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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Sp00ky

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Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: The TeamSp00ky Show - Episode 2 Complete
« on: February 25, 2010, 06:47:43 AM »
I've done a major overhaul to the site in preparation for newer events.

The idea here is to get better integration with some social networking sites and keep people generally in the loop with what is going on.

The mean page is still http://teamspooky.com

The new stream url is http://teamspooky.com/content/?page_id=171

We may or may not have a stream in the works for this weekend. It depends on what is available to us at the hotel.


can you reg me for mbaa? I would have asked sooner but I did not know if i could make it until now.

Kohaku's Video Room / Re: Annotated MBAA matches
« on: February 12, 2010, 05:19:30 PM »
The point is to have to pause it by the way so you can see exactly what is on screen while reading it. This is usually lost when using separate 'notes'.

Karp tried it the other way, It sucked. All beginners end up doing is searching the vid over and over trying to figure out what specifically in that area of the vid you are talking about.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: An idea that could help pull Japanese players
« on: February 09, 2010, 06:12:14 PM »
Dont pay my ranting any attention. This should happen in some form or another. My issue is personal.

F-Miyako: Risk versus Reward character. Highest consistent damage in the game. j.B And j.C are difficult to antiair and lead to big damage, they also can win air to air against defensive pokes. High/low game is also strong. This character is known as the one trick pony of the game, but is very effective at what she does - hit the opponent with a clean hit twice, you win the round.

F-Maids Kohaku point: Trap character. Strong Zoning tools, good bnb damage combine with knockdown into corner pressure setup. Her corner pressure can go on perpetually for as long as her meter holds out, mixing in the occasional high/low to keep you guessing while chipping you down. She is especially strong versus half moon characters who cannot escape perfectly executed guard crush setups outside of using Bunker or Risking an inv move of some kind.

C-Mech: Zoning character. Focus is on jetpacks to cover the air, long range ground normals and lasers to prevent ground advancement. Her defense is weak but strong C-Mech players will use frequent heat activations and arc drives to push the opponent out far enough to reestablish her game. She also has occasional offensive spurts involving her whips as well as using deep jump C to set up a fuzzy situation.

F-Wlen: Zoning Character. High defense combined with Akuma style fireball traps. Her Ice traps are difficult for some characters to get around and can set confusing mixups post knockdown.

C-Wlen: Switches focus from Zoning to controlled offense. Better mixups involving her dash and her spin specials to cover the weakness of the loss of her fireball. Also has one of the games best DPs.

C-Chaos: Zoning character. One of the game's best jump normals for runaway (jump C.) Also has controlled risk in his 4C. His summons establish his ground game and allow him to pressure you into a knockdown or punish you for not attacking carefully. Notoriously difficult to antiair. Post Corner Knockdown ex crows establishes pressure that is unescapable for many characters and a high risk for others.

F-Kouma: 'Grappler'. Many multiple use throws for defense or offense, some with high damage followups. His raw physical damage is high as well. He has 2 dead zones that cannot be effectively attacked by the opponent using his 2B and 5C, and can use these to pressure the opponent into bad positioning. Has a strong tech punish game after BNBs, allowing him to pile on the pressure after getting started.

F-Aoko: 'Morphing' Character. In her first phase she is a strong zoner, utilizing orbs to stop jump ins and tiger shots to pressure the opponent into wanting to jump. She also has one of the games best DPs, making her playstyle not unlike Sagats. After building meter she morphs into a trap character, using her Blue Fire to set up dangerous 50/50s, repeating until she is out of meter or you are dead.

H-Sion: Rushdown character. Several innate overheads combined with several forward moving normals. Also has a good DP. Has one of the game's best post knockdown scenarios, but does not always have what she needs to capitalize on it. She has some surprise zoning factor with her B whip and her Gunshots. Has some Fancy BNBs involving jump [C]

F-Sion: Frametrap/Rushdown character. Her Air Slides and her gunshots have advantage, and she can put herself in scenarios where she can use these again and again, forcing you to take risks to escape. She has some weaknesses in her neutral game. Her Jump [C] bnbs have some variations which can be used to deal high damage.

C-Hisui: 'Morphing' character. She starts as a soso zoner, using her Dust and her Stuff-Fu specials to establish pressure, while also abusing her 5[C] and her divekick. She transforms when she lands a hit close enough to the corner, setting up one of the game's best tech trap setups and forcing essentially guaranteed damage regardless of your tech or no tech options using j.BB from the perfect height into land 5A2C. She also has a strong post throw game. Her defense is lacking, forcing her to depend on calculated risks to escape.

H-Roa: Frametrap character. Lightning Bolts and his 236x moves establish difficult situations for the opponent to escape or reverse. His 236C is a full screen punish on reaction to certain popular zoning tools, preventing the opponent from zoning him out when he has meter. He has a strong guard Crush game on half moon characters in the corner, which is also surprisingly difficult to shield bunker out of. His lack of any real overheads weakens his pressure, requiring strong fear establishment to land hits on opponents with good defense.

Tournament Results / Re: Frosty Faustings II RESULTS (01.02.10)
« on: January 06, 2010, 01:31:44 PM »
If by rocking my face off you mean dropping every one of your inputs possible. I took money home you took home crying about v.sion. Scrub. You didnt even make top 8.

Ticket have been brought, barring something happening I will be at this.

I kind of want to go to this. Can anyone from Chicago give me a hookup on a drive from the airport and a place to stay? Rob yosh andy or someone hit me up when you get a chance.

If Arturo doesnt fucking trip on some weed like last year and actually BRING ME WITH HIM I should be able to make it to this finally. Been wanting to meet shinblanka + crew for a while.

No promises yet.

Tournament Results / Re: Northeast Championships results!
« on: December 08, 2009, 06:19:59 AM »
Shoutouts to everyone who came out, there were soooooo many people I talked to during this so forgive me if I forget you. Will try to keep this to the people I dont see often.

Orka: Holy shit did not expect anyone from chicago to be there. Glad you made it man.
Rayza: Thanks for reviving fuc you asshole
Komidol: Keep coming out to events dude
Kamina: You need to come to my place with Nightroad
Hal: Stop scaring the shit out of me and drinking in the middle of tourney matches you fucking drunk.
Tempered: Sorry you had to fight me in tourney :P thanks for coming out.
Nightroad: You're 2 years too early still son. But watch some old kung fu flicks and get hype for when the student goes toe to toe with the teacher. Bring Kamina next time. I have some more strats for you next time.
LPT: For a minute I thought we were gonna have the runback match in top 8 somewhere. Keep playing dude youll get there.
Zero: good to see you again try to make it out to ny sometime.
Everyone else: Much love see you at the next event.

I didn't have a method for capturing VP with commentary that didn't require extra equipment. I'll try to make sure the next time we do a PC game that we can stream commentary as well.

There likely will not be a Pre-NEC stream, partly because a bunch of the viewers will be traveling to NEC at that time anyway and partly because Spidey and JeffM aren't traveling to my place before NEC as previously planned.

Episode 2 recorded portions:
Vanguard Princess Featuring sumAZNdude vs Sp00ky
Melty Blood Featuring Rithli, Shiki, Sp00ky, Zar the Biscuit, sumAZNdude, MasterChibi, XAQshinor, Fox.




Highlights from Friday portion of the show.


Thanks Chibi.

www.teamspooky.com updated with latest info.

You're completely right and I apologize. I added your name just now, sorry man.

Replays of portions of episode 1 are available:

Episode 2 11-27-09 and 11-28-09 Will feature Vanguard Princess (and some MBAA as well)
Keep checking back for updates.

Theirs is a radio interview show with a heavy focus on direct Q&A sessions as well as te ability to call people at will via skype.

This is a show focusing on live match videos with commentary and will only contain local players with the occasional visitor.

show is up now.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Teamspooky.com Ongoing thread.
« on: November 20, 2009, 06:13:50 PM »
This is just a discussion thread for Team Sp00ky, the group, as well as teamspooky.com the official group's website. This thread can be used for feedback on the site and what we are doing in general.

Upcoming shows:
Blast Processing: Melty Blood Actress Again Concept Matches April 17th, 2010:

2 Blast 2 Furious SSF4 and MBAA singles tourney + live stream:

The stream URL is located at
http://teamspooky.com/content/?page_id=171 or

Event calendar:


Coming soon: Cafepress.com shirts!

Outdated stuff:
Team Sp00ky show Episodes:
Episode 1: Melty Blood Actress Again Featuring XAQshinor, Sp00ky, ZTB, Mynusdono, Zidanel33t, Tinshi, Shiki态MasterChibi:

Episode 2:
Vanguard Princess Featuring sumAZNdude vs Sp00ky
Melty Blood Featuring Rithli, Shiki, Sp00ky, Zar the Biscuit, sumAZNdude, MasterChibi, XAQshinor, Fox.

Please leave any comments or feedback in this thread. I will try to keep shows archived on ustream in case you miss one or want  to go back and rewatch.

I recommend banning the animeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee stage because of the console only slowdown it has. (or at least discouraging selecting it)

Hyperhal posting

For everyone who got back to me regarding NEC rooms: the final price is $45 for the entire weekend

I will also send a PM to everyone's box with rules and all that jazz, but in general this is the confirmation of hype!

Tournament Results / Re: BBGXII RESULTS!
« on: November 01, 2009, 12:57:29 PM »

Singles. The torrent is going to be slow for the first hour, I'm still uploading it to the fileserver.

Tournament Results / Re: BBGXII RESULTS!
« on: November 01, 2009, 01:32:07 AM »


Up and AT THEM!

Dress warm.

Jesus shit do you have connections with the mafia or something?

I could barely get four hours, and even then they fucked up the date and mailed the confirmation late too.

Oh well, get hype!


I got $20 that says you put in the wrong date originally just like you did with the last flier.

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