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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - sleepy

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Tournaments and Events / Re: So.Cal: West Toast #3 4/20/07
« on: April 07, 2007, 05:20:46 AM »
I probably will be able to go, I should be fighting for my lisence before then. not sure yet. but yeah, more tourneys is better.

fuckn last place... I need more practice and consistency.

contact me sometime, so I can show you how to win :P

hey props to you guys, for hosting a good tourney, it was fun, everyone played a lot of mb, free pizza, and some interesting top 8 matches. I got to see some pro 3rd strike for it being my first time being at any FFA assocaited arcades. And Hdphnz was awesome on the mic, props to you. Arlieth good job altogether, Bell good job, amazing shit you put out there. JKD fun stuff getting so far, lina no less than expected (you're always expected to get top 3). and everyone else that attended and I got to know, good shit, you guys are cool competitive peeps.

oh I got a ride from bell, much thanks to him.

oh not gonna be able to make it tonight, brother just called and said he can't get off work until 7, so no ride.

this probably was addressed recently, but how does interface work actually? I know we're playing on console, and it's bring your own controller. Will there be other tvs if we don't bring them? and if I brought another ps2 how would that work, I want to play slash a little also.
btw fun casuals lina/zaido, we recorded the day before, so look forward to that in addition to the tourney matches.

guys remember, pm me if you plan to come over for a bit, I don't mind you guys staying late, if you guys don't make tons of noise... of course get the info by pming me.

I might be hosting some casuals at my house tomorrow, pm me if you're really interested. I'll warn you though, it's in pasadena, I'll have to see if zaido is coming or not too.

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