to seeing them!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Which is hotter/better?
« on: April 04, 2007, 08:33:29 AM »
Which of them is hotter? Well, if I had to choose...Tung Po I guess?

Oh ya, Mai Lee or the blonde chick?

Keeps the lower tier players interested, and I feel like a hero when I win it all. Don't know why, I just have always liked team format tournaments.

I'll putter out there later this year when my local troops are more seasoned fighters.

We can have a Cali vs Arizona team battle spectacular

I remember not too long ago a lot of xbox's set up and shit. I just didn't want the dude expecting something that wasn't there. Would be nice to have more consoles, unless its going to start costing money to play MB.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Which is hotter/better?
« on: April 04, 2007, 01:33:57 AM »
sorry jeebus jon.  didnt know this thread was on the biblical level.  just dont turn me into a frog.  oh and can you make me a cabinet seeing how you do carpentry.. thanks.

I'm much better at miracles than carpentry. I'll be turning cardboard into pizza (that is contained in cardboard) tomorrow. Tom may claim to have ordered it though.

Oh, and blondes, obviously. Jesus loves his aryans....except when they are Toms Nero

this probably was addressed recently, but how does interface work actually? I know we're playing on console, and it's bring your own controller. Will there be other tvs if we don't bring them? and if I brought another ps2 how would that work, I want to play slash a little also.
btw fun casuals lina/zaido, we recorded the day before, so look forward to that in addition to the tourney matches.

Its not really structured for console playing, we just happen to have a little nook for us to play, so you'll be hard pressed to find anywhere to play slash  :(

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Which is hotter/better?
« on: April 03, 2007, 03:01:09 PM »
a) cute girl who is retarded
b) ugly girl who is smart

when you say you mean fat? or like, an gross face? specify here!

damn khiem, thanks for derailing this important thread!  >:(

Maybe thats true, but you can't bother the king/prince with specifics. I've got an arcade to rule here. I was playing pretty solid on sunday though, so maybe it will be a miracle wednesday? Also, is anyone gonna be there tomorrow night?

You guys are serfs, so I don't expect you to know much about it.

I've played ssbm before, just don't really dig it. I know this probably sounds stupid, but it feels too much like a kids game playing against kirby and mario and shit. Either way, don't have time to learn another fighting game, and if I did, ssbm would not be my first choice. Anyway, pick up mb and back up the talk! Think, someday even you might be considered a top IF player

Akiha Vermillion / Re: V Akiha Strategy Thread
« on: April 02, 2007, 11:50:14 PM »
Haha, well, I play her! I am suprised I am the only one, but I kind of like it that way  :toot:

I'll make some copy pasta with your guide animeruko because from the little skimming I did it seems pretty decent, and I'll try to throw in a little bit of what I've learned playing her.

yeah, lets agree that until we can settle this competition that we are co-princes of interface. i need to do some training mode stuff and work on some pre launcher shit.

I hope everyone got all the ssbm out of their system today, cause that shit is not going down while the king of interface is around (me).

Akiha Vermillion / Re: V Akiha Strategy Thread
« on: April 02, 2007, 05:16:40 AM »
Oh haha, I'm glad its gone then, but it certainly feels empty around here! I guess I can post a little bit. Also, damn, you are up late!

Akiha Vermillion / V Akiha Strategy Thread
« on: April 02, 2007, 02:45:40 AM »
Wasn't there one here before? I can post stuff, but I'm not really sure if I can be considered qualified to teach others  ???

dbz n inuyahsa. nebody else lik deez?

beard guy = jon =  me

My girlfriend goes there, so sometimes we'll stop by and play. Thanks though, I was a real scrub back whenever you saw me. If I remember correctly, I played you and scott in the 3v3 at ffa last summer, and got creamed  :psyduck: Hard work has paid off. Hope to see you guys on wednesday!

damn jeebus.. thats some hardcore otaku talk there... i dont care if its 3s related.. still otaku... dork

Ugh, you got me there.

Yeah, I wouldn't take it all personally buddy, it was just the long drive, the waiting for 2 hours, and the long drive home that got to us, so we were all a bit pissed off when we got back. It felt like you thought we came down to hang out instead of play.

Kind of interface tourney! 2 person teams! All good ideas. Tom is on my team =x

lol I knew if I said anything, pherai would have gotten violent. I could see the rage in his eyes, he looked like he was going to raging demon someone  >:D (tshkn).

Haha, my rage was building, but I ended up just teleporting out of the corner. Should have parried otaku talk into kara demon.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Site Feedback & Suggestions Thread
« on: April 01, 2007, 02:18:09 AM »
Eh, Ionno bout you guys but I come to a forum to post, not look at pretty pictures  :psyduck:

Regional Community / Re: So.Cal: Arcade Infinity Thread
« on: April 01, 2007, 12:25:06 AM »
Was definitely a bit of adjustment. I'm not sure if anyone else saw, but the place the MB cab usually is has like no room. Very cramped between counter and the GGXX machine. The sticks felt a little bit worn down, but otherwise I didn't really mind. 3s Machine was allright, but the sticks were very short!

Jesus fucking christ what a waste of money and time. Listen man, events like this are the prime obstacle a game like Melty Blood is facing. In case you aren't sure what I mean, otaku losers who don't play fighting games with no arcade of tournament experience trying to run events. The "ranbat" was 2 hours late, you had the wrong brackets, and didn't even have the fucking machine on event mode. I don't know what I was thinking driving an hour and a half out there, and then circling the parking lot for 20 minutes for a parking spot (although this wasn't under your control) but to have to put up with this half assed so called "ranbat" really rubs salt in the wound. Maybe if someone else takes these over I might consider it for now on, although that really depends on how everyone else from IF feels, and from what I could tell, its definitely not likely. Cheers to everyone who showed up to support, but fuck shitty events like that.

Man, I never ate today, and went to sleep at 7:30 pm ish, and just woke up, and I sign on here to find more In n Out talk. And the place is fucking closed! Are people still at IF?

@brian: He goes to school in Santa Barbara, but he said he was really digging it, and if in general, so I think he's going to try to make it down on some weekends. So, yes! sort of

@zantua: Well, week is a rough estimate. Could have been longer...the only true test will be a real competition, right now! Or when you are ready.

I don't understand how Japanese get execution down man. Do they usually have their own copies of the games or do they practice everything in the arcade? I find myself not so much playing an active mixup in MB, but going more for tricks, and trying to force a slip up. I guess we're all in the same boat, but I can't figure out any solid strategy against Tom

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