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ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Bolverk-GTM

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Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 01:35:19 PM »
SH_Junkie did that over a month ago.


Okay so I know what I'm gonna be knocking on with Riesbyfe, now I just gotta sketch dat sheet in MS Paint then show it to my friends to make them laugh like total retards and then I'll post it here.  >.>

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:36:31 PM »
Ripping the main is always fun, I'm probably going to do one of Sion sometime in the future.  As for now, I think Warakia is just a little bit difficult.  Why?  Because well...his regular facial expressions are what you'd see on one of these avatars anyways.  xD   I think I'll leave Warakia to someone else and just work on Roastbeef.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 12:09:31 PM »
omg i about died at that.  xD
very nice one for Roa, omfg lololol.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 11:23:37 AM »
You're tellling me.  I was already pretty sure that Warakia is fully capable of making fun of himself, but I'll do it anyways, lol.  I was working on Ky Kiske by request on DustLoop, here's the final product:

Now that he's out of the way, I'll be working on Warakia.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 10:03:47 AM »
awesome, i'll work on Warakia because he's just crying for one of these avatars.  xD

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:48:21 AM »
Lol you mean this one?

Yeah I'm just a tad unconfident about making some of these, but I'm completely willing to try anyways because I think the plans I have in mind for Warakia and Riesbyfe will make a bunch of people laugh.  xD
I'll start working in a bit and see what happens.

Akiha's Tea Room / MB "Ryutars" Avatar Thread *Updated 1st Post*
« on: May 08, 2010, 09:01:25 AM »
Okay so to fill everyone in really quick on what a "Ryutar" is, a "Ryutar" as I like to call them are avatars that depict a fighting game character in a funny and/or stupid looking way and beside of them is a phrase or name of a move that they're known well for severely misspelled in a humorous way.  Once upon a DustLoop topic, a user known as Mr.Ryu made some avatars in this particular style for a group of New Jersey Guilty Gear players that were looking for some avatars, and eventually as these NJ players posted around the boards, their avatars got a lot of attention and people requested for more of them.  Thus began a trend that died out sort of quick for a little while after Mr. Ryu took off for a bit.  A couple weeks or months later, a friend of mine from New York known as SH_Junkie finds these avatars one way or another and gets a huge kick out of them.  This eventually led to him making a few of his own and posting them on DustLoop, which generated a huge number of laughs and also led to couple of other people posting their own versions of these creations.  The trend of "Ryutars" had come to life again.

....Alright that was maybe a little on the tl;dr side but that's a good summary of where these things came from, and with that said I thought it would be a good idea to make a few Melty Blood "Ryutars" and heck maybe if it gets popular enough, someone out there will want to make some Fate/Unlimited Codes Ryutars.  Just to get started and give everyone an idea of what one of these things looks like, here's some that were made over in DustLoop for Guilty Gear and BlazBlue:

"Avakume" (Arakune) by SH_Junkie:

"ShlayR" (Slayer) by Dizor the gnome:

"Zahpa" (Zappa) by Dizor the gnome: (Note: this is one of my favorites)

"Chepp" (Chipp Zanuff) by Mr. Ryu:

"Hahkuhmenz" (Hakumen) by SH_Junkie:

"Laitchee" (Litchi) by Hellknight10:

These are just some examples from the DustLoop community.  Now I direct your attention to what the Melty Bread community has conjured so far:

"Rowah" (Roa) by Shaker:

"Roahsbeeeef" by NarugaDenka:

"Kohawkcuu" (Kohaku) by Master Chibi:

"Zehpeeahh" (Warakia) by Kamina:

So far 4 have been made and I have ideas for 2 more already.  If someone wants to do Aoko or Nrvnqsr Chaos, I can give you the ideas I had for them if you're dry on ideas for those two.  Otherwise this is where you deliver the lulz with "Ryutar" pics that you've created out of the various Melty Blood cast.  The possibilities are only limited to what you can think of here.  ;)    Also the preferred size for these pics is 160x64 for sake of space and it's kind of a traditional size sort of thing now, but if you need more detail in the pic, bigger size pics are always welcome.  Now then, let the antics begin!!!

LOL.  Uhh, no not that one.  I mean "If you're going to try something new that involves patching or any other major modification or adjustment to something that works well enough for you already and you don't want to fuck something up, make a copy of your directory folder and then try it on the copy!"  ;D

lol I love the experimental rule of thumb.  :D

yeah i might stick with r1888 then since i get a solid 60 FPS in MBAA already except for in the already aforementioned situtations.  darn you AMD and your lacking diversity of compatibility!  >_<

due to AMD being fucking stupid and not supporting either SSSE3 or SSE4.1
ohhhhh dear...  that's a problem on my half then because my dualcore is an AMD Athlon.  of course it's me that would get screwed over on that.  ._.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: May 06, 2010, 06:13:34 PM »
i figured that would happen, i could just tell by the angle of the arm on each of them that it would be either clipping fists or almost complete miss.  ah well it was worth the shot and i got something out of it at least.  if you want to later on, you can give the sprite editing a go later on but this should suit my needs for now.  :3

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: May 06, 2010, 05:26:05 PM »
okay one last big question.  i was just flipping through the wonderful sprites available to me thanks to a certain link in this topic and in the Sion sprites, i find this:
when i first look at this, for whatever reason in god's name made me do it, my first thought is "BROFIIIIIST!!!" and then i started planning.  i started flipping through Riesbyfe sprites and i find this:

my plan finally came to me upon looking at this pic.  i would make a pic of Sion and Roastbeef delivering an epic crouching fist pound (do...not...ask, i'm lacking sleep so bear with me).  problem is MS Paint doesn't save transparency even for PNG files (seriously...) and i don't want to pony up for Photoshop so my next bet is GIMP.  well after downloading and installing GIMP, it goes all aggro bitch on me, gets syphilis and dies on start up.  sooooo now i need to know a good program that ISN'T Photoshop that will save transparency in image files so i can make this horrendous spawn of what i think is a good idea right now come true.  much appreciated in advance.

well i'm just now getting word that PCSX-r1888 is old so my guess would be that the update is on the site or something.  i dunno, Dark mentioned something about it on page 7.  i'll check within the next half hour and post what i found.

There was an update???  Geez I'm really not up to date, am I?  I got the emulator months ago for sole purpose of playing MBAA and I haven't checked for updates or anything since then.
Well I guess I'm gonna go check the site for the latest PCSX2 version then since it seems I'm working with a fossil now.  I never would've thought about it either since everything runs so perfectly for me, well except for Osiris whom I lag on a bit like I previously stated.  Damn you OSIRIIIIIIIS!!!  >_>

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: May 06, 2010, 12:18:21 PM »
Potentially the longest sentence I've seen since high school
lolol i tend to do that sometimes.  i probably never would've noticed either.  ._.

The game works fine except the sound lags
Decrease the latency in sound settings.

there is a little lag on Dust (40-50fps).
That's actually pretty normal.  My comp lags on Osiris too, I think it's a matter of the processor since the emulator by itself rapes like half of a gig of CPU Memory.  I have a 2 gig CPU and the only time I experience lag is on Osiris and for one weird reason or another, Warakia/Sion TATARI's stage (the place that resembles where Sion and Riesbyfe were first attacked by Warakia).  I really dunno why I lag on the Warakia/VSion stage but I don't fight on that stage too often so it's no big deal, but yeah Osiris lagging your game is very normal.

Also, when I configured the new pcsx for the first time, everything reset after I booted MBAA.  And it seems like gsdx reverted to an older version
Run PCSX2 as Administrator.  Change the setting by right clicking pcsx2-r1888.exe and clicking properties, then go to the Compatibility tab, and mark the checkbox "Run this program as an Administrator" at the bottom of the window, then click OK.  Problem solved, the configuration should save now.  :D

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: May 06, 2010, 08:53:42 AM »
this topic is ancient but no matter.  i was just curious, when you do the whole process required for ripping the sprites, are the alternative color palettes for each character shown as whole different sprites or what?  it might be a moderately dumb question but i'm new to the whole sprite ripping process and i wanted to capture a few sprites of Sion in her 12th color palette for a gif i'll be putting into my avatar on another forum so i was just wondering about how capturing a palette swapped character sprite would work.  thanks in advance.

Thank you for the help.  I just need to tweak it now to minimize the artifacts
If you're getting lines through the characters, make sure texture filtering is disabled, and also disable upscaling the resolution. I should have details on this a few pages back.
and in addition to that, instead of using interlacing, you can also just use the game's integrated progressive scan mode.  i'm sure an earlier post tells you how to do that and it makes the game look really nice and shiny on HD displays like mine.   ;D

well a couple of months and my MBAA still runs perfectly fine on PCSX2 1888.  i'm back now so i can help people with any problems that they might have getting MBAA working still since i've become a pretty seasoned player now and i've messed with it plenty enough to know what works and what doesn't work and blah blah blah.

Well guys I fixed it all.
I re-installed DirectX, and upgraded my PSX2 to the beta version. I also downloaded the latest GSDX drivers and then proceeded to max everything out which fixed it.

It looks amazing, and still over 60 FPS :D.

I also hooked up two PS3 controllers so now me and my roommate are playing!

good to hear you got it working now.  i use my PS2 controller for MBAC and MBAA.  enjoy it!  :D

well guys i posted a video onto youtube showcasing some of MBAA's gameplay on the PCSX2 emulator.  i'll never do it again until MBAA comes to the PC because the emulator already uses about 20% of my CPU and then having it record video that's being compressed as it's recording takes about 60 or 70% of my CPU.  this leaves me with about 30 fps to work with in gameplay.  yeah this montage took me much longer than i expected because doing anything in half of the regular fps is horrid and makes me cry on the inside.  it definitely recorded just fine though so here you go, my very small MBAA showcase on PCSX2.

**EDIT**: angelicxx what version of PCSX2 are you using?  i know i had that problem at one point but i fixed it by getting the latest PCSX2 beta release (1888).  have you tried using MBAA's integrated progressive scan mode?

I'll test this and if it works i'll post the results. ;)
here's the update on my part.  ran through Sion's arcade mode smoothly.  i only experienced lag when fighting Osiris (go figure) and the frame rate cut down to 45 fps or so during that fight, but it was still playable.  here's to an awesome arcade ending and a nicely running MBAA on PCSX2. :D  (screencap done with FRAPS) 


Still getting the same results with 1650

yo dragonedge i had the same exact problem you do.  all you have to do to fix it is go into your graphics settings and uncheck Allow 8-Bit Textures.  it removes the white background from the hud and the textures that had it, now your MBAA should run perfectly.  i know mine is with the exception of a small amount of lag experienced when i'm selecting my character's style.  once i select the style it kicks right back up to the solid 60 fps range.  i love it i love it i love it!  :D

NetPlay Community / Re: Hamachi Server Listing
« on: January 03, 2010, 12:50:13 PM »
everyone of these flipping servers are filled, so i made my own

ID: Act Cadenza PC
PW: lolwut

i'm not picky over who joins.  personally i learn by getting my ass kicked, lolz.  i main Sion Eltnam Atlasia and i'm on the US East Coast.

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