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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - Xie

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How do you keep your hands warm for events like this anyways?

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: October 16, 2009, 06:57:52 PM »
I'll go on Sat after work if LoliSauce is coming this Saturday. Rides, etc, ask me.

Damn gonna be at JFK around 11:30PM?

Well if I think I wont go broke, then I should be able to drop you off at Sp00kys (if thats where you're going)

Sorry about that man, and to everyone else I will be inconveniencing that weekend. Also, it might be helpful if I get your information.  :V

This shit just got real.

I'll be there this Sunday (10/11).  Guest appearance by Kijea.  :V

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Framedisplay for MBAA (?!?)
« on: October 09, 2009, 04:43:54 PM »
 :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap: :fap:

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: October 06, 2009, 11:40:46 AM »
If you can't stay anywhere else, you can definitely crash at my place. I would suggest somewhere a lot closer though.  :V

You guys lost to Meko / Neko?

Are you serious?

Wow, stop running tournies, please.

Get back to the kitchen. Make me some brownies.
Sounds like grounds for a MM  :prinny:

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: October 04, 2009, 04:41:54 PM »
GGs to everyone who came.
And to everyone who didn't  :mystery:

Kouma Kishima / Re: MBAA: C-Kouma Thread
« on: October 02, 2009, 03:06:26 PM »
Yes it does. It also has the same 120 frame superarmor after. Also it reflects reflectable projectiles.

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: September 29, 2009, 04:49:11 PM »
Notes about my place:
1) Shower before you come because my place is not that big and I'd rather not have it smell like ass
2) If you have an extra TV/PS2/etc, you might want to bring it because I only have three CRTs and two PS2s here.
3) You might want to bring your own food or drinks because I am poverty and I don't have any to give you. There is a supermarket and food places within .1 miles of my house though.

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: September 25, 2009, 04:47:33 PM »
I'm new to the game. I live in Irvine, will it be alright for me to come? And could I get a ride from someone, I'm willing to pitch in for gas.

Yeah its fine, pretty much anyone can show up as long as they give me a heads up first. Though, there's only like 3 crts at my place.

Tournaments and Events / Re: <[- Interest Check for Possible BBGXII -]>
« on: September 23, 2009, 07:43:53 PM »
When this goes official I am heading to my local liquor store for a lotto ticket.  :toot:

Going on the 27th f'sure. I BETTER SEE EVERYONE ELSE.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: Actress Again Sprites?
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:38:07 PM »

Seriously guys, try to limit requests for personal, non-project use only. Or you can donate to them, or buy them ramen, or something.


Post should appear on every page of this thread.

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: September 21, 2009, 09:10:12 PM »
GGs. I might have to count myself out on Bell's place for this weekend, I have plans on Saturday and I'm probably going to be hitting up FFA for the MB there on Sunday. Also I'm probably going to start modding the top post to help make things more organized.

Edit: I'm hosting next Saturday 10/03/09 confirmed.

Mech-Hisui / C-Mech Fuzzy Guard
« on: September 18, 2009, 03:15:40 AM »
So, I was in practice mode one day trying to do C-Mech's fuzzy guard on Nanaya (getting ready for BBG obviously), when I realized I couldn't get it to work on him. So I decided to test it on everyone. Now, I only tested on C-type characters for now, but I'll eventually try it on H/F if it comes to my attention that characters have different standing block animations/hitboxes in different styles (I know H-Wlen has one, but its crouching so technically it shouldn't matter). Now, my execution isn't the best in the world, so I divided it up into four categories. The first category is characters I was pretty much able to do it flawlessly on and repeat the process on them. The second category is where I had trouble doing it, but once and awhile the stars aligned and I managed to do it (or I miraculously did it once but never again). The third category is where I was able to keep the opponent in blockstun between both hits, but when I tried it on myself I was able to duck in time, so it might be possible but hard/situational. The last category is where I wasn't able to get jack shit on them, I would be pleasantly surprised if the fuzzy guard ended up working on them. I will probably proofread the list and test more down the line. Ideally, I end up eliminating the inbetween categories.

As a reminder, C-Mech's standard fuzzy guard is j.C 9 j.C. When done correctly, a crouching blocking opponent will be hit with a standing hitbox. Essentially, this gives your second j.C incredible vertical range and allows you to hit with it where it would otherwise whiff a crouching opponent. Mech's other double overhead, j.C j.B works pretty much on everyone with proper spacing, so there isn't really a list for that. On another note, it is theoretically possible to perform this with the other style Mechs since the j.C is practically the same across styles. However, it is not as practical because it is not as easy to combo off of a very high j.C since; because other styles lack j.A, they cannot as easily confirm it into a combo.

Show me the list already!:
Characters you can do C-Mech Fuzzy Guard on (Confirmed): Kouma, Ciel, Sion, Ries, V.Sion, Wara, Akiha, Warc, V.Akiha, S.Akiha, Nero, Hisui, Kohaku
Characters you can probably do C-Mech Fuzzy Guard on (Confirmed-ish): Mech Hisui, Ryougi
Characters you might be able to C-Mech Fuzzy Guard on (Unconfirmed, but seems possible): Roa, Arc
Characters you can't seem to do C-Mech Fuzzy Guard on (Unconfirmed): Aoko, Tohno, Nanaya, Miyako, Satsuki, Len, WLen, NA, NAC

For completion's sake, a list of combo followups after the j.C hits:
C-Mech: j.A (most stable, leads to 2c 6c 236[a] loop), j.B (more damaging on non-metered combos, but less stable), j.63214 (unsparkable if it lands, very situational)
H-Mech: Pre Summoned Gradius... but other than that nothing seems to work(j.A whiffs, j.B is too slow, j.236A/j.623A seems to whiff over everyone)
F-Mech: IH j.B, Pre Summoned 22B or 22C(you can time your junk to hit right after your j.C)

If you're wondering how I tested this, I set the dummy character to M-Hisui and the test character on myself. Then recorded the dummy performing the fuzzy guard on the test character set to Recover D, All Guard, and Stand. Hence, the test character would block, but once it left hitstun it would attempt a 5D. Once I prevented the test character from 5Ding, I then let the dummy perform the action on myself, switching to crouch block before the second j.C. Hence the confusion: sometimes I would prevent the test subject and even myself from 5Ding between the j.Cs, but I would still be able to crouch block despite never leaving blockstun. More testing is probably needed, and of course, input from other sources.

Regional Community / Re: West Coast People Not At AI
« on: September 17, 2009, 08:34:24 PM »

I will probably start hosting too once my work schedule solidifies. For the record I live in Irvine.

Edit: and I can help take people to bell's.

Ya CT, if you go I'll lend you mine. But if you mash like a faggot I'll have to take it away.  :psyduck:

Though, you can't use it against me though.

Come again next time everyone.  :toot:

Eh, I will probably go to this.

Edit: I hope that means people come regardless though.

Tournaments and Events / MBAA At West Coast Warzone?
« on: September 02, 2009, 12:57:07 PM »
So I hear after the tournaments are over there will be BYOC in Saturday night. Anyone who is already going up for MBAA?

Mech-Hisui / Re: Punishing with C-Mech Hisui
« on: August 30, 2009, 09:10:30 PM »
As far as I know:

On a corner air throw, like in MBAC, you can punish any and all ground tech attempts with 2b.

Neutral tech: Very tight, but doable, you have to hit the 2b (2hit) basically at the first moment you recover in order to punish this. While this may look bad on a no tech, you can still easily get out a meaty 2a to beat wakeup mashing.
Forward tech: If they tech into the corner, you have all day to punish this with a 2b (2hit). There really isn't any way to mess this up other than to throw your opponent slightly out of the corner so that the tech crosses you up... but the timing is still very forgiving even if they do this.
Back tech: If they tech away from the corner, you can catch this with a 2b (1hit). The timing is fairly strict and it will take some getting used to for comboing off of 2b (1hit).

Outside of the corner, you can punish ground techs similarly to in the corner
Neutral tech: Very tight, but the timing is very similar to punishing neutral techs in the corner. The only real difference is that on most opponents, you cannot combo into 5c as the throw will put you too far, so just go for 2c instead if the 2b lands.
Forward tech: Fairly easy, they will always cross you up so just react to the tech and punish it with 2b. Can't really miss it.
Back tech: ???? To be honest, I haven't been able to punish a back tech at all when midscreen. I've tried Syxx suggestion but 236a has never hit my opponent during the vulnerable state that follows the ground tech. The best I have gotten is a "meaty" 2c (which is where the 2c hits them as they are able to block) which can cancel into B missiles or whatever else you want AND I have gotten the dummy to standblock the 236a (despite being set to crouching), but... yeah no real punish here unless I'm missing something. For the record, 2c is 1f slower than 236a, so if that makes the difference then I would be very impressed.

Tournament Results / Re: Melty Blood: Actress Antihype 3/28/09
« on: March 29, 2009, 12:27:35 PM »
Don't fail so hard at scheduling and I'll be at the next one. :P

Some people didn't tell me they were coming, or in thread, or like at any time to any of the dates. Everyone was just like "oh I can't go now" even though I never knew they weren't going to begin with.

I can't mysteriously know everyone's availability if you don't tell me.  :V

Tournament Results / Melty Blood: Actress Antihype 3/28/09
« on: March 29, 2009, 04:08:23 AM »
Pretty awesome tournament.  :prinny:
$0 Entry - Pay to play - Winner gets $5
Single match, 3/5 rounds.

1) Obaloney (C-Wara) - $5
2) Scottind (C-Ciel) - ????
3) Pulsr (C/F-White Len) Antihype
4) Kryojenix (H-Miyako) - is still on the SF4 machine, someone pick Sagat
5) Numakie (F-Hisui) - looks pretty different from the right side
5) Thebiter (F-Aoko) - is pronounced "thebiter"
7) Psyblade (F-Akiha) - Gets 8th because he ruined the brackets
7) Xie (C/H-Mech) - Never Pick H-Mech against Lolis
9) Spidey (C-Ciel) - Lost, then forfeited
6000) Zaido - Super Antihype
6001) Ultracarl - Asleep

It was alright. And pretty good for what it's worth. My VGA adapter didn't work so no video footage was captured. :emo: Next one is probably in about a month or so, if people still care about playing MBAA by then.  :toot:

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