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When's Melty on Steam?
ahaha that's no--wait, what?

Messages - GenericSuperhero

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i also cannot watch desynced sound vids, as a random whine :emo:

what did the TSA do to your shit specifically?  i will have to fly electronics in the future.

also, is it no problem to record the matches independently of whether or not they are streaming?  the most important thing to me is being able to go back and watch the good matches from NEC.  most of the players who watch stream will be at the event anyway.  this also applies to stream archiving (please don't put up streams in places where they will be deleted in 2 days without saving the record).  i'd be really thankful if whoever's in charge of match recording saves the videos in some capacity and records the hypest matches as usual regardless of whether they are in finals.  we have a lot of good players and in all likelihood half of them will be knocked out before top8.

don't see much point in having a real "event" for CC considering that the game works on a different buffer and the canadian cc setup very likely lags (on top of the fact that none of us besides LK have any practice).  it would end up pretty much just being a more-competitive-than-usual crappy looking casual but would have inherent appeal which would only distract from the other events.  idk, it's partially my sentiment that i want this to be a last serious tournament for MBAA and people getting hype drained by CC is against my interests.  we'll all have the game in a month so why go out of our way to play like shit on a questionable setup in lieu of having a real tournament.  not to say i have anything against cc casuals, which are inevitable.  and of course, still a huge thumbs up to canada for bringing their setup down; feels kinda funny to read other people deliberating/deciding about what to do with somebody else's setup.

another thing: we ARE doing 3v3 pokemon teams right?  it's pretty important to know this beforehand so we can form our teams.

really sorry to the guys who pm'ed me for not replying back to you, i frankly forgot.  i didn't book a room because it was too late for the actual Sheraton and i didn't want to get a room in the other hotel across the parking lot for obvious reasons

Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / Re: SAT's Nero matchup list for MBAACC
« on: November 28, 2011, 01:03:44 AM »
thanks; that's interesting to see.  just from what i've seen i can understand where SAT is coming from pegging nero as positive against hime and pciel.  nero has one of the fast fullscreen projectiles in the game, which alone i think puts him at a better matchup than those of the cast lacking that against the long ranged hime and pciel tactics.  nero also more or less makes the floating useless because cnero (which i assume SAT is writing about since it's all i've seen him play) specializes in antiair.

Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / Re: MBAACC Nero Match Vids
« on: November 15, 2011, 10:13:44 PM »
Amirosu is one of the pretty legit nero players but i don't think his style is really standout.  His neutral is very vanilla and un-nero, but his pressure is that of a serious and adept crescent nero.  That said, i think you're misinterpreting the context of the match you linked to:
1. The kind of strings Amirosu was running are not rare to see very experienced nero players doing (although frankly, most of the nero player's i've seen in mbaacc videos look like they've been playing nero for less than 6 months).  The ideal situation for every nero player is to lead into that kind of safe pressure that you saw BUT
2. Many characters have escape options against that kind of long pressure.  F-ries happens to have a terrible matchup against nero and only her one ex grab to escape from pressure with some degree of reliability
3. Most top players won't take that shit sitting still.  The ries player in that situation was being unusually cautious so Amirosu was allowed to style on him hardcore.  This is perhaps because Amirosu had scared him into blocking by using mash-punish 4c frequently in previous games and perhaps because Fries sucks at dealing with nero.
The ries player also kept failing to block correctly, allowing Amirosu to reset pressure that otherwise would have ended.

In short, what i mean to say is that many good nero players are aiming for that kind of scenario but there are so many factors along the way that can stop it from getting there that the match of Amirosu is less of Amirosu opening a new path and more of Amirosu being lucky that all the stars aligned and he got to follow the oldest path to completion. 

The zoning/guard breaking you're referring to is not some kind of separate playstyle focus but is part of the safe pressure.  Safe pressure can only be achieved by punishing escape attempts so that the opponent blocks and allows you to go into the safe part of strings.  No offensive protocols are omnipotent.

With all of this said, i have to admit that Amirosu is one of the best and one of my favorite nero players in japan.  I don't think that he's overcreative but rather that 90% of GOOD nero players in japan don't really harness the unique abilities of the character because they can just get by with strong basics.

i'll get a room if there are any left.  people can stay with me for money and alcohol if they have any.  broke moochers should bring setups and be prepared to do some anime gopher style labor.  pm me if interested

did you get rid of the vids from this?

nerds.  just giri giri get by and pick the right profession

Regional Community / Re: NY/NJ/PA/CT/MA
« on: October 25, 2011, 09:04:53 AM »
lol only four hours.  americaaaaa
in europe four hours is like two countries away

looks like it's gonna be a sweet vid kamina

what time is the event starting and how's it going to be set up?

mbaa is still hyyyyyyyype!  confirmed this weekend.
tonberry: see stream archive for my new signature techniques.  wakeup charge 2c won't prepare you for this

i'm gonna be at megabus stop in hartford at 3PM on saturday.  please take care of the rest.

if someone wants to carpool with me by picking me up from around hoboken on saturday and then leaving CT by sunday 3PM, i'll pay 20$.  offer valid through 12 PM tomorrow

Would you be able to pick me up at megabus station at 3 PM on saturday?  Also, is there any interest in having a little tourney?  buses would cost about 70$ total, would like a chance to recoup my losses:/

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
« on: October 05, 2011, 07:40:52 AM »
is evo really the highest attendance after nec even as side tourney?  in any case, i personally wouldn't fly over foreign dignitaries for a side tournament

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
« on: October 04, 2011, 02:37:31 PM »
that was an intentionally provocative request for clarification that people who aren't in the circle of knowledge should have available to them within this thread.  shinobi responded somewhat poorly with an angry quip, and i hope that as our primary promoter for our debut major he is more patient with the ignorant in the future.

on a serious and somewhat irrelevant note, let's begin our next lobby movement to make fate zero released faster

let's from now on abbreviate international players to International Melty Players.

to clarify, i wasn't trying to be negative about FR, but rather offer an alternative to the use of huge resources on a very large risk.  and i meant that 10-20 extra people could attend NEC due to easier access than FR, but it was only to put into perspective what a large amount of resources 700$ is.  once amassed, that's a significant power chip that could be otherwise spent, for sure.  still, i think that if the IMP attendance has a cascade effect on other IMPs, especially japanese, yours is the ideal route.  in addition, though i was thinking of our PR with the gaming community in general (and thus our potential to increase our rapport with non anime players) in the previous post, if i think solely of the hype level and excitement for our community, bringing in new high level players and perhaps more IMPs is the best option for our own entertainment/hype.  though that said, keep in mind that there are some top american players who probably have 0 chance to make it to FR alone but could with 700$.  which is not to say we won't see and respond to additional donation requests as FR approaches.

overall, yeah i'm all for this and you guys are doing all the work so i have nothing to complain about.  your current gung ho attitude is great and i'm sure you'll do the best job to make this happen.  my only concern is that it's a misplacement of an all or nothing attack.  there are complicating factors that may make this event as you picture it physically impossible or a farce despite your best efforts.  one is the quality and availability of the port, as jimmy mentioned.  i'm confident it'll work because otherwise it wouldn't be worth releasing, but if it looks terrible and a subsequent port looks much better, we've needlessly made ourselves and our game look bad.  but more importantly, you're suddenly in your excitement ignoring what was initially recognized as a huge impediment- cost of the port.  even if our impoverished zealots and more affluent players find a way to get their hands on mbcc, all the players in the middle and all the less invested players and potential new players will most likely be blocked out.  Hell, even chibi, mb player from the start, doesn't want to buy 120$ cc.  tonberry doesn't even own 120$, etc!  and again, i'm not discouraging people from buying; i will, and by all means everyone please try!  but the fact is that we'll be extraordinarily lucky if 2/3 our community of regulars has the game by february.

what this means is that interest in the game will be blocked by an even heavier hand than the jp ps2 problem of MBAA; an actual financial problem rather than time commitment problem.  so what does THAT mean? 
-it means that our general level of play at FR will be at a low standard (depending on how different cc is from aa), perhaps as low as the first mbaa NEC.  obviously, this doesn't dampen hype, but we look worse on stream (maybe half of our top tier will be adjusted) and it makes us look worse to the foreign players.  top players aside, a lot of players will probably be even more maladjusted.
-it means that even after the explosive hype of FR, anyone only reasonably interested in mbcc is going to wait for a standalone release which is unscheduled, and many of those people could lose interest by the time it comes out.  netplay i think is one of our strongest tools for spreading the game, and that won't be working properly yet either.
-most importantly, this probably means that all those sort of fringe players who came out to evo and nec for melty but aren't really that into the community won't bother to buy the game and therefore will probably be discouraged from flying to play a game that they don't know how to play.

there's also the additional variable of whether the tourney will be held on friday or saturday.  all of these little problems that the melty zealots are going to overcome are going to be solid deterrents for the lower interest level potential melty players.  that deflates our numbers and thereby our spectacle factor for the tournament and our future growth potential in comparison to a better situation that would likely be possible in the future.

which brings me to my general point that there are a lot of unknowns in this risk.  And for god's sake yes, i'd rather we bring in CL and have a 40 man tourney at FR than just not have shit because it'd be more fun for me.  but right now, on this thread, on the MBCC purchase discussion thread, and in general we haven't even confirmed domestic support at the event.  we don't even know if a substantial number of people outside our zealot base of perhaps 30-40 are even intending to attend.  even those zealots mostly haven't posted in this thread yet.  and (i'm not saying it's dumb, just odd looking) yet we're skipping ahead to the final step and taking the risk to elevate an event of mysterious potential to our explosive international debut.  and i understand, we're relying on our conviction and hard work to fill in all the blanks and get us to that point; you guys are filling in that last step early because it takes the most preparation and assuming you'll be able to solve all the more trivial problems along the way/hope they work out.  the trivial details just happen to be a bigger deal than usual this time.  if i was negative and conservative i'd say it's a better idea to let variables outside of our control work themselves out, improve our skill level in cc, have a good showing at FR, and then really push the resources (which would be greater by then as well) towards an NEC explosion with a standalone, hopefully netplayable version of cc out.  it's true that there's more hype when a game first comes out, but in this case it's more like "the game preview alongside a super weeaboo anime" is coming out.  it's unlikely that delaying the big deal is going to destroy cc's chances at being big.  last year's evo is proof of that if anything; we thought MBAA's potential was done after NEC, the big debut major, but as soon as a big deal IMP tournament showed up everyone was remotivated.  and yeah, i know that FR is before EVO and it's a chance for us to get into evo.  i won't even comment on that because it's so perfectly unpredictable but the reward is so huge that everything would be worth it.

and to disclaim again and not sound like an asshole trying to put off FR or sabotage in favor NEC, i want FR to be big and i'd love to go down for my first FR (they've always been scheduled impossibly til this year for me) and perhaps last FG major in the forseeable future (i probably wouldn't even be able to attend the next NEC) and have a lifetime memorable blast.  and i know that you guys are going to go on with this despite anything i say, which is why i believe that it may even work.  that's also why i debated even posting something somewhat negative since it's not going to stop you and at worst may hurt the cause.  but i think everyone should just be aware of these factors because if you DO do this, it'll work better if people know what the problem is to overcome it.

and in regards to my marketing suggestions, i more or less just meant we should try to get the sequel/tourney announced on sites like IPWinners and have sp00ky just mention it in a few sentences during the NEC stream (for our finals or something).  having big NEC numbers would help justify other FG websites doing an expose on MBCC just like they did for MBAA

the next nec is going to be the biggest tangible promotion chance for mbcc at FR and evo, in case people haven't noticed.  should work on having a big mb turnout there (not at the expense of not being able to afford going to fr) and finding an impactful way to spread word of the sequel while our numbers attract attention.  a well timed team sp00ky stream announcement or multi-game website press release would probably be most effective.  imo (at first glance) it's a lot more important to PR for more american players to attend both nec and FR than to pay for attendance of a foreign player without name (or even country) recognition in the gaming community (including US melty until recently).  but that's very arguable; having a top asian player over could be played up really hard.  still, imagine being an outsider to our community:
"oh, they've got a top korean player coming to play this game i've never heard of.  wait...korea?  wait, melty blood?  that game with like 30-40 entrants at NEC?"  versus
a well timed announcement and active game advertisement by a big and noticeable NEC turnout.  theoretically, the 700+$ to fly CL over could help 10-20+ extra american/canadian players go to NEC by helping poverty players with venue fees or transport/accommodation.  likewise it could get an extra few to many important poor american players to FR.
ideally, of course, we can have 50+ turnout at NEC, huge turnout at FR, and CL in attendance
also, in regards to zar's PR suggestions: these are great and necessary, though i'm sure the process and execution will prove somewhat bumbling in nature.  we could increase the effect of such efforts by coordinating/timing the radio/press/video/stream announcements and live promotion of mbcc at nec.  in advertising/marketing, there is definitely a proximal reinforcement effect: seeing a bunch of scattered advertisements is less effective than seeing all of them one after the other in a short and high focus period of time.  the ideal time to have information, videos, etc available about the game is when interest is piqued in such a manner.  advertisements also work better with a primer for attention, such as NEC or a popular stream/show.  in summary, we should try to get announcements on streams/radio shows and general fg sites especially, preferably in sync.  that said, the random efforts are still great and overall key.  the most important thing is just to get material out there; the finesse of the process comes second.

also the international hype path is a great idea.  if we could really get this to be a huge tourney with a significant number of participants from EU/Americas/Asia, wow.
of course, on the off chance that mb somehow sneaked into evo lineup, nobody would be able to afford to go :laffo: but evo isn't something that's even plausible enough to be on our consciousness

on a sidenote, i'll be at FR as long as i see enough mb people posting attendance to merit a flight

Akiha's Tea Room / Re: CL wants to go to Final Round. Help much?
« on: October 04, 2011, 09:53:15 AM »
do you guys know CL or owe him something?  because if this is a case of "let's randomly pay a thousand bucks to fly a stranger who's good at mb from asia to usa" why not offer to the best japanese players in the world with the most name recognition?  if you explained it to them, i think anyone would "want" to come with 6 months of notice and their ticket paid for them with a good chance at winning hundreds to a thousand in pot money; may as well maximize the hype with the highest level mercenary.

lol for greg/jimmy: if you're coming later just to play mb you may want to coordinate to arrive at a similar time because i don't have a controller

Nero Chaos (Nrvnqsr) / Re: MBAA Nero
« on: September 30, 2011, 08:13:19 PM »
if MBAACC picks up i'll write full scale nero strategy guides.  you can pick up combo basics and hitconfirms from jp videos; Luckystar/solty has the most cnero matches on youtube.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zM6DXkx5EZE&feature=results_video&playnext=1&list=PLC1246A6F2AB02C0A  this video can give you a rough idea of game/pressure flow and combo basics; the jp vids can be confusing because they're usually one game long and luckystar has a very particular play style.

the basic cnero combo starter is 2a or 5b (1 hit) into 2b (1 hit) 2c jb (2 hits) ja   second jump jb (2 hits) jc (4 hits)
from here: if you're far from the corner, use airdash into jc and then land and superjump jc second jump jb jc airthrow.
if you're in the corner, just skip the airdash part.

basic nero oki after airthrow is ex crows or snake.  If you think the opponent will jump, use 5b as oki antiair (if you land 5b at a distance, confirm using jb or jc; 4c the way you were doing it will never work)  alternatively, you could walk up and force a simple 2a/5b/throw mixup oki.

you can get an idea of how the pressure chains work from the video.  2c is a long blockstun move that allows you to cancel into a summon safely by putting you at a safe distance and frame advantage (though this doesn't work on all characters).  if you're confident the opponent won't try to mash out, you can also cancel 2b into a summon; this has less frame advantage.  the idea of nero pressure is to use a summon to cover your pressure reset; after summoning you can airdash in, summon, some more, or whatever.  if the opponent tries to escape or attack you when you try to summon, you have to scare him by mixing up summon reset with meaty punishes; do this by canceling 2c or 2b into 5a and then using 4c to catch mashes and 5b to catch jumpouts.  once the opponent is scared, you can get creative and keep pressure going or decide to go for a throw.

as far as neutral is concerned, every player has a different approach.  generally, be conservative because your moves have huge recovery.  use summons when your opponent isn't harrying you to gain some neutral advantage and maybe a safe angle of attack.  summons in neutral, such as b deer, can also be used defensively to discourage or disadvantage an attacking opponent.  generally, use 5b and 2c as antiairs against appropriate angles of attack.  jc loses to most air moves in a conflict; this is mostly a zoning tool that you use to protect space or hit an opponent during move startup.

importantly IAD jb is the basic rushdown tool of nero because it has the best air to ground angle and performs better in counterhit situations.

against miyako, antiairs are very important but whiffing one will screw you over because she can punish.  you should try to gain neutral advantage by getting snakes or deer out in order to limit miyako's movement options; this makes her attacks suicidal and your rushdown safe.  with the ground covered by a summon, her only choices are to attack by air (exposed to your antiair), retreat, or block and then get caught in your safe rushdown.  4c will beat out her dash rushdown if you hit her before her move is out.

bring ssf4 i'll netplay

no solid plans but would certainly be going to the fest after 11AM

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