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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - MK dagawd

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I believe what Scott's saying is that netplay doesn't make a community stronger; it just means that the game can be played by more people.

Fighting game communities are built around friendship, rivalry, and the determination to improve. These things are diluted by the impersonal nature of the Internet. It's hard to befriend someone you netplay because you really know absolutely nothing about them. It's difficult to improve when you have to consider that lag is a constant consideration and that you may be limited by input delay. The drive to improve is muted because netplay is glorified casuals, and you're not in an environment where you have to face the stress of having to win. Without that pressure, most people have no reason to step their game up, so the scene's strength stagnates.

Playing online can also breed an environment where there's a lot of hostility. People talk shit behind their keyboards and don't back it up, citing the lack of funds/time excuse as a reason. People say things online that they wouldn't in person because there's little room for repercussion. People say things without thinking as much online because it doesn't mean the same thing to everyone; some people go out of their way to act retarded online but are otherwise fine in person. It's difficult to judge someone's character online and the impersonal nature of it makes building a community harder.

The strongest communities are formed when friendships result as a side effect of playing the game. Netplay does not cater to this kind of camaraderie, so while you may have more people playing it the overall community will still be weak, as it is now. More people playing does not equate to a stronger community.

If I'm wrong on this please feel free to correct me.

EDIT: hey looks like i was right
 I would agree but consider this, AA does not have a community to begin with.  There really are not many cabs in the US even.  You cannot befriend the community when there is no community to befriend.  I think netplay would at least give us the option to better connect to those players we otherwise couldn't and would help the community overall in terms of numbers = stronger community.  Im sure casual players can turn into serious players ergo through netplay and we would have more participation in tournaments.  We could still have some AC players make up the majority of the AA community and hold small events or whatever but it would be nice to have a variety of players that I just don't see happening with only a PS2 release.

PS2 port is better than a PC port.

people will have to start going to venues for tournaments again, and not be stuck at the PC on their precious netplay. it'll be like 2007 all over again.
  Would you mind explaining why a PS2 console release is better?  I think just saying one is better than the other really isn't productive.  Especially when its not.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:49:33 PM »
  There is no IRL MB community anymore since everyone quit/is waiting for AA/no more tournaments.  All we have is the the forums and channel atm.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 12:42:40 PM »
You know, I'm actually not sure how it came to the point where even MB players started shitting on their own game.
A lot of it is how similar MB is to GG. GG community looks at their own game and calls it the best fighting game. 3s and Marvel communities think their game is the only good one because of the things that are unique to those games. Same for Smash community. IaMP is also really different from other fighting games, and that community likes that. With MB community, we've always got "oh yeah I'll play MBAC but GG is honestly a better game" hanging around. And the community even likes to watch other games more. There's always hype for watching GGAC, HnK, or Arcana during SBO, but usually people only want to see a few matches for Melty.

Actually I don't really get why it's different between Melty and Arcana. Maybe it's because Arcana is a loli fighter and a lot of people only play Arcana because of that, where Melty is just an anime fighting game. And of course, now you have BB, which is probably even more similar to Melty than GGAC was, coming out earlier than MBAA for console, and even more people are picking up BB that didn't play GGAC before (pretty much all the EC community).
  The MB community in a nutshell:
Newfag: Hey guys lets netplay in 5 delay.
Oldfag: S-Stupid Melty Blood.  It's not like I came to this tournament because I think your fun despite what I say in the channel.
Lokanas:  People still play melty?...........lolol ain't I funny?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 11:46:24 AM »
I'd love it if you can point out to me where I specifically said that netplayers are dumb players who shit on MB? Don't worry, I'll wait.

You're making it sound like MBAA being released on the PS2 ISN'T accessible when it's not a problem. You're making it sound like netplay will save this scene...when in reality it's the players who care enough to travel to the tournaments with or without netplay.  This game could have netplay, but it won't mean shit if the people who are praying for netplay won't travel to tournaments and just stay netplay warriors. Seriously, from the way you're sounding right now you want this to be like the DOA community. EVO 2k11 unnoficaly MBAA qualifiers will be online, 5 delay, KB allowed, and Final Destination.

Also again...where did I said that it didn't matter if the game wasn't accessible or not? Again, I'll wait.

  I just happened to quote the whole thing so it seemed like I was refering to you, but I was refering to
"If you think just waiting for MBAA to be released on console just so you fuckers can download the game, will revive "the scene" by itself in any way, you'd be mistaken. Netplay is nice and all, but that's not critical mass. WT wasn't dependent on Netplay, nor was it for SF4."
^ scottind

Well I retract most of my post, but still Scott does have a point. WC has never needed to rely on netplay to bring in new players...especially for something like SF4. Why would Actress Again be any different?

  I never said it relied on netplay, I just said its retarded to say having AA more accessible wont help the scene at all.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 10:59:15 AM »
I'd love it if you can point out to me where I specifically said that netplayers are dumb players who shit on MB? Don't worry, I'll wait.

You're making it sound like MBAA being released on the PS2 ISN'T accessible when it's not a problem. You're making it sound like netplay will save this scene...when in reality it's the players who care enough to travel to the tournaments with or without netplay.  This game could have netplay, but it won't mean shit if the people who are praying for netplay won't travel to tournaments and just stay netplay warriors. Seriously, from the way you're sounding right now you want this to be like the DOA community. EVO 2k11 unnoficaly MBAA qualifiers will be online, 5 delay, KB allowed, and Final Destination.

Also again...where did I said that it didn't matter if the game wasn't accessible or not? Again, I'll wait.

  I just happened to quote the whole thing so it seemed like I was refering to you, but I was refering to
"If you think just waiting for MBAA to be released on console just so you fuckers can download the game, will revive "the scene" by itself in any way, you'd be mistaken. Netplay is nice and all, but that's not critical mass. WT wasn't dependent on Netplay, nor was it for SF4."
^ scottind

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 10:19:33 AM »
WT died not because of the players but because Arlieth stopped running tournaments. You also have to keep in mind that even when Arlieth popularized the game (and he tried hard and did a great job; he got a lot of FFA people into it and the entire MB community here is because of him) it was already an old game.


I think people took a while to realize that MBAC was, on many levels, not a very good game. Combine that with a very small scene full of many casual players who were in it only because of Tsukihime and had no real competitive drive and the scene was going to thin itself out over time, which led to a snowball effect: people don't want to play a game with a small scene, which led to people quitting, etc. Combine that with the real driving force behind the scene disappearing and you have what is happening now.
I'm sure the Simi folk still think MBAC is still a good game. you can't blame the game if the scene died.

WT died because Arlieth stopped running tournaments. He stopped because you people have a toxic attitude to each other, and even to MB the game itself. I think he finally realized that it wasn't worth the uphill battle to make the community a better place.

See this is what baffles me. Why talk shit about a game you claim to support or talk shit about a scene you claim to be a part of when you provide little to no input to said scene/game? Not calling out anyone in particular because you people know who you are. What makes it worse is that with this particular community you can actually get away with shitting on MB because not only other FGCs think "Lol, it's MB so who cares?" But this particular community thinks and will say "Lol, it's MB so who cares?" Again you know who you are. There are tournament players and TOs, who believe it or not, on SRK will say they would love to see MB get bigger because it's a hype game...now when you have MB players saying "Lol, who cares if MB is at a major or not?" Then you're just making yourself and the scene look retarded. And you say you're part of this scene? Get that shit out of here.

If you think just waiting for MBAA to be released on console just so you fuckers can download the game, will revive "the scene" by itself in any way, you'd be mistaken. Netplay is nice and all, but that's not critical mass. WT wasn't dependent on Netplay, nor was it for SF4.

Of course WC or EC wasn't dependent on netplay with MBAC and this is even moreso back when MBAC was on the PS2. Netplay would cater to the people who live too far away from a scene. Now not to say that netplayers who live in the middle of nowhere wouldn't travel out tournaments (Myself, Voomer, Sphyra, Pfhor, and a few others are living proof of that) because we would travel. Netplay would cater to the people who claim to be part of the scene, but won't travel to any of the tournaments or would just say "It's MB. Why would you travel for MB?"
  Except netplay would also cater to tournament goers and serious players so your point claiming that netplayers are mostly dumb players who shit on mb is moot.  Why wouldn't having AA more accessible help the scene?  Are you retarded?  Your saying it doesn't matter whether the game is accessible or not.  :slowpoke:.  It might not "revive" the scene but it would help in one way or the other so saying it won't have any effect is....retarded.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 11, 2009, 07:49:11 AM »
  Determination of players?  Everyone is spoiled with netplay already :(.  I personally am going to travel and participate in tournaments but some people just won't/can't because of distance or financial reasons.  I hope some people will still take this game seriously.

Well, determination of players and accessibility, obviously. I think a PS2 is far more accessible than PC because of portability and easy setup (important factors for a tourney). If people are willing to be serious for a game at the very least they should try to hold offline meets with locals (which I've done for IaMP, even though it's a 95% netplay-based game in the US). If they're unable to do that or travel to a tourney where the game has a presence then clearly they're not serious enough.
Which in itself is a bit of a problem. There will always be scrub casual /jp/ players, but the real scene is dying. When MBAC came out, the scene was still growing, and now it's tanking. People forgot about every WT after 10, AM doesn't actually have Melty, FR doesn't have Melty, etc. There are a handful of new people, but the only one I've seen willing to travel for the game is Masu.

WT died not because of the players but because Arlieth stopped running tournaments. You also have to keep in mind that even when Arlieth popularized the game (and he tried hard and did a great job; he got a lot of FFA people into it and the entire MB community here is because of him) it was already an old game.

AM was a Melty tourney for like one event, and that event was when it was me taking over for someone else. You have to keep in mind that I have an obvious predilection against MBAC and didn't really have a lot of motivation to keep the hype rolling once AM became "bell's event".

I think people took a while to realize that MBAC was, on many levels, not a very good game. Combine that with a very small scene full of many casual players who were in it only because of Tsukihime and had no real competitive drive and the scene was going to thin itself out over time, which led to a snowball effect: people don't want to play a game with a small scene, which led to people quitting, etc. Combine that with the real driving force behind the scene disappearing and you have what is happening now.

To be fair, Melty's scene isn't even as dead as it was when the game first started out. MBAC gets a lot of play by many people. Most of them probably don't matter, true, but the game isn't dead until you have absolutely nobody playing it, which is more than likely what will happen once MBAA becomes fully accessible. Many of the hardcore players are waiting for the definitive version that is accessible to them as well as a driving force in the community to jumpstart things. Neither of these is available now which is why the scene is stagnating.
  Like Bell said.  Alot of people are waiting for AA to be accessible and the more hardcore players are waiting for the scene to start growing (Me included), without either AA probably does not have a chance.  SF4 can get away with being a terrible game and still thrive because it has a huge scene and netplay.  If they just released a PC version with netplay then it would be very accessible as well probably start the scene up.  The scene in Japan is far superior so it won't die no matter where its ported or whether or not its has netplay (They have tons of arcades.).

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 07:04:40 PM »
  Determination of players?  Everyone is spoiled with netplay already :(.  I personally am going to travel and participate in tournaments but some people just won't/can't because of distance or financial reasons.  I hope some people will still take this game seriously.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 06:43:26 PM »
It doesn't matter if it's a PS2 or PC as long as the game is released I'm fine with it. Oh yeah, the only reason why it would matter if it's released on the PC or PS2 are for the people that either travel to tournaments and the people who just stay at home and netplay all day (Which is sadly 3/4 of the MB community). Regardless if it was on PS2 or PC...you'd go to tournaments and support the game if you cared for the US community that much. Also lets look at where are the MB cabs located:

West Coast....LOL
Texas...who the fuck plays in Texas seriously outside of Pfhor?
NYC...$1 and the buttons are always jacked up and it's not even Ver.A
Philly...$1 2/3 rounds.

While netplay would help the scene learn matchups faster, other scenes can and have done without it. We as melty blood players have to task ourselves with growing the scene just like NYC did when MBAC was first released on the PS2 back in 2006. Did they use netplay to advertise MB? No, they advertised the game at tournaments and we have it a hell of a lot easier now seeing that people such as Eric and Larry (Host of Final Round) are giving us a spot as official games and even going as far as putting it on the big screen. Did they complain about it being on the PS2? Maybe, but they still stuck with it and we're right back in that same situation, but this time we're actually somewhat known for being a (somewhat) hype game and being (somewhat) of a decent fighter. This community won't die as long as we keep supporting our own game by going to tournaments, leveling up, and take ourselves a bit more seriously.

I mean if people are willing to take games such as TvC, Smash (lol), and Ken/Jab Fighter 4 seriously then MB can surely be just as good and hype.
  Yes except all the games you mentioned have much larger scenes so its easier to find games (Except maybe TvC).  You make it sound like the community would be better off without a netplay feature which is retarded.  It's going to be kind of hard/impossible to play other people from other coasts/states without doing some serious traveling.  How is this better than having a netplay option?  It's beyond me.

  Oh and more like who outside Japan takes this game seriously anymore?

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 05:37:18 PM »
Their target is ps2 because japan has more ps2s than next gen combined.
  Yeah.  It still hurts the US community though, I mean a PC release would still be popular in japan and it would be good for us too.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 05:30:40 PM »
 Lets just take a look at this situation for a bit.  You have a game that's not even popular in the United States (In arcades atm anyway) and a community that is not that large supporting it.  Then have that same game ported to an old console where its impossible to update it (Who even knows how smoothly it will run initially.) and with no netplay options.  Then you have blazblue which has everything it doesn't staring everyone in the face.  Will the community die?  Probably not entirely, but it won't be attracting new players or even many of the older players.  This is all assuming its only released for the PS2, if its released for the PC or next gen consoles then ignore this post.

... You say that as though they're releasing the game in the US. o.O

What I've said only applies to the American Melty Blood community, why would I be talking about anything else? 

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 05:25:59 PM »
  Lets just take a look at this situation for a bit.  You have a game that's not even popular in the United States (In arcades atm anyway) and a community that is not that large supporting it.  Then have that same game ported to an old console where its impossible to update it (Who even knows how smoothly it will run initially.) and with no netplay options.  Then you have blazblue which has everything it doesn't staring everyone in the face.  Will the community die?  Probably not entirely, but it won't be attracting new players or even many of the older players.  This is all assuming its only released for the PS2, if its released for the PC or next gen consoles then ignore this post.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Again
« on: April 10, 2009, 05:05:31 PM »
August release for the PS2?!


Hope it's real and not some prank by some user who posted a random date just for the sake of messing with people. ;-;

*Digs around more.*

Why would you want this?  You do realize the community will pretty much die if its only released for ps2 right?

Akiha's Tea Room / What kanji is this?
« on: April 10, 2009, 11:33:31 AM »
Hey guys, what kanji is this lol

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: SATSUKI FLOWCHART
« on: April 06, 2009, 04:01:23 PM »
  Its okay man, I know how you feel.  Everyone in this thread, lets group hug, noone else understands our pain.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / Re: SATSUKI FLOWCHART
« on: April 06, 2009, 01:53:19 PM »
  You air throw regardless of what your opponent is doing.

Satsuki Yumizuka (Yumiduka) / SATSUKI FLOWCHART
« on: April 06, 2009, 07:56:50 AM »
  I figured since Nero is getting one those who are stupid enough to play Satsuki deserve one too.  This is basically how I play, and sadly I barely lose when I follow it.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Rate this video
« on: April 05, 2009, 04:08:23 AM »
  I was ABOUT to give this 5 stars then I saw that last part and was like.....not amused....

  I really wanted to go to this, but I don't think I will make it.  75% chance I won't be there, that leaves 1st place up in the air.  Sorry Pfhor I know you wanted me on your team if it goes into 2v2 or whatever.

Shiki Nanaya / Re: Nanaya Movie
« on: April 02, 2009, 06:18:30 AM »
  Cool euro techno bro

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Tsukihime 2 eng release from Mirror Moon
« on: April 02, 2009, 05:34:12 AM »
  Wow you guys must be stupid.  Look at the date.  YGT.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Kara No Kyoukai!
« on: March 31, 2009, 01:33:42 PM »
Yes because the novels are so different its going to change my opinion about the way the series is organized, right?   wakawaka  Regarding the hole series, the characters aren't even that interesting either.  I know this series is supposed to be pretty dark but it sacrifices certain things to make it that way.  We see a group of very serious characters (Whom we don't know much about other than a little history about each) interact with each other in that serious manner (To keep the series dark, god forbid someone be happy in the series.)  And its overall just pretty boring.  Its so bad that whenever I see a "proto" character of someone from Tsukihime/FSN I think to myself "Oh that's proto-Shirou." or "That's Proto-Shiki." because the characters really don't establish themselves well.  So tell me, Why is the series organized in this confusing fashion? :mystery:

Because Nasu needs to learn to write better. Reading the novels might get you to understand why the KnK movies are as they are because you realize they are just following the story as Nasu wrote it.  His works are difficult to read through, he likes to contradict himself during his writings and he creates loopholes in his writing as well all the time. On top of that, he tends to make up words or change the intended meaning on words which creates disagreement on the meaning of phrases by translators.

I have read a number of his works, most in the original format, just transcribed onto the internet, and it is typically chopped up, distorted and overall confusing a lot of times as I go through. To understand what the story is about, you normally have to go through the entire story of whatever you are reading to learn all the basics, the stuff that is normally presented at the beginning. As you go through, you'll hit the big climax of the story and sometimes he'll just be introducing some more stuff that needs to be known beforehand to get the full picture.

Overall though, it's not hard to piece together everything he is saying, which is why there are so little negative connection to his writing. It is just Nasu's way of writing and I wish he would write in a more clear format, but then again, the way he writes and the way you read/interpret it is part of the whole Nasuverse that creates the setting and impact that he desires from his stories. I think he does a good job, I'm sure at least 80% of the people out there who read his works thinks he does a good job too.

In addition, all of Nasu's works are dark. They don't make themselves out to be happy endings until the absolute end, and even those seem more satisfying than happy. He doesn't create superhero characters as his main characters, he makes ordinary people who happen to have an extraordinary power/ability being the main character and they decide how they are going to use that power. Whether it be Mystic Eyes, magic or possession of a weapon not able to be wielded by any other. These powers are what make their users different but really, they are just normal people not trying to make too big a difference. Shirou may be the exception, but he doesn't actively use his powers to save people (ignoring his 'potential' future). In the story, he is just a boring, everyday person living his normal, boring everyday life...same goes for Shiki in Tsukihime and Shiki in KnK...and GunGod to some extent if you read Notes

  Except all of the characters in the series you have mentioned have depth (Or they are more well thought out.)  Yes Nasu's works are dark but he will usually add some interesting elements (Humor, Occasional event that explains the characters history, everyday interactions with those characters that are interesting) that are just not there in KnK.  We get scenes where they are in a shop and they talk about who/what Shiki is going to kill next, random scenes with Shiki in her room and occasionally someone will visit, and very rarely will the characters even meet outside of these scenes to show how they interact out in the real world.  It is exactly like you say, Nasu's stories are usually about "Humans with supernatural abilities." and its a good formula that makes his stories interesting, except KnK doesn't follow it.  Look at Ryougi, does she look like your average human?  Or even Aozaki?  Remember when you read Tsukihime and saw how Tohno reacts in his situations?(With fear, humor, insanity.).  HE is a normal human being with supernatural powers, even Shirou (He expresses various emotions through all of FSN routes.) and the formula proved to be successful once again.  Well they are relatively "Normal" human beings but they aren't as messed up or as boring as Ryougi.  In KnK you don't see the main character react much to anything (Why did they have to make her a robot?  Did they think it would be interesting to see an emotionless "Human" go around killing shit and not have much development?).  Yes its true 80% of the people accept Nasu's work even if it is distorted but 99% would accept Nasu's work if it was clear (minus the 1% of fags who appreciate how "DEEP" it is for being so distorted.).  Ultimately, it just feels like I'm watching a less interesting Tsukihime.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Kara No Kyoukai!
« on: March 31, 2009, 09:52:10 AM »
Honestly, your entitled to your opinion, but read the novels before complaining about the order of the series as a hole:V

  Yes because the novels are so different its going to change my opinion about the way the series is organized, right?   :V  Regarding the hole series, the characters aren't even that interesting either.  I know this series is supposed to be pretty dark but it sacrifices certain things to make it that way.  We see a group of very serious characters (Whom we don't know much about other than a little history about each) interact with each other in that serious manner (To keep the series dark, god forbid someone be happy in the series.)  And its overall just pretty boring.  Its so bad that whenever I see a "proto" character of someone from Tsukihime/FSN I think to myself "Oh that's proto-Shirou." or "That's Proto-Shiki." because the characters really don't establish themselves well.  So tell me, Why is the series organized in this confusing fashion? :mystery:

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Kara No Kyoukai!
« on: March 29, 2009, 07:07:24 AM »
  Regarding the series, it is not so great.  Sure, the production quality and animation is very very good, but the plot ruins it for me.  What were they thinking?  "Hey lets take what we have been working so hard and carefully on and twist the fuck out of the plot".  I mean come on, the latest episode tries to confuse you on purpose.  Are they trying to be DEEP or something by making the story almost impossible to follow?  The only really good thing the series has is the occasional awesomely animated action scene that makes up about 5% of the series, if your happy with just that then all power to you, but waiting for coming episodes on that chance is just stupid so I'm going to drop it.  What a shame.

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