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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - It is a mystery.

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There's some basketball courts opposite the arcade strip that get more attention. It's the owners fault really, it would be nice if i could somehow buy out one of em' though, i'd love to run an arcade.

But that is just a dream right now, i haven't even got a job yet.

Whoops! Turned this into a "whine about your local area" thread for a sec.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: May 05, 2010, 01:44:26 PM »
Pleinaire must be the most loved NPC ever! That is, if your talking about who i think you are.

Hells yeah! I forgot to mention the sad ironic thing about where i live. I live about a 2 mins walk from a mile stretch of arcades but there isn't a single fighting game in about 30 or so buildings! IT IS REDICULOUS! This town could be massive hotspot had the arcade owners not filled everything with time-crisis ffs.
As far as i know there is one Tekken and one Soul Edge but nobody is gonna play those.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Well, it's that time again
« on: May 03, 2010, 03:54:06 PM »
I love disgaea, and by the looks of these e-motes someone else here does too.

I love KOF 2002, though i don't really know why.

I prefer the UM Version. But the brazilian old-2002 players hate the UM version because their prefered characters (Kim,Vanessa, May Lee, Angel, and others) has been without infinites, being slow and rebalanced.
Yeah prefer UM too probably shoulda' mentioned that, don't like most of the stages on UM though.I like FG stages to have a lonely, gloomy feel to them, like MB or GG.

I love KOF 2002, though i don't really know why.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Goodbye childhood
« on: April 20, 2010, 04:34:49 PM »
With the exception of Mudkip of course.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Goodbye childhood
« on: April 19, 2010, 04:41:06 PM »
I still don't see why they ALL had mon at the end of there' names, i know it's short for monster but it still was stupid.
Hang on, Ange? Don't sound right without mon now. ffs

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Music Thread!
« on: April 14, 2010, 02:45:24 PM »
I like J-pop and Metal myself and find that half the shit i listen to is because i heard it off an anime intro. I really like the song that's the Hellsing anime intro (shame bout' the actual show), it sounds really cool even though the lyrics are total nonsense.
well....the musics of Hellsing  OST Raid are cool(my favorites are "Bodhisattva Cathedra", "Ambiguous Drum of Grief" and "Survival on the Street of Insincerity"), but the style of the OVA ost (Black Dog) is much more epic(like "inu no kuso", "EMIA",  "Kuro Inu to Mukade no Koushin" and, of course, "song of DEMETER" and "Gradus Vita")
I can't even remember the music in the OVAs, i'd best rewatch em' then.

I don't even know what a weeabo is, but i seems like i probably am one. Ah, whatever.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue vs Arcana Heart
« on: April 14, 2010, 04:51:36 AM »
GG was the only fighter I have trouble picking who the hell to main, because every char is unique/weird in their own way.  :psyduck:
That's why i like it, when in doubt pick Slayer.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Engrish
« on: April 13, 2010, 05:30:11 PM »
If I didn't know better, I'd swear Toyoguchi Megumi's voice was mixed in there somewhere.  She speaks crazy Engrish in Black Lagoon too lol
I think your right, good stuff.

Akiha's Tea Room / Engrish
« on: April 13, 2010, 03:45:32 PM »
I Didn't really want to start a whole thread for this but it would have been off-topic elsewhere. probably one of the the funniest things i've ever seen.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Music Thread!
« on: April 13, 2010, 02:16:10 PM »
I like J-pop and Metal myself and find that half the shit i listen to is because i heard it off an anime intro. I really like the song that's the Hellsing anime intro (shame bout' the actual show), it sounds really cool even though the lyrics are total nonsense.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Haiku Topic
« on: April 13, 2010, 01:38:22 PM »
Oh wow, Swahili?! WTF is up with that? You should teach yourself. Almost all of the Japanese that I have learned, I have taught myself.
Really? How'd you do that?

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue vs Arcana Heart
« on: April 13, 2010, 12:31:41 PM »
I should clarify i've got nothing against AH, in fact i like it better because my friends can't play GG for shit.

Glad to see i'm not the only guy who thought Ciel and Anderson were similar.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Puyo Puyo and puzzle games
« on: April 12, 2010, 10:54:07 AM »
I rember being scared of mbm when i was like 6, can't remember why though.
Anyone played Eggo-Mania? It's this weird PS2 game that's a cross between tetris and hmm....errrr..Rainbow Island!

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Haiku Topic
« on: April 11, 2010, 03:50:56 PM »
Atmosphere floating
Cigarette ash burning
The cat is gloating.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue vs Arcana Heart
« on: April 07, 2010, 06:38:38 PM »
nero/vsion with frc summons? hell no pls

sol/slayer able to rebeat/whiff cancel normals?  :slowpoke:
I was just talking about character popularity really, not game play systems. I don't see anything of any AH chars unless someone is directly talking about it.....But then again, i don't know where the fansites are, so.
Anyway...Rebeat AND homing cancels? Surely that's just as bad, block strings would last for weeks.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue vs Arcana Heart
« on: April 06, 2010, 01:04:08 PM »
Type-Moon vs. Arc System Works would be more epic than this... IMHO :toot:
I think everyone agrees with that.

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: best character for a beginner?
« on: April 02, 2010, 10:32:23 PM »
I think you mean the electric PIMP DADDY SON!
That's what i was gonna' put originally....Of course, you are completely right.            +HEAT

Melty Blood Auditorium / Re: best character for a beginner?
« on: April 02, 2010, 07:25:45 PM »
I'm starting with H-Roa myself, Decent normals and simple but useful special moves. I'm deciding right now if i should main him. I actually think the electric homo is kinda cool too.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Camp of Duty: Model 1887 2
« on: April 02, 2010, 06:39:41 PM »
It's true, those maps are horribly overpriced. I can't play MW2 now, not that i think it's a bad game but....Like a certain other overrated game by EPIC studios it seems to rather strangely bring out the worst in everyone and i find myself pissed every time i get off it, so i play Bad Company 2 when i'm FPS'n.

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: Time to (not) buy a PSP
« on: April 02, 2010, 06:21:02 PM »
I know i was like "Sooo Saber is king Arthur? Oh yeah NOW i remember, king Arthur was a woman. How on earth could i forget that?"

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: BlazBlue vs Arcana Heart
« on: April 02, 2010, 05:52:04 PM »
I actually fell for that CAPCOM vs SNK 3 thing and told all my friends. That's how much i wanted it to be true.

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