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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Ryd

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Family obligations, so I'll be late; do dinner without me unless you want a midnight run to In 'n Out.  Or Denny's ice cream  :V

When's the Overwatch ranbat?

I should be there around 6ish; have errands to run.

I should be able to make it by 5-6.  Run the good games last plz.

Such enthusiasm :V  Does anyone want to play anything, or should I keep grinding in Granblue?

Probably won't be able to make it till 7-8.

Show up around 6pm if you want to enter notGG.  Also, Dippy's running AH3 and poverty.  When's Melty?

Will do whatever; longass drive for me either way.  Or take a break if nobody else can decide.

Those low-cost kitchens tho.

I've been guilting myself into giving Xrd another go since real GG is too hard to maintain a proper base or something.  Just basing that off of people who play Xrd vs people who play AC/+R.  But I'm going to want some time to fuck around with Jackie-O if they included a real training mode.  Otherwise I'll play just about anything that isn't Aquapazza.

May or may not be conscious in time to pick up Tempered - assuming he doesn't get out early; will update if I am.  If not, I guess we'll go with whatever start time Tempered's okay with.

Not sure if H-F's arguing with deleted posts or a Twitter war or something.

F/UC won't be there either  :V

#animeilluminati #whensmahvel #sixstars20xx

Okay.  Someone pick the games.  Or should it be more VF?

Probably at work until 6.  Not sure if I'll make it tonight.

H-F just wants executions.

Working early tomorrow; may or may not need to crash for a bit afterwards to survive the night.  Should be able to pick you up, Tempered.  If you don't get a text from me, I'm probably dead.

Can do whatever.

Is Dippy at FR, or should I grind some VF to steal another match or two from him?

You're wearing anime profile pics, close enough.

I'll pick up Tempered, and I vote dinner first.


Dippy might appreciate this.  First night of the event, liquidated my stamina drink stockpile.  Had to charge my phone halfway through, or I might've actually broke into 500  :bricks:  Too bad it won't last.

Not an unreasonable request.

Site was borked earlier, Armando posted on FB, should be up now?  Reg closes tomorrow.  No fee to spectate.  Going to give all this a pass; I'll save my annual loud-surrounded-by-unwashed-bodies experience for Evo.

Deadpool showtimes that we can realistically make at the AMC on Stapley are 8:10, 9:45, 10:30.  I'll pick up Tempered on my way over.

Will stop by tomorrow.  We can discuss things further while the clipping ensues.

Deadpool movie is fantastic.  We should consider watching it this weekend, though keep in mind theater will be packed.  Next week is that local tourney, something else to keep in mind.  I probably won't go; not really feeling much love for the lineup.  UNIEL is the only thing on there I somewhat enjoy playing and haven't touched it since that last ranbat, and I have better uses of $20.

H-F Blade NTR Edition now available in a city near you  :laffo: :bricks:

H-F, hit us up with your dinner plans for Saturday as there's no ranbat. I'm guessing that Ryd would come here and we would then pick Tempered up from work and stuff would happen? I dunno.

If we're going to be on the north end, it'll be a lot easier if we just meet there provided your car hasn't hit Uncle Buck status.  30 mins to Mesa and then 20-30 mins to Desert Ridge, and doing it again on the way back is :psyduck:

Id be up for playing Sm4sh cause I definitely would like to mess around with Cloud

You are dead to me.

I'll pick you up on my way over.

You have to learn to appreciate the finer things in life, Tempered.  I guess we can play games if you guys want.  I can pick up Tempered on my way over if that's what you'd rather do.

Kill hobos?

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