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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - king dooky

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dipstick what are you doing for housing man

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: May 31, 2007, 06:31:10 PM »
We can do a side tournament for $5, but you don't have to enter.
Other than the massive amounts of money matches, its a free gathering.

Edit: This is KDJ on Dook's sn.

are they up yet

Look I saw the game and thought it was fun because of the characters and the weird shit that they do. Then I saw chaos and wanted to play the game because he shoots deer at you and uses a snake but I call it the titty chomp because it looks like someone chompin on a titty. There are many fun characters to this game that I could pick up not because of tiers but because there fun in general even the ones that are top are just fun man. Unlike the other games where the scene is just top tier whores and the game ends up being predictable on who's going to win. So I have been asked by people to teach them this game from the smash community I got one guy from PA asked me to teach him how to play but I didn't have a copy of the game so if we were to expose it then yes I think this scene would be alot bigger but under the criticism that smash endures.
this is a VERY oversimplified statement and it clearly demonstrates how little you know about other fighting games. if you think a games like virtua fighter or guilty gear xx slash are games reduced to tier whoring then you are sorely mistaken. and you do know that 90%+ of mbac's system borrows stuff from guilty gear right? of course you didn't, that statement up above is proof.

and i find it very funny that this is coming from a smash player because outside of marvel, there's probably no other fighting game where tier whoring is more evident than in smash. 98%+ of the nation's best players use characters who are in the top 5 either as main or as a secondary. and the fact that there are actually low tier tourneys is lolz.

Talkin about 3S and pretty much most capcom games

Look I saw the game and thought it was fun because of the characters and the weird shit that they do. Then I saw chaos and wanted to play the game because he shoots deer at you and uses a snake but I call it the titty chomp because it looks like someone chompin on a titty. There are many fun characters to this game that I could pick up not because of tiers but because there fun in general even the ones that are top are just fun man. Unlike the other games where the scene is just top tier whores and the game ends up being predictable on who's going to win. So I have been asked by people to teach them this game from the smash community I got one guy from PA asked me to teach him how to play but I didn't have a copy of the game so if we were to expose it then yes I think this scene would be alot bigger but under the criticism that smash endures.

yeah he will pretty much most of the time.

Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / Re: Setups for EX Crow
« on: April 12, 2007, 11:30:26 AM »
this is some interesting stuff because this is my favorite character in the game and I am new to the scene. Is there anywhere this could be explained if you were using a stick?

wow this is good to know because I am new to the scene and want to know everything about this character.

Crushing egos are great!!!!

Xaq just get someone to vouch for you and there ya go... MM made... money made...

i have friend kinda of like that... he's freaking good but need some money to do some money... so i vouch for throw up some money in his place... so that's what peeps need to do... well that's how i did it in tekken anyway.. should be the same...

and Smash players ALWAYS THINK THEY'RE the HOTNESS... but knowing if they played any other fighting games other than smash.. it's pretty much game over!!

some go represent the MB players!!!

wow I have to say that is not true at all if anything alot of smashers love this game and seeing as we are quiet big it could help enlarge the scene alittle.

Dipstick and to anybody else those mm's that korean makes he does them all the time to anybody even if he loses.

This is spic tom but that is my smash name my name for all the other scenes is king dooky. I am goin to the TGA tourney so I will see you there.

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